
6393 lines
277 KiB

# This file is part of the Minecraft Overviewer.
# Minecraft Overviewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# Minecraft Overviewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with the Overviewer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from collections import OrderedDict
import sys
import imp
import os
import os.path
import zipfile
from io import BytesIO
import math
from random import randint
import numpy
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageOps, ImageDraw
import logging
import functools
from . import util
BLOCKTEX = "assets/minecraft/textures/block/"
# global variables to collate information in @material decorators
blockmap_generators = {}
known_blocks = set()
used_datas = set()
max_blockid = 0
max_data = 0
transparent_blocks = set()
solid_blocks = set()
fluid_blocks = set()
nospawn_blocks = set()
nodata_blocks = set()
# This is here for circular import reasons.
# Please don't ask, I choose to repress these memories.
# ... okay fine I'll tell you.
# Initialising the C extension requires access to the globals above.
# Due to the circular import, this wouldn't work, unless we reload the
# module in the C extension or just move the import below its dependencies.
from .c_overviewer import alpha_over
class TextureException(Exception):
"To be thrown when a texture is not found."
color_map = ["white", "orange", "magenta", "light_blue", "yellow", "lime", "pink", "gray",
"light_gray", "cyan", "purple", "blue", "brown", "green", "red", "black"]
## Textures object
class Textures(object):
"""An object that generates a set of block sprites to use while
rendering. It accepts a background color, north direction, and
local textures path.
def __init__(self, texturepath=None, bgcolor=(26, 26, 26, 0), northdirection=0):
self.bgcolor = bgcolor
self.rotation = northdirection
self.find_file_local_path = texturepath
# not yet configurable
self.texture_size = 24
self.texture_dimensions = (self.texture_size, self.texture_size)
# this is set in in generate()
self.generated = False
# see load_image_texture()
self.texture_cache = {}
# once we find a jarfile that contains a texture, we cache the ZipFile object here
self.jars = OrderedDict()
## pickle support
def __getstate__(self):
# we must get rid of the huge image lists, and other images
attributes = self.__dict__.copy()
for attr in ['blockmap', 'biome_grass_texture', 'watertexture', 'lavatexture', 'firetexture', 'portaltexture', 'lightcolor', 'grasscolor', 'foliagecolor', 'watercolor', 'texture_cache']:
del attributes[attr]
except KeyError:
attributes['jars'] = OrderedDict()
return attributes
def __setstate__(self, attrs):
# regenerate textures, if needed
for attr, val in list(attrs.items()):
setattr(self, attr, val)
self.texture_cache = {}
if self.generated:
## The big one: generate()
def generate(self):
# Make sure we have the foliage/grasscolor images available
except TextureException as e:
"Your system is missing either assets/minecraft/textures/colormap/foliage.png "
"or assets/minecraft/textures/colormap/grass.png. Either complement your "
"resource pack with these texture files, or install the vanilla Minecraft "
"client to use as a fallback.")
raise e
# generate biome grass mask
self.biome_grass_texture = self.build_block(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/grass_block_top.png"), self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/grass_block_side_overlay.png"))
# generate the blocks
global blockmap_generators
global known_blocks, used_datas
self.blockmap = [None] * max_blockid * max_data
for (blockid, data), texgen in list(blockmap_generators.items()):
tex = texgen(self, blockid, data)
self.blockmap[blockid * max_data + data] = self.generate_texture_tuple(tex)
if self.texture_size != 24:
# rescale biome grass
self.biome_grass_texture = self.biome_grass_texture.resize(self.texture_dimensions, Image.ANTIALIAS)
# rescale the rest
for i, tex in enumerate(blockmap):
if tex is None:
block = tex[0]
scaled_block = block.resize(self.texture_dimensions, Image.ANTIALIAS)
blockmap[i] = self.generate_texture_tuple(scaled_block)
self.generated = True
## Helpers for opening textures
def find_file(self, filename, mode="rb", verbose=False):
"""Searches for the given file and returns an open handle to it.
This searches the following locations in this order:
* In the directory textures_path given in the initializer if not already open
* In an already open resource pack or client jar file
* In the resource pack given by textures_path
* The program dir (same dir as overviewer.py) for extracted textures
* On Darwin, in /Applications/Minecraft for extracted textures
* Inside a minecraft client jar. Client jars are searched for in the
following location depending on platform:
* On Windows, at %APPDATA%/.minecraft/versions/
* On Darwin, at
$HOME/Library/Application Support/minecraft/versions
* at $HOME/.minecraft/versions/
Only the latest non-snapshot version >1.6 is used
* The overviewer_core/data/textures dir
if verbose: logging.info("Starting search for {0}".format(filename))
# Look for the file is stored in with the overviewer
# installation. We include a few files that aren't included with Minecraft
# textures. This used to be for things such as water and lava, since
# they were generated by the game and not stored as images. Nowdays I
# believe that's not true, but we still have a few files distributed
# with overviewer.
# Do this first so we don't try all .jar files for stuff like "water.png"
programdir = util.get_program_path()
if verbose: logging.info("Looking for texture in overviewer_core/data/textures")
path = os.path.join(programdir, "overviewer_core", "data", "textures", filename)
if os.path.isfile(path):
if verbose: logging.info("Found %s in '%s'", filename, path)
return open(path, mode)
elif hasattr(sys, "frozen") or imp.is_frozen("__main__"):
# windows special case, when the package dir doesn't exist
path = os.path.join(programdir, "textures", filename)
if os.path.isfile(path):
if verbose: logging.info("Found %s in '%s'", filename, path)
return open(path, mode)
# A texture path was given on the command line. Search this location
# for the file first.
if self.find_file_local_path:
if (self.find_file_local_path not in self.jars
and os.path.isfile(self.find_file_local_path)):
# Must be a resource pack. Look for the requested file within
# it.
pack = zipfile.ZipFile(self.find_file_local_path)
# pack.getinfo() will raise KeyError if the file is
# not found.
if verbose: logging.info("Found %s in '%s'", filename,
self.jars[self.find_file_local_path] = pack
# ok cool now move this to the start so we pick it first
self.jars.move_to_end(self.find_file_local_path, last=False)
return pack.open(filename)
except (zipfile.BadZipfile, KeyError, IOError):
elif os.path.isdir(self.find_file_local_path):
full_path = os.path.join(self.find_file_local_path, filename)
if os.path.isfile(full_path):
if verbose: logging.info("Found %s in '%s'", filename, full_path)
return open(full_path, mode)
# We already have some jars open, better use them.
if len(self.jars) > 0:
for jarpath in self.jars:
jar = self.jars[jarpath]
if verbose: logging.info("Found (cached) %s in '%s'", filename,
return jar.open(filename)
except (KeyError, IOError) as e:
# If we haven't returned at this point, then the requested file was NOT
# found in the user-specified texture path or resource pack.
if verbose: logging.info("Did not find the file in specified texture path")
# Look in the location of the overviewer executable for the given path
path = os.path.join(programdir, filename)
if os.path.isfile(path):
if verbose: logging.info("Found %s in '%s'", filename, path)
return open(path, mode)
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
path = os.path.join("/Applications/Minecraft", filename)
if os.path.isfile(path):
if verbose: logging.info("Found %s in '%s'", filename, path)
return open(path, mode)
if verbose: logging.info("Did not find the file in overviewer executable directory")
if verbose: logging.info("Looking for installed minecraft jar files...")
# Find an installed minecraft client jar and look in it for the texture
# file we need.
versiondir = ""
if "APPDATA" in os.environ and sys.platform.startswith("win"):
versiondir = os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], ".minecraft", "versions")
elif "HOME" in os.environ:
# For linux:
versiondir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".minecraft", "versions")
if not os.path.exists(versiondir) and sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
# For Mac:
versiondir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], "Library",
"Application Support", "minecraft", "versions")
if verbose: logging.info("Looking in the following directory: \"%s\"" % versiondir)
versions = os.listdir(versiondir)
if verbose: logging.info("Found these versions: {0}".format(versions))
except OSError:
# Directory doesn't exist? Ignore it. It will find no versions and
# fall through the checks below to the error at the bottom of the
# method.
versions = []
available_versions = []
for version in versions:
# Look for the latest non-snapshot that is at least 1.8. This
# version is only compatible with >=1.8, and we cannot in general
# tell if a snapshot is more or less recent than a release.
# Allow two component names such as "1.8" and three component names
# such as "1.8.1"
if version.count(".") not in (1,2):
versionparts = [int(x) for x in version.split(".")]
except ValueError:
if versionparts < [1,8]:
if not available_versions:
if verbose: logging.info("Did not find any non-snapshot minecraft jars >=1.8.0")
most_recent_version = available_versions.pop(0)
if verbose: logging.info("Trying {0}. Searching it for the file...".format(".".join(str(x) for x in most_recent_version)))
jarname = ".".join(str(x) for x in most_recent_version)
jarpath = os.path.join(versiondir, jarname, jarname + ".jar")
if os.path.isfile(jarpath):
jar = zipfile.ZipFile(jarpath)
if verbose: logging.info("Found %s in '%s'", filename, jarpath)
self.jars[jarpath] = jar
return jar.open(filename)
except (KeyError, IOError) as e:
except (zipfile.BadZipFile) as e:
logging.warning("Your jar {0} is corrupted, I'll be skipping it, but you "
"should probably look into that.".format(jarpath))
if verbose: logging.info("Did not find file {0} in jar {1}".format(filename, jarpath))
raise TextureException("Could not find the textures while searching for '{0}'. Try specifying the 'texturepath' option in your config file.\nSet it to the path to a Minecraft Resource pack.\nAlternately, install the Minecraft client (which includes textures)\nAlso see <http://docs.overviewer.org/en/latest/running/#installing-the-textures>\n(Remember, this version of Overviewer requires a 1.19-compatible resource pack)\n(Also note that I won't automatically use snapshots; you'll have to use the texturepath option to use a snapshot jar)".format(filename))
def load_image_texture(self, filename):
# Textures may be animated or in a different resolution than 16x16.
# This method will always return a 16x16 image
img = self.load_image(filename)
w,h = img.size
if w != h:
img = img.crop((0,0,w,w))
if w != 16:
img = img.resize((16, 16), Image.ANTIALIAS)
self.texture_cache[filename] = img
return img
def load_image(self, filename):
"""Returns an image object"""
img = self.texture_cache[filename]
if isinstance(img, Exception): # Did we cache an exception?
raise img # Okay then, raise it.
return img
except KeyError:
fileobj = self.find_file(filename, verbose=logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG))
except (TextureException, IOError) as e:
# We cache when our good friend find_file can't find
# a texture, so that we do not repeatedly search for it.
self.texture_cache[filename] = e
raise e
buffer = BytesIO(fileobj.read())
img = Image.open(buffer).convert("RGBA")
except IOError:
raise TextureException("The texture {} appears to be corrupted. Please fix it. Run "
"Overviewer in verbose mode (-v) to find out where I loaded "
"that file from.".format(filename))
self.texture_cache[filename] = img
return img
def load_water(self):
"""Special-case function for loading water."""
watertexture = getattr(self, "watertexture", None)
if watertexture:
return watertexture
watertexture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/water_still.png")
self.watertexture = watertexture
return watertexture
def load_lava(self):
"""Special-case function for loading lava."""
lavatexture = getattr(self, "lavatexture", None)
if lavatexture:
return lavatexture
lavatexture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/lava_still.png")
self.lavatexture = lavatexture
return lavatexture
def load_portal(self):
"""Special-case function for loading portal."""
portaltexture = getattr(self, "portaltexture", None)
if portaltexture:
return portaltexture
portaltexture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_portal.png")
self.portaltexture = portaltexture
return portaltexture
def load_light_color(self):
"""Helper function to load the light color texture."""
if hasattr(self, "lightcolor"):
return self.lightcolor
lightcolor = list(self.load_image("light_normal.png").getdata())
except Exception:
logging.warning("Light color image could not be found.")
lightcolor = None
self.lightcolor = lightcolor
return lightcolor
def load_grass_color(self):
"""Helper function to load the grass color texture."""
if not hasattr(self, "grasscolor"):
self.grasscolor = list(self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/colormap/grass.png").getdata())
return self.grasscolor
def load_foliage_color(self):
"""Helper function to load the foliage color texture."""
if not hasattr(self, "foliagecolor"):
self.foliagecolor = list(self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/colormap/foliage.png").getdata())
return self.foliagecolor
#I guess "watercolor" is wrong. But I can't correct as my texture pack don't define water color.
def load_water_color(self):
"""Helper function to load the water color texture."""
if not hasattr(self, "watercolor"):
self.watercolor = list(self.load_image("watercolor.png").getdata())
return self.watercolor
def _split_terrain(self, terrain):
"""Builds and returns a length 256 array of each 16x16 chunk
of texture.
textures = []
(terrain_width, terrain_height) = terrain.size
texture_resolution = terrain_width / 16
for y in range(16):
for x in range(16):
left = x*texture_resolution
upper = y*texture_resolution
right = left+texture_resolution
lower = upper+texture_resolution
region = terrain.transform(
(16, 16),
return textures
## Image Transformation Functions
def transform_image_top(img):
"""Takes a PIL image and rotates it left 45 degrees and shrinks the y axis
by a factor of 2. Returns the resulting image, which will be 24x12 pixels
# Resize to 17x17, since the diagonal is approximately 24 pixels, a nice
# even number that can be split in half twice
img = img.resize((17, 17), Image.ANTIALIAS)
# Build the Affine transformation matrix for this perspective
transform = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(3))
# Translate up and left, since rotations are about the origin
transform *= numpy.matrix([[1,0,8.5],[0,1,8.5],[0,0,1]])
# Rotate 45 degrees
ratio = math.cos(math.pi/4)
#transform *= numpy.matrix("[0.707,-0.707,0;0.707,0.707,0;0,0,1]")
transform *= numpy.matrix([[ratio,-ratio,0],[ratio,ratio,0],[0,0,1]])
# Translate back down and right
transform *= numpy.matrix([[1,0,-12],[0,1,-12],[0,0,1]])
# scale the image down by a factor of 2
transform *= numpy.matrix("[1,0,0;0,2,0;0,0,1]")
transform = numpy.array(transform)[:2,:].ravel().tolist()
newimg = img.transform((24,12), Image.AFFINE, transform)
return newimg
def transform_image_side(img):
"""Takes an image and shears it for the left side of the cube (reflect for
the right side)"""
# Size of the cube side before shear
img = img.resize((12,12), Image.ANTIALIAS)
# Apply shear
transform = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(3))
transform *= numpy.matrix("[1,0,0;-0.5,1,0;0,0,1]")
transform = numpy.array(transform)[:2,:].ravel().tolist()
newimg = img.transform((12,18), Image.AFFINE, transform)
return newimg
def transform_image_slope(img):
"""Takes an image and shears it in the shape of a slope going up
in the -y direction (reflect for +x direction). Used for minetracks"""
# Take the same size as trasform_image_side
img = img.resize((12,12), Image.ANTIALIAS)
# Apply shear
transform = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(3))
transform *= numpy.matrix("[0.75,-0.5,3;0.25,0.5,-3;0,0,1]")
transform = numpy.array(transform)[:2,:].ravel().tolist()
newimg = img.transform((24,24), Image.AFFINE, transform)
return newimg
def transform_image_angle(img, angle):
"""Takes an image an shears it in arbitrary angle with the axis of
rotation being vertical.
WARNING! Don't use angle = pi/2 (or multiplies), it will return
a blank image (or maybe garbage).
NOTE: angle is in the image not in game, so for the left side of a
block angle = 30 degree.
# Take the same size as trasform_image_side
img = img.resize((12,12), Image.ANTIALIAS)
# some values
cos_angle = math.cos(angle)
sin_angle = math.sin(angle)
# function_x and function_y are used to keep the result image in the
# same position, and constant_x and constant_y are the coordinates
# for the center for angle = 0.
constant_x = 6.
constant_y = 6.
function_x = 6.*(1-cos_angle)
function_y = -6*sin_angle
big_term = ( (sin_angle * (function_x + constant_x)) - cos_angle* (function_y + constant_y))/cos_angle
# The numpy array is not really used, but is helpful to
# see the matrix used for the transformation.
transform = numpy.array([[1./cos_angle, 0, -(function_x + constant_x)/cos_angle],
[-sin_angle/(cos_angle), 1., big_term ],
[0, 0, 1.]])
transform = tuple(transform[0]) + tuple(transform[1])
newimg = img.transform((24,24), Image.AFFINE, transform)
return newimg
def build_block(self, top, side):
"""From a top texture and a side texture, build a block image.
top and side should be 16x16 image objects. Returns a 24x24 image
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
original_texture = top.copy()
top = self.transform_image_top(top)
if not side:
alpha_over(img, top, (0,0), top)
return img
side = self.transform_image_side(side)
otherside = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Darken the sides slightly. These methods also affect the alpha layer,
# so save them first (we don't want to "darken" the alpha layer making
# the block transparent)
sidealpha = side.split()[3]
side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side).enhance(0.9)
othersidealpha = otherside.split()[3]
otherside = ImageEnhance.Brightness(otherside).enhance(0.8)
alpha_over(img, top, (0,0), top)
alpha_over(img, side, (0,6), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (12,6), otherside)
# Manually touch up 6 pixels that leave a gap because of how the
# shearing works out. This makes the blocks perfectly tessellate-able
for x,y in [(13,23), (17,21), (21,19)]:
# Copy a pixel to x,y from x-1,y
img.putpixel((x,y), img.getpixel((x-1,y)))
for x,y in [(3,4), (7,2), (11,0)]:
# Copy a pixel to x,y from x+1,y
img.putpixel((x,y), img.getpixel((x+1,y)))
return img
def build_slab_block(self, top, side, upper):
"""From a top texture and a side texture, build a slab block image.
top and side should be 16x16 image objects. Returns a 24x24 image
# cut the side texture in half
mask = side.crop((0,8,16,16))
side = Image.new(side.mode, side.size, self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(side, mask,(0,0,16,8), mask)
# plain slab
top = self.transform_image_top(top)
side = self.transform_image_side(side)
otherside = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
sidealpha = side.split()[3]
side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side).enhance(0.9)
othersidealpha = otherside.split()[3]
otherside = ImageEnhance.Brightness(otherside).enhance(0.8)
# upside down slab
delta = 0
if upper:
delta = 6
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img, side, (0,12 - delta), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (12,12 - delta), otherside)
alpha_over(img, top, (0,6 - delta), top)
# Manually touch up 6 pixels that leave a gap because of how the
# shearing works out. This makes the blocks perfectly tessellate-able
if upper:
for x,y in [(3,4), (7,2), (11,0)]:
# Copy a pixel to x,y from x+1,y
img.putpixel((x,y), img.getpixel((x+1,y)))
for x,y in [(13,17), (17,15), (21,13)]:
# Copy a pixel to x,y from x-1,y
img.putpixel((x,y), img.getpixel((x-1,y)))
for x,y in [(3,10), (7,8), (11,6)]:
# Copy a pixel to x,y from x+1,y
img.putpixel((x,y), img.getpixel((x+1,y)))
for x,y in [(13,23), (17,21), (21,19)]:
# Copy a pixel to x,y from x-1,y
img.putpixel((x,y), img.getpixel((x-1,y)))
return img
def build_full_block(self, top, side1, side2, side3, side4, bottom=None):
"""From a top texture, a bottom texture and 4 different side textures,
build a full block with four differnts faces. All images should be 16x16
image objects. Returns a 24x24 image. Can be used to render any block.
side1 is in the -y face of the cube (top left, east)
side2 is in the +x (top right, south)
side3 is in the -x (bottom left, north)
side4 is in the +y (bottom right, west)
A non transparent block uses top, side 3 and side 4.
If top is a tuple then first item is the top image and the second
item is an increment (integer) from 0 to 16 (pixels in the
original minecraft texture). This increment will be used to crop the
side images and to paste the top image increment pixels lower, so if
you use an increment of 8, it will draw a half-block.
NOTE: this method uses the bottom of the texture image (as done in
minecraft with beds and cakes)
increment = 0
if isinstance(top, tuple):
increment = int(round((top[1] / 16.)*12.)) # range increment in the block height in pixels (half texture size)
crop_height = increment
top = top[0]
if side1 is not None:
side1 = side1.copy()
ImageDraw.Draw(side1).rectangle((0, 0,16,crop_height),outline=(0,0,0,0),fill=(0,0,0,0))
if side2 is not None:
side2 = side2.copy()
ImageDraw.Draw(side2).rectangle((0, 0,16,crop_height),outline=(0,0,0,0),fill=(0,0,0,0))
if side3 is not None:
side3 = side3.copy()
ImageDraw.Draw(side3).rectangle((0, 0,16,crop_height),outline=(0,0,0,0),fill=(0,0,0,0))
if side4 is not None:
side4 = side4.copy()
ImageDraw.Draw(side4).rectangle((0, 0,16,crop_height),outline=(0,0,0,0),fill=(0,0,0,0))
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
# first back sides
if side1 is not None :
side1 = self.transform_image_side(side1)
side1 = side1.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Darken this side.
sidealpha = side1.split()[3]
side1 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side1).enhance(0.9)
alpha_over(img, side1, (0,0), side1)
if side2 is not None :
side2 = self.transform_image_side(side2)
# Darken this side.
sidealpha2 = side2.split()[3]
side2 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side2).enhance(0.8)
alpha_over(img, side2, (12,0), side2)
if bottom is not None :
bottom = self.transform_image_top(bottom)
alpha_over(img, bottom, (0,12), bottom)
# front sides
if side3 is not None :
side3 = self.transform_image_side(side3)
# Darken this side
sidealpha = side3.split()[3]
side3 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side3).enhance(0.9)
alpha_over(img, side3, (0,6), side3)
if side4 is not None :
side4 = self.transform_image_side(side4)
side4 = side4.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Darken this side
sidealpha = side4.split()[3]
side4 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side4).enhance(0.8)
alpha_over(img, side4, (12,6), side4)
if top is not None :
top = self.transform_image_top(top)
alpha_over(img, top, (0, increment), top)
# Manually touch up 6 pixels that leave a gap because of how the
# shearing works out. This makes the blocks perfectly tessellate-able
for x,y in [(13,23), (17,21), (21,19)]:
# Copy a pixel to x,y from x-1,y
img.putpixel((x,y), img.getpixel((x-1,y)))
for x,y in [(3,4), (7,2), (11,0)]:
# Copy a pixel to x,y from x+1,y
img.putpixel((x,y), img.getpixel((x+1,y)))
return img
def build_axis_block(self, top, side, data):
Build an block with Axis property.
data = {'y': 0, 'x': 1, 'z': 2}[axis]
def draw_x():
return self.build_full_block(side.rotate(90), None, None, top, side.rotate(90))
def draw_y():
return self.build_full_block(side, None, None, side.rotate(270), top)
draw_funcs = [draw_x, draw_y]
if data == 0: # up
return self.build_block(top, side)
elif data == 1: # x
return draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 0) % len(draw_funcs)]()
elif data == 2: # y
return draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 1) % len(draw_funcs)]()
def build_sprite(self, side):
"""From a side texture, create a sprite-like texture such as those used
for spiderwebs or flowers."""
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
side = self.transform_image_side(side)
otherside = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, side, (6,3), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (6,3), otherside)
return img
def build_billboard(self, tex):
"""From a texture, create a billboard-like texture such as
those used for tall grass or melon stems.
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
front = tex.resize((14, 12), Image.ANTIALIAS)
alpha_over(img, front, (5,9))
return img
def generate_opaque_mask(self, img):
""" Takes the alpha channel of the image and generates a mask
(used for lighting the block) that deprecates values of alpha
smallers than 50, and sets every other value to 255. """
alpha = img.split()[3]
return alpha.point(lambda a: int(min(a, 25.5) * 10))
def tint_texture(self, im, c):
# apparently converting to grayscale drops the alpha channel?
i = ImageOps.colorize(ImageOps.grayscale(im), (0,0,0), c)
i.putalpha(im.split()[3]); # copy the alpha band back in. assuming RGBA
return i
def generate_texture_tuple(self, img):
""" This takes an image and returns the needed tuple for the
blockmap array."""
if img is None:
return None
return (img, self.generate_opaque_mask(img))
## The other big one: @material and associated framework
# the material registration decorator
def material(blockid=[], data=[0], **kwargs):
# mapping from property name to the set to store them in
properties = {"transparent" : transparent_blocks, "solid" : solid_blocks, "fluid" : fluid_blocks, "nospawn" : nospawn_blocks, "nodata" : nodata_blocks}
# make sure blockid and data are iterable
except Exception:
blockid = [blockid,]
except Exception:
data = [data,]
def inner_material(func):
global blockmap_generators
global max_data, max_blockid
# create a wrapper function with a known signature
def func_wrapper(texobj, blockid, data):
return func(texobj, blockid, data)
if max(data) >= max_data:
max_data = max(data) + 1
for block in blockid:
# set the property sets appropriately
if block >= max_blockid:
max_blockid = block + 1
for prop in properties:
if block in kwargs.get(prop, []):
except TypeError:
if kwargs.get(prop, False):
# populate blockmap_generators with our function
for d in data:
blockmap_generators[(block, d)] = func_wrapper
return func_wrapper
return inner_material
# shortcut function for pure blocks, default to solid, nodata
def block(blockid=[], top_image=None, side_image=None, **kwargs):
new_kwargs = {'solid' : True, 'nodata' : True}
if top_image is None:
raise ValueError("top_image was not provided")
if side_image is None:
side_image = top_image
@material(blockid=blockid, **new_kwargs)
def inner_block(self, unused_id, unused_data):
return self.build_block(self.load_image_texture(top_image), self.load_image_texture(side_image))
return inner_block
# shortcut function for sprite blocks, defaults to transparent, nodata
def sprite(blockid=[], imagename=None, **kwargs):
new_kwargs = {'transparent' : True, 'nodata' : True}
if imagename is None:
raise ValueError("imagename was not provided")
@material(blockid=blockid, **new_kwargs)
def inner_sprite(self, unused_id, unused_data):
return self.build_sprite(self.load_image_texture(imagename))
return inner_sprite
# shortcut function for billboard blocks, defaults to transparent, nodata
def billboard(blockid=[], imagename=None, **kwargs):
new_kwargs = {'transparent' : True, 'nodata' : True}
if imagename is None:
raise ValueError("imagename was not provided")
@material(blockid=blockid, **new_kwargs)
def inner_billboard(self, unused_id, unused_data):
return self.build_billboard(self.load_image_texture(imagename))
return inner_billboard
## and finally: actual texture definitions
# stone
@material(blockid=1, data=list(range(7)), solid=True)
def stone(self, blockid, data):
if data == 0: # regular old-school stone
img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone.png")
elif data == 1: # granite
img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/granite.png")
elif data == 2: # polished granite
img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_granite.png")
elif data == 3: # diorite
img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/diorite.png")
elif data == 4: # polished diorite
img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_diorite.png")
elif data == 5: # andesite
img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/andesite.png")
elif data == 6: # polished andesite
img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_andesite.png")
return self.build_block(img, img)
@material(blockid=2, data=list(range(11))+[0x10,], solid=True)
def grass(self, blockid, data):
# 0x10 bit means SNOW
side_img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/grass_block_side.png")
if data & 0x10:
side_img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/grass_block_snow.png")
img = self.build_block(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/grass_block_top.png"), side_img)
if not data & 0x10:
alpha_over(img, self.biome_grass_texture, (0, 0), self.biome_grass_texture)
return img
# dirt
@material(blockid=3, data=list(range(3)), solid=True)
def dirt_blocks(self, blockid, data):
texture_map = [{"top": "dirt", "side": "dirt"}, # Normal
{"top": "coarse_dirt", "side": "coarse_dirt"}, # Coarse
{"top": "podzol_top", "side": "podzol_side"}] # Podzol
top_img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s.png"
% texture_map[data]["top"])
side_img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s.png"
% texture_map[data]["side"])
return self.build_block(top_img, side_img)
# cobblestone
block(blockid=4, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/cobblestone.png")
# wooden planks
@material(blockid=5, data=list(range(8)), solid=True)
def wooden_planks(self, blockid, data):
if data == 0: # normal
return self.build_block(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_planks.png"), self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_planks.png"))
if data == 1: # pine
return self.build_block(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_planks.png"),self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_planks.png"))
if data == 2: # birch
return self.build_block(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_planks.png"),self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_planks.png"))
if data == 3: # jungle wood
return self.build_block(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_planks.png"),self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_planks.png"))
if data == 4: # acacia
return self.build_block(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_planks.png"),self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_planks.png"))
if data == 5: # dark oak
return self.build_block(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_planks.png"),self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_planks.png"))
if data == 6: # crimson
return self.build_block(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_planks.png"),self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_planks.png"))
if data == 7: # warped
return self.build_block(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_planks.png"),self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_planks.png"))
@material(blockid=6, data=list(range(16)), transparent=True)
def saplings(self, blockid, data):
# usual saplings
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_sapling.png")
if data & 0x3 == 1: # spruce sapling
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_sapling.png")
elif data & 0x3 == 2: # birch sapling
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_sapling.png")
elif data & 0x3 == 3: # jungle sapling
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_sapling.png")
elif data & 0x3 == 4: # acacia sapling
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_sapling.png")
elif data & 0x3 == 5: # dark oak/roofed oak/big oak sapling
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_sapling.png")
return self.build_sprite(tex)
sprite(blockid=11385, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_sapling.png")
sprite(blockid=11386, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_sapling.png")
sprite(blockid=11387, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_sapling.png")
sprite(blockid=11388, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_sapling.png")
sprite(blockid=11389, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_sapling.png")
sprite(blockid=11390, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_sapling.png")
sprite(blockid=11413, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/bamboo_stage0.png")
# bedrock
block(blockid=7, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/bedrock.png")
# water, glass, and ice (no inner surfaces)
# uses pseudo-ancildata found in iterate.c
@material(blockid=[8, 9, 20, 79, 95], data=list(range(512)), fluid=(8, 9), transparent=True, nospawn=True, solid=(79, 20, 95))
def no_inner_surfaces(self, blockid, data):
if blockid == 8 or blockid == 9:
texture = self.load_water()
elif blockid == 20:
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/glass.png")
elif blockid == 95:
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s_stained_glass.png" % color_map[data & 0x0f])
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/ice.png")
# now that we've used the lower 4 bits to get color, shift down to get the 5 bits that encode face hiding
if not (blockid == 8 or blockid == 9): # water doesn't have a shifted pseudodata
data = data >> 4
if (data & 0b10000) == 16:
top = texture
top = None
if (data & 0b0001) == 1:
side1 = texture # top left
side1 = None
if (data & 0b1000) == 8:
side2 = texture # top right
side2 = None
if (data & 0b0010) == 2:
side3 = texture # bottom left
side3 = None
if (data & 0b0100) == 4:
side4 = texture # bottom right
side4 = None
# if nothing shown do not draw at all
if top is None and side3 is None and side4 is None:
return None
img = self.build_full_block(top,None,None,side3,side4)
return img
@material(blockid=[10, 11], data=list(range(16)), fluid=True, transparent=False, nospawn=True)
def lava(self, blockid, data):
lavatex = self.load_lava()
return self.build_block(lavatex, lavatex)
# sand
@material(blockid=12, data=list(range(2)), solid=True)
def sand_blocks(self, blockid, data):
if data == 0: # normal
img = self.build_block(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/sand.png"), self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/sand.png"))
if data == 1: # red
img = self.build_block(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sand.png"), self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sand.png"))
return img
# gravel
block(blockid=13, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/gravel.png")
# gold ore
block(blockid=14, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/gold_ore.png")
# iron ore
block(blockid=15, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/iron_ore.png")
# coal ore
block(blockid=16, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/coal_ore.png")
@material(blockid=[17, 162, 11306, 11307, 11308, 11309, 11310, 11311, 1008, 1009, 1126],
data=list(range(12)), solid=True)
def wood(self, blockid, data):
# extract orientation and wood type frorm data bits
wood_type = data & 3
wood_orientation = data & 12
if self.rotation == 1:
if wood_orientation == 4: wood_orientation = 8
elif wood_orientation == 8: wood_orientation = 4
elif self.rotation == 3:
if wood_orientation == 4: wood_orientation = 8
elif wood_orientation == 8: wood_orientation = 4
# dictionary of blockid : { wood_type : (top, side) }
wood_tex = {
17: {
0: ("oak_log_top.png", "oak_log.png"),
1: ("spruce_log_top.png", "spruce_log.png"),
2: ("birch_log_top.png", "birch_log.png"),
3: ("jungle_log_top.png", "jungle_log.png"),
162: {
0: ("acacia_log_top.png", "acacia_log.png"),
1: ("dark_oak_log_top.png", "dark_oak_log.png"),
11306: {
0: ("stripped_oak_log_top.png", "stripped_oak_log.png"),
1: ("stripped_spruce_log_top.png", "stripped_spruce_log.png"),
2: ("stripped_birch_log_top.png", "stripped_birch_log.png"),
3: ("stripped_jungle_log_top.png", "stripped_jungle_log.png"),
11307: {
0: ("stripped_acacia_log_top.png", "stripped_acacia_log.png"),
1: ("stripped_dark_oak_log_top.png", "stripped_dark_oak_log.png"),
11308: {
0: ("oak_log.png", None),
1: ("spruce_log.png", None),
2: ("birch_log.png", None),
3: ("jungle_log.png", None),
11309: {
0: ("acacia_log.png", None),
1: ("dark_oak_log.png", None),
11310: {
0: ("stripped_oak_log.png", None),
1: ("stripped_spruce_log.png", None),
2: ("stripped_birch_log.png", None),
3: ("stripped_jungle_log.png", None),
11311: {
0: ("stripped_acacia_log.png", None),
1: ("stripped_dark_oak_log.png", None),
1008: {
0: ("warped_stem_top.png", "warped_stem.png"),
1: ("warped_stem_top.png", "stripped_warped_stem.png"),
2: ("crimson_stem_top.png", "crimson_stem.png"),
3: ("crimson_stem_top.png", "stripped_crimson_stem.png"),
1009: {
0: ("warped_stem.png", None),
1: ("stripped_warped_stem.png", None),
2: ("crimson_stem.png", None),
3: ("stripped_crimson_stem.png", None),
1126: {
0: ("mangrove_log_top.png", "mangrove_log.png"),
1: ("stripped_mangrove_log_top.png", "stripped_mangrove_log.png"),
top_f, side_f = wood_tex[blockid].get(wood_type, wood_tex[blockid][0])
if not side_f:
side_f = top_f
top = self.load_image_texture(BLOCKTEX + top_f)
side = self.load_image_texture(BLOCKTEX + side_f)
# choose orientation and paste textures
if wood_orientation == 0:
return self.build_block(top, side)
elif wood_orientation == 4: # east-west orientation
return self.build_full_block(side.rotate(90), None, None, top, side.rotate(90))
elif wood_orientation == 8: # north-south orientation
return self.build_full_block(side, None, None, side.rotate(270), top)
@material(blockid=[18, 161], data=list(range(16)), transparent=True, solid=True)
def leaves(self, blockid, data):
# mask out the bits 4 and 8
# they are used for player placed and check-for-decay blocks
data = data & 0x7
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_leaves.png")
if (blockid, data) == (18, 1): # pine!
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_leaves.png")
elif (blockid, data) == (18, 2): # birth tree
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_leaves.png")
elif (blockid, data) == (18, 3): # jungle tree
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_leaves.png")
elif (blockid, data) == (161, 4): # acacia tree
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_leaves.png")
elif (blockid, data) == (161, 5):
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_leaves.png")
elif (blockid, data) == (18, 6):
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/flowering_azalea_leaves.png")
elif (blockid, data) == (18, 7):
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/azalea_leaves.png")
elif (blockid, data) == (18, 8):
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/mangrove_leaves.png")
return self.build_block(t, t)
# sponge
block(blockid=19, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/sponge.png")
# lapis lazuli ore
block(blockid=21, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/lapis_ore.png")
# lapis lazuli block
block(blockid=22, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/lapis_block.png")
# dispenser, dropper, furnace, blast furnace, and smoker
@material(blockid=[23, 61, 158, 11362, 11364], data=list(range(14)), solid=True)
def furnaces(self, blockid, data):
# first, do the rotation if needed
# Masked as bit 4 indicates whether the block is lit/triggered or not
if self.rotation in [1, 2, 3] and data & 0b111 in [2, 3, 4, 5]:
rotation_map = {1: {2: 5, 3: 4, 4: 2, 5: 3},
2: {2: 3, 3: 2, 4: 5, 5: 4},
3: {2: 4, 3: 5, 4: 3, 5: 2}}
data = data & 0b1000 | rotation_map[self.rotation][data & 0b111]
# Rotation angles for top texture using data & 0b111 as an index
top_rotation_map = [0, 0, 180, 0, 270, 90, 0, 0]
# Dispenser
texture_map = {23: {'top': 'furnace_top', 'side': 'furnace_side',
'front': 'dispenser_front', 'top_vert': 'dispenser_front_vertical'},
# Furnace
61: {'top': 'furnace_top', 'side': 'furnace_side',
'front': 'furnace_front', 'front_on': 'furnace_front_on'},
# Dropper
158: {'top': 'furnace_top', 'side': 'furnace_side',
'front': 'dropper_front', 'top_vert': 'dropper_front_vertical'},
# Blast furance
11362: {'top': 'blast_furnace_top', 'side': 'blast_furnace_side',
'front': 'blast_furnace_front', 'front_on': 'blast_furnace_front_on'},
# Smoker
11364: {'top': 'smoker_top', 'side': 'smoker_side',
'front': 'smoker_front', 'front_on': 'smoker_front_on'}}
if data & 0b111 in [0, 1] and 'top_vert' in texture_map[blockid]:
# Block has a special top texture when it faces up/down
# This also affects which texture is used for the sides/front
top_name = 'top_vert' if data & 0b111 == 1 else 'top'
side_name = 'top'
front_name = 'top'
top_name = 'top'
side_name = 'side'
# Use block's lit/on front texture if it is defined & bit 4 is set
# Note: Some front_on texture images have multiple frames,
# but load_image_texture() crops this appropriately
# as long as the image width is 16px
if data & 0b1000 == 8 and 'front_on' in texture_map[blockid]:
front_name = 'front_on'
front_name = 'front'
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s.png" %
top = top.rotate(top_rotation_map[data & 0b111])
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s.png" %
front = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s.png" %
if data & 0b111 == 3: # pointing west
return self.build_full_block(top, None, None, side, front)
elif data & 0b111 == 4: # pointing north
return self.build_full_block(top, None, None, front, side)
else: # in any other direction the front can't be seen
return self.build_full_block(top, None, None, side, side)
# sandstone
@material(blockid=24, data=list(range(3)), solid=True)
def sandstone(self, blockid, data):
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/sandstone_top.png")
if data == 0: # normal
return self.build_block(top, self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/sandstone.png"))
if data == 1: # hieroglyphic
return self.build_block(top, self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/chiseled_sandstone.png"))
if data == 2: # soft
return self.build_block(top, self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cut_sandstone.png"))
# red sandstone
@material(blockid=179, data=list(range(3)), solid=True)
def sandstone(self, blockid, data):
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone_top.png")
if data == 0: # normal
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone.png")
return self.build_full_block(top, None, None, side, side, self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone_bottom.png") )
if data == 1: # hieroglyphic
return self.build_block(top, self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/chiseled_red_sandstone.png"))
if data == 2: # soft
return self.build_block(top, self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cut_red_sandstone.png"))
# note block
block(blockid=25, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/note_block.png")
# Bed
@material(blockid=26, data=list(range(256)), transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def bed(self, blockid, data):
# Bits 1-2 Rotation
# Bit 3 Occupancy, no impact on appearance
# Bit 4 Foot/Head of bed (0 = foot, 1 = head)
# Bits 5-8 Color
# first get rotation done
# Masked to not clobber block head/foot & color info
data = data & 0b11111100 | ((self.rotation + (data & 0b11)) % 4)
bed_texture = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/entity/bed/%s.png" % color_map[data >> 4])
increment = 8
left_face = None
right_face = None
top_face = None
if data & 0x8 == 0x8: # head of the bed
top = bed_texture.copy().crop((6, 6, 22, 22))
# Composing the side
side = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
side_part1 = bed_texture.copy().crop((0, 6, 6, 22)).rotate(90, expand=True)
# foot of the bed
side_part2 = bed_texture.copy().crop((53, 3, 56, 6))
side_part2_f = side_part2.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(side, side_part1, (0, 7), side_part1)
alpha_over(side, side_part2, (0, 13), side_part2)
end = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
end_part = bed_texture.copy().crop((6, 0, 22, 6)).rotate(180)
alpha_over(end, end_part, (0, 7), end_part)
alpha_over(end, side_part2, (0, 13), side_part2)
alpha_over(end, side_part2_f, (13, 13), side_part2_f)
if data & 0x03 == 0x00: # South
top_face = top.rotate(180)
left_face = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
right_face = end
elif data & 0x03 == 0x01: # West
top_face = top.rotate(90)
left_face = end
right_face = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
elif data & 0x03 == 0x02: # North
top_face = top
left_face = side
elif data & 0x03 == 0x03: # East
top_face = top.rotate(270)
right_face = side
else: # foot of the bed
top = bed_texture.copy().crop((6, 28, 22, 44))
side = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
side_part1 = bed_texture.copy().crop((0, 28, 6, 44)).rotate(90, expand=True)
side_part2 = bed_texture.copy().crop((53, 3, 56, 6))
side_part2_f = side_part2.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(side, side_part1, (0, 7), side_part1)
alpha_over(side, side_part2, (13, 13), side_part2)
end = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
end_part = bed_texture.copy().crop((22, 22, 38, 28)).rotate(180)
alpha_over(end, end_part, (0, 7), end_part)
alpha_over(end, side_part2, (0, 13), side_part2)
alpha_over(end, side_part2_f, (13, 13), side_part2_f)
if data & 0x03 == 0x00: # South
top_face = top.rotate(180)
left_face = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
elif data & 0x03 == 0x01: # West
top_face = top.rotate(90)
right_face = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
elif data & 0x03 == 0x02: # North
top_face = top
left_face = side
right_face = end
elif data & 0x03 == 0x03: # East
top_face = top.rotate(270)
left_face = end
right_face = side
top_face = (top_face, increment)
return self.build_full_block(top_face, None, None, left_face, right_face)
# powered, detector, activator and normal rails
@material(blockid=[27, 28, 66, 157], data=list(range(14)), transparent=True)
def rails(self, blockid, data):
# first, do rotation
# Masked to not clobber powered rail on/off info
# Ascending and flat straight
if self.rotation == 1:
if (data & 0b0111) == 0: data = data & 0b1000 | 1
elif (data & 0b0111) == 1: data = data & 0b1000 | 0
elif (data & 0b0111) == 2: data = data & 0b1000 | 5
elif (data & 0b0111) == 3: data = data & 0b1000 | 4
elif (data & 0b0111) == 4: data = data & 0b1000 | 2
elif (data & 0b0111) == 5: data = data & 0b1000 | 3
elif self.rotation == 2:
if (data & 0b0111) == 2: data = data & 0b1000 | 3
elif (data & 0b0111) == 3: data = data & 0b1000 | 2
elif (data & 0b0111) == 4: data = data & 0b1000 | 5
elif (data & 0b0111) == 5: data = data & 0b1000 | 4
elif self.rotation == 3:
if (data & 0b0111) == 0: data = data & 0b1000 | 1
elif (data & 0b0111) == 1: data = data & 0b1000 | 0
elif (data & 0b0111) == 2: data = data & 0b1000 | 4
elif (data & 0b0111) == 3: data = data & 0b1000 | 5
elif (data & 0b0111) == 4: data = data & 0b1000 | 3
elif (data & 0b0111) == 5: data = data & 0b1000 | 2
if blockid == 66: # normal minetrack only
if self.rotation == 1:
if data == 6: data = 7
elif data == 7: data = 8
elif data == 8: data = 6
elif data == 9: data = 9
elif self.rotation == 2:
if data == 6: data = 8
elif data == 7: data = 9
elif data == 8: data = 6
elif data == 9: data = 7
elif self.rotation == 3:
if data == 6: data = 9
elif data == 7: data = 6
elif data == 8: data = 8
elif data == 9: data = 7
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
if blockid == 27: # powered rail
if data & 0x8 == 0: # unpowered
raw_straight = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/powered_rail.png")
raw_corner = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/rail_corner.png") # they don't exist but make the code
# much simplier
elif data & 0x8 == 0x8: # powered
raw_straight = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/powered_rail_on.png")
raw_corner = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/rail_corner.png") # leave corners for code simplicity
# filter the 'powered' bit
data = data & 0x7
elif blockid == 28: # detector rail
raw_straight = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/detector_rail.png")
raw_corner = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/rail_corner.png") # leave corners for code simplicity
elif blockid == 66: # normal rail
raw_straight = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/rail.png")
raw_corner = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/rail_corner.png")
elif blockid == 157: # activator rail
if data & 0x8 == 0: # unpowered
raw_straight = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/activator_rail.png")
raw_corner = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/rail_corner.png") # they don't exist but make the code
# much simplier
elif data & 0x8 == 0x8: # powered
raw_straight = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/activator_rail_on.png")
raw_corner = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/rail_corner.png") # leave corners for code simplicity
# filter the 'powered' bit
data = data & 0x7
## use transform_image to scale and shear
if data == 0:
track = self.transform_image_top(raw_straight)
alpha_over(img, track, (0,12), track)
elif data == 6:
track = self.transform_image_top(raw_corner)
alpha_over(img, track, (0,12), track)
elif data == 7:
track = self.transform_image_top(raw_corner.rotate(270))
alpha_over(img, track, (0,12), track)
elif data == 8:
# flip
track = self.transform_image_top(raw_corner.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).rotate(90))
alpha_over(img, track, (0,12), track)
elif data == 9:
track = self.transform_image_top(raw_corner.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM))
alpha_over(img, track, (0,12), track)
elif data == 1:
track = self.transform_image_top(raw_straight.rotate(90))
alpha_over(img, track, (0,12), track)
elif data == 2: # slope going up in +x direction
track = self.transform_image_slope(raw_straight)
track = track.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, track, (2,0), track)
# the 2 pixels move is needed to fit with the adjacent tracks
elif data == 3: # slope going up in -x direction
# tracks are sprites, in this case we are seeing the "side" of
# the sprite, so draw a line to make it beautiful.
# grey from track texture (exterior grey).
# the track doesn't start from image corners, be carefull drawing the line!
elif data == 4: # slope going up in -y direction
track = self.transform_image_slope(raw_straight)
alpha_over(img, track, (0,0), track)
elif data == 5: # slope going up in +y direction
# same as "data == 3"
return img
# sticky and normal piston body
@material(blockid=[29, 33], data=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13],
transparent=True, solid=True, nospawn=True)
def piston(self, blockid, data):
# first, rotation
# Masked to not clobber block head/foot info
if self.rotation in [1, 2, 3] and (data & 0b111) in [2, 3, 4, 5]:
rotation_map = {1: {2: 5, 3: 4, 4: 2, 5: 3},
2: {2: 3, 3: 2, 4: 5, 5: 4},
3: {2: 4, 3: 5, 4: 3, 5: 2}}
data = (data & 0b1000) | rotation_map[self.rotation][data & 0b111]
if blockid == 29: # sticky
piston_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/piston_top_sticky.png").copy()
else: # normal
piston_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/piston_top.png").copy()
# other textures
side_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/piston_side.png").copy()
back_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/piston_bottom.png").copy()
interior_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/piston_inner.png").copy()
if data & 0x08 == 0x08: # pushed out, non full blocks, tricky stuff
# remove piston texture from piston body
ImageDraw.Draw(side_t).rectangle((0, 0, 16, 3), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0), fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
if data & 0x07 == 0x0: # down
side_t = side_t.rotate(180)
img = self.build_full_block(back_t, None, None, side_t, side_t)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x1: # up
img = self.build_full_block((interior_t, 4), None, None, side_t, side_t)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x2: # north
img = self.build_full_block(side_t, None, None, side_t.rotate(90), back_t)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x3: # south
img = self.build_full_block(side_t.rotate(180), None, None, side_t.rotate(270), None)
temp = self.transform_image_side(interior_t)
temp = temp.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, temp, (9, 4), temp)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x4: # west
img = self.build_full_block(side_t.rotate(90), None, None, None, side_t.rotate(270))
temp = self.transform_image_side(interior_t)
alpha_over(img, temp, (3, 4), temp)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x5: # east
img = self.build_full_block(side_t.rotate(270), None, None, back_t, side_t.rotate(90))
else: # pushed in, normal full blocks, easy stuff
if data & 0x07 == 0x0: # down
side_t = side_t.rotate(180)
img = self.build_full_block(back_t, None, None, side_t, side_t)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x1: # up
img = self.build_full_block(piston_t, None, None, side_t, side_t)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x2: # north
img = self.build_full_block(side_t, None, None, side_t.rotate(90), back_t)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x3: # south
img = self.build_full_block(side_t.rotate(180), None, None, side_t.rotate(270), piston_t)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x4: # west
img = self.build_full_block(side_t.rotate(90), None, None, piston_t, side_t.rotate(270))
elif data & 0x07 == 0x5: # east
img = self.build_full_block(side_t.rotate(270), None, None, back_t, side_t.rotate(90))
return img
# sticky and normal piston shaft
@material(blockid=34, data=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def piston_extension(self, blockid, data):
# first, rotation
# Masked to not clobber block head/foot info
if self.rotation in [1, 2, 3] and (data & 0b111) in [2, 3, 4, 5]:
rotation_map = {1: {2: 5, 3: 4, 4: 2, 5: 3},
2: {2: 3, 3: 2, 4: 5, 5: 4},
3: {2: 4, 3: 5, 4: 3, 5: 2}}
data = (data & 0b1000) | rotation_map[self.rotation][data & 0b111]
if data & 0x8 == 0x8: # sticky
piston_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/piston_top_sticky.png").copy()
else: # normal
piston_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/piston_top.png").copy()
# other textures
side_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/piston_side.png").copy()
back_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/piston_top.png").copy()
# crop piston body
ImageDraw.Draw(side_t).rectangle((0, 4, 16, 16), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0), fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
# generate the horizontal piston extension stick
h_stick = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
temp = self.transform_image_side(side_t)
alpha_over(h_stick, temp, (1, 7), temp)
temp = self.transform_image_top(side_t.rotate(90))
alpha_over(h_stick, temp, (1, 1), temp)
# Darken it
sidealpha = h_stick.split()[3]
h_stick = ImageEnhance.Brightness(h_stick).enhance(0.85)
# generate the vertical piston extension stick
v_stick = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
temp = self.transform_image_side(side_t.rotate(90))
alpha_over(v_stick, temp, (12, 6), temp)
temp = temp.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(v_stick, temp, (1, 6), temp)
# Darken it
sidealpha = v_stick.split()[3]
v_stick = ImageEnhance.Brightness(v_stick).enhance(0.85)
# Piston orientation is stored in the 3 first bits
if data & 0x07 == 0x0: # down
side_t = side_t.rotate(180)
img = self.build_full_block((back_t, 12), None, None, side_t, side_t)
alpha_over(img, v_stick, (0, -3), v_stick)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x1: # up
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
img2 = self.build_full_block(piston_t, None, None, side_t, side_t)
alpha_over(img, v_stick, (0, 4), v_stick)
alpha_over(img, img2, (0, 0), img2)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x2: # north
img = self.build_full_block(side_t, None, None, side_t.rotate(90), None)
temp = self.transform_image_side(back_t).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, temp, (2, 2), temp)
alpha_over(img, h_stick, (6, 3), h_stick)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x3: # south
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
img2 = self.build_full_block(side_t.rotate(180), None, None, side_t.rotate(270), piston_t)
alpha_over(img, h_stick, (0, 0), h_stick)
alpha_over(img, img2, (0, 0), img2)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x4: # west
img = self.build_full_block(side_t.rotate(90), None, None, piston_t, side_t.rotate(270))
h_stick = h_stick.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, h_stick, (0, 0), h_stick)
elif data & 0x07 == 0x5: # east
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
img2 = self.build_full_block(side_t.rotate(270), None, None, None, side_t.rotate(90))
h_stick = h_stick.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
temp = self.transform_image_side(back_t)
alpha_over(img2, temp, (10, 2), temp)
alpha_over(img, img2, (0, 0), img2)
alpha_over(img, h_stick, (-3, 2), h_stick)
return img
# cobweb
sprite(blockid=30, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/cobweb.png", nospawn=True)
@material(blockid=31, data=list(range(3)), transparent=True)
def tall_grass(self, blockid, data):
if data == 0: # dead shrub
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dead_bush.png")
elif data == 1: # tall grass
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/grass.png")
elif data == 2: # fern
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/fern.png")
return self.build_billboard(texture)
# dead bush
billboard(blockid=32, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/dead_bush.png")
@material(blockid=35, data=list(range(16)), solid=True)
def wool(self, blockid, data):
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s_wool.png" % color_map[data])
return self.build_block(texture, texture)
# dandelion
sprite(blockid=37, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/dandelion.png")
# flowers
@material(blockid=38, data=list(range(13)), transparent=True)
def flower(self, blockid, data):
flower_map = ["poppy", "blue_orchid", "allium", "azure_bluet", "red_tulip", "orange_tulip",
"white_tulip", "pink_tulip", "oxeye_daisy", "dandelion", "wither_rose",
"cornflower", "lily_of_the_valley"]
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s.png" % flower_map[data])
return self.build_billboard(texture)
# brown mushroom
sprite(blockid=39, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/brown_mushroom.png")
# red mushroom
sprite(blockid=40, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_mushroom.png")
# warped fungus
sprite(blockid=1016, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_fungus.png")
# crimson fungus
sprite(blockid=1017, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_fungus.png")
# warped roots
sprite(blockid=1018, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_roots.png")
# crimson roots
sprite(blockid=1019, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_roots.png")
# block of gold
block(blockid=41, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/gold_block.png")
# block of iron
block(blockid=42, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/iron_block.png")
# double slabs and slabs
# these wooden slabs are unobtainable without cheating, they are still
# here because lots of pre-1.3 worlds use this blocks, add prismarine slabs
@material(blockid=[43, 44, 181, 182, 204, 205, 1124] + list(range(11340, 11359)) +
list(range(1027, 1030)) + list(range(1072, 1080)) + list(range(1103, 1107)),
transparent=[44, 182, 205, 1124] + list(range(11340, 11359)) + list(range(1027, 1030)) +
list(range(1072, 1080)) + list(range(1103, 1107)), solid=True)
def slabs(self, blockid, data):
if blockid == 44 or blockid == 182:
texture = data & 7
else: # data > 8 are special double slabs
texture = data
if blockid == 44 or blockid == 43:
if texture== 0: # stone slab
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone.png")
elif texture== 1: # sandstone slab
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/sandstone_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/sandstone.png")
elif texture== 2: # wooden slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_planks.png")
elif texture== 3: # cobblestone slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cobblestone.png")
elif texture== 4: # brick
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/bricks.png")
elif texture== 5: # stone brick
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone_bricks.png")
elif texture== 6: # nether brick slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_bricks.png")
elif texture== 7: #quartz
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/quartz_block_side.png")
elif texture== 8: # special stone double slab with top texture only
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/smooth_stone.png")
elif texture== 9: # special sandstone double slab with top texture only
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/sandstone_top.png")
return None
elif blockid == 182: # single red sandstone slab
if texture == 0:
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone.png")
return None
elif blockid == 181: # double red sandstone slab
if texture == 0: # red sandstone
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone.png")
elif texture == 8: # 'full' red sandstone (smooth)
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone_top.png");
return None
elif blockid == 204 or blockid == 205: # purpur slab (single=205 double=204)
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/purpur_block.png");
elif blockid == 11340: # prismarine slabs
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/prismarine.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11341: # dark prismarine slabs
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_prismarine.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11342: # prismarine brick slabs
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/prismarine_bricks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11343: # andesite slabs
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/andesite.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11344: # diorite slabs
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/diorite.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11345: # granite slabs
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/granite.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11346: # polished andesite slabs
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_andesite.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11347: # polished diorite slabs
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_diorite.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11348: # polished granite slabs
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_granite.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11349: # red nether brick slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_nether_bricks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11350: # smooth sandstone slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/sandstone_top.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11351: # cut sandstone slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cut_sandstone.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11352: # smooth red sandstone slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone_top.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11353: # cut red sandstone slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cut_red_sandstone.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11354: # end_stone_brick_slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/end_stone_bricks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11355: # mossy_cobblestone_slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/mossy_cobblestone.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11356: # mossy_stone_brick_slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/mossy_stone_bricks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11357: # smooth_quartz_slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/quartz_block_bottom.png").copy()
elif blockid == 11358: # smooth_stone_slab
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/smooth_stone.png").copy()
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/smooth_stone_slab_side.png").copy()
elif blockid == 1027: # blackstone_slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/blackstone.png").copy()
elif blockid == 1028: # polished_blackstone_slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_blackstone.png").copy()
elif blockid == 1029: # polished_blackstone_brick_slab
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_blackstone_bricks.png").copy()
elif blockid in range(1072, 1080):
copper_tex = {
1072: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/cut_copper.png",
1076: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/cut_copper.png",
1073: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/exposed_cut_copper.png",
1077: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/exposed_cut_copper.png",
1074: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/weathered_cut_copper.png",
1078: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/weathered_cut_copper.png",
1075: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/oxidized_cut_copper.png",
1079: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/oxidized_cut_copper.png",
top = side = self.load_image_texture(copper_tex[blockid]).copy()
elif blockid in range(1103, 1107):
deepslate_tex = {
1103: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/cobbled_deepslate.png",
1104: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_deepslate.png",
1105: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_bricks.png",
1106: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_tiles.png",
top = side = self.load_image_texture(deepslate_tex[blockid]).copy()
elif blockid == 1124:
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/mud_bricks.png").copy()
if blockid == 43 or blockid == 181 or blockid == 204: # double slab
return self.build_block(top, side)
return self.build_slab_block(top, side, data & 8 == 8);
# brick block
block(blockid=45, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/bricks.png")
block(blockid=46, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/tnt_top.png", side_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/tnt_side.png", nospawn=True)
# bookshelf
block(blockid=47, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_planks.png", side_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/bookshelf.png")
# moss stone
block(blockid=48, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/mossy_cobblestone.png")
# obsidian
block(blockid=49, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/obsidian.png")
# torch, redstone torch (off), redstone torch(on), soul_torch
@material(blockid=[50, 75, 76, 1039], data=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], transparent=True)
def torches(self, blockid, data):
# first, rotations
if self.rotation == 1:
if data == 1: data = 3
elif data == 2: data = 4
elif data == 3: data = 2
elif data == 4: data = 1
elif self.rotation == 2:
if data == 1: data = 2
elif data == 2: data = 1
elif data == 3: data = 4
elif data == 4: data = 3
elif self.rotation == 3:
if data == 1: data = 4
elif data == 2: data = 3
elif data == 3: data = 1
elif data == 4: data = 2
# choose the proper texture
if blockid == 50: # torch
small = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/torch.png")
elif blockid == 75: # off redstone torch
small = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_torch_off.png")
elif blockid == 76: # on redstone torch
small = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_torch.png")
elif blockid == 1039: # soul torch
small= self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/soul_torch.png")
# compose a torch bigger than the normal
# (better for doing transformations)
torch = Image.new("RGBA", (16,16), self.bgcolor)
# angle of inclination of the texture
rotation = 15
if data == 1: # pointing south
torch = torch.rotate(-rotation, Image.NEAREST) # nearest filter is more nitid.
img = self.build_full_block(None, None, None, torch, None, None)
elif data == 2: # pointing north
torch = torch.rotate(rotation, Image.NEAREST)
img = self.build_full_block(None, None, torch, None, None, None)
elif data == 3: # pointing west
torch = torch.rotate(rotation, Image.NEAREST)
img = self.build_full_block(None, torch, None, None, None, None)
elif data == 4: # pointing east
torch = torch.rotate(-rotation, Image.NEAREST)
img = self.build_full_block(None, None, None, None, torch, None)
elif data == 5: # standing on the floor
# compose a "3d torch".
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
small_crop = small.crop((2,2,14,14))
slice = small_crop.copy()
alpha_over(img, slice, (7,5))
alpha_over(img, small_crop, (6,6))
alpha_over(img, small_crop, (7,6))
alpha_over(img, slice, (7,7))
return img
# lantern
@material(blockid=[11373, 1038], data=[0, 1], transparent=True)
def lantern(self, blockid, data):
# get the multipart texture of the lantern
if blockid == 11373:
inputtexture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/lantern.png")
if blockid == 1038:
inputtexture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/soul_lantern.png")
# # now create a textures, using the parts defined in lantern.json
# JSON data for sides
# from": [ 5, 1, 5 ],
# "to": [11, 8, 11 ],
# { "uv": [ 0, 2, 6, 9 ], "texture": "#all" }
side_crop = inputtexture.crop((0, 2, 6, 9))
side_slice = side_crop.copy()
side_texture = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
side_texture.paste(side_slice,(5, 8))
# JSON data for top
# { "uv": [ 0, 9, 6, 15 ], "texture": "#all" }
top_crop = inputtexture.crop((0, 9, 6, 15))
top_slice = top_crop.copy()
top_texture = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
top_texture.paste(top_slice,(5, 5))
# mimic parts of build_full_block, to get an object smaller than a block
# build_full_block(self, top, side1, side2, side3, side4, bottom=None):
# a non transparent block uses top, side 3 and side 4.
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
# prepare the side textures
# side3
side3 = self.transform_image_side(side_texture)
# Darken this side
sidealpha = side3.split()[3]
side3 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side3).enhance(0.9)
# place the transformed texture
hangoff = 0
if data == 1:
hangoff = 8
xoff = 4
yoff =- hangoff
alpha_over(img, side3, (xoff+0, yoff+6), side3)
# side4
side4 = self.transform_image_side(side_texture)
side4 = side4.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Darken this side
sidealpha = side4.split()[3]
side4 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side4).enhance(0.8)
alpha_over(img, side4, (12-xoff, yoff+6), side4)
# top
top = self.transform_image_top(top_texture)
alpha_over(img, top, (0, 8-hangoff), top)
return img
# bamboo
@material(blockid=11416, transparent=True)
def bamboo(self, blockid, data):
# get the multipart texture of the lantern
inputtexture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/bamboo_stalk.png")
# # now create a textures, using the parts defined in bamboo1_age0.json
# { "from": [ 7, 0, 7 ],
# "to": [ 9, 16, 9 ],
# "faces": {
# "down": { "uv": [ 13, 4, 15, 6 ], "texture": "#all", "cullface": "down" },
# "up": { "uv": [ 13, 0, 15, 2], "texture": "#all", "cullface": "up" },
# "north": { "uv": [ 0, 0, 2, 16 ], "texture": "#all" },
# "south": { "uv": [ 0, 0, 2, 16 ], "texture": "#all" },
# "west": { "uv": [ 0, 0, 2, 16 ], "texture": "#all" },
# "east": { "uv": [ 0, 0, 2, 16 ], "texture": "#all" }
# }
# }
side_crop = inputtexture.crop((0, 0, 3, 16))
side_slice = side_crop.copy()
side_texture = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
side_texture.paste(side_slice,(0, 0))
# JSON data for top
# "up": { "uv": [ 13, 0, 15, 2], "texture": "#all", "cullface": "up" },
top_crop = inputtexture.crop((13, 0, 16, 3))
top_slice = top_crop.copy()
top_texture = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
top_texture.paste(top_slice,(5, 5))
# mimic parts of build_full_block, to get an object smaller than a block
# build_full_block(self, top, side1, side2, side3, side4, bottom=None):
# a non transparent block uses top, side 3 and side 4.
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
# prepare the side textures
# side3
side3 = self.transform_image_side(side_texture)
# Darken this side
sidealpha = side3.split()[3]
side3 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side3).enhance(0.9)
# place the transformed texture
xoff = 3
yoff = 0
alpha_over(img, side3, (4+xoff, yoff), side3)
# side4
side4 = self.transform_image_side(side_texture)
side4 = side4.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Darken this side
sidealpha = side4.split()[3]
side4 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side4).enhance(0.8)
alpha_over(img, side4, (-4+xoff, yoff), side4)
# top
top = self.transform_image_top(top_texture)
alpha_over(img, top, (-4+xoff, -5), top)
return img
# composter
@material(blockid=11417, data=list(range(9)), transparent=True)
def composter(self, blockid, data):
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/composter_side.png")
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/composter_top.png")
# bottom = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/composter_bottom.png")
if data == 0: # empty
return self.build_full_block(top, side, side, side, side)
if data == 8:
compost = self.transform_image_top(
compost = self.transform_image_top(
nudge = {1: (0, 9), 2: (0, 8), 3: (0, 7), 4: (0, 6), 5: (0, 4), 6: (0, 2), 7: (0, 0), 8: (0, 0)}
img = self.build_full_block(None, side, side, None, None)
alpha_over(img, compost, nudge[data], compost)
img2 = self.build_full_block(top, None, None, side, side)
alpha_over(img, img2, (0, 0), img2)
return img
# fire and soul_fire
@material(blockid=[51, 1040], transparent=True)
def fire(self, blockid, data):
if blockid == 51:
textureNS = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/fire_0.png")
textureEW = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/fire_1.png")
elif blockid == 1040:
textureNS = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/soul_fire_0.png")
textureEW = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/soul_fire_1.png")
side1 = self.transform_image_side(textureNS)
side2 = self.transform_image_side(textureEW).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img, side1, (12,0), side1)
alpha_over(img, side2, (0,0), side2)
alpha_over(img, side1, (0,6), side1)
alpha_over(img, side2, (12,6), side2)
return img
# monster spawner
block(blockid=52, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/spawner.png", transparent=True)
# wooden, cobblestone, red brick, stone brick, netherbrick, sandstone, spruce, birch,
# jungle, quartz, red sandstone, purper_stairs, crimson_stairs, warped_stairs, (dark) prismarine,
# mossy brick and mossy cobblestone, stone smooth_quartz
# polished_granite polished_andesite polished_diorite granite diorite andesite end_stone_bricks red_nether_brick stairs
# smooth_red_sandstone blackstone polished_blackstone polished_blackstone_brick
# also all the copper variants
# also all deepslate variants
@material(blockid=[53, 67, 108, 109, 114, 128, 134, 135, 136, 156, 163, 164, 180, 203, 509, 510,
11337, 11338, 11339, 11370, 11371, 11374, 11375, 11376, 11377, 11378, 11379,
11380, 11381, 11382, 11383, 11384, 11415, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1064, 1065, 1066,
1067, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1099, 1100, 1101, 1102],
data=list(range(128)), transparent=True, solid=True, nospawn=True)
def stairs(self, blockid, data):
# preserve the upside-down bit
upside_down = data & 0x4
# find solid quarters within the top or bottom half of the block
quarters = [data & 0x8, data & 0x10, data & 0x20, data & 0x40]
# rotate the quarters so we can pretend northdirection is always upper-left
numpy.roll(quarters, [0,1,3,2][self.rotation])
nw,ne,se,sw = quarters
stair_id_to_tex = {
53: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_planks.png",
67: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/cobblestone.png",
108: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/bricks.png",
109: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone_bricks.png",
114: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_bricks.png",
128: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/sandstone.png",
134: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_planks.png",
135: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_planks.png",
136: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_planks.png",
156: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/quartz_block_side.png",
163: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_planks.png",
164: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_planks.png",
180: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone.png",
203: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/purpur_block.png",
509: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_planks.png",
510: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_planks.png",
11337: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/prismarine.png",
11338: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_prismarine.png",
11339: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/prismarine_bricks.png",
11370: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/mossy_stone_bricks.png",
11371: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/mossy_cobblestone.png",
11374: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/sandstone_top.png",
11375: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/quartz_block_side.png",
11376: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_granite.png",
11377: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_diorite.png",
11378: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_andesite.png",
11379: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone.png",
11380: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/granite.png",
11381: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/diorite.png",
11382: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/andesite.png",
11383: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/end_stone_bricks.png",
11384: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_nether_bricks.png",
11415: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone_top.png",
1030: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/blackstone.png",
1031: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_blackstone.png",
1032: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_blackstone_bricks.png",
# Cut copper stairs
1064: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/cut_copper.png",
1065: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/exposed_cut_copper.png",
1066: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/weathered_cut_copper.png",
1067: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/oxidized_cut_copper.png",
# Waxed cut copper stairs
1068: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/cut_copper.png",
1069: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/exposed_cut_copper.png",
1070: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/weathered_cut_copper.png",
1071: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/oxidized_cut_copper.png",
# Deepslate
1099: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/cobbled_deepslate.png",
1100: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_deepslate.png",
1101: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_bricks.png",
1102: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_tiles.png",
texture = self.load_image_texture(stair_id_to_tex[blockid]).copy()
outside_l = texture.copy()
outside_r = texture.copy()
inside_l = texture.copy()
inside_r = texture.copy()
# sandstone, red sandstone, and quartz stairs have special top texture
special_tops = {
128: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/sandstone_top.png",
156: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/quartz_block_top.png",
180: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone_top.png",
11375: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/quartz_block_top.png",
if blockid in special_tops:
texture = self.load_image_texture(special_tops[blockid]).copy()
slab_top = texture.copy()
push = 8 if upside_down else 0
def rect(tex,coords):
# cut out top or bottom half from inner surfaces
rect(inside_l, (0,8-push,15,15-push))
rect(inside_r, (0,8-push,15,15-push))
# cut out missing or obstructed quarters from each surface
if not nw:
rect(outside_l, (0,push,7,7+push))
rect(texture, (0,0,7,7))
if not nw or sw:
rect(inside_r, (8,push,15,7+push)) # will be flipped
if not ne:
rect(texture, (8,0,15,7))
if not ne or nw:
rect(inside_l, (0,push,7,7+push))
if not ne or se:
rect(inside_r, (0,push,7,7+push)) # will be flipped
if not se:
rect(outside_r, (0,push,7,7+push)) # will be flipped
rect(texture, (8,8,15,15))
if not se or sw:
rect(inside_l, (8,push,15,7+push))
if not sw:
rect(outside_l, (8,push,15,7+push))
rect(outside_r, (8,push,15,7+push)) # will be flipped
rect(texture, (0,8,7,15))
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
if upside_down:
# top should have no cut-outs after all
texture = slab_top
# render the slab-level surface
slab_top = self.transform_image_top(slab_top)
alpha_over(img, slab_top, (0,6))
# render inner left surface
inside_l = self.transform_image_side(inside_l)
# Darken the vertical part of the second step
sidealpha = inside_l.split()[3]
# darken it a bit more than usual, looks better
inside_l = ImageEnhance.Brightness(inside_l).enhance(0.8)
alpha_over(img, inside_l, (6,3))
# render inner right surface
inside_r = self.transform_image_side(inside_r).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Darken the vertical part of the second step
sidealpha = inside_r.split()[3]
# darken it a bit more than usual, looks better
inside_r = ImageEnhance.Brightness(inside_r).enhance(0.7)
alpha_over(img, inside_r, (6,3))
# render outer surfaces
alpha_over(img, self.build_full_block(texture, None, None, outside_l, outside_r))
return img
# normal, locked (used in april's fool day), ender and trapped chest
# NOTE: locked chest used to be id95 (which is now stained glass)
@material(blockid=[54, 130, 146], data=list(range(30)), transparent = True)
def chests(self, blockid, data):
# the first 3 bits are the orientation as stored in minecraft,
# bits 0x8 and 0x10 indicate which half of the double chest is it.
# first, do the rotation if needed
orientation_data = data & 7
if self.rotation == 1:
if orientation_data == 2: data = 5 | (data & 24)
elif orientation_data == 3: data = 4 | (data & 24)
elif orientation_data == 4: data = 2 | (data & 24)
elif orientation_data == 5: data = 3 | (data & 24)
elif self.rotation == 2:
if orientation_data == 2: data = 3 | (data & 24)
elif orientation_data == 3: data = 2 | (data & 24)
elif orientation_data == 4: data = 5 | (data & 24)
elif orientation_data == 5: data = 4 | (data & 24)
elif self.rotation == 3:
if orientation_data == 2: data = 4 | (data & 24)
elif orientation_data == 3: data = 5 | (data & 24)
elif orientation_data == 4: data = 3 | (data & 24)
elif orientation_data == 5: data = 2 | (data & 24)
if blockid == 130 and not data in [2, 3, 4, 5]: return None
# iterate.c will only return the ancil data (without pseudo
# ancil data) for locked and ender chests, so only
# ancilData = 2,3,4,5 are used for this blockids
if data & 24 == 0:
if blockid == 130: t = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/entity/chest/ender.png")
t = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/entity/chest/normal.png")
except (TextureException, IOError):
t = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/entity/chest/chest.png")
t = ImageOps.flip(t) # for some reason the 1.15 images are upside down
# the textures is no longer in terrain.png, get it from
# item/chest.png and get by cropping all the needed stuff
if t.size != (64, 64): t = t.resize((64, 64), Image.ANTIALIAS)
# top
top = t.crop((28, 50, 42, 64))
top.load() # every crop need a load, crop is a lazy operation
# see PIL manual
img = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img, top, (1, 1))
top = img
# front
front_top = t.crop((42, 45, 56, 50))
front_bottom = t.crop((42, 21, 56, 31))
front_lock = t.crop((1, 59, 3, 63))
front = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(front, front_top, (1, 1))
alpha_over(front, front_bottom, (1, 5))
alpha_over(front, front_lock, (7, 3))
# left side
# left side, right side, and back are essentially the same for
# the default texture, we take it anyway just in case other
# textures make use of it.
side_l_top = t.crop((14, 45, 28, 50))
side_l_bottom = t.crop((14, 21, 28, 31))
side_l = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(side_l, side_l_top, (1, 1))
alpha_over(side_l, side_l_bottom, (1, 5))
# right side
side_r_top = t.crop((28, 45, 42, 50))
side_r_bottom = t.crop((28, 21, 42, 31))
side_r = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(side_r, side_r_top, (1, 1))
alpha_over(side_r, side_r_bottom, (1, 5))
# back
back_top = t.crop((0, 45, 14, 50))
back_bottom = t.crop((0, 21, 14, 31))
back = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(back, back_top, (1, 1))
alpha_over(back, back_bottom, (1, 5))
# large chest
# the textures is no longer in terrain.png, get it from
# item/chest.png and get all the needed stuff
t_left = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/entity/chest/normal_left.png")
t_right = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/entity/chest/normal_right.png")
# for some reason the 1.15 images are upside down
t_left = ImageOps.flip(t_left)
t_right = ImageOps.flip(t_right)
# Top
top_left = t_right.crop((29, 50, 44, 64))
top_right = t_left.crop((29, 50, 44, 64))
top = Image.new("RGBA", (32, 16), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(top,top_left, (1, 1))
alpha_over(top,top_right, (16, 1))
# Front
front_top_left = t_left.crop((43, 45, 58, 50))
front_top_right = t_right.crop((43, 45, 58, 50))
front_bottom_left = t_left.crop((43, 21, 58, 31))
front_bottom_right = t_right.crop((43, 21, 58, 31))
front_lock = t_left.crop((1, 59, 3, 63))
front = Image.new("RGBA", (32, 16), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(front, front_top_left, (1, 1))
alpha_over(front, front_top_right, (16, 1))
alpha_over(front, front_bottom_left, (1, 5))
alpha_over(front, front_bottom_right, (16, 5))
alpha_over(front, front_lock, (15, 3))
# Back
back_top_left = t_right.crop((14, 45, 29, 50))
back_top_right = t_left.crop((14, 45, 29, 50))
back_bottom_left = t_right.crop((14, 21, 29, 31))
back_bottom_right = t_left.crop((14, 21, 29, 31))
back = Image.new("RGBA", (32, 16), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(back, back_top_left, (1, 1))
alpha_over(back, back_top_right, (16, 1))
alpha_over(back, back_bottom_left, (1, 5))
alpha_over(back, back_bottom_right, (16, 5))
# left side
side_l_top = t_left.crop((29, 45, 43, 50))
side_l_bottom = t_left.crop((29, 21, 43, 31))
side_l = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(side_l, side_l_top, (1, 1))
alpha_over(side_l, side_l_bottom, (1, 5))
# right side
side_r_top = t_right.crop((0, 45, 14, 50))
side_r_bottom = t_right.crop((0, 21, 14, 31))
side_r = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(side_r, side_r_top, (1, 1))
alpha_over(side_r, side_r_bottom, (1, 5))
# double chest, left half
if ((data & 24 == 8 and data & 7 in [3, 5]) or (data & 24 == 16 and data & 7 in [2, 4])):
top = top.crop((0, 0, 16, 16))
front = front.crop((0, 0, 16, 16))
back = back.crop((0, 0, 16, 16))
#~ side = side_l
# double chest, right half
elif ((data & 24 == 16 and data & 7 in [3, 5]) or (data & 24 == 8 and data & 7 in [2, 4])):
top = top.crop((16, 0, 32, 16))
front = front.crop((16, 0, 32, 16))
back = back.crop((16, 0, 32, 16))
#~ side = side_r
else: # just in case
return None
# compose the final block
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
if data & 7 == 2: # north
side = self.transform_image_side(side_r)
alpha_over(img, side, (1, 7))
back = self.transform_image_side(back)
alpha_over(img, back.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT), (11, 7))
front = self.transform_image_side(front)
top = self.transform_image_top(top.rotate(180))
alpha_over(img, top, (0, 2))
elif data & 7 == 3: # south
side = self.transform_image_side(side_l)
alpha_over(img, side, (1, 7))
front = self.transform_image_side(front).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
top = self.transform_image_top(top.rotate(180))
alpha_over(img, top, (0, 2))
alpha_over(img, front, (11, 7))
elif data & 7 == 4: # west
side = self.transform_image_side(side_r)
alpha_over(img, side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT), (11, 7))
front = self.transform_image_side(front)
alpha_over(img, front, (1, 7))
top = self.transform_image_top(top.rotate(270))
alpha_over(img, top, (0, 2))
elif data & 7 == 5: # east
back = self.transform_image_side(back)
side = self.transform_image_side(side_l).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, side, (11, 7))
alpha_over(img, back, (1, 7))
top = self.transform_image_top(top.rotate(270))
alpha_over(img, top, (0, 2))
else: # just in case
img = None
return img
# redstone wire
# uses pseudo-ancildata found in iterate.c
@material(blockid=55, data=list(range(128)), transparent=True)
def wire(self, blockid, data):
if data & 0b1000000 == 64: # powered redstone wire
redstone_wire_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_dust_line0.png").rotate(90)
redstone_wire_t = self.tint_texture(redstone_wire_t,(255,0,0))
redstone_cross_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_dust_dot.png")
redstone_cross_t = self.tint_texture(redstone_cross_t,(255,0,0))
else: # unpowered redstone wire
redstone_wire_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_dust_line0.png").rotate(90)
redstone_wire_t = self.tint_texture(redstone_wire_t,(48,0,0))
redstone_cross_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_dust_dot.png")
redstone_cross_t = self.tint_texture(redstone_cross_t,(48,0,0))
# generate an image per redstone direction
branch_top_left = redstone_cross_t.copy()
branch_top_right = redstone_cross_t.copy()
branch_bottom_right = redstone_cross_t.copy()
branch_bottom_left = redstone_cross_t.copy()
# generate the bottom texture
if data & 0b111111 == 0:
bottom = redstone_cross_t.copy()
# see iterate.c for where these masks come from
has_x = (data & 0b1010) > 0
has_z = (data & 0b0101) > 0
if has_x and has_z:
bottom = redstone_cross_t.copy()
if has_x:
alpha_over(bottom, redstone_wire_t.copy())
if has_z:
alpha_over(bottom, redstone_wire_t.copy().rotate(90))
if has_x:
bottom = redstone_wire_t.copy()
elif has_z:
bottom = redstone_wire_t.copy().rotate(90)
elif data & 0b1111 == 0:
bottom = redstone_cross_t.copy()
# check for going up redstone wire
if data & 0b100000 == 32:
side1 = redstone_wire_t.rotate(90)
side1 = None
if data & 0b010000 == 16:
side2 = redstone_wire_t.rotate(90)
side2 = None
img = self.build_full_block(None,side1,side2,None,None,bottom)
return img
# diamond ore
block(blockid=56, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/diamond_ore.png")
# diamond block
block(blockid=57, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/diamond_block.png")
# Table blocks with no facing or other properties where sides are not all the same
# Includes: Crafting table, fletching table, cartography table, smithing table
@material(blockid=[58, 11359, 11360, 11361], solid=True, nodata=True)
def block_table(self, blockid, data):
block_name = {58: "crafting_table",
11359: "fletching_table",
11360: "cartography_table",
11361: "smithing_table"}[blockid]
# Top texture doesn't vary with self.rotation, but texture rotation does
top_tex = block_name + "_top"
top_rot = [0, 270, 180, 90][self.rotation]
# List of side textures from side 1 to 4 for each blockid
side_tex_map = {58: ["front", "side", "front", "side"],
11359: ["front", "side", "side", "front"],
11360: ["side3", "side3", "side2", "side1"],
11361: ["front", "side", "side", "front"]}[blockid]
# Determine which side textures to use
side3_id = [2, 3, 1, 0][self.rotation]
side4_id = [3, 1, 0, 2][self.rotation]
side3_tex = block_name + "_" + side_tex_map[side3_id]
side4_tex = block_name + "_" + side_tex_map[side4_id]
tex_path = "assets/minecraft/textures/block"
top = self.load_image_texture("{}/{}.png".format(tex_path, top_tex)).copy()
side3 = self.load_image_texture("{}/{}.png".format(tex_path, side3_tex))
side4 = self.load_image_texture("{}/{}.png".format(tex_path, side4_tex)).copy()
top = top.rotate(top_rot)
side4 = side4.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
return self.build_full_block(top, None, None, side3, side4, None)
@material(blockid=11366, data=list(range(8)), transparent=True, solid=True, nospawn=True)
def lectern(self, blockid, data):
# Do rotation, mask to not clobber book data
data = data & 0b100 | ((self.rotation + (data & 0b11)) % 4)
# Load textures
base_raw_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/lectern_base.png")
front_raw_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/lectern_front.png")
side_raw_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/lectern_sides.png")
top_raw_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/lectern_top.png")
def create_tile(img_src, coord_crop, coord_paste, rot):
# Takes an image, crops a region, optionally rotates the
# texture, then finally pastes it onto a 16x16 image
img_out = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
img_in = img_src.crop(coord_crop)
if rot != 0:
img_in = img_in.rotate(rot, expand=True)
img_out.paste(img_in, coord_paste)
return img_out
def darken_image(img_src, darken_value):
# Takes an image & alters the brightness, leaving alpha intact
alpha = img_src.split()[3]
img_out = ImageEnhance.Brightness(img_src).enhance(darken_value)
return img_out
# Generate base
base_top_t = base_raw_t.rotate([0, 270, 180, 90][data & 0b11])
# Front & side textures are one pixel taller than they should be
# pre-transformation as otherwise the topmost row of pixels
# post-transformation are rather transparent, which results in
# a visible gap between the base's sides & top
base_front_t = create_tile(base_raw_t, (0, 13, 16, 16), (0, 13), 0)
base_side_t = create_tile(base_raw_t, (0, 5, 16, 8), (0, 13), 0)
base_side3_t = base_front_t if data & 0b11 == 1 else base_side_t
base_side4_t = base_front_t if data & 0b11 == 0 else base_side_t
img = self.build_full_block((base_top_t, 14), None, None, base_side3_t, base_side4_t, None)
# Generate central pillar
side_flip_t = side_raw_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Define parameters used to obtain the texture for each side
pillar_param = [{'img': front_raw_t, 'crop': (8, 4, 16, 16), 'paste': (4, 2), 'rot': 0}, # South
{'img': side_raw_t, 'crop': (2, 8, 15, 16), 'paste': (4, 1), 'rot': 270}, # West
{'img': front_raw_t, 'crop': (0, 4, 8, 13), 'paste': (4, 5), 'rot': 0}, # North
{'img': side_flip_t, 'crop': (2, 8, 15, 16), 'paste': (4, 1), 'rot': 90}] # East
# Determine which sides are rendered
pillar_side = [pillar_param[(3 - (data & 0b11)) % 4], pillar_param[(2 - (data & 0b11)) % 4]]
pillar_side3_t = create_tile(pillar_side[0]['img'], pillar_side[0]['crop'],
pillar_side[0]['paste'], pillar_side[0]['rot'])
pillar_side4_t = create_tile(pillar_side[1]['img'], pillar_side[1]['crop'],
pillar_side[1]['paste'], pillar_side[1]['rot'])
pillar_side4_t = pillar_side4_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
pillar_side3_t = self.transform_image_side(pillar_side3_t)
pillar_side3_t = darken_image(pillar_side3_t, 0.9)
pillar_side4_t = self.transform_image_side(pillar_side4_t).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
pillar_side4_t = darken_image(pillar_side4_t, 0.8)
alpha_over(img, pillar_side3_t, (3, 4), pillar_side3_t)
alpha_over(img, pillar_side4_t, (9, 4), pillar_side4_t)
# Generate stand
if (data & 0b11) in [0, 1]: # South, West
stand_side3_t = create_tile(side_raw_t, (0, 0, 16, 4), (0, 4), 0)
stand_side4_t = create_tile(side_raw_t, (0, 4, 13, 8), (0, 0), -22.5)
else: # North, East
stand_side3_t = create_tile(side_raw_t, (0, 4, 16, 8), (0, 0), 0)
stand_side4_t = create_tile(side_raw_t, (0, 4, 13, 8), (0, 0), 22.5)
stand_side3_t = self.transform_image_angle(stand_side3_t, math.radians(22.5))
stand_side3_t = darken_image(stand_side3_t, 0.9)
stand_side4_t = self.transform_image_side(stand_side4_t).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
stand_side4_t = darken_image(stand_side4_t, 0.8)
stand_top_t = create_tile(top_raw_t, (0, 1, 16, 14), (0, 1), 0)
if data & 0b100:
# Lectern has a book, modify the stand top texture
book_raw_t = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/entity/enchanting_table_book.png")
book_t = Image.new("RGBA", (14, 10), self.bgcolor)
book_part_t = book_raw_t.crop((0, 0, 7, 10)) # Left cover
alpha_over(stand_top_t, book_part_t, (1, 3), book_part_t)
book_part_t = book_raw_t.crop((15, 0, 22, 10)) # Right cover
alpha_over(stand_top_t, book_part_t, (8, 3))
book_part_t = book_raw_t.crop((24, 10, 29, 18)).rotate(180) # Left page
alpha_over(stand_top_t, book_part_t, (3, 4), book_part_t)
book_part_t = book_raw_t.crop((29, 10, 34, 18)).rotate(180) # Right page
alpha_over(stand_top_t, book_part_t, (8, 4), book_part_t)
# Perform affine transformation
transform_matrix = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(3))
if (data & 0b11) in [0, 1]: # South, West
# Translate: 8 -X, 8 -Y
transform_matrix *= numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 8], [0, 1, 8], [0, 0, 1]])
# Rotate 40 degrees clockwise
tc = math.cos(math.radians(40))
ts = math.sin(math.radians(40))
transform_matrix *= numpy.matrix([[tc, ts, 0], [-ts, tc, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
# Shear in the Y direction
tt = math.tan(math.radians(10))
transform_matrix *= numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [tt, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
# Scale to 70% height & 110% width
transform_matrix *= numpy.matrix([[1 / 1.1, 0, 0], [0, 1 / 0.7, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
# Translate: 12 +X, 8 +Y
transform_matrix *= numpy.matrix([[1, 0, -12], [0, 1, -8], [0, 0, 1]])
else: # North, East
# Translate: 8 -X, 8 -Y
transform_matrix *= numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 8], [0, 1, 8], [0, 0, 1]])
# Shear in the X direction
tt = math.tan(math.radians(25))
transform_matrix *= numpy.matrix([[1, tt, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
# Scale to 80% height
transform_matrix *= numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1 / 0.8, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
# Rotate 220 degrees clockwise
tc = math.cos(math.radians(40 + 180))
ts = math.sin(math.radians(40 + 180))
transform_matrix *= numpy.matrix([[tc, ts, 0], [-ts, tc, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
# Scale to 60% height
transform_matrix *= numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1 / 0.6, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
# Translate: +13 X, +7 Y
transform_matrix *= numpy.matrix([[1, 0, -13], [0, 1, -7], [0, 0, 1]])
transform_matrix = numpy.array(transform_matrix)[:2, :].ravel().tolist()
stand_top_t = stand_top_t.transform((24, 24), Image.AFFINE, transform_matrix)
img_stand = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img_stand, stand_side3_t, (-4, 2), stand_side3_t) # Fix some holes
alpha_over(img_stand, stand_side3_t, (-3, 3), stand_side3_t)
alpha_over(img_stand, stand_side4_t, (12, 5), stand_side4_t)
alpha_over(img_stand, stand_top_t, (0, 0), stand_top_t)
# Flip the stand if North or South facing
if (data & 0b11) in [0, 2]:
img_stand = img_stand.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, img_stand, (0, -2), img_stand)
return img
@material(blockid=11367, data=list(range(4)), solid=True)
def loom(self, blockid, data):
# Do rotation
data = (self.rotation + data) % 4
top_rot = [180, 90, 0, 270][data]
side3_tex = "front" if data == 1 else "side"
side4_tex = "front" if data == 0 else "side"
tex_path = "assets/minecraft/textures/block"
top = self.load_image_texture("{}/loom_top.png".format(tex_path)).copy()
side3 = self.load_image_texture("{}/loom_{}.png".format(tex_path, side3_tex))
side4 = self.load_image_texture("{}/loom_{}.png".format(tex_path, side4_tex)).copy()
top = top.rotate(top_rot)
side4 = side4.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
return self.build_full_block(top, None, None, side3, side4, None)
@material(blockid=11368, data=list(range(4)), transparent=True, solid=True, nospawn=True)
def stonecutter(self, blockid, data):
# Do rotation
data = (self.rotation + data) % 4
top_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/stonecutter_top.png").copy()
side_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/stonecutter_side.png")
# Stonecutter saw texture contains multiple tiles, since it's
# 16px wide rely on load_image_texture() to crop appropriately
blade_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/stonecutter_saw.png").copy()
top_t = top_t.rotate([180, 90, 0, 270][data])
img = self.build_full_block((top_t, 7), None, None, side_t, side_t, None)
# Add saw blade
if data in [0, 2]:
blade_t = blade_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
blade_t = self.transform_image_side(blade_t)
if data in [0, 2]:
blade_t = blade_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, blade_t, (6, -4), blade_t)
return img
@material(blockid=11369, data=list(range(12)), transparent=True, solid=True, nospawn=True)
def grindstone(self, blockid, data):
# Do rotation, mask to not clobber mounting info
data = data & 0b1100 | ((self.rotation + (data & 0b11)) % 4)
# Load textures
side_raw_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/grindstone_side.png").copy()
round_raw_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/grindstone_round.png").copy()
pivot_raw_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/grindstone_pivot.png").copy()
leg_raw_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_log.png").copy()
def create_tile(img_src, coord_crop, coord_paste, scale):
# Takes an image, crops a region, optionally scales the
# texture, then finally pastes it onto a 16x16 image
img_out = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
img_in = img_src.crop(coord_crop)
if scale >= 0 and scale != 1:
w, h = img_in.size
img_in = img_in.resize((int(w * scale), int(h * scale)), Image.NEAREST)
img_out.paste(img_in, coord_paste)
return img_out
# Set variables defining positions of various parts
wall_mounted = bool(data & 0b0100)
rot_leg = [0, 270, 0][data >> 2]
if wall_mounted:
pos_leg = (32, 28) if data & 0b11 in [2, 3] else (10, 18)
coord_leg = [(0, 0), (-10, -1), (2, 3)]
offset_final = [(2, 1), (-2, 1), (-2, -1), (2, -1)][data & 0b11]
pos_leg = [(22, 31), (22, 9)][data >> 3]
coord_leg = [(0, 0), (-1, 2), (-2, -3)]
offset_final = (0, 2 * (data >> 2) - 1)
# Create parts
# Scale up small parts like pivot & leg to avoid ugly results
# when shearing & combining parts, then scale down to original
# size just before final image composition
scale_factor = 2
side_t = create_tile(side_raw_t, (0, 0, 12, 12), (2, 0), 1)
round_ud_t = create_tile(round_raw_t, (0, 0, 8, 12), (4, 2), 1)
round_lr_t = create_tile(round_raw_t, (0, 0, 8, 12), (4, 0), 1)
pivot_outer_t = create_tile(pivot_raw_t, (0, 0, 6, 6), (2, 2), scale_factor)
pivot_lr_t = create_tile(pivot_raw_t, (6, 0, 8, 6), (2, 2), scale_factor)
pivot_ud_t = create_tile(pivot_raw_t, (8, 0, 10, 6), (2, 2), scale_factor)
leg_outer_t = create_tile(leg_raw_t, (6, 9, 10, 16), (2, 2), scale_factor).rotate(rot_leg)
leg_lr_t = create_tile(leg_raw_t, (12, 9, 14, 16), (2, 2), scale_factor).rotate(rot_leg)
leg_ud_t = create_tile(leg_raw_t, (2, 6, 4, 10), (2, 2), scale_factor)
# Transform to block sides & tops
side_t = self.transform_image_side(side_t)
round_ud_t = self.transform_image_top(round_ud_t)
round_lr_t = self.transform_image_side(round_lr_t).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
pivot_outer_t = self.transform_image_side(pivot_outer_t)
pivot_lr_t = self.transform_image_side(pivot_lr_t).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
pivot_ud_t = self.transform_image_top(pivot_ud_t)
leg_outer_t = self.transform_image_side(leg_outer_t)
if wall_mounted:
leg_lr_t = self.transform_image_top(leg_lr_t).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
leg_ud_t = self.transform_image_side(leg_ud_t).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
leg_lr_t = self.transform_image_side(leg_lr_t).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
leg_ud_t = self.transform_image_top(leg_ud_t)
# Compose leg texture
img_leg = Image.new("RGBA", (24 * scale_factor, 24 * scale_factor), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img_leg, leg_outer_t, coord_leg[0], leg_outer_t)
alpha_over(img_leg, leg_lr_t, coord_leg[1], leg_lr_t)
alpha_over(img_leg, leg_ud_t, coord_leg[2], leg_ud_t)
# Compose pivot texture (& combine with leg)
img_pivot = Image.new("RGBA", (24 * scale_factor, 24 * scale_factor), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img_pivot, pivot_ud_t, (20, 18), pivot_ud_t)
alpha_over(img_pivot, pivot_lr_t, (23, 24), pivot_lr_t) # Fix gaps between face edges
alpha_over(img_pivot, pivot_lr_t, (24, 24), pivot_lr_t)
alpha_over(img_pivot, img_leg, pos_leg, img_leg)
alpha_over(img_pivot, pivot_outer_t, (21, 21), pivot_outer_t)
if hasattr(Image, "LANCZOS"): # workaround for older Pillow
img_pivot = img_pivot.resize((24, 24), Image.LANCZOS)
img_pivot = img_pivot.resize((24, 24))
# Combine leg, side, round & pivot
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
img_final = img.copy()
alpha_over(img, img_pivot, (1, -5), img_pivot)
alpha_over(img, round_ud_t, (0, 2), round_ud_t) # Fix gaps between face edges
alpha_over(img, side_t, (3, 6), side_t)
alpha_over(img, round_ud_t, (0, 1), round_ud_t)
alpha_over(img, round_lr_t, (10, 6), round_lr_t)
alpha_over(img, img_pivot, (-5, -1), img_pivot)
if (data & 0b11) in [1, 3]:
img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img_final, img, offset_final, img)
return img_final
# crops with 8 data values (like wheat)
@material(blockid=59, data=list(range(8)), transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def crops8(self, blockid, data):
raw_crop = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/wheat_stage%d.png" % data)
crop1 = self.transform_image_top(raw_crop)
crop2 = self.transform_image_side(raw_crop)
crop3 = crop2.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img, crop1, (0,12), crop1)
alpha_over(img, crop2, (6,3), crop2)
alpha_over(img, crop3, (6,3), crop3)
return img
# farmland and grass path (15/16 blocks)
@material(blockid=[60, 208], data=list(range(2)), solid=True, transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def farmland(self, blockid, data):
if blockid == 60:
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dirt.png").copy()
if data == 0:
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/farmland.png")
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/farmland_moist.png")
# dirt.png is 16 pixels tall, so we need to crop it before building full block
side = side.crop((0, 1, 16, 16))
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dirt_path_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dirt_path_side.png")
# side already has 1 transparent pixel at the top, so it doesn't need to be modified
# just shift the top image down 1 pixel
return self.build_full_block((top, 1), side, side, side, side)
# signposts
@material(blockid=[63,11401,11402,11403,11404,11405,11406,12505,12506], data=list(range(16)), transparent=True)
def signpost(self, blockid, data):
# first rotations
if self.rotation == 1:
data = (data + 4) % 16
elif self.rotation == 2:
data = (data + 8) % 16
elif self.rotation == 3:
data = (data + 12) % 16
sign_texture = {
# (texture on sign, texture on stick)
63: ("oak_planks.png", "oak_log.png"),
11401: ("oak_planks.png", "oak_log.png"),
11402: ("spruce_planks.png", "spruce_log.png"),
11403: ("birch_planks.png", "birch_log.png"),
11404: ("jungle_planks.png", "jungle_log.png"),
11405: ("acacia_planks.png", "acacia_log.png"),
11406: ("dark_oak_planks.png", "dark_oak_log.png"),
12505: ("crimson_planks.png", "crimson_stem.png"),
12506: ("warped_planks.png", "warped_stem.png"),
texture_path, texture_stick_path = ["assets/minecraft/textures/block/" + x for x in sign_texture[blockid]]
texture = self.load_image_texture(texture_path).copy()
# cut the planks to the size of a signpost
# If the signpost is looking directly to the image, draw some
# random dots, they will look as text.
if data in (0,1,2,3,4,5,15):
for i in range(15):
x = randint(4,11)
y = randint(3,7)
# Minecraft uses wood texture for the signpost stick
texture_stick = self.load_image_texture(texture_stick_path)
texture_stick = texture_stick.resize((12,12), Image.ANTIALIAS)
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
# W N ~90 E S ~270
angles = (330.,345.,0.,15.,30.,55.,95.,120.,150.,165.,180.,195.,210.,230.,265.,310.)
angle = math.radians(angles[data])
post = self.transform_image_angle(texture, angle)
# choose the position of the "3D effect"
incrementx = 0
if data in (1,6,7,8,9,14):
incrementx = -1
elif data in (3,4,5,11,12,13):
incrementx = +1
alpha_over(img, texture_stick,(11, 8),texture_stick)
# post2 is a brighter signpost pasted with a small shift,
# gives to the signpost some 3D effect.
post2 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(post).enhance(1.2)
alpha_over(img, post2,(incrementx, -3),post2)
alpha_over(img, post, (0,-2), post)
return img
# wooden and iron door
# uses pseudo-ancildata found in iterate.c
@material(blockid=[64,71,193,194,195,196,197, 499, 500], data=list(range(32)), transparent=True)
def door(self, blockid, data):
#Masked to not clobber block top/bottom & swung info
if self.rotation == 1:
if (data & 0b00011) == 0: data = data & 0b11100 | 1
elif (data & 0b00011) == 1: data = data & 0b11100 | 2
elif (data & 0b00011) == 2: data = data & 0b11100 | 3
elif (data & 0b00011) == 3: data = data & 0b11100 | 0
elif self.rotation == 2:
if (data & 0b00011) == 0: data = data & 0b11100 | 2
elif (data & 0b00011) == 1: data = data & 0b11100 | 3
elif (data & 0b00011) == 2: data = data & 0b11100 | 0
elif (data & 0b00011) == 3: data = data & 0b11100 | 1
elif self.rotation == 3:
if (data & 0b00011) == 0: data = data & 0b11100 | 3
elif (data & 0b00011) == 1: data = data & 0b11100 | 0
elif (data & 0b00011) == 2: data = data & 0b11100 | 1
elif (data & 0b00011) == 3: data = data & 0b11100 | 2
if data & 0x8 == 0x8: # top of the door
if blockid == 64: # classic wood door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_door_top.png")
elif blockid == 71: # iron door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/iron_door_top.png")
elif blockid == 193: # spruce door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_door_top.png")
elif blockid == 194: # birch door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_door_top.png")
elif blockid == 195: # jungle door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_door_top.png")
elif blockid == 196: # acacia door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_door_top.png")
elif blockid == 197: # dark_oak door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_door_top.png")
elif blockid == 499: # crimson door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_door_top.png")
elif blockid == 500: # warped door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_door_top.png")
else: # bottom of the door
if blockid == 64:
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_door_bottom.png")
elif blockid == 71: # iron door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/iron_door_bottom.png")
elif blockid == 193: # spruce door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_door_bottom.png")
elif blockid == 194: # birch door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_door_bottom.png")
elif blockid == 195: # jungle door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_door_bottom.png")
elif blockid == 196: # acacia door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_door_bottom.png")
elif blockid == 197: # dark_oak door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_door_bottom.png")
elif blockid == 499: # crimson door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_door_bottom.png")
elif blockid == 500: # warped door
raw_door = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_door_bottom.png")
# if you want to render all doors as closed, then force
# force closed to be True
if data & 0x4 == 0x4:
closed = False
closed = True
if data & 0x10 == 0x10:
# hinge on the left (facing same door direction)
hinge_on_left = True
# hinge on the right (default single door)
hinge_on_left = False
# mask out the high bits to figure out the orientation
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
if (data & 0x03) == 0: # facing west when closed
if hinge_on_left:
if closed:
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
alpha_over(img, tex, (0,6), tex)
# flip first to set the doornob on the correct side
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
tex = tex.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, tex, (12,6), tex)
if closed:
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door)
alpha_over(img, tex, (0,6), tex)
# flip first to set the doornob on the correct side
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
tex = tex.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, tex, (0,0), tex)
if (data & 0x03) == 1: # facing north when closed
if hinge_on_left:
if closed:
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, tex, (0,0), tex)
# flip first to set the doornob on the correct side
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door)
alpha_over(img, tex, (0,6), tex)
if closed:
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, tex, (0,0), tex)
# flip first to set the doornob on the correct side
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door)
alpha_over(img, tex, (12,0), tex)
if (data & 0x03) == 2: # facing east when closed
if hinge_on_left:
if closed:
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door)
alpha_over(img, tex, (12,0), tex)
# flip first to set the doornob on the correct side
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door)
tex = tex.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, tex, (0,0), tex)
if closed:
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
alpha_over(img, tex, (12,0), tex)
# flip first to set the doornob on the correct side
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, tex, (12,6), tex)
if (data & 0x03) == 3: # facing south when closed
if hinge_on_left:
if closed:
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, tex, (12,6), tex)
# flip first to set the doornob on the correct side
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
alpha_over(img, tex, (12,0), tex)
if closed:
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
tex = tex.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, tex, (12,6), tex)
# flip first to set the doornob on the correct side
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_door.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
alpha_over(img, tex, (0,6), tex)
return img
# ladder
@material(blockid=65, data=[2, 3, 4, 5], transparent=True)
def ladder(self, blockid, data):
# first rotations
if self.rotation == 1:
if data == 2: data = 5
elif data == 3: data = 4
elif data == 4: data = 2
elif data == 5: data = 3
elif self.rotation == 2:
if data == 2: data = 3
elif data == 3: data = 2
elif data == 4: data = 5
elif data == 5: data = 4
elif self.rotation == 3:
if data == 2: data = 4
elif data == 3: data = 5
elif data == 4: data = 3
elif data == 5: data = 2
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
raw_texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/ladder.png")
if data == 5:
# normally this ladder would be obsured by the block it's attached to
# but since ladders can apparently be placed on transparent blocks, we
# have to render this thing anyway. same for data == 2
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_texture)
alpha_over(img, tex, (0,6), tex)
return img
if data == 2:
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_texture).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, tex, (12,6), tex)
return img
if data == 3:
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_texture).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, tex, (0,0), tex)
return img
if data == 4:
tex = self.transform_image_side(raw_texture)
alpha_over(img, tex, (12,0), tex)
return img
# wall signs
@material(blockid=[68,11407,11408,11409,11410,11411,11412,12507,12508], data=[2, 3, 4, 5], transparent=True)
def wall_sign(self, blockid, data): # wall sign
# first rotations
if self.rotation == 1:
if data == 2: data = 5
elif data == 3: data = 4
elif data == 4: data = 2
elif data == 5: data = 3
elif self.rotation == 2:
if data == 2: data = 3
elif data == 3: data = 2
elif data == 4: data = 5
elif data == 5: data = 4
elif self.rotation == 3:
if data == 2: data = 4
elif data == 3: data = 5
elif data == 4: data = 3
elif data == 5: data = 2
sign_texture = {
68: "oak_planks.png",
11407: "oak_planks.png",
11408: "spruce_planks.png",
11409: "birch_planks.png",
11410: "jungle_planks.png",
11411: "acacia_planks.png",
11412: "dark_oak_planks.png",
12507: "crimson_planks.png",
12508: "warped_planks.png",
texture_path = "assets/minecraft/textures/block/" + sign_texture[blockid]
texture = self.load_image_texture(texture_path).copy()
# cut the planks to the size of a signpost
# draw some random black dots, they will look as text
""" don't draw text at the moment, they are used in blank for decoration
if data in (3,4):
for i in range(15):
x = randint(4,11)
y = randint(3,7)
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
incrementx = 0
if data == 2: # east
incrementx = +1
sign = self.build_full_block(None, None, None, None, texture)
elif data == 3: # west
incrementx = -1
sign = self.build_full_block(None, texture, None, None, None)
elif data == 4: # north
incrementx = +1
sign = self.build_full_block(None, None, texture, None, None)
elif data == 5: # south
incrementx = -1
sign = self.build_full_block(None, None, None, texture, None)
sign2 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(sign).enhance(1.2)
alpha_over(img, sign2,(incrementx, 2),sign2)
alpha_over(img, sign, (0,3), sign)
return img
# levers
@material(blockid=69, data=list(range(16)), transparent=True)
def levers(self, blockid, data):
if data & 8 == 8: powered = True
else: powered = False
data = data & 7
# first rotations
if self.rotation == 1:
# on wall levers
if data == 1: data = 3
elif data == 2: data = 4
elif data == 3: data = 2
elif data == 4: data = 1
# on floor levers
elif data == 5: data = 6
elif data == 6: data = 5
elif self.rotation == 2:
if data == 1: data = 2
elif data == 2: data = 1
elif data == 3: data = 4
elif data == 4: data = 3
elif data == 5: data = 5
elif data == 6: data = 6
elif self.rotation == 3:
if data == 1: data = 4
elif data == 2: data = 3
elif data == 3: data = 1
elif data == 4: data = 2
elif data == 5: data = 6
elif data == 6: data = 5
# generate the texture for the base of the lever
t_base = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone.png").copy()
# generate the texture for the stick
stick = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/lever.png").copy()
c_stick = Image.new("RGBA", (16,16), self.bgcolor)
tmp = ImageEnhance.Brightness(stick).enhance(0.8)
alpha_over(c_stick, tmp, (1,0), tmp)
alpha_over(c_stick, stick, (0,0), stick)
t_stick = self.transform_image_side(c_stick.rotate(45, Image.NEAREST))
# where the lever will be composed
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
# wall levers
if data == 1: # facing SOUTH
# levers can't be placed in transparent blocks, so this
# direction is almost invisible
return None
elif data == 2: # facing NORTH
base = self.transform_image_side(t_base)
# paste it twice with different brightness to make a fake 3D effect
alpha_over(img, base, (12,-1), base)
alpha = base.split()[3]
base = ImageEnhance.Brightness(base).enhance(0.9)
alpha_over(img, base, (11,0), base)
# paste the lever stick
pos = (7,-7)
if powered:
t_stick = t_stick.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
pos = (7,6)
alpha_over(img, t_stick, pos, t_stick)
elif data == 3: # facing WEST
base = self.transform_image_side(t_base)
# paste it twice with different brightness to make a fake 3D effect
base = base.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, base, (0,-1), base)
alpha = base.split()[3]
base = ImageEnhance.Brightness(base).enhance(0.9)
alpha_over(img, base, (1,0), base)
# paste the lever stick
t_stick = t_stick.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
pos = (5,-7)
if powered:
t_stick = t_stick.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
pos = (6,6)
alpha_over(img, t_stick, pos, t_stick)
elif data == 4: # facing EAST
# levers can't be placed in transparent blocks, so this
# direction is almost invisible
return None
# floor levers
elif data == 5: # pointing south when off
# lever base, fake 3d again
base = self.transform_image_top(t_base)
alpha = base.split()[3]
tmp = ImageEnhance.Brightness(base).enhance(0.8)
alpha_over(img, tmp, (0,12), tmp)
alpha_over(img, base, (0,11), base)
# lever stick
pos = (3,2)
if not powered:
t_stick = t_stick.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
pos = (11,2)
alpha_over(img, t_stick, pos, t_stick)
elif data == 6: # pointing east when off
# lever base, fake 3d again
base = self.transform_image_top(t_base.rotate(90))
alpha = base.split()[3]
tmp = ImageEnhance.Brightness(base).enhance(0.8)
alpha_over(img, tmp, (0,12), tmp)
alpha_over(img, base, (0,11), base)
# lever stick
pos = (2,3)
if not powered:
t_stick = t_stick.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
pos = (10,2)
alpha_over(img, t_stick, pos, t_stick)
return img
# wooden and stone pressure plates, and weighted pressure plates
@material(blockid=[70, 72,147,148,11301,11302,11303,11304,11305, 1033,11517,11518], data=[0,1], transparent=True)
def pressure_plate(self, blockid, data):
texture_name = {70:"assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone.png", # stone
72:"assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_planks.png", # oak
11301:"assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_planks.png", # spruce
11302:"assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_planks.png", # birch
11303:"assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_planks.png", # jungle
11304:"assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_planks.png", # acacia
11305:"assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_planks.png", # dark oak
11517:"assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_planks.png", # crimson
11518:"assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_planks.png", # warped
147:"assets/minecraft/textures/block/gold_block.png", # light golden
148:"assets/minecraft/textures/block/iron_block.png", # heavy iron
t = self.load_image_texture(texture_name).copy()
# cut out the outside border, pressure plates are smaller
# than a normal block
# create the textures and a darker version to make a 3d by
# pasting them with an offstet of 1 pixel
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
top = self.transform_image_top(t)
alpha = top.split()[3]
topd = ImageEnhance.Brightness(top).enhance(0.8)
#show it 3d or 2d if unpressed or pressed
if data == 0:
alpha_over(img,topd, (0,12),topd)
alpha_over(img,top, (0,11),top)
elif data == 1:
alpha_over(img,top, (0,12),top)
return img
# normal and glowing redstone ore
block(blockid=[73, 74], top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_ore.png")
# stone and wood buttons
@material(blockid=(77,143,11326,11327,11328,11329,11330,1034,11515,11516), data=list(range(16)), transparent=True)
def buttons(self, blockid, data):
# 0x8 is set if the button is pressed mask this info and render
# it as unpressed
data = data & 0x7
if self.rotation == 1:
if data == 1: data = 3
elif data == 2: data = 4
elif data == 3: data = 2
elif data == 4: data = 1
elif data == 5: data = 6
elif data == 6: data = 5
elif self.rotation == 2:
if data == 1: data = 2
elif data == 2: data = 1
elif data == 3: data = 4
elif data == 4: data = 3
elif self.rotation == 3:
if data == 1: data = 4
elif data == 2: data = 3
elif data == 3: data = 1
elif data == 4: data = 2
elif data == 5: data = 6
elif data == 6: data = 5
texturepath = {77:"assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone.png",
t = self.load_image_texture(texturepath).copy()
# generate the texture for the button
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
if data < 5:
button = self.transform_image_side(t)
if data == 1: # facing SOUTH
# buttons can't be placed in transparent blocks, so this
# direction can't be seen
return None
elif data == 2: # facing NORTH
# paste it twice with different brightness to make a 3D effect
alpha_over(img, button, (12,-1), button)
alpha = button.split()[3]
button = ImageEnhance.Brightness(button).enhance(0.9)
alpha_over(img, button, (11,0), button)
elif data == 3: # facing WEST
# paste it twice with different brightness to make a 3D effect
button = button.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, button, (0,-1), button)
alpha = button.split()[3]
button = ImageEnhance.Brightness(button).enhance(0.9)
alpha_over(img, button, (1,0), button)
elif data == 4: # facing EAST
# buttons can't be placed in transparent blocks, so this
# direction can't be seen
return None
if data == 5: # long axis east-west
button = self.transform_image_top(t)
else: # long axis north-south
button = self.transform_image_top(t.rotate(90))
# paste it twice with different brightness to make a 3D effect
alpha_over(img, button, (0,12), button)
alpha = button.split()[3]
button = ImageEnhance.Brightness(button).enhance(0.9)
alpha_over(img, button, (0,11), button)
return img
# end rod
@material(blockid=198, data=list(range(6)), transparent=True, solid=True)
def end_rod(self, blockid, data):
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/end_rod.png")
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
mask = tex.crop((0, 0, 2, 15))
sidetex = Image.new(tex.mode, tex.size, self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(sidetex, mask, (14, 0), mask)
mask = tex.crop((2, 3, 6, 7))
bottom = Image.new(tex.mode, tex.size, self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(bottom, mask, (5, 6), mask)
if data == 1 or data == 0:
side = self.transform_image_side(sidetex)
otherside = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
bottom = self.transform_image_top(bottom)
if data == 1: # up
mask = tex.crop((2, 0, 4, 2))
top = Image.new(tex.mode, tex.size, self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(top, mask, (7, 2), mask)
top = self.transform_image_top(top)
alpha_over(img, bottom, (0, 11), bottom)
alpha_over(img, side, (0, 0), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (11, 0), otherside)
alpha_over(img, top, (3, 1), top)
elif data == 0: # down
alpha_over(img, side, (0, 0), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (11, 0), otherside)
alpha_over(img, bottom, (0, 0), bottom)
otherside = self.transform_image_top(sidetex)
sidetex = sidetex.rotate(90)
side = self.transform_image_side(sidetex)
bottom = self.transform_image_side(bottom)
bottom = bottom.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
def draw_south():
alpha_over(img, bottom, (0, 0), bottom)
alpha_over(img, side, (7, 8), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (-3, 9), otherside)
def draw_north():
alpha_over(img, side, (7, 8), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (-3, 9), otherside)
alpha_over(img, bottom, (12, 6), bottom)
def draw_west():
_bottom = bottom.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, _bottom, (13, 0), _bottom)
_side = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, _side, (7, 8), _side)
_otherside = otherside.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, _otherside, (4, 9), _otherside)
def draw_east():
_side = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, _side, (7, 8), _side)
_otherside = otherside.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, _otherside, (4, 9), _otherside)
_bottom = bottom.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, _bottom, (0, 6), _bottom)
draw_funcs = [ draw_south, draw_west, draw_north, draw_east ]
if data == 3: # south
elif data == 2: # north
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 2) % len(draw_funcs)]()
elif data == 4: # west
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 1) % len(draw_funcs)]()
elif data == 5: # east
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 3) % len(draw_funcs)]()
return img
# snow
@material(blockid=78, data=list(range(1, 9)), transparent=True, solid=True)
def snow(self, blockid, data):
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/snow.png")
y = 16 - (data * 2)
mask = tex.crop((0, y, 16, 16))
sidetex = Image.new(tex.mode, tex.size, self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(sidetex, mask, (0,y,16,16), mask)
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
top = self.transform_image_top(tex)
side = self.transform_image_side(sidetex)
otherside = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
sidealpha = side.split()[3]
side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side).enhance(0.9)
othersidealpha = otherside.split()[3]
otherside = ImageEnhance.Brightness(otherside).enhance(0.8)
alpha_over(img, side, (0, 6), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (12, 6), otherside)
alpha_over(img, top, (0, 12 - int(12 / 8 * data)), top)
return img
# snow block
block(blockid=80, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/snow.png")
# cactus
@material(blockid=81, data=list(range(15)), transparent=True, solid=True, nospawn=True)
def cactus(self, blockid, data):
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cactus_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cactus_side.png")
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
top = self.transform_image_top(top)
side = self.transform_image_side(side)
otherside = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
sidealpha = side.split()[3]
side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side).enhance(0.9)
othersidealpha = otherside.split()[3]
otherside = ImageEnhance.Brightness(otherside).enhance(0.8)
alpha_over(img, side, (1,6), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (11,6), otherside)
alpha_over(img, top, (0,0), top)
return img
# clay block
block(blockid=82, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/clay.png")
# sugar cane
@material(blockid=83, data=list(range(16)), transparent=True)
def sugar_cane(self, blockid, data):
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/sugar_cane.png")
return self.build_sprite(tex)
# jukebox
@material(blockid=84, data=list(range(16)), solid=True)
def jukebox(self, blockid, data):
return self.build_block(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jukebox_top.png"), self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/note_block.png"))
# nether and normal fences
@material(blockid=[85, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 113, 511, 512], data=list(range(16)), transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def fence(self, blockid, data):
# create needed images for Big stick fence
if blockid == 85: # normal fence
fence_top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_planks.png").copy()
fence_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_planks.png").copy()
fence_small_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 188: # spruce fence
fence_top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_planks.png").copy()
fence_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_planks.png").copy()
fence_small_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 189: # birch fence
fence_top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_planks.png").copy()
fence_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_planks.png").copy()
fence_small_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 190: # jungle fence
fence_top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_planks.png").copy()
fence_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_planks.png").copy()
fence_small_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 191: # big/dark oak fence
fence_top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_planks.png").copy()
fence_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_planks.png").copy()
fence_small_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 192: # acacia fence
fence_top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_planks.png").copy()
fence_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_planks.png").copy()
fence_small_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 511: # crimson_fence
fence_top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_planks.png").copy()
fence_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_planks.png").copy()
fence_small_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 512: # warped fence
fence_top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_planks.png").copy()
fence_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_planks.png").copy()
fence_small_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_planks.png").copy()
else: # netherbrick fence
fence_top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_bricks.png").copy()
fence_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_bricks.png").copy()
fence_small_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_bricks.png").copy()
# generate the textures of the fence
# Create the sides and the top of the big stick
fence_side = self.transform_image_side(fence_side)
fence_other_side = fence_side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
fence_top = self.transform_image_top(fence_top)
# Darken the sides slightly. These methods also affect the alpha layer,
# so save them first (we don't want to "darken" the alpha layer making
# the block transparent)
sidealpha = fence_side.split()[3]
fence_side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(fence_side).enhance(0.9)
othersidealpha = fence_other_side.split()[3]
fence_other_side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(fence_other_side).enhance(0.8)
# Compose the fence big stick
fence_big = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(fence_big,fence_side, (5,4),fence_side)
alpha_over(fence_big,fence_other_side, (7,4),fence_other_side)
alpha_over(fence_big,fence_top, (0,0),fence_top)
# Now render the small sticks.
# Create needed images
# Create the sides and the top of the small sticks
fence_small_side = self.transform_image_side(fence_small_side)
fence_small_other_side = fence_small_side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Darken the sides slightly. These methods also affect the alpha layer,
# so save them first (we don't want to "darken" the alpha layer making
# the block transparent)
sidealpha = fence_small_other_side.split()[3]
fence_small_other_side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(fence_small_other_side).enhance(0.9)
sidealpha = fence_small_side.split()[3]
fence_small_side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(fence_small_side).enhance(0.9)
# Create img to compose the fence
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
# Position of fence small sticks in img.
# These postitions are strange because the small sticks of the
# fence are at the very left and at the very right of the 16x16 images
pos_top_left = (2,3)
pos_top_right = (10,3)
pos_bottom_right = (10,7)
pos_bottom_left = (2,7)
# +x axis points top right direction
# +y axis points bottom right direction
# First compose small sticks in the back of the image,
# then big stick and then small sticks in the front.
def draw_north():
alpha_over(img, fence_small_side, pos_top_left, fence_small_side)
def draw_east():
alpha_over(img, fence_small_other_side, pos_top_right, fence_small_other_side)
def draw_south():
alpha_over(img, fence_small_side, pos_bottom_right, fence_small_side)
def draw_west():
alpha_over(img, fence_small_other_side, pos_bottom_left, fence_small_other_side)
draw_funcs = [draw_north, draw_east, draw_south, draw_west]
if (data & 0b0001):
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 0) % len(draw_funcs)]()
if (data & 0b0010):
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 1) % len(draw_funcs)]()
alpha_over(img, fence_big, (0, 0), fence_big)
if (data & 0b0100):
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 2) % len(draw_funcs)]()
if (data & 0b1000):
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 3) % len(draw_funcs)]()
return img
# pumpkin
@material(blockid=[86, 91,11300], data=list(range(4)), solid=True)
def pumpkin(self, blockid, data): # pumpkins, jack-o-lantern
# rotation
if self.rotation == 1:
if data == 0: data = 1
elif data == 1: data = 2
elif data == 2: data = 3
elif data == 3: data = 0
elif self.rotation == 2:
if data == 0: data = 2
elif data == 1: data = 3
elif data == 2: data = 0
elif data == 3: data = 1
elif self.rotation == 3:
if data == 0: data = 3
elif data == 1: data = 0
elif data == 2: data = 1
elif data == 3: data = 2
# texture generation
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/pumpkin_top.png")
frontName = {86: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/pumpkin_side.png",
91: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/jack_o_lantern.png",
11300: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/carved_pumpkin.png"
front = self.load_image_texture(frontName)
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/pumpkin_side.png")
if data == 0: # pointing west
img = self.build_full_block(top, None, None, side, front)
elif data == 1: # pointing north
img = self.build_full_block(top, None, None, front, side)
else: # in any other direction the front can't be seen
img = self.build_full_block(top, None, None, side, side)
return img
# netherrack
block(blockid=87, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/netherrack.png")
# soul sand
block(blockid=88, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/soul_sand.png")
# glowstone
block(blockid=89, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/glowstone.png")
# shroomlight
block(blockid=1011, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/shroomlight.png")
# portal
@material(blockid=90, data=[1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10], transparent=True)
def portal(self, blockid, data):
# no rotations, uses pseudo data
portaltexture = self.load_portal()
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
side = self.transform_image_side(portaltexture)
otherside = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
if data in (1,4,5):
alpha_over(img, side, (5,4), side)
if data in (2,8,10):
alpha_over(img, otherside, (5,4), otherside)
return img
# cake!
@material(blockid=92, data=list(range(7)), transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def cake(self, blockid, data):
# cake textures
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cake_top.png").copy()
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cake_side.png").copy()
fullside = side.copy()
inside = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cake_inner.png")
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
if data == 0: # unbitten cake
top = self.transform_image_top(top)
side = self.transform_image_side(side)
otherside = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# darken sides slightly
sidealpha = side.split()[3]
side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side).enhance(0.9)
othersidealpha = otherside.split()[3]
otherside = ImageEnhance.Brightness(otherside).enhance(0.8)
# composite the cake
alpha_over(img, side, (1, 6), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (11, 5), otherside) # workaround, fixes a hole
alpha_over(img, otherside, (12, 6), otherside)
alpha_over(img, top, (0, 6), top)
# cut the textures for a bitten cake
bite_width = int(14 / 7) # Cake is 14px wide with 7 slices
coord = 1 + bite_width * data
ImageDraw.Draw(side).rectangle((16 - coord, 0, 16, 16), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0),
fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
ImageDraw.Draw(top).rectangle((0, 0, coord - 1, 16), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0),
fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
# the bitten part of the cake always points to the west
# composite the cake for every north orientation
if self.rotation == 0: # north top-left
# create right side
rs = self.transform_image_side(side).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# create bitten side and its coords
deltax = bite_width * data
deltay = -1 * data
if data in [3, 4, 5, 6]:
deltax -= 1
ls = self.transform_image_side(inside)
# create top side
t = self.transform_image_top(top)
# darken sides slightly
sidealpha = ls.split()[3]
ls = ImageEnhance.Brightness(ls).enhance(0.9)
othersidealpha = rs.split()[3]
rs = ImageEnhance.Brightness(rs).enhance(0.8)
# compose the cake
alpha_over(img, rs, (12, 6), rs)
alpha_over(img, ls, (1 + deltax, 6 + deltay), ls)
alpha_over(img, t, (1, 6), t)
elif self.rotation == 1: # north top-right
# bitten side not shown
# create left side
ls = self.transform_image_side(side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
# create top
t = self.transform_image_top(top.rotate(-90))
# create right side
rs = self.transform_image_side(fullside).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# darken sides slightly
sidealpha = ls.split()[3]
ls = ImageEnhance.Brightness(ls).enhance(0.9)
othersidealpha = rs.split()[3]
rs = ImageEnhance.Brightness(rs).enhance(0.8)
# compose the cake
alpha_over(img, ls, (2, 6), ls)
alpha_over(img, t, (1, 6), t)
alpha_over(img, rs, (12, 6), rs)
elif self.rotation == 2: # north bottom-right
# bitten side not shown
# left side
ls = self.transform_image_side(fullside)
# top
t = self.transform_image_top(top.rotate(180))
# right side
rs = self.transform_image_side(side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
rs = rs.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# darken sides slightly
sidealpha = ls.split()[3]
ls = ImageEnhance.Brightness(ls).enhance(0.9)
othersidealpha = rs.split()[3]
rs = ImageEnhance.Brightness(rs).enhance(0.8)
# compose the cake
alpha_over(img, ls, (2, 6), ls)
alpha_over(img, t, (1, 6), t)
alpha_over(img, rs, (12, 6), rs)
elif self.rotation == 3: # north bottom-left
# create left side
ls = self.transform_image_side(side)
# create top
t = self.transform_image_top(top.rotate(90))
# create right side and its coords
deltax = 12 - bite_width * data
deltay = -1 * data
if data in [3, 4, 5, 6]:
deltax += 1
rs = self.transform_image_side(inside).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# darken sides slightly
sidealpha = ls.split()[3]
ls = ImageEnhance.Brightness(ls).enhance(0.9)
othersidealpha = rs.split()[3]
rs = ImageEnhance.Brightness(rs).enhance(0.8)
# compose the cake
alpha_over(img, ls, (2, 6), ls)
alpha_over(img, t, (1, 6), t)
alpha_over(img, rs, (1 + deltax, 6 + deltay), rs)
return img
# redstone repeaters ON and OFF
@material(blockid=[93,94], data=list(range(16)), transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def repeater(self, blockid, data):
# rotation
# Masked to not clobber delay info
if self.rotation == 1:
if (data & 0b0011) == 0: data = data & 0b1100 | 1
elif (data & 0b0011) == 1: data = data & 0b1100 | 2
elif (data & 0b0011) == 2: data = data & 0b1100 | 3
elif (data & 0b0011) == 3: data = data & 0b1100 | 0
elif self.rotation == 2:
if (data & 0b0011) == 0: data = data & 0b1100 | 2
elif (data & 0b0011) == 1: data = data & 0b1100 | 3
elif (data & 0b0011) == 2: data = data & 0b1100 | 0
elif (data & 0b0011) == 3: data = data & 0b1100 | 1
elif self.rotation == 3:
if (data & 0b0011) == 0: data = data & 0b1100 | 3
elif (data & 0b0011) == 1: data = data & 0b1100 | 0
elif (data & 0b0011) == 2: data = data & 0b1100 | 1
elif (data & 0b0011) == 3: data = data & 0b1100 | 2
# generate the diode
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/repeater.png") if blockid == 93 else self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/repeater_on.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/smooth_stone_slab_side.png")
increment = 13
if (data & 0x3) == 0: # pointing east
if (data & 0x3) == 1: # pointing south
top = top.rotate(270)
if (data & 0x3) == 2: # pointing west
top = top.rotate(180)
if (data & 0x3) == 3: # pointing north
top = top.rotate(90)
img = self.build_full_block( (top, increment), None, None, side, side)
# compose a "3d" redstone torch
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_torch_off.png").copy() if blockid == 93 else self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_torch.png").copy()
torch = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
t_crop = t.crop((2,2,14,14))
slice = t_crop.copy()
alpha_over(torch, slice, (6,4))
alpha_over(torch, t_crop, (5,5))
alpha_over(torch, t_crop, (6,5))
alpha_over(torch, slice, (6,6))
# paste redstone torches everywhere!
# the torch is too tall for the repeater, crop the bottom.
# touch up the 3d effect with big rectangles, just in case, for other texture packs
# torch positions for every redstone torch orientation.
# This is a horrible list of torch orientations. I tried to
# obtain these orientations by rotating the positions for one
# orientation, but pixel rounding is horrible and messes the
# torches.
if (data & 0x3) == 0: # pointing east
if (data & 0xC) == 0: # one tick delay
moving_torch = (1,1)
static_torch = (-3,-1)
elif (data & 0xC) == 4: # two ticks delay
moving_torch = (2,2)
static_torch = (-3,-1)
elif (data & 0xC) == 8: # three ticks delay
moving_torch = (3,2)
static_torch = (-3,-1)
elif (data & 0xC) == 12: # four ticks delay
moving_torch = (4,3)
static_torch = (-3,-1)
elif (data & 0x3) == 1: # pointing south
if (data & 0xC) == 0: # one tick delay
moving_torch = (1,1)
static_torch = (5,-1)
elif (data & 0xC) == 4: # two ticks delay
moving_torch = (0,2)
static_torch = (5,-1)
elif (data & 0xC) == 8: # three ticks delay
moving_torch = (-1,2)
static_torch = (5,-1)
elif (data & 0xC) == 12: # four ticks delay
moving_torch = (-2,3)
static_torch = (5,-1)
elif (data & 0x3) == 2: # pointing west
if (data & 0xC) == 0: # one tick delay
moving_torch = (1,1)
static_torch = (5,3)
elif (data & 0xC) == 4: # two ticks delay
moving_torch = (0,0)
static_torch = (5,3)
elif (data & 0xC) == 8: # three ticks delay
moving_torch = (-1,0)
static_torch = (5,3)
elif (data & 0xC) == 12: # four ticks delay
moving_torch = (-2,-1)
static_torch = (5,3)
elif (data & 0x3) == 3: # pointing north
if (data & 0xC) == 0: # one tick delay
moving_torch = (1,1)
static_torch = (-3,3)
elif (data & 0xC) == 4: # two ticks delay
moving_torch = (2,0)
static_torch = (-3,3)
elif (data & 0xC) == 8: # three ticks delay
moving_torch = (3,0)
static_torch = (-3,3)
elif (data & 0xC) == 12: # four ticks delay
moving_torch = (4,-1)
static_torch = (-3,3)
# this paste order it's ok for east and south orientation
# but it's wrong for north and west orientations. But using the
# default texture pack the torches are small enough to no overlap.
alpha_over(img, torch, static_torch, torch)
alpha_over(img, torch, moving_torch, torch)
return img
# redstone comparator (149 is inactive, 150 is active)
@material(blockid=[149,150], data=list(range(16)), transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def comparator(self, blockid, data):
# rotation
# add self.rotation to the lower 2 bits, mod 4
data = data & 0b1100 | (((data & 0b11) + self.rotation) % 4)
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/comparator.png") if blockid == 149 else self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/comparator_on.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/smooth_stone_slab_side.png")
increment = 13
if (data & 0x3) == 0: # pointing north
static_torch = (-3,-1)
torch = ((0,2),(6,-1))
if (data & 0x3) == 1: # pointing east
top = top.rotate(270)
static_torch = (5,-1)
torch = ((-4,-1),(0,2))
if (data & 0x3) == 2: # pointing south
top = top.rotate(180)
static_torch = (5,3)
torch = ((0,-4),(-4,-1))
if (data & 0x3) == 3: # pointing west
top = top.rotate(90)
static_torch = (-3,3)
torch = ((1,-4),(6,-1))
def build_torch(active):
# compose a "3d" redstone torch
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_torch_off.png").copy() if not active else self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_torch.png").copy()
torch = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
t_crop = t.crop((2,2,14,14))
slice = t_crop.copy()
alpha_over(torch, slice, (6,4))
alpha_over(torch, t_crop, (5,5))
alpha_over(torch, t_crop, (6,5))
alpha_over(torch, slice, (6,6))
return torch
active_torch = build_torch(True)
inactive_torch = build_torch(False)
back_torch = active_torch if (blockid == 150 or data & 0b1000 == 0b1000) else inactive_torch
static_torch_img = active_torch if (data & 0b100 == 0b100) else inactive_torch
img = self.build_full_block( (top, increment), None, None, side, side)
alpha_over(img, static_torch_img, static_torch, static_torch_img)
alpha_over(img, back_torch, torch[0], back_torch)
alpha_over(img, back_torch, torch[1], back_torch)
return img
# trapdoor
# the trapdoor is looks like a sprite when opened, that's not good
@material(blockid=[96,167,11332,11333,11334,11335,11336,12501,12502], data=list(range(16)), transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def trapdoor(self, blockid, data):
# rotation
# Masked to not clobber opened/closed info
if self.rotation == 1:
if (data & 0b0011) == 0: data = data & 0b1100 | 3
elif (data & 0b0011) == 1: data = data & 0b1100 | 2
elif (data & 0b0011) == 2: data = data & 0b1100 | 0
elif (data & 0b0011) == 3: data = data & 0b1100 | 1
elif self.rotation == 2:
if (data & 0b0011) == 0: data = data & 0b1100 | 1
elif (data & 0b0011) == 1: data = data & 0b1100 | 0
elif (data & 0b0011) == 2: data = data & 0b1100 | 3
elif (data & 0b0011) == 3: data = data & 0b1100 | 2
elif self.rotation == 3:
if (data & 0b0011) == 0: data = data & 0b1100 | 2
elif (data & 0b0011) == 1: data = data & 0b1100 | 3
elif (data & 0b0011) == 2: data = data & 0b1100 | 1
elif (data & 0b0011) == 3: data = data & 0b1100 | 0
# texture generation
texturepath = {96:"assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_trapdoor.png",
if data & 0x4 == 0x4: # opened trapdoor
if data & 0x08 == 0x08: texture = self.load_image_texture(texturepath).transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
else: texture = self.load_image_texture(texturepath)
if data & 0x3 == 0: # west
img = self.build_full_block(None, None, None, None, texture)
if data & 0x3 == 1: # east
img = self.build_full_block(None, texture, None, None, None)
if data & 0x3 == 2: # south
img = self.build_full_block(None, None, texture, None, None)
if data & 0x3 == 3: # north
img = self.build_full_block(None, None, None, texture, None)
elif data & 0x4 == 0: # closed trapdoor
texture = self.load_image_texture(texturepath)
if data & 0x8 == 0x8: # is a top trapdoor
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
t = self.build_full_block((texture, 12), None, None, texture, texture)
alpha_over(img, t, (0,-9),t)
else: # is a bottom trapdoor
img = self.build_full_block((texture, 12), None, None, texture, texture)
return img
# block with hidden silverfish (stone, cobblestone and stone brick)
@material(blockid=97, data=list(range(3)), solid=True)
def hidden_silverfish(self, blockid, data):
if data == 0: # stone
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone.png")
elif data == 1: # cobblestone
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cobblestone.png")
elif data == 2: # stone brick
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone_bricks.png")
img = self.build_block(t, t)
return img
# stone brick
@material(blockid=98, data=list(range(4)), solid=True)
def stone_brick(self, blockid, data):
if data == 0: # normal
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone_bricks.png")
elif data == 1: # mossy
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/mossy_stone_bricks.png")
elif data == 2: # cracked
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cracked_stone_bricks.png")
elif data == 3: # "circle" stone brick
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/chiseled_stone_bricks.png")
img = self.build_full_block(t, None, None, t, t)
return img
# huge brown/red mushrooms, and mushroom stems
@material(blockid=[99, 100, 139], data=list(range(64)), solid=True)
def huge_mushroom(self, blockid, data):
# Re-arrange the bits in data based on self.rotation
# rotation bit: 654321
if self.rotation in [1, 2, 3]:
bit_map = {1: [6, 5, 3, 2, 1, 4],
2: [6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 3],
3: [6, 5, 1, 4, 3, 2]}
new_data = 0
# Add the ith bit to new_data then shift left one at a time,
# re-ordering data's bits in the order specified in bit_map
for i in bit_map[self.rotation]:
new_data = new_data << 1
new_data |= (data >> (i - 1)) & 1
data = new_data
# texture generation
texture_map = {99: "brown_mushroom_block",
100: "red_mushroom_block",
139: "mushroom_stem"}
cap = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s.png" % texture_map[blockid])
porous = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/mushroom_block_inside.png")
# Faces visible after amending data for rotation are: up, West, and South
side_up = cap if data & 0b010000 else porous # Up
side_west = cap if data & 0b000010 else porous # West
side_south = cap if data & 0b000001 else porous # South
side_south = side_south.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
return self.build_full_block(side_up, None, None, side_west, side_south)
# iron bars and glass pane
# TODO glass pane is not a sprite, it has a texture for the side,
# at the moment is not used
@material(blockid=[101,102, 160], data=list(range(256)), transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def panes(self, blockid, data):
# no rotation, uses pseudo data
if blockid == 101:
# iron bars
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/iron_bars.png")
elif blockid == 160:
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s_stained_glass.png" % color_map[data & 0xf])
# glass panes
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/glass.png")
left = t.copy()
right = t.copy()
center = t.copy()
# generate the four small pieces of the glass pane
up_center = self.transform_image_side(center)
up_left = self.transform_image_side(left)
up_right = self.transform_image_side(right).transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
dw_right = self.transform_image_side(right)
dw_left = self.transform_image_side(left).transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
# Create img to compose the texture
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
# +x axis points top right direction
# +y axis points bottom right direction
# First compose things in the back of the image,
# then things in the front.
# the lower 4 bits encode color, the upper 4 encode adjencies
data = data >> 4
if data == 0:
alpha_over(img, up_center, (6, 3), up_center) # center
def draw_top_left():
alpha_over(img, up_left, (6, 3), up_left) # top left
def draw_top_right():
alpha_over(img, up_right, (6, 3), up_right) # top right
def draw_bottom_right():
alpha_over(img, dw_right, (6, 3), dw_right) # bottom right
def draw_bottom_left():
alpha_over(img, dw_left, (6, 3), dw_left) # bottom left
draw_funcs = [draw_top_left, draw_top_right, draw_bottom_right, draw_bottom_left]
if (data & 0b0001) == 1:
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 0) % len(draw_funcs)]()
if (data & 0b0010) == 2:
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 1) % len(draw_funcs)]()
if (data & 0b0100) == 4:
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 2) % len(draw_funcs)]()
if (data & 0b1000) == 8:
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 3) % len(draw_funcs)]()
return img
# melon
block(blockid=103, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/melon_top.png", side_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/melon_side.png", solid=True)
# pumpkin and melon stem
# TODO To render it as in game needs from pseudo data and ancil data:
# once fully grown the stem bends to the melon/pumpkin block,
# at the moment only render the growing stem
@material(blockid=[104,105], data=list(range(8)), transparent=True)
def stem(self, blockid, data):
# the ancildata value indicates how much of the texture
# is shown.
# not fully grown stem or no pumpkin/melon touching it,
# straight up stem
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/melon_stem.png").copy()
img = Image.new("RGBA", (16,16), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img, t, (0, int(16 - 16*((data + 1)/8.))), t)
img = self.build_sprite(t)
if data & 7 == 7:
# fully grown stem gets brown color!
# there is a conditional in rendermode-normal.c to not
# tint the data value 7
img = self.tint_texture(img, (211,169,116))
return img
# nether vines
billboard(blockid=1012, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/twisting_vines.png")
billboard(blockid=1013, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/twisting_vines_plant.png")
billboard(blockid=1014, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/weeping_vines.png")
billboard(blockid=1015, imagename="assets/minecraft/textures/block/weeping_vines_plant.png")
# vines
@material(blockid=106, data=list(range(32)), transparent=True, solid=False, nospawn=True)
def vines(self, blockid, data):
# Re-arrange the bits in data based on self.rotation
# rotation bit: 54321
if self.rotation in [1, 2, 3]:
bit_map = {1: [5, 3, 2, 1, 4],
2: [5, 2, 1, 4, 3],
3: [5, 1, 4, 3, 2]}
new_data = 0
# Add the ith bit to new_data then shift left one at a time,
# re-ordering data's bits in the order specified in bit_map
for i in bit_map[self.rotation]:
new_data = new_data << 1
new_data |= (data >> (i - 1)) & 1
data = new_data
# decode data and prepare textures
raw_texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/vine.png")
side_up = raw_texture if data & 0b10000 else None # Up
side_east = raw_texture if data & 0b01000 else None # East
side_north = raw_texture if data & 0b00100 else None # North
side_west = raw_texture if data & 0b00010 else None # West
side_south = raw_texture if data & 0b00001 else None # South
return self.build_full_block(side_up, side_north, side_east, side_west, side_south)
# fence gates
@material(blockid=[107, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 513, 514], data=list(range(8)), transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def fence_gate(self, blockid, data):
# rotation
opened = False
if data & 0x4:
data = data & 0x3
opened = True
if self.rotation == 1:
if data == 0: data = 1
elif data == 1: data = 2
elif data == 2: data = 3
elif data == 3: data = 0
elif self.rotation == 2:
if data == 0: data = 2
elif data == 1: data = 3
elif data == 2: data = 0
elif data == 3: data = 1
elif self.rotation == 3:
if data == 0: data = 3
elif data == 1: data = 0
elif data == 2: data = 1
elif data == 3: data = 2
if opened:
data = data | 0x4
# create the closed gate side
if blockid == 107: # Oak
gate_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 183: # Spruce
gate_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 184: # Birch
gate_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 185: # Jungle
gate_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 186: # Dark Oak
gate_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 187: # Acacia
gate_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 513: # Crimson
gate_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_planks.png").copy()
elif blockid == 514: # Warped
gate_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_planks.png").copy()
return None
gate_side_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(gate_side)
# darken the sides slightly, as with the fences
sidealpha = gate_side.split()[3]
gate_side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(gate_side).enhance(0.9)
# create the other sides
mirror_gate_side = self.transform_image_side(gate_side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
gate_side = self.transform_image_side(gate_side)
gate_other_side = gate_side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
mirror_gate_other_side = mirror_gate_side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Create img to compose the fence gate
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
if data & 0x4:
# opened
data = data & 0x3
if data == 0:
alpha_over(img, gate_side, (2,8), gate_side)
alpha_over(img, gate_side, (13,3), gate_side)
elif data == 1:
alpha_over(img, gate_other_side, (-1,3), gate_other_side)
alpha_over(img, gate_other_side, (10,8), gate_other_side)
elif data == 2:
alpha_over(img, mirror_gate_side, (-1,7), mirror_gate_side)
alpha_over(img, mirror_gate_side, (10,2), mirror_gate_side)
elif data == 3:
alpha_over(img, mirror_gate_other_side, (2,1), mirror_gate_other_side)
alpha_over(img, mirror_gate_other_side, (13,7), mirror_gate_other_side)
# closed
# positions for pasting the fence sides, as with fences
pos_top_left = (2,3)
pos_top_right = (10,3)
pos_bottom_right = (10,7)
pos_bottom_left = (2,7)
if data == 0 or data == 2:
alpha_over(img, gate_other_side, pos_top_right, gate_other_side)
alpha_over(img, mirror_gate_other_side, pos_bottom_left, mirror_gate_other_side)
elif data == 1 or data == 3:
alpha_over(img, gate_side, pos_top_left, gate_side)
alpha_over(img, mirror_gate_side, pos_bottom_right, mirror_gate_side)
return img
# mycelium
block(blockid=110, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/mycelium_top.png", side_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/mycelium_side.png")
# warped_nylium & crimson_nylium
block(blockid=1006, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_nylium.png", side_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_nylium_side.png")
block(blockid=1007, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_nylium.png", side_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_nylium_side.png")
# lilypad
# At the moment of writing this lilypads has no ancil data and their
# orientation depends on their position on the map. So it uses pseudo
# ancildata.
@material(blockid=111, data=list(range(4)), transparent=True)
def lilypad(self, blockid, data):
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/lily_pad.png").copy()
if data == 0:
t = t.rotate(180)
elif data == 1:
t = t.rotate(270)
elif data == 2:
t = t
elif data == 3:
t = t.rotate(90)
return self.build_full_block(None, None, None, None, None, t)
# nether bricks
@material(blockid=112, data=list(range(3)), solid=True)
def nether_bricks(self, blockid, data):
if data == 0: # normal
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_bricks.png")
elif data == 1: # cracked
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cracked_nether_bricks.png")
elif data == 2: # chiseled
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/chiseled_nether_bricks.png")
img = self.build_full_block(t, None, None, t, t)
return img
# nether wart
@material(blockid=115, data=list(range(4)), transparent=True)
def nether_wart(self, blockid, data):
if data == 0: # just come up
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_wart_stage0.png")
elif data in (1, 2):
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_wart_stage1.png")
else: # fully grown
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_wart_stage2.png")
# use the same technic as tall grass
img = self.build_billboard(t)
return img
# enchantment table
# TODO there's no book at the moment
@material(blockid=116, transparent=True, nodata=True)
def enchantment_table(self, blockid, data):
# no book at the moment
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/enchanting_table_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/enchanting_table_side.png")
img = self.build_full_block((top, 4), None, None, side, side)
return img
# brewing stand
# TODO this is a place holder, is a 2d image pasted
@material(blockid=117, data=list(range(5)), transparent=True)
def brewing_stand(self, blockid, data):
base = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/brewing_stand_base.png")
img = self.build_full_block(None, None, None, None, None, base)
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/brewing_stand.png")
stand = self.build_billboard(t)
return img
# cauldron
@material(blockid=118, data=list(range(16)), transparent=True, solid=True, nospawn=True)
def cauldron(self, blockid, data):
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cauldron_side.png").copy()
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cauldron_top.png")
filltype = (data & (3 << 2)) >> 2
if filltype == 3:
water = self.transform_image_top(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/powder_snow.png"))
elif filltype == 2:
water = self.transform_image_top(self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/lava_still.png"))
else: # filltype == 1 or 0
water = self.transform_image_top(self.load_image_texture("water.png"))
# Side texture isn't transparent between the feet, so adjust the texture
ImageDraw.Draw(side).rectangle((5, 14, 11, 16), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0), fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
level = (data & 3)
if level == 0: # Empty
img = self.build_full_block(top, side, side, side, side)
else: # Part or fully filled
# Is filled in increments of a third, with level indicating how many thirds are filled
img = self.build_full_block(None, side, side, None, None)
alpha_over(img, water, (0, 12 - level * 4), water)
img2 = self.build_full_block(top, None, None, side, side)
alpha_over(img, img2, (0, 0), img2)
return img
# end portal and end_gateway
@material(blockid=[119,209], transparent=True, nodata=True)
def end_portal(self, blockid, data):
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
# generate a black texure with white, blue and grey dots resembling stars
t = Image.new("RGBA", (16,16), (0,0,0,255))
for color in [(155,155,155,255), (100,255,100,255), (255,255,255,255)]:
for i in range(6):
x = randint(0,15)
y = randint(0,15)
if blockid == 209: # end_gateway
return self.build_block(t, t)
t = self.transform_image_top(t)
alpha_over(img, t, (0,0), t)
return img
# end portal frame (data range 8 to get all orientations of filled)
@material(blockid=120, data=list(range(8)), transparent=True, solid=True, nospawn=True)
def end_portal_frame(self, blockid, data):
# Do rotation, only seems to affect ender eye & top of frame
data = data & 0b100 | ((self.rotation + (data & 0b11)) % 4)
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/end_portal_frame_top.png").copy()
top = top.rotate((data % 4) * 90)
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/end_portal_frame_side.png")
img = self.build_full_block((top, 4), None, None, side, side)
if data & 0x4 == 0x4: # ender eye on it
# generate the eye
eye_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/end_portal_frame_eye.png").copy()
eye_t_s = eye_t.copy()
# cut out from the texture the side and the top of the eye
ImageDraw.Draw(eye_t).rectangle((0, 0, 15, 4), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0), fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
ImageDraw.Draw(eye_t_s).rectangle((0, 4, 15, 15), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0), fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
# transform images and paste
eye = self.transform_image_top(eye_t.rotate((data % 4) * 90))
eye_s = self.transform_image_side(eye_t_s)
eye_os = eye_s.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, eye_s, (5, 5), eye_s)
alpha_over(img, eye_os, (9, 5), eye_os)
alpha_over(img, eye, (0, 0), eye)
return img
# end stone
block(blockid=121, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/end_stone.png")
# dragon egg
# NOTE: this isn't a block, but I think it's better than nothing
block(blockid=122, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/dragon_egg.png")
# inactive redstone lamp
block(blockid=123, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_lamp.png")
# active redstone lamp
block(blockid=124, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_lamp_on.png")
# daylight sensor.
@material(blockid=[151,178], transparent=True)
def daylight_sensor(self, blockid, data):
if blockid == 151: # daylight sensor
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/daylight_detector_top.png")
else: # inverted daylight sensor
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/daylight_detector_inverted_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/daylight_detector_side.png")
# cut the side texture in half
mask = side.crop((0,8,16,16))
side = Image.new(side.mode, side.size, self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(side, mask,(0,0,16,8), mask)
# plain slab
top = self.transform_image_top(top)
side = self.transform_image_side(side)
otherside = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
sidealpha = side.split()[3]
side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(side).enhance(0.9)
othersidealpha = otherside.split()[3]
otherside = ImageEnhance.Brightness(otherside).enhance(0.8)
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img, side, (0,12), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (12,12), otherside)
alpha_over(img, top, (0,6), top)
return img
# wooden double and normal slabs
# these are the new wooden slabs, blockids 43 44 still have wooden
# slabs, but those are unobtainable without cheating
@material(blockid=[125, 126], data=list(range(16)), transparent=(44,), solid=True)
def wooden_slabs(self, blockid, data):
texture = data & 7
if texture== 0: # oak
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/oak_planks.png")
elif texture== 1: # spruce
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/spruce_planks.png")
elif texture== 2: # birch
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/birch_planks.png")
elif texture== 3: # jungle
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jungle_planks.png")
elif texture== 4: # acacia
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/acacia_planks.png")
elif texture== 5: # dark wood
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_planks.png")
elif texture== 6: # crimson
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/crimson_planks.png")
elif texture== 7: # warped
top = side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_planks.png")
return None
if blockid == 125: # double slab
return self.build_block(top, side)
return self.build_slab_block(top, side, data & 8 == 8);
# emerald ore
block(blockid=129, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/emerald_ore.png")
# emerald block
block(blockid=133, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/emerald_block.png")
# cocoa plant
@material(blockid=127, data=list(range(12)), transparent=True)
def cocoa_plant(self, blockid, data):
orientation = data & 3
# rotation
if self.rotation == 1:
if orientation == 0: orientation = 1
elif orientation == 1: orientation = 2
elif orientation == 2: orientation = 3
elif orientation == 3: orientation = 0
elif self.rotation == 2:
if orientation == 0: orientation = 2
elif orientation == 1: orientation = 3
elif orientation == 2: orientation = 0
elif orientation == 3: orientation = 1
elif self.rotation == 3:
if orientation == 0: orientation = 3
elif orientation == 1: orientation = 0
elif orientation == 2: orientation = 1
elif orientation == 3: orientation = 2
size = data & 12
if size == 8: # big
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cocoa_stage2.png")
c_left = (0,3)
c_right = (8,3)
c_top = (5,2)
elif size == 4: # normal
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cocoa_stage1.png")
c_left = (-2,2)
c_right = (8,2)
c_top = (5,2)
elif size == 0: # small
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cocoa_stage0.png")
c_left = (-3,2)
c_right = (6,2)
c_top = (5,2)
# let's get every texture piece necessary to do this
stalk = t.copy()
top = t.copy() # warning! changes with plant size
side = t.copy() # warning! changes with plant size
# first compose the block of the cocoa plant
block = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
tmp = self.transform_image_side(side).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over (block, tmp, c_right,tmp) # right side
tmp = tmp.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over (block, tmp, c_left,tmp) # left side
tmp = self.transform_image_top(top)
alpha_over(block, tmp, c_top,tmp)
if size == 0:
# fix a pixel hole
block.putpixel((6,9), block.getpixel((6,10)))
# compose the cocoa plant
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
if orientation in (2,3): # south and west
tmp = self.transform_image_side(stalk).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, block,(-1,-2), block)
alpha_over(img, tmp, (4,-2), tmp)
if orientation == 3:
img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
elif orientation in (0,1): # north and east
tmp = self.transform_image_side(stalk.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
alpha_over(img, block,(-1,5), block)
alpha_over(img, tmp, (2,12), tmp)
if orientation == 0:
img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
return img
# command block
@material(blockid=[137,210,211], solid=True, nodata=True)
def command_block(self, blockid, data):
if blockid == 210:
front = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/repeating_command_block_front.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/repeating_command_block_side.png")
back = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/repeating_command_block_back.png")
elif blockid == 211:
front = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/chain_command_block_front.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/chain_command_block_side.png")
back = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/chain_command_block_back.png")
front = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/command_block_front.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/command_block_side.png")
back = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/command_block_back.png")
return self.build_full_block(side, side, back, front, side)
# beacon block
# at the moment of writing this, it seems the beacon block doens't use
# the data values
@material(blockid=138, transparent=True, nodata = True)
def beacon(self, blockid, data):
# generate the three pieces of the block
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/glass.png")
glass = self.build_block(t,t)
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/obsidian.png")
obsidian = self.build_full_block((t,12),None, None, t, t)
obsidian = obsidian.resize((20,20), Image.ANTIALIAS)
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/beacon.png")
crystal = self.build_block(t,t)
crystal = crystal.resize((16,16),Image.ANTIALIAS)
# compose the block
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img, obsidian, (2, 4), obsidian)
alpha_over(img, crystal, (4,3), crystal)
alpha_over(img, glass, (0,0), glass)
return img
# cobblestone and mossy cobblestone walls, chorus plants, mossy stone brick walls
# one additional bit of data value added for mossy and cobblestone
@material(blockid=[199]+list(range(1792, 1812 + 1)), data=list(range(32)), transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def cobblestone_wall(self, blockid, data):
walls_id_to_tex = {
199: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/chorus_plant.png", # chorus plants
1792: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/andesite.png",
1793: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/bricks.png",
1794: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/cobblestone.png",
1795: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/diorite.png",
1796: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/end_stone_bricks.png",
1797: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/granite.png",
1798: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/mossy_cobblestone.png",
1799: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/mossy_stone_bricks.png",
1800: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_bricks.png",
1801: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/prismarine.png",
1802: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_nether_bricks.png",
1803: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone.png",
1804: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/sandstone.png",
1805: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone_bricks.png",
1806: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/blackstone.png",
1807: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_blackstone.png",
1808: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_blackstone_bricks.png",
1809: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/cobbled_deepslate.png",
1810: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_deepslate.png",
1811: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_bricks.png",
1812: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_tiles.png",
t = self.load_image_texture(walls_id_to_tex[blockid]).copy()
wall_pole_top = t.copy()
wall_pole_side = t.copy()
wall_side_top = t.copy()
wall_side = t.copy()
# _full is used for walls without pole
wall_side_top_full = t.copy()
wall_side_full = t.copy()
# generate the textures of the wall
# Create the sides and the top of the pole
wall_pole_side = self.transform_image_side(wall_pole_side)
wall_pole_other_side = wall_pole_side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
wall_pole_top = self.transform_image_top(wall_pole_top)
# Darken the sides slightly. These methods also affect the alpha layer,
# so save them first (we don't want to "darken" the alpha layer making
# the block transparent)
sidealpha = wall_pole_side.split()[3]
wall_pole_side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(wall_pole_side).enhance(0.8)
othersidealpha = wall_pole_other_side.split()[3]
wall_pole_other_side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(wall_pole_other_side).enhance(0.7)
# Compose the wall pole
wall_pole = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(wall_pole,wall_pole_side, (3,4),wall_pole_side)
alpha_over(wall_pole,wall_pole_other_side, (9,4),wall_pole_other_side)
alpha_over(wall_pole,wall_pole_top, (0,0),wall_pole_top)
# create the sides and the top of a wall attached to a pole
# full version, without pole
# compose the sides of a wall atached to a pole
tmp = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
wall_side = self.transform_image_side(wall_side)
wall_side_top = self.transform_image_top(wall_side_top)
# Darken the sides slightly. These methods also affect the alpha layer,
# so save them first (we don't want to "darken" the alpha layer making
# the block transparent)
sidealpha = wall_side.split()[3]
wall_side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(wall_side).enhance(0.7)
alpha_over(tmp,wall_side, (0,0),wall_side)
alpha_over(tmp,wall_side_top, (-5,3),wall_side_top)
wall_side = tmp
wall_other_side = wall_side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# compose the sides of the full wall
tmp = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
wall_side_full = self.transform_image_side(wall_side_full)
wall_side_top_full = self.transform_image_top(wall_side_top_full.rotate(90))
# Darken the sides slightly. These methods also affect the alpha layer,
# so save them first (we don't want to "darken" the alpha layer making
# the block transparent)
sidealpha = wall_side_full.split()[3]
wall_side_full = ImageEnhance.Brightness(wall_side_full).enhance(0.7)
alpha_over(tmp,wall_side_full, (4,0),wall_side_full)
alpha_over(tmp,wall_side_top_full, (3,-4),wall_side_top_full)
wall_side_full = tmp
wall_other_side_full = wall_side_full.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Create img to compose the wall
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
# Position wall imgs around the wall bit stick
pos_top_left = (-5,-2)
pos_bottom_left = (-8,4)
pos_top_right = (5,-3)
pos_bottom_right = (7,4)
# +x axis points top right direction
# +y axis points bottom right direction
# There are two special cases for wall without pole.
# Normal case:
# First compose the walls in the back of the image,
# then the pole and then the walls in the front.
if (data == 0b1010) or (data == 0b11010):
alpha_over(img, wall_other_side_full,(0,2), wall_other_side_full)
elif (data == 0b0101) or (data == 0b10101):
alpha_over(img, wall_side_full,(0,2), wall_side_full)
if (data & 0b0001) == 1:
alpha_over(img,wall_side, pos_top_left,wall_side) # top left
if (data & 0b1000) == 8:
alpha_over(img,wall_other_side, pos_top_right,wall_other_side) # top right
if (data & 0b0010) == 2:
alpha_over(img,wall_other_side, pos_bottom_left,wall_other_side) # bottom left
if (data & 0b0100) == 4:
alpha_over(img,wall_side, pos_bottom_right,wall_side) # bottom right
return img
# carrots, potatoes
@material(blockid=[141,142], data=list(range(8)), transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def crops4(self, blockid, data):
# carrots and potatoes have 8 data, but only 4 visual stages
stage = {0:0,
if blockid == 141: # carrots
raw_crop = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/carrots_stage%d.png" % stage)
else: # potatoes
raw_crop = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/potatoes_stage%d.png" % stage)
crop1 = self.transform_image_top(raw_crop)
crop2 = self.transform_image_side(raw_crop)
crop3 = crop2.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img, crop1, (0,12), crop1)
alpha_over(img, crop2, (6,3), crop2)
alpha_over(img, crop3, (6,3), crop3)
return img
# anvils
@material(blockid=145, data=list(range(12)), transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def anvil(self, blockid, data):
# anvils only have two orientations, invert it for rotations 1 and 3
orientation = data & 0x1
if self.rotation in (1, 3):
if orientation == 1:
orientation = 0
orientation = 1
# get the correct textures
# the bits 0x4 and 0x8 determine how damaged is the anvil
if (data & 0xc) == 0: # non damaged anvil
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/anvil_top.png")
elif (data & 0xc) == 0x4: # slightly damaged
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/chipped_anvil_top.png")
elif (data & 0xc) == 0x8: # very damaged
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/damaged_anvil_top.png")
# everything else use this texture
big_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/anvil.png").copy()
small_side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/anvil.png").copy()
base = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/anvil.png").copy()
small_base = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/anvil.png").copy()
# cut needed patterns
ImageDraw.Draw(big_side).rectangle((0, 8, 15, 15), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0), fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
ImageDraw.Draw(small_side).rectangle((0, 0, 2, 15), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0), fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
ImageDraw.Draw(small_side).rectangle((13, 0, 15, 15), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0), fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
ImageDraw.Draw(small_side).rectangle((0, 8, 15, 15), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0), fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
ImageDraw.Draw(base).rectangle((0, 0, 15, 15), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0))
ImageDraw.Draw(base).rectangle((1, 1, 14, 14), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0))
ImageDraw.Draw(small_base).rectangle((0, 0, 15, 15), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0))
ImageDraw.Draw(small_base).rectangle((1, 1, 14, 14), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0))
ImageDraw.Draw(small_base).rectangle((2, 2, 13, 13), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0))
ImageDraw.Draw(small_base).rectangle((3, 3, 12, 12), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0))
# check orientation and compose the anvil
if orientation == 1: # bottom-left top-right
top = top.rotate(90)
left_side = small_side
left_pos = (1, 6)
right_side = big_side
right_pos = (10, 5)
else: # top-left bottom-right
right_side = small_side
right_pos = (12, 6)
left_side = big_side
left_pos = (3, 5)
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
# darken sides
alpha = big_side.split()[3]
big_side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(big_side).enhance(0.8)
alpha = small_side.split()[3]
small_side = ImageEnhance.Brightness(small_side).enhance(0.9)
alpha = base.split()[3]
base_d = ImageEnhance.Brightness(base).enhance(0.8)
# compose
base = self.transform_image_top(base)
base_d = self.transform_image_top(base_d)
small_base = self.transform_image_top(small_base)
top = self.transform_image_top(top)
alpha_over(img, base_d, (0, 12), base_d)
alpha_over(img, base_d, (0, 11), base_d)
alpha_over(img, base_d, (0, 10), base_d)
alpha_over(img, small_base, (0, 10), small_base)
alpha_over(img, top, (0, 1), top) # Fix gap between block edges
alpha_over(img, top, (0, 0), top)
left_side = self.transform_image_side(left_side)
right_side = self.transform_image_side(right_side).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, left_side, left_pos, left_side)
alpha_over(img, right_side, right_pos, right_side)
return img
# block of redstone
block(blockid=152, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/redstone_block.png")
# nether quartz ore
block(blockid=153, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_quartz_ore.png")
# block of quartz
@material(blockid=155, data=list(range(5)), solid=True)
def quartz_block(self, blockid, data):
if data in (0,1): # normal and chiseled quartz block
if data == 0:
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/quartz_block_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/quartz_block_side.png")
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/chiseled_quartz_block_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/chiseled_quartz_block.png")
return self.build_block(top, side)
# pillar quartz block with orientation
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/quartz_pillar_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/quartz_pillar.png").copy()
if data == 2: # vertical
return self.build_block(top, side)
elif data == 3: # north-south oriented
if self.rotation in (0,2):
return self.build_full_block(side.rotate(90), None, None, top, side.rotate(90))
return self.build_full_block(side, None, None, side.rotate(90), top)
elif data == 4: # east-west oriented
if self.rotation in (0,2):
return self.build_full_block(side, None, None, side.rotate(90), top)
return self.build_full_block(side.rotate(90), None, None, top, side.rotate(90))
# hopper
@material(blockid=154, data=list(range(4)), transparent=True)
def hopper(self, blockid, data):
#build the top
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/hopper_outside.png")
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/hopper_top.png")
bottom = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/hopper_inside.png")
hop_top = self.build_full_block((top,10), side, side, side, side, side)
#build a solid block for mid/top
hop_mid = self.build_full_block((top,5), side, side, side, side, side)
hop_bot = self.build_block(side,side)
hop_mid = hop_mid.resize((17,17),Image.ANTIALIAS)
hop_bot = hop_bot.resize((10,10),Image.ANTIALIAS)
#compose the final block
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img, hop_bot, (7,14), hop_bot)
alpha_over(img, hop_mid, (3,3), hop_mid)
alpha_over(img, hop_top, (0,-6), hop_top)
return img
# slime block
block(blockid=165, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/slime_block.png")
# prismarine block
@material(blockid=168, data=list(range(3)), solid=True)
def prismarine_block(self, blockid, data):
if data == 0: # prismarine
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/prismarine.png")
elif data == 1: # prismarine bricks
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/prismarine_bricks.png")
elif data == 2: # dark prismarine
t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_prismarine.png")
img = self.build_block(t, t)
return img
# sea lantern
block(blockid=169, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/sea_lantern.png")
# hay block
@material(blockid=170, data=list(range(9)), solid=True)
def hayblock(self, blockid, data):
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/hay_block_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/hay_block_side.png")
if self.rotation == 1:
if data == 4: data = 8
elif data == 8: data = 4
elif self.rotation == 3:
if data == 4: data = 8
elif data == 8: data = 4
# choose orientation and paste textures
if data == 4: # east-west orientation
return self.build_full_block(side.rotate(90), None, None, top, side.rotate(90))
elif data == 8: # north-south orientation
return self.build_full_block(side, None, None, side.rotate(90), top)
return self.build_block(top, side)
# carpet - wool block that's small?
@material(blockid=171, data=list(range(17)), transparent=True)
def carpet(self, blockid, data):
if data < 16:
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s_wool.png" % color_map[data])
elif data == 16:
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/moss_block.png")
return self.build_full_block((texture,15),texture,texture,texture,texture)
#clay block
block(blockid=172, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/terracotta.png")
#stained hardened clay
@material(blockid=159, data=list(range(16)), solid=True)
def stained_clay(self, blockid, data):
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s_terracotta.png" % color_map[data])
return self.build_block(texture,texture)
#coal block
block(blockid=173, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/coal_block.png")
# packed ice block
block(blockid=174, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/packed_ice.png")
#blue ice
block(blockid=11312, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/blue_ice.png")
#smooth stones
block(blockid=11313, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/smooth_stone.png") # stone
block(blockid=11314, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/sandstone_top.png") # sandstone
block(blockid=11315, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_sandstone_top.png") # red sandstone
#coral blocks
block(blockid=11316, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/brain_coral_block.png")
block(blockid=11317, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/bubble_coral_block.png")
block(blockid=11318, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/fire_coral_block.png")
block(blockid=11319, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/horn_coral_block.png")
block(blockid=11320, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/tube_coral_block.png")
#dead coral blocks
block(blockid=11321, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/dead_brain_coral_block.png")
block(blockid=11322, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/dead_bubble_coral_block.png")
block(blockid=11323, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/dead_fire_coral_block.png")
block(blockid=11324, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/dead_horn_coral_block.png")
block(blockid=11325, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/dead_tube_coral_block.png")
@material(blockid=175, data=list(range(16)), transparent=True)
def flower(self, blockid, data):
double_plant_map = ["sunflower", "lilac", "tall_grass", "large_fern", "rose_bush", "peony", "peony", "peony"]
plant = double_plant_map[data & 0x7]
if data & 0x8:
part = "top"
part = "bottom"
png = "assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s_%s.png" % (plant,part)
texture = self.load_image_texture(png)
img = self.build_billboard(texture)
#sunflower top
if data == 8:
bloom_tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/sunflower_front.png")
alpha_over(img, bloom_tex.resize((14, 11), Image.ANTIALIAS), (5,5))
return img
# chorus flower
@material(blockid=200, data=list(range(6)), solid=True)
def chorus_flower(self, blockid, data):
# aged 5, dead
if data == 5:
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/chorus_flower_dead.png")
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/chorus_flower.png")
return self.build_block(texture,texture)
# purpur block
block(blockid=201, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/purpur_block.png")
# purpur pillar
@material(blockid=202, data=list(range(3)), solid=True)
def purpur_pillar(self, blockid, data):
return self.build_axis_block(top, side, data)
# end brick
block(blockid=206, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/end_stone_bricks.png")
# frosted ice
@material(blockid=212, data=list(range(4)), solid=True)
def frosted_ice(self, blockid, data):
img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/frosted_ice_%d.png" % data)
return self.build_block(img, img)
# magma block
block(blockid=213, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/magma.png")
# nether wart block
block(blockid=214, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_wart_block.png")
# warped wart block
block(blockid=1010, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/warped_wart_block.png")
# red nether brick
block(blockid=215, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/red_nether_bricks.png")
@material(blockid=216, data=list(range(12)), solid=True)
def boneblock(self, blockid, data):
# extract orientation
boneblock_orientation = data & 12
if self.rotation == 1:
if boneblock_orientation == 4: boneblock_orientation = 8
elif boneblock_orientation == 8: boneblock_orientation = 4
elif self.rotation == 3:
if boneblock_orientation == 4: boneblock_orientation = 8
elif boneblock_orientation == 8: boneblock_orientation = 4
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/bone_block_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/bone_block_side.png")
# choose orientation and paste textures
if boneblock_orientation == 0:
return self.build_block(top, side)
elif boneblock_orientation == 4: # east-west orientation
return self.build_full_block(side.rotate(90), None, None, top, side.rotate(90))
elif boneblock_orientation == 8: # north-south orientation
return self.build_full_block(side, None, None, side.rotate(270), top)
# observer
@material(blockid=218, data=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], solid=True, nospawn=True)
def observer(self, blockid, data):
# Do rotation
if self.rotation in [1, 2, 3] and (data & 0b111) in [2, 3, 4, 5]:
rotation_map = {1: {2: 5, 3: 4, 4: 2, 5: 3},
2: {2: 3, 3: 2, 4: 5, 5: 4},
3: {2: 4, 3: 5, 4: 3, 5: 2}}
data = (data & 0b1000) | rotation_map[self.rotation][data & 0b111]
front = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/observer_front.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/observer_side.png")
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/observer_top.png")
file_name_back = "observer_back_on" if data & 0b1000 else "observer_back"
back = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s.png" % file_name_back)
if data & 0b0111 == 0: # Down
img = self.build_full_block(back, None, None, side.rotate(90), top)
elif data & 0b0111 == 1: # Up
img = self.build_full_block(front.rotate(180), None, None, side.rotate(90), top.rotate(180))
elif data & 0b0111 == 2: # East
img = self.build_full_block(top.rotate(180), None, None, side, back)
elif data & 0b0111 == 3: # West
img = self.build_full_block(top, None, None, side, front)
elif data & 0b0111 == 4: # North
img = self.build_full_block(top.rotate(270), None, None, front, side)
elif data & 0b0111 == 5: # South
img = self.build_full_block(top.rotate(90), None, None, back, side)
return img
# shulker box
@material(blockid=list(range(219, 235)) + [257], data=list(range(6)), solid=True, nospawn=True)
def shulker_box(self, blockid, data):
# Do rotation
if self.rotation in [1, 2, 3] and data in [2, 3, 4, 5]:
rotation_map = {1: {2: 5, 3: 4, 4: 2, 5: 3},
2: {2: 3, 3: 2, 4: 5, 5: 4},
3: {2: 4, 3: 5, 4: 3, 5: 2}}
data = rotation_map[self.rotation][data]
if blockid == 257:
# Uncolored shulker box
file_name = "shulker.png"
file_name = "shulker_%s.png" % color_map[blockid - 219]
shulker_t = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/entity/shulker/%s" % file_name).copy()
w, h = shulker_t.size
res = w // 4
# Cut out the parts of the shulker texture we need for the box
top = shulker_t.crop((res, 0, res * 2, res))
bottom = shulker_t.crop((res * 2, int(res * 1.75), res * 3, int(res * 2.75)))
side_top = shulker_t.crop((0, res, res, int(res * 1.75)))
side_bottom = shulker_t.crop((0, int(res * 2.75), res, int(res * 3.25)))
side = Image.new('RGBA', (res, res))
side.paste(side_top, (0, 0), side_top)
side.paste(side_bottom, (0, res // 2), side_bottom)
if data == 0: # down
side = side.rotate(180)
img = self.build_full_block(bottom, None, None, side, side)
elif data == 1: # up
img = self.build_full_block(top, None, None, side, side)
elif data == 2: # east
img = self.build_full_block(side, None, None, side.rotate(90), bottom)
elif data == 3: # west
img = self.build_full_block(side.rotate(180), None, None, side.rotate(270), top)
elif data == 4: # north
img = self.build_full_block(side.rotate(90), None, None, top, side.rotate(270))
elif data == 5: # south
img = self.build_full_block(side.rotate(270), None, None, bottom, side.rotate(90))
return img
# structure block
@material(blockid=255, data=list(range(4)), solid=True)
def structure_block(self, blockid, data):
if data == 0:
img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/structure_block_save.png")
elif data == 1:
img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/structure_block_load.png")
elif data == 2:
img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/structure_block_corner.png")
elif data == 3:
img = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/structure_block_data.png")
return self.build_block(img, img)
# Jigsaw block
@material(blockid=256, data=list(range(6)), solid=True)
def jigsaw_block(self, blockid, data):
# Do rotation
if self.rotation in [1, 2, 3] and data in [2, 3, 4, 5]:
rotation_map = {1: {2: 5, 3: 4, 4: 2, 5: 3},
2: {2: 3, 3: 2, 4: 5, 5: 4},
3: {2: 4, 3: 5, 4: 3, 5: 2}}
data = rotation_map[self.rotation][data]
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jigsaw_top.png")
bottom = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jigsaw_bottom.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/jigsaw_side.png")
if data == 0: # Down
img = self.build_full_block(bottom.rotate(self.rotation * 90), None, None,
side.rotate(180), side.rotate(180))
elif data == 1: # Up
img = self.build_full_block(top.rotate(self.rotation * 90), None, None, side, side)
elif data == 2: # North
img = self.build_full_block(side, None, None, side.rotate(90), bottom.rotate(180))
elif data == 3: # South
img = self.build_full_block(side.rotate(180), None, None, side.rotate(270), top.rotate(270))
elif data == 4: # West
img = self.build_full_block(side.rotate(90), None, None, top.rotate(180), side.rotate(270))
elif data == 5: # East
img = self.build_full_block(side.rotate(270), None, None, bottom.rotate(180),
return img
# beetroots(207), berry bushes (11505)
@material(blockid=[207, 11505], data=list(range(4)), transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def crops(self, blockid, data):
crops_id_to_tex = {
207: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/beetroots_stage%d.png",
11505: "assets/minecraft/textures/block/sweet_berry_bush_stage%d.png",
raw_crop = self.load_image_texture(crops_id_to_tex[blockid] % data)
crop1 = self.transform_image_top(raw_crop)
crop2 = self.transform_image_side(raw_crop)
crop3 = crop2.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img, crop1, (0,12), crop1)
alpha_over(img, crop2, (6,3), crop2)
alpha_over(img, crop3, (6,3), crop3)
return img
# Concrete
@material(blockid=251, data=list(range(16)), solid=True)
def concrete(self, blockid, data):
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s_concrete.png" % color_map[data])
return self.build_block(texture, texture)
# Concrete Powder
@material(blockid=252, data=list(range(16)), solid=True)
def concrete(self, blockid, data):
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s_concrete_powder.png" % color_map[data])
return self.build_block(texture, texture)
# Glazed Terracotta
@material(blockid=list(range(235, 251)), data=list(range(4)), solid=True)
def glazed_terracotta(self, blockid, data):
# Do rotation
data = (self.rotation + data) % 4
texture = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/%s_glazed_terracotta.png" %
color_map[blockid - 235]).copy()
texture_side4 = texture.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
if data == 0: # South
return self.build_full_block(texture, None, None, texture, texture_side4.rotate(270))
elif data == 1: # West
return self.build_full_block(texture.rotate(270), None, None, texture.rotate(90),
elif data == 2: # North
return self.build_full_block(texture.rotate(180), None, None, texture.rotate(180),
elif data == 3: # East
return self.build_full_block(texture.rotate(90), None, None, texture.rotate(270),
# dried kelp block
@material(blockid=11331, data=[0], solid=True)
def sandstone(self, blockid, data):
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dried_kelp_top.png")
return self.build_block(top, self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dried_kelp_side.png"))
# scaffolding
block(blockid=11414, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/scaffolding_top.png", side_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/scaffolding_side.png", solid=False, transparent=True)
# beehive and bee_nest
@material(blockid=[11501, 11502], data=list(range(8)), solid=True)
def beehivenest(self, blockid, data):
if blockid == 11501: #beehive
t_top = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/block/beehive_end.png")
t_side = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/block/beehive_side.png")
t_front = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/block/beehive_front.png")
t_front_honey = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/block/beehive_front_honey.png")
elif blockid == 11502: #bee_nest
t_top = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/block/bee_nest_top.png")
t_side = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/block/bee_nest_side.png")
t_front = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/block/bee_nest_front.png")
t_front_honey = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/block/bee_nest_front_honey.png")
if data >= 4:
front = t_front_honey
front = t_front
if self.rotation == 0: # rendering north upper-left
if data == 0 or data == 4: # south
return self.build_full_block(t_top, t_side, t_side, t_side, front)
elif data == 1 or data == 5: # west
return self.build_full_block(t_top, t_side, t_side, front, t_side)
elif data == 2 or data == 6: # north
return self.build_full_block(t_top, t_side, front, t_side, t_side)
elif data == 3 or data == 7: # east
return self.build_full_block(t_top, front, t_side, t_side, t_side)
elif self.rotation == 1: # north upper-right
if data == 0 or data == 4: # south
return self.build_full_block(t_top, t_side, t_side, front, t_side)
elif data == 1 or data == 5: # west
return self.build_full_block(t_top, t_side, front, t_side, t_side)
elif data == 2 or data == 6: # north
return self.build_full_block(t_top, front, t_side, t_side, t_side)
elif data == 3 or data == 7: # east
return self.build_full_block(t_top, t_side, t_side, t_side, front)
elif self.rotation == 2: # north lower-right
if data == 0 or data == 4: # south
return self.build_full_block(t_top, t_side, front, t_side, t_side)
elif data == 1 or data == 5: # west
return self.build_full_block(t_top, front, t_side, t_side, t_side)
elif data == 2 or data == 6: # north
return self.build_full_block(t_top, t_side, t_side, t_side, front)
elif data == 3 or data == 7: # east
return self.build_full_block(t_top, t_side, t_side, front, t_side)
elif self.rotation == 3: # north lower-left
if data == 0 or data == 4: # south
return self.build_full_block(t_top, front, t_side, t_side, t_side)
elif data == 1 or data == 5: # west
return self.build_full_block(t_top, t_side, t_side, t_side, front)
elif data == 2 or data == 6: # north
return self.build_full_block(t_top, t_side, t_side, front, t_side)
elif data == 3 or data == 7: # east
return self.build_full_block(t_top, t_side, front, t_side, t_side)
# honeycomb_block
block(blockid=11503, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/honeycomb_block.png")
# honey_block
block(blockid=11504, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/honey_block_top.png", side_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/honey_block_side.png")
# Barrel
@material(blockid=11418, data=list(range(12)), solid=True)
def barrel(self, blockid, data):
t_bottom = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/block/barrel_bottom.png")
t_side = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/block/barrel_side.png")
if data & 0x01:
t_top = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/block/barrel_top_open.png")
t_top = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/block/barrel_top.png")
data = data >> 1
if data == 0: # up
return self.build_full_block(t_top, None, None, t_side, t_side)
elif data == 1: # down
t_side = t_side.rotate(180)
return self.build_full_block(t_bottom, None, None, t_side, t_side)
elif data == 2: # south
return self.build_full_block(t_side.rotate(180), None, None, t_side.rotate(270), t_top)
elif data == 3: # east
return self.build_full_block(t_side.rotate(270), None, None, t_bottom, t_side.rotate(90))
elif data == 4: # north
return self.build_full_block(t_side, None, None, t_side.rotate(90), t_bottom)
else: # west
return self.build_full_block(t_side.rotate(90), None, None, t_top, t_side.rotate(270))
# Campfire (11506) and soul campfire (1003)
@material(blockid=[11506, 1003], data=list(range(8)), solid=True, transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def campfire(self, blockid, data):
# Do rotation, mask to not clobber lit data
data = data & 0b100 | ((self.rotation + (data & 0b11)) % 4)
block_name = "campfire" if blockid == 11506 else "soul_campfire"
# Load textures
# Fire & lit log textures contain multiple tiles, since both are
# 16px wide rely on load_image_texture() to crop appropriately
fire_raw_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/" + block_name
+ "_fire.png")
log_raw_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/campfire_log.png")
log_lit_raw_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/" + block_name
+ "_log_lit.png")
def create_tile(img_src, coord_crop, coord_paste, rot):
# Takes an image, crops a region, optionally rotates the
# texture, then finally pastes it onto a 16x16 image
img_out = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
img_in = img_src.crop(coord_crop)
if rot != 0:
img_in = img_in.rotate(rot, expand=True)
img_out.paste(img_in, coord_paste)
return img_out
# Generate bottom
bottom_t = log_lit_raw_t if data & 0b100 else log_raw_t
bottom_t = create_tile(bottom_t, (0, 8, 16, 14), (0, 5), 0)
bottom_t = self.transform_image_top(bottom_t)
# Generate two variants of a log: one with a lit side, one without
log_t = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
log_end_t = create_tile(log_raw_t, (0, 4, 4, 8), (12, 6), 0)
log_side_t = create_tile(log_raw_t, (0, 0, 16, 4), (0, 6), 0)
log_side_lit_t = create_tile(log_lit_raw_t, (0, 0, 16, 4), (0, 6), 0)
log_end_t = self.transform_image_side(log_end_t)
log_top_t = self.transform_image_top(log_side_t)
log_side_t = self.transform_image_side(log_side_t).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
log_side_lit_t = self.transform_image_side(log_side_lit_t).transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(log_t, log_top_t, (-2, 2), log_top_t) # Fix some holes at the edges
alpha_over(log_t, log_top_t, (-2, 1), log_top_t)
log_lit_t = log_t.copy()
# Unlit log
alpha_over(log_t, log_side_t, (5, 0), log_side_t)
alpha_over(log_t, log_end_t, (-7, 0), log_end_t)
# Lit log. For unlit fires, just reference the unlit log texture
if data & 0b100:
alpha_over(log_lit_t, log_side_lit_t, (5, 0), log_side_lit_t)
alpha_over(log_lit_t, log_end_t, (-7, 0), log_end_t)
log_lit_t = log_t
# Log parts. Because fire needs to be in the middle of the logs,
# split the logs into two parts: Those appearing behind the fire
# and those appearing in front of the fire
logs_back_t = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
logs_front_t = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
# Back logs
alpha_over(logs_back_t, log_lit_t, (-1, 7), log_lit_t)
log_tmp_t = logs_back_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(logs_back_t, log_tmp_t, (1, -3), log_tmp_t)
# Front logs
alpha_over(logs_front_t, log_t, (7, 10), log_t)
# Due to the awkward drawing order, take a small part of the back
# logs that need to be drawn on top of the front logs despite
# the front logs being drawn last
ImageDraw.Draw(log_tmp_t).rectangle((0, 0, 18, 24), outline=(0, 0, 0, 0), fill=(0, 0, 0, 0))
alpha_over(logs_front_t, log_tmp_t, (1, -3), log_tmp_t)
log_tmp_t = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(log_tmp_t, log_lit_t, (7, 10), log_lit_t)
log_tmp_t = log_tmp_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(logs_front_t, log_tmp_t, (1, -3), log_tmp_t)
# Compose final image
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(img, bottom_t, (0, 12), bottom_t)
alpha_over(img, logs_back_t, (0, 0), logs_back_t)
if data & 0b100:
fire_t = fire_raw_t.copy()
if data & 0b11 in [0, 2]: # North, South
fire_t = fire_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, fire_t, (4, 4), fire_t)
alpha_over(img, logs_front_t, (0, 0), logs_front_t)
if data & 0b11 in [0, 2]: # North, South
img = img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
return img
# Bell
@material(blockid=11507, data=list(range(16)), solid=True, transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def bell(self, blockid, data):
# Do rotation, mask to not clobber attachment data
data = data & 0b1100 | ((self.rotation + (data & 0b11)) % 4)
# Load textures
bell_raw_t = self.load_image("assets/minecraft/textures/entity/bell/bell_body.png")
bar_raw_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/dark_oak_planks.png")
post_raw_t = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/stone.png")
def create_tile(img_src, coord_crop, coord_paste, rot):
# Takes an image, crops a region, optionally rotates the
# texture, then finally pastes it onto a 16x16 image
img_out = Image.new("RGBA", (16, 16), self.bgcolor)
img_in = img_src.crop(coord_crop)
if rot != 0:
img_in = img_in.rotate(rot, expand=True)
img_out.paste(img_in, coord_paste)
return img_out
# 0 = floor, 1 = ceiling, 2 = single wall, 3 = double wall
bell_type = (data & 0b1100) >> 2
# Should the bar/post texture be flipped? Yes if either:
# - Attached to floor and East or West facing
# - Not attached to floor and North or South facing
flip_part = ((bell_type == 0 and data & 0b11 in [1, 3]) or
(bell_type != 0 and data & 0b11 in [0, 2]))
# Generate bell
# Bell side textures varies based on self.rotation
bell_sides_idx = [(0 - self.rotation) % 4, (3 - self.rotation) % 4]
# Upper sides
bell_coord = [x * 6 for x in bell_sides_idx]
bell_ul_t = create_tile(bell_raw_t, (bell_coord[0], 6, bell_coord[0] + 6, 13), (5, 4), 180)
bell_ur_t = create_tile(bell_raw_t, (bell_coord[1], 6, bell_coord[1] + 6, 13), (5, 4), 180)
bell_ul_t = self.transform_image_side(bell_ul_t)
bell_ur_t = self.transform_image_side(bell_ur_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
bell_ur_t = bell_ur_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Lower sides
bell_coord = [x * 8 for x in bell_sides_idx]
bell_ll_t = create_tile(bell_raw_t, (bell_coord[0], 21, bell_coord[0] + 8, 23), (4, 11), 180)
bell_lr_t = create_tile(bell_raw_t, (bell_coord[1], 21, bell_coord[1] + 8, 23), (4, 11), 180)
bell_ll_t = self.transform_image_side(bell_ll_t)
bell_lr_t = self.transform_image_side(bell_lr_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
bell_lr_t = bell_lr_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Upper top
top_rot = (180 + self.rotation * 90) % 360
bell_ut_t = create_tile(bell_raw_t, (6, 0, 12, 6), (5, 5), top_rot)
bell_ut_t = self.transform_image_top(bell_ut_t)
# Lower top
bell_lt_t = create_tile(bell_raw_t, (8, 13, 16, 21), (4, 4), top_rot)
bell_lt_t = self.transform_image_top(bell_lt_t)
bell_t = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(bell_t, bell_lt_t, (0, 8), bell_lt_t)
alpha_over(bell_t, bell_ll_t, (3, 4), bell_ll_t)
alpha_over(bell_t, bell_lr_t, (9, 4), bell_lr_t)
alpha_over(bell_t, bell_ut_t, (0, 3), bell_ut_t)
alpha_over(bell_t, bell_ul_t, (4, 4), bell_ul_t)
alpha_over(bell_t, bell_ur_t, (8, 4), bell_ur_t)
# Generate bar
if bell_type == 1: # Ceiling
# bar_coord: Left Right Top
bar_coord = [(4, 2, 6, 5), (6, 2, 8, 5), (1, 3, 3, 5)]
bar_tile_pos = [(7, 1), (7, 1), (7, 7)]
bar_over_pos = [(6, 3), (7, 2), (0, 0)]
else: # Floor, single wall, double wall
# Note: For a single wall bell, the position of the bar
# varies based on facing
if bell_type == 2 and data & 0b11 in [2, 3]: # Single wall, North/East facing
bar_x_sw = 3
bar_l_pos_sw = (6, 7)
bar_x_sw = 0
bar_l_pos_sw = (4, 8)
bar_x = [2, None, bar_x_sw, 0][bell_type]
bar_len = [12, None, 13, 16][bell_type]
bar_l_pos = [(6, 7), None, bar_l_pos_sw, (4, 8)][bell_type]
bar_long_coord = (bar_x, 3, bar_x + bar_len, 5)
bar_coord = [(5, 4, 7, 6), bar_long_coord, bar_long_coord]
bar_tile_pos = [(2, 1), (bar_x, 1), (bar_x, 7)]
bar_over_pos = [bar_l_pos, (7, 3), (0, 1)]
bar_l_t = create_tile(bar_raw_t, bar_coord[0], bar_tile_pos[0], 0)
bar_r_t = create_tile(bar_raw_t, bar_coord[1], bar_tile_pos[1], 0)
bar_t_t = create_tile(bar_raw_t, bar_coord[2], bar_tile_pos[2], 0)
bar_l_t = self.transform_image_side(bar_l_t)
bar_r_t = self.transform_image_side(bar_r_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
bar_r_t = bar_r_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
bar_t_t = self.transform_image_top(bar_t_t)
bar_t = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(bar_t, bar_t_t, bar_over_pos[2], bar_t_t)
alpha_over(bar_t, bar_l_t, bar_over_pos[0], bar_l_t)
alpha_over(bar_t, bar_r_t, bar_over_pos[1], bar_r_t)
if flip_part:
bar_t = bar_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
# Generate post, only applies to floor attached bell
if bell_type == 0:
post_l_t = create_tile(post_raw_t, (0, 1, 4, 16), (6, 1), 0)
post_r_t = create_tile(post_raw_t, (0, 1, 2, 16), (14, 1), 0)
post_t_t = create_tile(post_raw_t, (0, 0, 2, 4), (14, 6), 0)
post_l_t = self.transform_image_side(post_l_t)
post_r_t = self.transform_image_side(post_r_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT))
post_r_t = post_r_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
post_t_t = self.transform_image_top(post_t_t)
post_back_t = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
post_front_t = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(post_back_t, post_t_t, (0, 1), post_t_t)
alpha_over(post_back_t, post_l_t, (10, 0), post_l_t)
alpha_over(post_back_t, post_r_t, (7, 3), post_r_t)
alpha_over(post_back_t, post_r_t, (6, 3), post_r_t) # Fix some holes
alpha_over(post_front_t, post_back_t, (-10, 5), post_back_t)
if flip_part:
post_back_t = post_back_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
post_front_t = post_front_t.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
if bell_type == 0:
alpha_over(img, post_back_t, (0, 0), post_back_t)
alpha_over(img, bell_t, (0, 0), bell_t)
alpha_over(img, bar_t, (0, 0), bar_t)
if bell_type == 0:
alpha_over(img, post_front_t, (0, 0), post_front_t)
return img
# Ancient Debris
block(blockid=[1000], top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/ancient_debris_top.png",
# Basalt
@material(blockid=[1001, 1002], data=list(range(3)), solid=True)
def basalt(self, blockid, data):
block_name = "polished_basalt" if blockid == 1002 else "basalt"
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/" + block_name + "_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/" + block_name + "_side.png")
return self.build_axis_block(top, side, data)
# Blackstone block
block(blockid=[1004], top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/blackstone_top.png",
# Chain
@material(blockid=11419, data=list(range(3)), solid=True, transparent=True, nospawn=True)
def chain(self, blockid, data):
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/chain.png")
sidetex = Image.new(tex.mode, tex.size, self.bgcolor)
mask = tex.crop((0, 0, 6, 16))
alpha_over(sidetex, mask, (5, 0), mask)
if data == 0: # y
return self.build_sprite(sidetex)
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
sidetex = sidetex.rotate(90)
side = self.transform_image_side(sidetex)
otherside = self.transform_image_top(sidetex)
def draw_x():
_side = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, _side, (6,3), _side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (3,3), otherside)
def draw_z():
_otherside = otherside.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, side, (6,3), side)
alpha_over(img, _otherside, (0,6), _otherside)
draw_funcs = [draw_x, draw_z]
if data == 1: # x
draw_funcs[self.rotation % len(draw_funcs)]()
elif data == 2: # z
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 1) % len(draw_funcs)]()
return img
# Respawn anchor
@material(blockid=1037, data=list(range(5)), solid=True)
def respawn_anchor(self, blockid, data):
top = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/respawn_anchor_top_off.png" if data ==
0 else "assets/minecraft/textures/block/respawn_anchor_top.png")
side = self.load_image_texture(
"assets/minecraft/textures/block/respawn_anchor_side%s.png" % (data))
return self.build_block(top, side)
# Netherite
block(blockid=[1005], top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/netherite_block.png")
# soul soil
block(blockid=1020, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/soul_soil.png")
# nether gold ore
block(blockid=1021, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/nether_gold_ore.png")
# Solid Nether stone blocks
block(blockid=1022, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_blackstone.png")
block(blockid=1023, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/chiseled_polished_blackstone.png")
block(blockid=1024, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/gilded_blackstone.png")
block(blockid=1025, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks.png")
block(blockid=1026, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_blackstone_bricks.png")
block(blockid=1035, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/crying_obsidian.png")
block(blockid=1036, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/lodestone_top.png", side_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/lodestone_side.png")
block(blockid=1041, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/quartz_bricks.png")
block(blockid=1042, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/amethyst_block.png")
block(blockid=1043, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/raw_iron_block.png")
block(blockid=1044, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/raw_gold_block.png")
block(blockid=1045, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/budding_amethyst.png")
# You have entered the COPPER ZONE
block(blockid=[1046, 1050], top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/copper_block.png")
block(blockid=[1047, 1051], top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/exposed_copper.png")
block(blockid=[1048, 1052], top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/weathered_copper.png")
block(blockid=[1049, 1053], top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/oxidized_copper.png")
# Cut variant
block(blockid=[1054, 1058], top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/cut_copper.png")
block(blockid=[1055, 1059], top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/exposed_cut_copper.png")
block(blockid=[1056, 1060], top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/weathered_cut_copper.png")
block(blockid=[1057, 1061], top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/oxidized_cut_copper.png")
block(blockid=1062, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/raw_copper_block.png")
block(blockid=1063, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/copper_ore.png")
# You are now leaving the COPPER ZONE
block(blockid=1080, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/moss_block.png")
block(blockid=1081, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/calcite.png")
block(blockid=1082, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/rooted_dirt.png")
# deepslate
@material(blockid=1083, data=list(range(3)), solid=True)
def deepslate(self, blockid, data):
return self.build_axis_block(top, side, data)
block(blockid=1084, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/cobbled_deepslate.png")
block(blockid=1085, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/polished_deepslate.png")
block(blockid=1086, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_coal_ore.png")
block(blockid=1087, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_iron_ore.png")
block(blockid=1088, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_copper_ore.png")
block(blockid=1089, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_gold_ore.png")
block(blockid=1090, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_emerald_ore.png")
block(blockid=1091, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_lapis_ore.png")
block(blockid=1092, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_diamond_ore.png")
block(blockid=1093, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_redstone_ore.png")
block(blockid=1094, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_bricks.png")
block(blockid=1095, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/cracked_deepslate_bricks.png")
block(blockid=1096, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/deepslate_tiles.png")
block(blockid=1097, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/cracked_deepslate_tiles.png")
block(blockid=1098, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/chiseled_deepslate.png")
block(blockid=1107, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/dripstone_block.png")
block(blockid=1108, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/smooth_basalt.png")
block(blockid=1109, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/tuff.png")
@material(blockid=1110, data=list(range(16)), transparent=True)
def pointed_dripstone(self, blockid, data):
up_down = "down" if data & 0b1000 else "up"
if (data & 4) == 4: # base
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/pointed_dripstone_%s_base.png" % (up_down))
elif (data & 3) == 3: # frustum
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/pointed_dripstone_%s_frustum.png" % (up_down))
elif (data & 2) == 2: # middle
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/pointed_dripstone_%s_middle.png" % (up_down))
elif (data & 1) == 1: # tip_merge
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/pointed_dripstone_%s_tip_merge.png" % (up_down))
else: # 0 - tip
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/pointed_dripstone_%s_tip.png" % (up_down))
return self.build_sprite(tex)
block(blockid=1111, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/powder_snow.png")
@material(blockid=1112, data=0, transparent=True)
def hangings_roots(self, blockid, data):
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/hanging_roots.png")
return self.build_sprite(tex)
@material(blockid=[1113, 1114, 1115], data=list(range(6)), transparent=True)
def amethyst_bud(self, blockid, data):
if blockid == 1113:
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/small_amethyst_bud.png")
elif blockid == 1114:
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/medium_amethyst_bud.png")
elif blockid == 1115:
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/large_amethyst_bud.png")
def draw_north():
rotated = tex.rotate(90)
side = self.transform_image_side(rotated)
otherside = self.transform_image_top(rotated)
otherside = otherside.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
alpha_over(img, side, (6, 3), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (0, 6), otherside)
def draw_south():
rotated = tex.rotate(-90)
side = self.transform_image_side(rotated)
otherside = self.transform_image_top(rotated)
otherside = otherside.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
alpha_over(img, side, (6, 3), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (0, 6), otherside)
def draw_west():
rotated = tex.rotate(-90)
side = self.transform_image_side(rotated)
side = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
otherside = self.transform_image_top(rotated)
otherside = otherside.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
otherside = otherside.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
alpha_over(img, side, (6, 3), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (0, 6), otherside)
def draw_east():
rotated = tex.rotate(90)
side = self.transform_image_side(rotated)
side = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
otherside = self.transform_image_top(rotated)
otherside = otherside.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
otherside = otherside.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
alpha_over(img, side, (6, 3), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (0, 6), otherside)
draw_funcs = [draw_east, draw_south, draw_west, draw_north]
if data == 0: # down
tex = tex.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
return self.build_sprite(tex)
elif data == 1: # up
return self.build_sprite(tex)
elif data == 5: # north
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 3) % len(draw_funcs)]()
return img
elif data == 3: # south
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 1) % len(draw_funcs)]()
return img
elif data == 4: # west
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24,24), self.bgcolor)
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 2) % len(draw_funcs)]()
return img
elif data == 2: # east
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 0) % len(draw_funcs)]()
return img
return self.build_sprite(tex)
@material(blockid=[1116, 1117], data=list(range(2)), transparent=True)
def cave_vines(self, blockid, data):
if blockid == 1116:
if data == 1:
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cave_vines_plant_lit.png")
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cave_vines_plant.png")
elif blockid == 1117:
if data == 1:
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cave_vines_lit.png")
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/cave_vines.png")
return self.build_sprite(tex)
@material(blockid=1118, data=list(range(6)), transparent=True, solid=True)
def lightning_rod(self, blockid, data):
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/lightning_rod.png")
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
mask = tex.crop((0, 4, 2, 16))
sidetex = Image.new(tex.mode, tex.size, self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(sidetex, mask, (14, 4), mask)
mask = tex.crop((0, 0, 4, 4))
toptex = Image.new(tex.mode, tex.size, self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(toptex, mask, (12, 0), mask)
mask = tex.crop((0, 4, 2, 6))
side_toptex = Image.new(tex.mode, tex.size, self.bgcolor)
alpha_over(side_toptex, mask, (12, 0), mask)
def draw_east():
toptex_rotated = toptex.rotate(90)
top_side = self.transform_image_side(toptex_rotated)
top_side = top_side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
top_otherside = self.transform_image_top(toptex)
top_otherside = top_otherside.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
top_top = self.transform_image_side(toptex)
# top
alpha_over(img, top_otherside, (6, 6), top_otherside)
# side
alpha_over(img, top_side, (8, 7), top_side)
alpha_over(img, top_top, (6, 2), top_top)
roated_side = sidetex.rotate(90)
side = self.transform_image_side(roated_side)
side = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
otherside = self.transform_image_top(sidetex)
otherside = otherside.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
side_top = self.transform_image_side(side_toptex)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (-7, 4), otherside)
alpha_over(img, side, (5, -1), side)
alpha_over(img, side_top, (-2, 9), side_top)
def draw_south():
roated_side = sidetex.rotate(90)
side = self.transform_image_side(roated_side)
otherside = self.transform_image_top(sidetex)
alpha_over(img, side, (3, 6), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (-8, 6), otherside)
toptex_rotated = toptex.rotate(90)
top_side = self.transform_image_side(toptex_rotated)
top_otherside = self.transform_image_top(toptex)
top_top = self.transform_image_side(toptex)
top_top = top_top.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, top_side, (15, 12), top_side)
alpha_over(img, top_otherside, (5, 10), top_otherside)
alpha_over(img, top_top, (17, 7), top_top)
def draw_west():
roated_side = sidetex.rotate(90)
side = self.transform_image_side(roated_side)
side = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
otherside = self.transform_image_top(sidetex)
otherside = otherside.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, side, (10, 6), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (8, 6), otherside)
toptex_rotated = toptex.rotate(90)
top_side = self.transform_image_side(toptex_rotated)
top_side = top_side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
top_otherside = self.transform_image_top(toptex)
top_otherside = top_otherside.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
top_top = self.transform_image_side(toptex)
# top
alpha_over(img, top_otherside, (-3, 10), top_otherside)
# side
alpha_over(img, top_side, (0, 11), top_side)
alpha_over(img, top_top, (-3, 7), top_top)
def draw_north():
roated_side = sidetex.rotate(90)
side = self.transform_image_side(roated_side)
otherside = self.transform_image_top(sidetex)
alpha_over(img, side, (4, 7), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (-6, 7), otherside)
toptex_rotated = toptex.rotate(90)
top_side = self.transform_image_side(toptex_rotated)
top_otherside = self.transform_image_top(toptex)
top_top = self.transform_image_side(toptex)
top_top = top_top.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, top_otherside, (-4, 6), top_otherside)
alpha_over(img, top_side, (5, 7), top_side)
alpha_over(img, top_top, (8, 3), top_top)
draw_funcs = [draw_east, draw_south, draw_west, draw_north]
if data == 1: # up
side = self.transform_image_side(sidetex)
otherside = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, side, (0, 6 - 4), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (12, 6 - 4), otherside)
top_top = self.transform_image_top(toptex)
top_side = self.transform_image_side(toptex)
top_otherside = top_side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, top_side, (0, 6 - 4), top_side)
alpha_over(img, top_otherside, (12, 6 - 4), top_otherside)
alpha_over(img, top_top, (0, 5), top_top)
elif data == 0: # down
toptex_flipped = toptex.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
top_top = self.transform_image_top(toptex)
top_side = self.transform_image_side(toptex_flipped)
top_otherside = top_side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, top_side, (0, 6 - 4), top_side)
alpha_over(img, top_otherside, (12, 6 - 4), top_otherside)
alpha_over(img, top_top, (0, 14), top_top)
flipped = sidetex.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
side_top = self.transform_image_top(side_toptex)
side = self.transform_image_side(flipped)
otherside = side.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
alpha_over(img, side, (0, 6 - 4), side)
alpha_over(img, otherside, (12, 6 - 4), otherside)
alpha_over(img, side_top, (2, 6), side_top)
elif data == 3: # south
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 1) % len(draw_funcs)]()
elif data == 4: # west
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 2) % len(draw_funcs)]()
elif data == 2: # east
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 0) % len(draw_funcs)]()
elif data == 5: # north
draw_funcs[(self.rotation + 3) % len(draw_funcs)]()
return img
@material(blockid=1119, data=list(range(1 << 6)), transparent=True)
def glow_lichen(self, blockid, data):
tex = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/glow_lichen.png")
bottom = tex if data & 1 << 0 else None
top = tex if data & 1 << 1 else None
east = tex if data & 1 << 2 else None
south = tex if data & 1 << 3 else None
west = tex if data & 1 << 4 else None
north = tex if data & 1 << 5 else None
if self.rotation == 0:
return self.build_full_block(top, north, east, west, south, bottom)
elif self.rotation == 1:
return self.build_full_block(top, west, north, south, east, bottom)
elif self.rotation == 2:
return self.build_full_block(top, south, west, east, north, bottom)
else: # self.rotation == 3:
return self.build_full_block(top, east, south, north, west, bottom)
@material(blockid=1120, data=list(range(1)), transparent=True)
def spore_blossom(self, blockid, data):
leaf = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/spore_blossom.png")
base = self.load_image_texture("assets/minecraft/textures/block/spore_blossom_base.png")
img = Image.new("RGBA", (24, 24), self.bgcolor)
side_leaf = self.transform_image_top(leaf)
alpha_over(img, side_leaf, (-6, -5), side_leaf)
roated_leaf = leaf.rotate(90)
side_leaf = self.transform_image_top(roated_leaf)
alpha_over(img, side_leaf, (-7, 4), side_leaf)
roated_leaf = roated_leaf.rotate(90)
side_leaf = self.transform_image_top(roated_leaf)
alpha_over(img, side_leaf, (5, 4), side_leaf)
roated_leaf = roated_leaf.rotate(90)
side_leaf = self.transform_image_top(roated_leaf)
alpha_over(img, side_leaf, (5, -5), side_leaf)
base_top = self.transform_image_top(base)
alpha_over(img, base_top, (0, 0), base_top)
return img
block(blockid=1121, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/mud.png")
block(blockid=1122, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/packed_mud.png")
block(blockid=1123, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/mud_bricks.png")
block(blockid=1125, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/mangrove_roots_top.png",
block(blockid=1127, top_image="assets/minecraft/textures/block/muddy_mangrove_roots_top.png",