
634 lines
23 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Scans regionsets for TileEntities and Entities, filters them, and writes out
POI/marker info.
A markerSet is list of POIs to display on a tileset. It has a display name,
and a group name.
markersDB.js holds a list of POIs in each group
markers.js holds a list of which markerSets are attached to each tileSet
import datetime
import gzip
import itertools
import json
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import closing
from multiprocessing import Pool
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from overviewer_core import config_parser, logger, nbt, world
from overviewer_core.files import FileReplacer, get_fs_caps
UUID_LOOKUP_URL = 'https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/profile/'
0: "minecraft:overworld",
-1: "minecraft:the_nether",
1: "minecraft:the_end"
def replaceBads(s):
"Replaces bad characters with good characters!"
bads = [" ", "(", ")"]
x = s
for bad in bads:
x = x.replace(bad, "_")
return x
# If you want to keep your stomach contents do not, under any circumstance,
# read the body of the following function. You have been warned.
# All of this could be replaced by a simple json.loads if Mojang had
# introduced a TAG_JSON, but they didn't.
# So here are a few curiosities how 1.7 signs get seen in 1.8 in Minecraft:
# - null ->
# - "null" -> null
# - ["Hello"] -> Hello
# - [Hello] -> Hello
# - [1,2,3] -> 123
# Mojang just broke signs for everyone who ever used [, { and ". GG.
def jsonText(s):
if s is None or s == "null":
return ""
if ((s.startswith('"') and s.endswith('"')) or
(s.startswith('{') and s.endswith('}'))):
js = json.loads(s)
except ValueError:
return s
def parseLevel(foo):
bar = ""
if isinstance(foo, list):
for extra in foo:
bar += parseLevel(extra)
elif isinstance(foo, dict):
if "text" in foo:
bar += foo["text"]
if "extra" in foo:
bar += parseLevel(foo["extra"])
elif isinstance(foo, str):
bar = foo
return bar
return parseLevel(js)
return s
# Since functions are not pickleable, we send their names instead.
# Here, set up worker processes to have a name -> function map
bucketChunkFuncs = {}
def initBucketChunks(config_path):
global bucketChunkFuncs
mw_parser = config_parser.MultiWorldParser()
# ought not to fail since we already did it once
config = mw_parser.get_validated_config()
for name, render in config['renders'].items():
for f in render['markers']:
ff = f['filterFunction']
bucketChunkFuncs[ff.__name__] = ff
# yes there's a double parenthesis here
# see below for when this is called, and why we do this
# a smarter way would be functools.partial, but that's broken on python 2.6
# when used with multiprocessing
# TODO: Do the smarter way
def parseBucketChunks(task_tuple):
global bucketChunkFuncs
bucket, rset, filters = task_tuple
pid = multiprocessing.current_process().pid
markers = defaultdict(list)
i = 0
cnt = 0
for b in bucket:
data = rset.get_chunk(b[0], b[1])
for poi in itertools.chain(data.get('TileEntities', []), data.get('Entities', [])):
if poi['id'] == 'Sign' or poi['id'] == 'minecraft:sign':
poi = signWrangler(poi)
for name, filter_function in filters:
ff = bucketChunkFuncs[filter_function]
result = ff(poi)
if result:
d = create_marker_from_filter_result(poi, result)
except nbt.CorruptChunkError:
logging.warning("Ignoring POIs in corrupt chunk %d,%d.", b[0], b[1])
except world.ChunkDoesntExist:
# Perhaps only on verbose ?
i = i + 1
if i == 250:
i = 0
cnt = 250 + cnt
logging.debug("Found %d markers in thread %d so far at %d chunks.",
sum(len(v) for v in markers.values()), pid, cnt)
return markers
def signWrangler(poi):
Just does the JSON things for signs
for field in ["Text1", "Text2", "Text3", "Text4"]:
poi[field] = jsonText(poi[field])
return poi
def handleEntities(rset, config, config_path, filters, markers):
Add markers for Entities or TileEntities.
For this every chunk of the regionset is parsed and filtered using multiple
processes, if so configured.
This function will not return anything, but it will update the parameter
logging.info("Looking for entities in %r...", rset)
numbuckets = config['processes']
if numbuckets < 0:
numbuckets = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
if numbuckets == 1:
for (x, z, mtime) in rset.iterate_chunks():
data = rset.get_chunk(x, z)
for poi in itertools.chain(data.get('TileEntities', []), data.get('Entities', [])):
if poi['id'] == 'Sign' or poi['id'] == 'minecraft:sign': # kill me
poi = signWrangler(poi)
for name, __, filter_function, __, __, __ in filters:
result = filter_function(poi)
if result:
d = create_marker_from_filter_result(poi, result)
except nbt.CorruptChunkError:
logging.warning("Ignoring POIs in corrupt chunk %d,%d.", x, z)
except world.ChunkDoesntExist:
# iterate_chunks() doesn't inspect chunks and filter out
# placeholder ones. It's okay for this chunk to not exist.
buckets = [[] for i in range(numbuckets)]
for (x, z, mtime) in rset.iterate_chunks():
i = x // 32 + z // 32
i = i % numbuckets
buckets[i].append([x, z])
for b in buckets:
logging.info("Buckets has %d entries.", len(b))
# Create a pool of processes and run all the functions
pool = Pool(processes=numbuckets, initializer=initBucketChunks, initargs=(config_path,))
# simplify the filters dict, so pickle doesn't have to do so much
filters = [(name, filter_function.__name__) for name, __, filter_function, __, __, __
in filters]
results = pool.map(parseBucketChunks, ((buck, rset, filters) for buck in buckets))
logging.info("All the threads completed.")
for marker_dict in results:
for name, marker_list in marker_dict.items():
class PlayerDict(dict):
use_uuid = False
_name = ''
uuid_cache = None # A cache for the UUID->profile lookups
def load_cache(cls, outputdir):
cache_file = os.path.join(outputdir, "uuidcache.dat")
if os.path.exists(cache_file):
with closing(gzip.GzipFile(cache_file)) as gz:
cls.uuid_cache = json.loads(gz.read().decode("utf-8"))
logging.info("Loaded UUID cache from %r with %d entries.",
cache_file, len(cls.uuid_cache.keys()))
except (ValueError, IOError, EOFError):
logging.warning("Failed to load UUID cache -- it might be corrupt.")
cls.uuid_cache = {}
corrupted_cache = cache_file + ".corrupted." + datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
os.rename(cache_file, corrupted_cache)
logging.warning("If %s does not appear to contain meaningful data, you may "
"safely delete it.", corrupted_cache)
except OSError:
logging.warning("Failed to backup corrupted UUID cache.")
logging.info("Initialized an empty UUID cache.")
cls.uuid_cache = {}
logging.info("Initialized an empty UUID cache.")
def save_cache(cls, outputdir):
cache_file = os.path.join(outputdir, "uuidcache.dat")
caps = get_fs_caps(outputdir)
with FileReplacer(cache_file, caps) as cache_file_name:
with closing(gzip.GzipFile(cache_file_name, "wb")) as gz:
logging.info("Wrote UUID cache with %d entries.",
def __getitem__(self, item):
if item == "EntityId":
if "EntityId" not in self:
if self.use_uuid:
super(PlayerDict, self).__setitem__("EntityId", self.get_name_from_uuid())
super(PlayerDict, self).__setitem__("EntityId", self._name)
return super(PlayerDict, self).__getitem__(item)
def get_name_from_uuid(self):
sname = self._name.replace('-', '')
profile = PlayerDict.uuid_cache[sname]
if profile['retrievedAt'] > time.mktime(self['time']):
return profile['name']
except (KeyError,):
profile = json.loads(
urllib.request.urlopen(UUID_LOOKUP_URL + sname).read().decode("utf-8")
if 'name' in profile:
profile['retrievedAt'] = time.mktime(time.localtime())
PlayerDict.uuid_cache[sname] = profile
return profile['name']
except (ValueError, urllib.error.URLError):
logging.warning("Unable to get player name for UUID %s.", self._name)
def handlePlayers(worldpath, filters, markers):
Add markers for players to the list of markers.
For this the player files under the given `worldpath` are parsed and
This function will not return anything, but it will update the parameter
playerdir = os.path.join(worldpath, "playerdata")
useUUIDs = True
if not os.path.isdir(playerdir):
playerdir = os.path.join(worldpath, "players")
useUUIDs = False
if os.path.isdir(playerdir):
playerfiles = os.listdir(playerdir)
playerfiles = [x for x in playerfiles if x.endswith(".dat")]
isSinglePlayer = False
playerfiles = [os.path.join(worldpath, "level.dat")]
isSinglePlayer = True
for playerfile in playerfiles:
data = PlayerDict(nbt.load(os.path.join(playerdir, playerfile))[1])
data.use_uuid = useUUIDs
if isSinglePlayer:
data = data['Data']['Player']
except (IOError, TypeError):
logging.warning("Skipping bad player dat file %r.", playerfile)
playername = playerfile.split(".")[0]
if isSinglePlayer:
playername = 'Player'
data._name = playername
if useUUIDs:
data['uuid'] = playername
# Position at last logout
data['id'] = "Player"
data['x'] = int(data['Pos'][0])
data['y'] = int(data['Pos'][1])
data['z'] = int(data['Pos'][2])
# Time at last logout, calculated from last time the player's file was modified
data['time'] = time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(playerdir, playerfile)))
# Spawn position (bed or main spawn)
if "SpawnX" in data:
# Spawn position (bed or main spawn)
spawn = PlayerDict()
spawn.use_uuid = useUUIDs
spawn._name = playername
spawn["id"] = "PlayerSpawn"
spawn["x"] = data['SpawnX']
spawn["y"] = data['SpawnY']
spawn["z"] = data['SpawnZ']
for name, __, filter_function, rset, __, __ in filters:
# get the dimension for the filter
# This has do be done every time, because we have filters for
# different regionsets.
if rset.get_type():
dimension = int(re.match(r"^DIM(_MYST)?(-?\d+)$", rset.get_type()).group(2))
dimension = 0
dimension = DIMENSION_INT_TO_STR.get(dimension, "minecraft:overworld")
read_dim = data.get("Dimension", "minecraft:overworld")
if type(read_dim) == int:
DIMENSION_INT_TO_STR.get(read_dim, "minecraft:overworld")
if read_dim == dimension:
result = filter_function(data)
if result:
d = create_marker_from_filter_result(data, result)
if dimension == "minecraft:overworld" and "SpawnX" in data:
result = filter_function(spawn)
if result:
d = create_marker_from_filter_result(spawn, result)
def handleManual(manualpois, filters, markers):
Add markers for manually defined POIs to the list of markers.
This function will not return anything, but it will update the parameter
for poi in manualpois:
for name, __, filter_function, __, __, __ in filters:
result = filter_function(poi)
if result:
d = create_marker_from_filter_result(poi, result)
def create_marker_from_filter_result(poi, result):
Takes a POI and the return value of a filter function for it and creates a
marker dict depending on the type of the returned value.
# every marker has a position either directly via attributes x, y, z or
# via tuple attribute Pos
if 'Pos' in poi:
d = dict((v, poi['Pos'][i]) for i, v in enumerate('xyz'))
d = dict((v, poi[v]) for v in 'xyz')
# read some Defaults from POI
if "icon" in poi:
d["icon"] = poi['icon']
if "createInfoWindow" in poi:
d["createInfoWindow"] = poi['createInfoWindow']
# Fill in the rest from result
if isinstance(result, str):
d.update(dict(text=result, hovertext=result))
elif isinstance(result, tuple):
d.update(dict(text=result[1], hovertext=result[0]))
# Dict support to allow more flexible things in the future as well as polylines on the map.
elif isinstance(result, dict):
if 'text' in result:
d['text'] = result['text']
# Use custom hovertext if provided...
if 'hovertext' in result:
d['hovertext'] = str(result['hovertext'])
else: # ...otherwise default to display text.
d['hovertext'] = result.get('text', '')
if "icon" in result:
d["icon"] = result['icon']
if "createInfoWindow" in result:
d["createInfoWindow"] = result['createInfoWindow']
# Polylines and polygons
if (('polyline' in result and hasattr(result['polyline'], '__iter__')) or
'polygon' in result and hasattr(result['polygon'], '__iter__')):
# If the points form a line or closed shape
d['isLine'] = 'polyline' in result
# Collect points
d['points'] = []
for point in (result['polyline'] if d['isLine'] else result['polygon']):
d['points'].append(dict(x=point['x'], y=point['y'], z=point['z']))
# Options and default values
if 'color' in result:
d['strokeColor'] = result['color']
d['strokeColor'] = 'red'
if 'fill' in result:
d['fill'] = result['fill']
d['fill'] = not d['isLine'] # fill polygons by default
if 'weight' in result:
d['strokeWeight'] = result['weight']
d['strokeWeight'] = 2
raise ValueError("Got an %s as result for POI with id %s"
% (type(result).__name__, poi['id']))
return d
def main():
if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) == "genPOI.py":
prog_name = "genPOI.py"
prog_name = sys.argv[0] + " --genpoi"
parser = ArgumentParser(prog=prog_name)
parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", dest="config", action="store", required=True,
help="Specify the config file to use.")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--processes", dest="procs", action="store", type=int,
help="The number of local worker processes to spawn. Defaults to the "
"number of CPU cores your computer has.")
parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="count",
help="Reduce logging output")
parser.add_argument("--skip-scan", dest="skipscan", action="store_true",
help="Skip scanning for entities when using GenPOI")
parser.add_argument("--skip-players", dest="skipplayers", action="store_true",
help="Skip getting player data when using GenPOI")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.quiet and args.quiet > 0:
logger.configure(logging.WARN, False)
# Parse the config file
mw_parser = config_parser.MultiWorldParser()
except config_parser.MissingConfigException:
parser.error("The configuration file '{}' does not exist.".format(args.config))
if args.procs:
mw_parser.set_config_item("processes", args.procs)
config = mw_parser.get_validated_config()
except Exception:
logging.exception("An error was encountered with your configuration. See the info below.")
return 1
destdir = config['outputdir']
# saves us from creating the same World object over and over again
worldcache = {}
filters = set()
marker_groups = defaultdict(list)
logging.info("Searching renders: %s", list(config['renders']))
# collect all filters and get regionsets
for rname, render in config['renders'].items():
# Convert render['world'] to the world path, and store the original
# in render['worldname_orig']
worldpath = config['worlds'][render['world']]
except KeyError:
logging.error("Render %s's world is '%s', but I could not find a corresponding entry "
"in the worlds dictionary.", rname, render['world'])
return 1
render['worldname_orig'] = render['world']
render['world'] = worldpath
# find or create the world object
if (render['world'] not in worldcache):
w = world.World(render['world'])
worldcache[render['world']] = w
w = worldcache[render['world']]
# get the regionset for this dimension
rset = w.get_regionset(render['dimension'][1])
if rset is None: # indicates no such dimension was found:
logging.warning("Sorry, you requested dimension '%s' for the render '%s', but I "
"couldn't find it.", render['dimension'][0], rname)
# List of regionsets that should be handled
rsets = []
if "crop" in render:
for zone in render['crop']:
rsets.append(world.CroppedRegionSet(rset, *zone))
# find filters for this render
for f in render['markers']:
# internal identifier for this filter
name = (replaceBads(f['name']) + hex(hash(f['filterFunction']))[-4:] + "_"
+ hex(hash(rname))[-4:])
# add it to the list of filters
for rset in rsets:
filters.add((name, f['name'], f['filterFunction'], rset, worldpath, rname))
# add an entry in the menu to show markers found by this filter
group = dict(
icon=f.get('icon', 'signpost_icon.png'),
createInfoWindow=f.get('createInfoWindow', True),
checked=f.get('checked', False))
# initialize the structure for the markers
markers = dict((name, dict(created=False, raw=[], name=filter_name))
for name, filter_name, __, __, __, __ in filters)
all_rsets = set(map(lambda f: f[3], filters))
logging.info("Will search %s region sets using %s filters", len(all_rsets), len(filters))
# apply filters to regionsets
if not args.skipscan:
for rset in all_rsets:
rset_filters = list(filter(lambda f: f[3] == rset, filters))
logging.info("Calling handleEntities for %s with %s filters", rset, len(rset_filters))
handleEntities(rset, config, args.config, rset_filters, markers)
# apply filters to players
if not args.skipplayers:
# group filters by worldpath, so we only search for players once per
# world
def keyfunc(x):
return x[4]
sfilters = sorted(filters, key=keyfunc)
for worldpath, worldpath_filters in itertools.groupby(sfilters, keyfunc):
handlePlayers(worldpath, list(worldpath_filters), markers)
# add manual POIs
# group filters by name of the render, because only filter functions for
# the current render should be used on the current render's manualpois
def keyfunc(x):
return x[5]
sfilters = sorted(filters, key=keyfunc)
for rname, rname_filters in itertools.groupby(sfilters, keyfunc):
manualpois = config['renders'][rname]['manualpois']
handleManual(manualpois, list(rname_filters), markers)
logging.info("Done handling POIs")
logging.info("Writing out javascript files")
if not args.skipplayers:
with open(os.path.join(destdir, "markersDB.js"), "w") as output:
output.write("var markersDB=")
json.dump(markers, output, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
with open(os.path.join(destdir, "markers.js"), "w") as output:
output.write("var markers=")
json.dump(marker_groups, output, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
with open(os.path.join(destdir, "baseMarkers.js"), "w") as output:
if __name__ == "__main__":