
346 lines
11 KiB

# This file is part of the Minecraft Overviewer.
# Minecraft Overviewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# Minecraft Overviewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with the Overviewer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import functools
import gzip
from io import BytesIO
import struct
import zlib
# decorator that turns the first argument from a string into an open file
# handle
def _file_loader(func):
def wrapper(fileobj, *args):
if type(fileobj) == str:
# Is actually a filename
fileobj = open(fileobj, 'rb', 4096)
return func(fileobj, *args)
return wrapper
def load(fileobj):
"""Reads in the given file as NBT format, parses it, and returns the
result as a (name, data) tuple.
return NBTFileReader(fileobj).read_all()
def load_region(fileobj):
"""Reads in the given file as a MCR region, and returns an object
for accessing the chunks inside."""
return MCRFileReader(fileobj)
class CorruptionError(Exception):
class CorruptRegionError(CorruptionError):
"""An exception raised when the MCRFileReader class encounters an
error during region file parsing.
class CorruptChunkError(CorruptionError):
class CorruptNBTError(CorruptionError):
"""An exception raised when the NBTFileReader class encounters
something unexpected in an NBT file."""
class NBTFileReader(object):
"""Low level class that reads the Named Binary Tag format used by Minecraft
# compile the unpacker's into a classes
_byte = struct.Struct("b")
_short = struct.Struct(">h")
_ushort = struct.Struct(">H")
_int = struct.Struct(">i")
_uint = struct.Struct(">I")
_long = struct.Struct(">q")
_float = struct.Struct(">f")
_double = struct.Struct(">d")
def __init__(self, fileobj, is_gzip=True):
"""Create a NBT parsing object with the given file-like
object. Setting is_gzip to False parses the file as a zlib
stream instead."""
if is_gzip:
self._file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fileobj, mode='rb')
# pure zlib stream -- maybe later replace this with
# a custom zlib file object?
data = zlib.decompress(fileobj.read())
self._file = BytesIO(data)
# mapping of NBT type ids to functions to read them out
self._read_tagmap = {
0: self._read_tag_end,
1: self._read_tag_byte,
2: self._read_tag_short,
3: self._read_tag_int,
4: self._read_tag_long,
5: self._read_tag_float,
6: self._read_tag_double,
7: self._read_tag_byte_array,
8: self._read_tag_string,
9: self._read_tag_list,
10: self._read_tag_compound,
11: self._read_tag_int_array,
12: self._read_tag_long_array,
# These private methods read the payload only of the following types
def _read_tag_end(self):
# Nothing to read
return 0
def _read_tag_byte(self):
byte = self._file.read(1)
return self._byte.unpack(byte)[0]
def _read_tag_short(self):
bytes = self._file.read(2)
return self._short.unpack(bytes)[0]
def _read_tag_int(self):
bytes = self._file.read(4)
return self._int.unpack(bytes)[0]
def _read_tag_long(self):
bytes = self._file.read(8)
return self._long.unpack(bytes)[0]
def _read_tag_float(self):
bytes = self._file.read(4)
return self._float.unpack(bytes)[0]
def _read_tag_double(self):
bytes = self._file.read(8)
return self._double.unpack(bytes)[0]
def _read_tag_byte_array(self):
length = self._uint.unpack(self._file.read(4))[0]
bytes = self._file.read(length)
return bytes
def _read_tag_int_array(self):
length = self._uint.unpack(self._file.read(4))[0]
int_bytes = self._file.read(length * 4)
return struct.unpack(">%ii" % length, int_bytes)
def _read_tag_long_array(self):
length = self._uint.unpack(self._file.read(4))[0]
long_bytes = self._file.read(length * 8)
return struct.unpack(">%iq" % length, long_bytes)
def _read_tag_string(self):
length = self._ushort.unpack(self._file.read(2))[0]
# Read the string
string = self._file.read(length)
# decode it and return
return string.decode("UTF-8", 'replace')
def _read_tag_list(self):
tagid = self._read_tag_byte()
length = self._uint.unpack(self._file.read(4))[0]
read_method = self._read_tagmap[tagid]
l = [None] * length
for i in range(length):
l[i] = read_method()
return l
def _read_tag_compound(self):
# Build a dictionary of all the tag names mapping to their payloads
tags = {}
while True:
# Read a tag
tagtype = ord(self._file.read(1))
if tagtype == 0:
name = self._read_tag_string()
payload = self._read_tagmap[tagtype]()
tags[name] = payload
return tags
def read_all(self):
"""Reads the entire file and returns (name, payload)
name is the name of the root tag, and payload is a dictionary mapping
names to their payloads
# Read tag type
tagtype = ord(self._file.read(1))
if tagtype != 10:
raise Exception("Expected a tag compound")
# Read the tag name
name = self._read_tag_string()
payload = self._read_tag_compound()
return (name, payload)
except (struct.error, ValueError, TypeError, EOFError) as e:
raise CorruptNBTError("could not parse nbt: %s" % (str(e),))
# For reference, the MCR format is outlined at
# <http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Beta_Level_Format>
class MCRFileReader(object):
"""A class for reading chunk region files, as introduced in the
Beta 1.3 update. It provides functions for opening individual
chunks (as (name, data) tuples), getting chunk timestamps, and for
listing chunks contained in the file.
_location_table_format = struct.Struct(">1024I")
_timestamp_table_format = struct.Struct(">1024i")
_chunk_header_format = struct.Struct(">I B")
_preloaded = False
def __init__(self, fileobj):
"""This creates a region object from the given file-like
object. Chances are you want to use load_region instead."""
self._file = fileobj
def load_pre_data(self):
# read in the location table
location_data = self._file.read(4096)
if not len(location_data) == 4096:
raise CorruptRegionError("invalid location table")
# read in the timestamp table
timestamp_data = self._file.read(4096)
if not len(timestamp_data) == 4096:
raise CorruptRegionError("invalid timestamp table")
# turn this data into a useful list
self._locations = self._location_table_format.unpack(location_data)
self._timestamps = self._timestamp_table_format.unpack(timestamp_data)
def close(self):
"""Close the region file and free any resources associated
with keeping it open. Using this object after closing it
results in undefined behaviour.
del self._file
self._file = None
def get_chunks(self):
"""Return an iterator of all chunks contained in this region
file, as (x, z) coordinate tuples. To load these chunks,
provide these coordinates to load_chunk()."""
for x in range(32):
for z in range(32):
if self._locations[int(x + z * 32)] >> 8 != 0:
yield (x, z)
def get_chunk_timestamp(self, x, z):
"""Return the given chunk's modification time. If the given
chunk doesn't exist, this number may be nonsense. Like
load_chunk(), this will wrap x and z into the range [0, 31].
x = x % 32
z = z % 32
return self._timestamps[int(x + z * 32)]
def chunk_exists(self, x, z):
"""Determines if a chunk exists."""
x = x % 32
z = z % 32
return self._locations[int(x + z * 32)] >> 8 != 0
def preload_chunks(self):
if not self._preloaded:
pl_data = BytesIO(self._file.read())
self._file = pl_data
# re-read location, timestamps
self._preloaded = True
def load_chunk(self, x, z):
"""Return a (name, data) tuple for the given chunk, or
None if the given chunk doesn't exist in this region file. If
you provide an x or z not between 0 and 31, it will be
modulo'd into this range (x % 32, etc.) This is so you can
provide chunk coordinates in global coordinates, and still
have the chunks load out of regions properly."""
x = x % 32
z = z % 32
location = self._locations[int(x + z * 32)]
offset = (location >> 8) * 4096
sectors = location & 0xff
if offset == 0:
return None
# seek to the data
# read in the chunk data header
header = self._file.read(5)
except OSError as e:
raise CorruptChunkError("An OSError occurred: {}".format(e.strerror))
if len(header) != 5:
raise CorruptChunkError("chunk header is invalid")
data_length, compression = self._chunk_header_format.unpack(header)
# figure out the compression
is_gzip = True
if compression == 1:
# gzip -- not used by the official client, but trivial to
# support here so...
is_gzip = True
elif compression == 2:
# deflate -- pure zlib stream
is_gzip = False
# unsupported!
raise CorruptRegionError("unsupported chunk compression type: %i "
"(should be 1 or 2)" % (compression,))
# turn the rest of the data into a BytesIO object
# (using data_length - 1, as we already read 1 byte for compression)
data = self._file.read(data_length - 1)
if len(data) != data_length - 1:
raise CorruptRegionError("chunk length is invalid")
data = BytesIO(data)
return NBTFileReader(data, is_gzip=is_gzip).read_all()
except CorruptionError:
except Exception as e:
raise CorruptChunkError("Misc error parsing chunk: " + str(e))