
144 lines
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import sys
import os.path
import logging
import traceback
from . import settingsDefinition
from . import settingsValidators
class MissingConfigException(Exception):
""""To be thrown when the config file can't be found"""
class MultiWorldParser:
"""A class that is used to parse a settings.py file.
This class's job is to compile and validate the configuration settings for
a set of renders. It can read in configuration from the given file with the
parse() method, and one can set configuration options directly with the
set_config_item() method.
get_validated_config() validates and returns the validated config
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize this parser object"""
# This maps config names to their values
self._config_state = {}
# Scan the settings definition and build the config state heirarchy.
# Also go ahead and set default values for non-required settings.
# This maps setting names to their values as given in
# settingsDefinition.py
self._settings = {}
default_conf = settingsDefinition.get_default_config()
for settingname in default_conf:
setting = default_conf[settingname]
if not isinstance(setting, settingsValidators.Setting):
self._settings[settingname] = setting
# Set top level defaults. This is intended to be for container
# types, so they can initialize a config file with an empty
# container (like a dict)
if setting.required and setting.default is not None:
self._config_state[settingname] = setting.default
def set_config_item(self, itemname, itemvalue):
self._config_state[itemname] = itemvalue
def set_renders_default(self, settingname, newdefault):
"""This method sets the default for one of the settings of the "renders"
dictionary. This is hard-coded to expect a "renders" setting in the
settings definition, and for its validator to be a dictValidator with
its valuevalidator to be a configDictValidator
# If the structure of settingsDefinitions changes, you'll need to change
# this to find the proper place to find the settings dictionary
render_settings = self._settings['renders'].validator.valuevalidator.config
render_settings[settingname].default = newdefault
def parse(self, settings_file):
"""Reads in the named file and parses it, storing the results in an
internal state awating to be validated and returned upon call to
Attributes defined in the file that do not match any setting are then
matched against the renderdict setting, and if it does match, is used as
the default for that setting.
if not os.path.exists(settings_file) and not os.path.isfile(settings_file):
raise MissingConfigException(
"The settings file you specified (%r) does not exist, or is not a file."
% settings_file)
# The global environment should be the rendermode module, so the config
# file has access to those resources.
from . import rendermodes
with open(settings_file, "rb") as settings_file_handle:
exec(compile(settings_file_handle.read(), settings_file, 'exec'),
rendermodes.__dict__, self._config_state)
except Exception as ex:
if isinstance(ex, SyntaxError):
logging.error("Syntax error parsing '%s'.", settings_file)
logging.error("The traceback below will tell you which line triggered the "
"syntax error.\n")
elif isinstance(ex, NameError):
logging.error("NameError parsing '%s'.", settings_file)
logging.error("The traceback below will tell you which line referenced the "
"non-existent variable.\n")
logging.error("Error parsing '%s'.", settings_file)
logging.error("The traceback below will tell you which line triggered the error.\n")
# skip the execfile part of the traceback
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
formatted_lines = traceback.format_exc().splitlines()
print_rest = False
lines = []
for l in formatted_lines:
if print_rest:
if "execfile" in l:
print_rest = True
# on windows, our traceback as no 'execfile'. in this case, print everything
if print_rest:
logging.error("Partial traceback:\n" + "\n".join(lines))
logging.error("Partial traceback:\n" + "\n".join(formatted_lines))
# At this point, make a pass through the file to possibly set global
# render defaults
render_settings = self._settings['renders'].validator.valuevalidator.config
for key in self._config_state.keys():
if key not in self._settings:
if key in render_settings:
setting = render_settings[key]
setting.default = self._config_state[key]
def get_validated_config(self):
"""Validate and return the configuration. Raises a ValidationException
if there was a problem validating the config.
Could also raise a ValueError
# Okay, this is okay, isn't it? We're going to create the validation
# routine right here, right now. I hope this works!
validator = settingsValidators.make_configDictValidator(self._settings,
# Woah. What just happened? No. WAIT, WHAT ARE YOU...
validated_config = validator(self._config_state)
return validated_config