
121 lines
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# This file describes the format of the config file. Each item defined in this
# module is expected to appear in the described format in a valid config file.
# The only difference is, instead of actual values for the settings, values are
# Setting objects which define how to validate a value as correct, and whether
# the value is required or not.
# Settings objects have this signature:
# Setting(required, validator, default)
# required
# a boolean indicating that this value is required. A required setting will
# always exist in a validated config. This option only has effect in the
# event that a user doesn't provide a value and the default is None. In this
# case, a required setting will raise an error. Otherwise, the situation will
# result in the setting being omitted from the config with no error.
# (If it wasn't obvious: a required setting does NOT mean that the user is
# required to specify it, just that the setting is required to be set for the
# operation of the program, either by the user or by using the default)
# validator
# a callable that takes the provided value and returns a cleaned/normalized
# value to replace it with. It should raise a ValidationException if there is
# a problem parsing or validating the value given.
# default
# This is used in the event that the user does not provide a value. In this
# case, the default value is passed into the validator just the same. If
# default is None, then depending on the value of required, it is either an
# error to omit this setting or the setting is skipped entirely and will not
# appear in the resulting parsed options.
# The signature for validator callables is validator(value_given). Remember
# that the default is passed in as value_given if the user did not provide a
# value.
# This file doesn't specify the format or even the type of the setting values,
# it is up to the validators to ensure the values passed in are the right type,
# either by coercion or by raising an error.
# Oh, one other thing: For top level values whose required attribute is True,
# the default value is set initially, before the config file is parsed, and is
# available during the execution of the config file. This way, container types
# can be initialized and then appended/added to when the config file is parsed.
from collections import OrderedDict
from .settingsValidators import *
from .observer import ProgressBarObserver, LoggingObserver, JSObserver
from .optimizeimages import pngnq, optipng, pngcrush
import platform
import sys
# renders is a dictionary mapping strings to dicts. These dicts describe the
# configuration for that render. Therefore, the validator for 'renders' is set
# to a dict validator configured to validate keys as strings and values as...
# values are set to validate as a "configdict", which is a dict mapping a set
# of strings to some value. the make_configdictvalidator() function creates a
# validator to use here configured with the given set of keys and Setting
# objects with their respective validators.
# config file.
def get_default_config():
conf = dict()
conf['renders'] = Setting(required=True, default=OrderedDict(),
validator=make_dictValidator(validateStr, make_configDictValidator(
"world": Setting(required=True, validator=validateStr, default=None),
"dimension": Setting(required=True, validator=validateDimension, default="default"),
"title": Setting(required=True, validator=validateStr, default=None),
"rendermode": Setting(required=True, validator=validateRenderMode, default='normal'),
"northdirection": Setting(required=True, validator=validateNorthDirection, default=0),
"forcerender": Setting(required=False, validator=validateBool, default=None),
"imgformat": Setting(required=True, validator=validateImgFormat, default="png"),
"imgquality": Setting(required=False, validator=validateImgQuality, default=95),
"imglossless": Setting(required=False, validator=validateBool,
"bgcolor": Setting(required=True, validator=validateBGColor, default="1a1a1a"),
"defaultzoom": Setting(required=True, validator=validateDefaultZoom, default=1),
"optimizeimg": Setting(required=True, validator=validateOptImg, default=[]),
"nomarkers": Setting(required=False, validator=validateBool, default=None),
"texturepath": Setting(required=False, validator=validateTexturePath, default=None),
"renderchecks": Setting(required=False, validator=validateInt, default=None),
"rerenderprob": Setting(required=True, validator=validateRerenderprob, default=0),
"crop": Setting(required=False, validator=validateCrop, default=None),
"changelist": Setting(required=False, validator=validateStr, default=None),
"markers": Setting(required=False, validator=validateMarkers, default=[]),
"overlay": Setting(required=False, validator=validateOverlays, default=[]),
"showspawn": Setting(required=False, validator=validateBool, default=True),
"base": Setting(required=False, validator=validateStr, default=""),
"poititle": Setting(required=False, validator=validateStr, default="Markers"),
"customwebassets": Setting(required=False, validator=validateWebAssetsPath, default=None),
"maxzoom": Setting(required=False, validator=validateInt, default=None),
"minzoom": Setting(required=False, validator=validateInt, default=0),
"manualpois": Setting(required=False, validator=validateManualPOIs, default=[]),
"showlocationmarker": Setting(required=False, validator=validateBool, default=True),
"center": Setting(required=False, validator=validateCoords, default=None),
# Remove this eventually (once people update their configs)
"worldname": Setting(required=False, default=None,
validator=error("The option 'worldname' is now called 'world'. Please update your config files")),
# The worlds dict, mapping world names to world paths
conf['worlds'] = Setting(required=True, validator=make_dictValidator(validateStr, validateWorldPath), default=OrderedDict())
conf['outputdir'] = Setting(required=True, validator=validateOutputDir, default=None)
conf['processes'] = Setting(required=True, validator=int, default=-1)
# TODO clean up this ugly in sys.argv hack
if platform.system() == 'Windows' or not sys.stdout.isatty() or "--simple" in sys.argv:
obs = LoggingObserver()
obs = ProgressBarObserver(fd=sys.stdout)
conf['observer'] = Setting(required=True, validator=validateObserver, default=obs)
return conf