
186 lines
6.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Deletes outlying and unconnected regions"""
import argparse
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import networkx
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_region_file_from_node(regionset_path, node):
return regionset_path / ('r.%d.%d.mca' % node)
def get_nodes(regionset_path):
return [
tuple(int(x) for x in r.stem.split('.')[1:3])
for r in regionset_path.glob('r.*.*.mca')
def generate_edges(graph):
offsets = (-1, 1)
nodes = graph.nodes()
for node in nodes:
for offset in offsets:
(node, offset_node)
for offset_node in [
(node[0] + offset, node[1]),
(node[0], node[1] + offset),
(node[0] + offset, node[1] + offset),
if offset_node in nodes
return graph
def generate_subgraphs(nodes):
graph = networkx.Graph()
return graph, [graph.subgraph(c) for c in networkx.connected_components(graph)]
def get_graph_bounds(graph):
nodes = graph.nodes()
return (
max(n[0] for n in nodes),
min(n[0] for n in nodes),
max(n[1] for n in nodes),
min(n[1] for n in nodes),
def get_graph_center_by_bounds(bounds):
dx = bounds[0] - bounds[1]
dy = bounds[2] - bounds[3]
return (dx // 2 + bounds[1], dy // 2 + bounds[3])
def trim_regions(graph, regions_path, dry_run=True, filter_func=lambda n: True):
regions = [
(n, get_region_file_from_node(regions_path, n))
for n in graph.nodes()
if filter_func(n)
logger.info("Trimming regions: %s", ", ".join(x[1] for x in regions))
for n, region_file in regions:
if dry_run is False:
def is_outside_main(center, main_section_bounds):
return center[0] <= main_section_bounds[0] and center[0] >= main_section_bounds[1] and \
center[1] <= main_section_bounds[2] and center[1] >= main_section_bounds[3]
def is_outside_bounds(node, trim_center, trim_bounds):
return node[0] >= trim_center[0] + trim_bounds[0] or \
node[0] <= trim_center[0] - trim_bounds[0] or \
node[1] >= trim_center[1] + trim_bounds[1] or \
node[1] <= trim_center[1] - trim_bounds[1]
def unlink_file(path):
except OSError as err:
logger.warning("Unable to delete file: %s", path)
logger.warning("Error recieved was: %s", err)
def main(args):
for path in args.paths:
logger.info("Using regionset path: %s", path)
nodes = get_nodes(path)
if not len(nodes):
logger.error("Found no nodes, are you sure there are .mca files in %s ?",
logger.info("Found %d nodes", len(nodes))
logger.info("Generating graphing nodes...")
graph, subgraphs = generate_subgraphs(nodes)
assert len(graph.nodes()) == sum(len(sg.nodes()) for sg in subgraphs)
if len(subgraphs) == 1:
logger.warning("All regions are contiguous, the needful is done!")
logger.info("Found %d discrete region sections", len(subgraphs))
subgraphs = sorted(subgraphs, key=lambda sg: len(sg), reverse=True)
for i, sg in enumerate(subgraphs):
logger.info("Region section #%02d: %04d nodes", i + 1, len(sg.nodes()))
bounds = get_graph_bounds(sg)
logger.info("Bounds: %d <-> %d x %d <-> %d", *get_graph_bounds(sg))
center = get_graph_center_by_bounds(bounds)
logger.info("Center: %d x %d", *center)
main_section = subgraphs[0]
main_section_bounds = get_graph_bounds(main_section)
main_section_center = get_graph_center_by_bounds(main_section_bounds)
logger.info("Using %d node graph as main section,", len(main_section.nodes()))
satellite_sections = subgraphs[1:]
for ss in satellite_sections:
bounds = get_graph_bounds(ss)
center = get_graph_center_by_bounds(bounds)
logger.info(("Checking satellite section with %d nodes, "
"%d <-> %d x %d <-> %d bounds and %d x %d center"),
len(ss.nodes()), *(bounds + center))
if args.trim_disconnected:
trim_regions(ss, path, dry_run=args.dry_run)
if args.trim_outside_main:
if is_outside_main(ss, center, main_section_bounds):
logger.info("Section is outside main section bounds")
trim_regions(ss, path, dry_run=args.dry_run)
logger.info("Section falls inside main section bounds, ignoring")
if args.trim_outside_bounds:
logger.info("Checking regions outside specified bounds")
trim_center = args.trim_outside_bounds.get("center", main_section_center)
trim_bounds = args.trim_outside_bounds["bounds"]
trim_regions(ss, path, dry_run=args.dry_run,
filter_func=lambda n: is_outside_bounds(n, trim_center, trim_bounds))
def dir_path(path):
p = Path(path)
if not p.is_dir():
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Not a valid directory path")
return p
def center_bound(value):
x = [int(v) for v in value.split(",")]
if len(x) == 4:
return {"center": x[:2], "bounds": x[2:]}
elif len(x) == 2:
return {"bounds": x}
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Invalid center/bound value")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("paths", metavar="<path/to/region/directory>", nargs="+", type=dir_path)
parser.add_argument("-D", "--trim-disconnected", action="store_true",
default=False, help="Trim all disconnected regions")
parser.add_argument("-M", "--trim-outside-main", action="store_true",
default=False, help="Trim disconnected regions outside main section bounds")
parser.add_argument("-B", "--trim-outside-bounds",
metavar="[center_X,center_Y,]bound_X,bound_Y", type=center_bound,
help=("Trim outside given bounds "
"(given as [center_X,center_Y,]bound_X,bound_Y)"))
parser.add_argument("-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Don't actually delete anything")
args = parser.parse_args()