
219 lines
8.8 KiB

Outputs one huge PNG file using the tiles from an Overviewer map.
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from glob import glob
from os.path import exists, join, split
from PIL import Image
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--memory-limit', '-m', metavar='SIZE', type=int, dest='memory_limit',
required=True, help="Limit the amount of RAM to use in MiB. If it is "
"expected that we'll exceed the limit, the script will abort.")
parser.add_argument('--zoom-level', '-z', metavar='LEVEL', type=int, dest='zoom_level',
required=True, help="Which zoom level to use from the Overviewer map. "
"NOTE: the RAM usage will increase exponentially with the zoom level.")
parser.add_argument('--crop', '-c', metavar='CROP', type=int, dest='crop', default=0,
help="Crop a frame around the image, as a percentage of the original. "
"For example in a image of 1000x2000 pixels, a 10%% crop will crop 100 "
"pixels in the left and right sides and 200 pixels in the bottom and "
"top sides. NOTE: this is not exact but will be rounded to the nearest "
"Overviewer map tile.")
parser.add_argument('--center', '-e', metavar='X,Y', dest='center', default=None,
help="Mark what will be the center of the image, two comma separated "
"percentage values.")
parser.add_argument('--autocrop', '-a', dest='autocrop', default=False, action='store_true',
help="Calculate the center and crop vales automatically to show all the "
"tiles in the smallest possible image size. Unless you want a very "
"specific image this option is recommended.")
parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', type=str, dest='output', default="output.png",
metavar='OUTPUT', help="Path for the resulting PNG. The image will be "
"saved as a PNG file, no matter what extension you use.")
parser.add_argument('tileset', metavar='TILESET')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.autocrop and (args.center or args.crop):
parser.error("You cannot specify --center or --crop with --autocrop.")
# check for the output
if args.output != '-':
folder, filename = split(args.output)
if folder != '' and not exists(folder):
parser.error("The destination folder '{0}' doesn't exist.".format(folder))
# calculate stuff
n = args.zoom_level
length_in_tiles = 2**n
tile_size = (384, 384)
px_size = 4 # bytes
# create a list with all the images in the zoom level
path = args.tileset
for i in range(args.zoom_level):
path = join(path, "?")
path += ".png"
all_images = glob(path)
if not all_images:
print("Error! No images found in this zoom level. Is this really an Overviewer tile set "
"directory?", file=sys.stderr)
# autocrop will calculate the center and crop values automagically
if args.autocrop:
min_x = min_y = length_in_tiles
max_x = max_y = 0
counter = 0
total = len(all_images)
print("Checking tiles for autocrop calculations:", file=sys.stderr)
# get the maximum and minimum tiles coordinates of the map
for path in all_images:
t = get_tuple_coords(args, path)
c = get_tile_coords_from_tuple(args, t)
min_x = min(min_x, c[0])
min_y = min(min_y, c[1])
max_x = max(max_x, c[0])
max_y = max(max_y, c[1])
counter += 1
if (counter % 100 == 0 or counter == total or counter == 1):
print("Checked {0} of {1}.".format(counter, total), file=sys.stderr)
# the center of the map will be in the middle of the occupied zone
center = (int((min_x + max_x) / 2.0), int((min_y + max_y) / 2.0))
# see the next next comment to know what center_vector is
center_vector = (int(center[0] - (length_in_tiles / 2.0 - 1)),
int(center[1] - (length_in_tiles / 2.0 - 1)))
# I'm not completely sure why, but the - 1 factor in ^ makes everything nicer.
# min_x - center_vector[0] will be the unused amount of tiles in
# the left and the right of the map (and this is true because we
# are in the actual center of the map)
crop = (min_x - center_vector[0], min_y - center_vector[1])
# center_vector is the vector that joins the center tile with
# the new center tile in tile coords
# tile coords are how many tile are on the left, x, and
# how many above, y. The top-left tile has coords (0,0)
if args.center:
center_x, center_y = args.center.split(",")
center_x = int(center_x)
center_y = int(center_y)
center_tile_x = int(2**n * (center_x / 100.0))
center_tile_y = int(2**n * (center_y / 100.0))
center_vector = (int(center_tile_x - length_in_tiles / 2.0),
int(center_tile_y - length_in_tiles / 2.0))
center_vector = (0, 0)
# crop if needed
tiles_to_crop = int(2**n * (args.crop / 100.0))
crop = (tiles_to_crop, tiles_to_crop)
final_img_size = (tile_size[0] * length_in_tiles, tile_size[1] * length_in_tiles)
final_cropped_img_size = (final_img_size[0] - 2 * crop[0] * tile_size[0],
final_img_size[1] - 2 * crop[1] * tile_size[1])
mem = final_cropped_img_size[0] * final_cropped_img_size[1] * px_size # bytes!
print("The image size will be {0}x{1}."
.format(final_cropped_img_size[0], final_cropped_img_size[1]), file=sys.stderr)
print("A total of {0} MB of memory will be used.".format(mem / 1024**2), file=sys.stderr)
if mem / 1024.0**2.0 > args.memory_limit:
print("Error! The expected RAM usage exceeds the specified limit. Exiting.",
# Create a new huge image
final_img = Image.new("RGBA", final_cropped_img_size, (26, 26, 26, 0))
# Paste ALL the images
total = len(all_images)
counter = 0
print("Pasting images:", file=sys.stderr)
for path in all_images:
img = Image.open(path)
t = get_tuple_coords(args, path)
x, y = get_cropped_centered_img_coords(args, tile_size, center_vector, crop, t)
final_img.paste(img, (x, y))
counter += 1
if (counter % 100 == 0 or counter == total or counter == 1):
print("Pasted {0} of {1}.".format(counter, total), file=sys.stderr)
print("Done!", file=sys.stderr)
print("Saving image... (this may take a while)", file=sys.stderr)
final_img.save(args.output if args.output != '-' else sys.stdout, "PNG")
def get_cropped_centered_img_coords(options, tile_size, center_vector, crop, t):
""" Returns the new image coords used to paste tiles in the big
image. Takes options, the size of tiles, center vector, crop value
(see calculate stuff) and a tuple from get_tuple_coords. """
x, y = get_tile_coords_from_tuple(options, t)
new_tile_x = x - crop[0] - center_vector[0]
new_tile_y = y - crop[1] - center_vector[1]
new_img_x = new_tile_x * tile_size[0]
new_img_y = new_tile_y * tile_size[1]
return new_img_x, new_img_y
def get_tile_coords_from_tuple(options, t):
""" Gets a tuple of coords from get_tuple_coords and returns
the number of tiles from the top left corner to this tile.
The top-left tile has coordinates (0,0) """
x = 0
y = 0
z = options.zoom_level
n = 1
for i in t:
if i == 1:
x += 2**(z - n)
elif i == 2:
y += 2**(z - n)
elif i == 3:
x += 2**(z - n)
y += 2**(z - n)
n += 1
return (x, y)
def get_tuple_coords(options, path):
""" Extracts the "quadtree coordinates" (the numbers in the folder
of the tile sets) from an image path. Returns a tuple with them.
The upper most folder is in the left of the tuple."""
l = []
path, head = split(path)
head = head.split(".")[0] # remove the .png
for i in range(options.zoom_level - 1):
path, head = split(path)
# the list is reversed
return tuple(l)
def get_image(tileset, t):
""" Returns the path of an image, takes a tuple with the
"quadtree coordinates", these are the numbers in the folders of the
tile set. """
path = tileset
for d in t:
path = join(path, str(d))
path += ".png"
return path
if __name__ == '__main__':