
392 lines
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# This file is part of the Minecraft Overviewer.
# Minecraft Overviewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# Minecraft Overviewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with the Overviewer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import multiprocessing
import multiprocessing.managers
import queue
import time
from . import util
from .signals import Signal
class Dispatcher:
"""This class coordinates the work of all the TileSet objects
among one worker process. By subclassing this class and
implementing setup_tilesets(), dispatch(), and close(), it is
possible to create a Dispatcher that distributes this work to many
worker processes.
def __init__(self):
super(Dispatcher, self).__init__()
# list of (tileset, workitem) tuples
# keeps track of dispatched but unfinished jobs
self._running_jobs = []
# list of (tileset, workitem, dependencies) tuples
# keeps track of jobs waiting to run after dependencies finish
self._pending_jobs = []
def render_all(self, tilesetlist, observer):
"""Render all of the tilesets in the given
tilesetlist. status_callback is called periodically to update
status. The callback should take the following arguments:
(phase, items_completed, total_items), where total_items may
be none if there is no useful estimate.
# TODO use status callback
# setup tilesetlist
# iterate through all possible phases
num_phases = [tileset.get_num_phases() for tileset in tilesetlist]
for phase in range(max(num_phases)):
# construct a list of iterators to use for this phase
work_iterators = []
for i, tileset in enumerate(tilesetlist):
if phase < num_phases[i]:
def make_work_iterator(tset, p):
return ((tset, workitem) for workitem in tset.iterate_work_items(p))
work_iterators.append(make_work_iterator(tileset, phase))
# keep track of total jobs, and how many jobs are done
total_jobs = 0
for tileset, phases in zip(tilesetlist, num_phases):
if phase < phases:
jobs_for_tileset = tileset.get_phase_length(phase)
# if one is unknown, the total is unknown
if jobs_for_tileset is None:
total_jobs = None
total_jobs += jobs_for_tileset
# go through these iterators round-robin style
for tileset, (workitem, deps) in util.roundrobin(work_iterators):
self._pending_jobs.append((tileset, workitem, deps))
# after each phase, wait for the work to finish
while self._pending_jobs or self._running_jobs:
def _dispatch_jobs(self):
# helper function to dispatch pending jobs when their
# dependencies are met, and to manage self._running_jobs
dispatched_jobs = []
finished_jobs = []
pending_jobs_nodeps = [(j[0], j[1]) for j in self._pending_jobs]
for pending_job in self._pending_jobs:
tileset, workitem, deps = pending_job
# see if any of the deps are in _running_jobs or _pending_jobs
for dep in deps:
if (tileset, dep) in self._running_jobs or (tileset, dep) in pending_jobs_nodeps:
# it is! don't dispatch this item yet
# it isn't! all dependencies are finished
finished_jobs += self.dispatch(tileset, workitem)
self._running_jobs.append((tileset, workitem))
# make sure to at least get finished jobs, even if we don't
# submit any new ones...
if not dispatched_jobs:
finished_jobs += self.dispatch(None, None)
# clean out the appropriate lists
for job in finished_jobs:
for job in dispatched_jobs:
return len(finished_jobs)
def close(self):
"""Close the Dispatcher. This should be called when you are
done with the dispatcher, to ensure that it cleans up any
processes or connections it may still have around.
def setup_tilesets(self, tilesetlist):
"""Called whenever a new list of tilesets are being used. This
lets subclasses distribute the whole list at once, instead of
for each work item."""
def dispatch(self, tileset, workitem):
"""Dispatch the given work item. The end result of this call
should be running tileset.do_work(workitem) somewhere. This
function should return a list of (tileset, workitem) tuples
that have completed since the last call. If tileset is None,
then returning completed jobs is all this function should do.
if tileset is not None:
return [(tileset, workitem)]
return []
class MultiprocessingDispatcherManager(multiprocessing.managers.BaseManager):
"""This multiprocessing manager is responsible for giving worker
processes access to the communication Queues, and also gives
workers access to the current tileset list.
def _get_job_queue(self):
return self.job_queue
def _get_results_queue(self):
return self.result_queue
def _get_signal_queue(self):
return self.signal_queue
def _get_tileset_data(self):
return self.tileset_data
def __init__(self, address=None, authkey=None):
self.job_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
self.result_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
self.signal_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
self.tilesets = []
self.tileset_version = 0
self.tileset_data = [[], 0]
self.register("get_job_queue", callable=self._get_job_queue)
self.register("get_result_queue", callable=self._get_results_queue)
self.register("get_signal_queue", callable=self._get_signal_queue)
self.register("get_tileset_data", callable=self._get_tileset_data,
super(MultiprocessingDispatcherManager, self).__init__(address=address, authkey=authkey)
def from_address(cls, address, authkey, serializer):
"Required to be implemented to make multiprocessing happy"
c = cls(address=address, authkey=authkey)
return c
def set_tilesets(self, tilesets):
"""This is used in MultiprocessingDispatcher.setup_tilesets to
update the tilesets each worker has access to. It also
increments a `tileset_version` which is an easy way for
workers to see if their tileset list is out-of-date without
pickling and copying over the entire list.
self.tilesets = tilesets
self.tileset_version += 1
data = self.get_tileset_data()
data[0] = self.tilesets
data[1] = self.tileset_version
class MultiprocessingDispatcherProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
"""This class represents a single worker process. It is created
automatically by MultiprocessingDispatcher, but it can even be
used manually to spawn processes on different machines on the same
def __init__(self, manager):
"""Creates the process object. manager should be an instance
of MultiprocessingDispatcherManager connected to the one
created in MultiprocessingDispatcher.
super(MultiprocessingDispatcherProcess, self).__init__()
self.job_queue = manager.get_job_queue()
self.result_queue = manager.get_result_queue()
self.signal_queue = manager.get_signal_queue()
self.tileset_proxy = manager.get_tileset_data()
def update_tilesets(self):
"""A convenience function to update our local tilesets to the
current version in use by the MultiprocessingDispatcher.
self.tilesets, self.tileset_version = self.tileset_proxy._getvalue()
def run(self):
"""The main work loop. Jobs are pulled from the job queue and
executed, then the result is pushed onto the result
queue. Updates to the tilesetlist are recognized and handled
automatically. This is the method that actually runs in the
new worker process.
# per-process job get() timeout
timeout = 1.0
# update our tilesets
# register for all available signals
def register_signal(name, sig):
def handler(*args, **kwargs):
self.signal_queue.put((name, args, kwargs), False)
for name, sig in Signal.signals.items():
register_signal(name, sig)
# notify that we're starting up
self.result_queue.put(None, False)
while True:
job = self.job_queue.get(True, timeout)
if job is None:
# this is a end-of-jobs sentinel
# unpack job
tv, ti, workitem = job
if tv != self.tileset_version:
# our tilesets changed!
assert tv == self.tileset_version
# do job
ret = self.tilesets[ti].do_work(workitem)
result = (ti, workitem, ret,)
self.result_queue.put(result, False)
except queue.Empty:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
class MultiprocessingDispatcher(Dispatcher):
"""A subclass of Dispatcher that spawns worker processes and
distributes jobs to them to speed up processing.
def __init__(self, local_procs=-1, address=None, authkey=None):
"""Creates the dispatcher. local_procs should be the number of
worker processes to spawn. If it's omitted (or negative)
the number of available CPUs is used instead.
super(MultiprocessingDispatcher, self).__init__()
# automatic local_procs handling
if local_procs < 0:
local_procs = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
self.local_procs = local_procs
self.outstanding_jobs = 0
self.num_workers = 0
self.manager = MultiprocessingDispatcherManager(address=address, authkey=authkey)
self.job_queue = self.manager.get_job_queue()
self.result_queue = self.manager.get_result_queue()
self.signal_queue = self.manager.get_signal_queue()
# create and fill the pool
self.pool = []
for i in range(self.local_procs):
proc = MultiprocessingDispatcherProcess(self.manager)
def close(self):
# empty the queue
while self.outstanding_jobs > 0:
# send of the end-of-jobs sentinel
for p in range(self.num_workers):
self.job_queue.put(None, False)
# TODO better way to be sure worker processes get the message
# and close the manager
self.manager = None
self.pool = None
def setup_tilesets(self, tilesets):
def dispatch(self, tileset, workitem):
# handle the no-new-work case
if tileset is None:
return self._handle_messages()
# create and submit the job
tileset_index = self.manager.tilesets.index(tileset)
self.job_queue.put((self.manager.tileset_version, tileset_index, workitem), False)
self.outstanding_jobs += 1
# make sure the queue doesn't fill up too much
finished_jobs = self._handle_messages(timeout=0.0)
while self.outstanding_jobs > self.num_workers * 10:
finished_jobs += self._handle_messages()
return finished_jobs
def _handle_messages(self, timeout=0.01):
# work function: takes results out of the result queue and
# keeps track of how many outstanding jobs remain
finished_jobs = []
result_empty = False
signal_empty = False
while not (result_empty and signal_empty):
if not result_empty:
result = self.result_queue.get(False)
if result is not None:
# completed job
ti, workitem, ret = result
finished_jobs.append((self.manager.tilesets[ti], workitem))
self.outstanding_jobs -= 1
# new worker
self.num_workers += 1
except queue.Empty:
result_empty = True
if not signal_empty:
if timeout > 0.0:
name, args, kwargs = self.signal_queue.get(True, timeout)
name, args, kwargs = self.signal_queue.get(False)
# timeout should only apply once
timeout = 0.0
sig = Signal.signals[name]
sig.emit_intercepted(*args, **kwargs)
except queue.Empty:
signal_empty = True
return finished_jobs
def start_manual_process(cls, address, authkey):
"""A convenience method to start up a manual process, possibly
on another machine. Address is a (hostname, port) tuple, and
authkey must be the same as that provided to the
MultiprocessingDispatcher constructor.
m = MultiprocessingDispatcherManager(address=address, authkey=authkey)
p = MultiprocessingDispatcherProcess(m)