
1751 lines
79 KiB

# This file is part of the Minecraft Overviewer.
# Minecraft Overviewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# Minecraft Overviewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with the Overviewer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import functools
import os
import os.path
import logging
import time
import random
import re
import locale
import numpy
from . import nbt
from . import cache
This module has routines for extracting information about available worlds
class ChunkDoesntExist(Exception):
class UnsupportedVersion(Exception):
def log_other_exceptions(func):
"""A decorator that prints out any errors that are not
ChunkDoesntExist errors. This should decorate any functions or
methods called by the C code, such as get_chunk(), because the C
code is likely to swallow exceptions. This will at least make them
def newfunc(*args):
return func(*args)
except ChunkDoesntExist:
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("%s raised this exception", func.func_name)
return newfunc
class World(object):
"""Encapsulates the concept of a Minecraft "world". A Minecraft world is a
level.dat file, a players directory with info about each player, a data
directory with info about that world's maps, and one or more "dimension"
directories containing a set of region files with the actual world data.
This class deals with reading all the metadata about the world. Reading
the actual world data for each dimension from the region files is handled
by a RegionSet object.
Note that vanilla Minecraft servers and single player games have a single
world with multiple dimensions: one for the overworld, the nether, etc.
On Bukkit enabled servers, to support "multiworld," the server creates
multiple Worlds, each with a single dimension.
In this file, the World objects act as an interface for RegionSet objects.
The RegionSet objects are what's really important and are used for reading
block data for rendering. A RegionSet object will always correspond to a
set of region files, or what is colloquially referred to as a "world," or
more accurately as a dimension.
The only thing this class actually stores is a list of RegionSet objects
and the parsed level.dat data
def __init__(self, worlddir):
self.worlddir = worlddir
# This list, populated below, will hold RegionSet files that are in
# this world
self.regionsets = []
# The level.dat file defines a minecraft world, so assert that this
# object corresponds to a world on disk
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.worlddir, "level.dat")):
raise ValueError("level.dat not found in %s" % self.worlddir)
data = nbt.load(os.path.join(self.worlddir, "level.dat"))[1]['Data']
# it seems that reading a level.dat file is unstable, particularly with respect
# to the spawnX,Y,Z variables. So we'll try a few times to get a good reading
# empirically, it seems that 0,50,0 is a "bad" reading
# update: 0,50,0 is the default spawn, and may be valid is some cases
# more info is needed
data = nbt.load(os.path.join(self.worlddir, "level.dat"))[1]['Data']
# Hard-code this to only work with format version 19133, "Anvil"
if not ('version' in data and data['version'] == 19133):
if 'version' in data and data['version'] == 0:
logging.debug("Note: Allowing a version of zero in level.dat!")
## XXX temporary fix for #1194
raise UnsupportedVersion(
("Sorry, This version of Minecraft-Overviewer only works "
"with the 'Anvil' chunk format\n"
"World at %s is not compatible with Overviewer")
% self.worlddir)
# This isn't much data, around 15 keys and values for vanilla worlds.
self.leveldat = data
# Scan worlddir to try to identify all region sets. Since different
# server mods like to arrange regions differently and there does not
# seem to be any set standard on what dimensions are in each world,
# just scan the directory heirarchy to find a directory with .mca
# files.
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.worlddir, followlinks=True):
# any .mcr files in this directory?
mcas = [x for x in files if x.endswith(".mca")]
if mcas:
# construct a regionset object for this
rel = os.path.relpath(root, self.worlddir)
if os.path.basename(rel) != "poi":
rset = RegionSet(root, rel)
if root == os.path.join(self.worlddir, "region"):
self.regionsets.insert(0, rset)
# TODO move a lot of the following code into the RegionSet
# level.dat should have the LevelName attribute so we'll use that
self.name = data['LevelName']
except KeyError:
# but very old ones might not? so we'll just go with the world dir name if they don't
self.name = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(self.worlddir))
# level.dat also has a RandomSeed attribute
self.seed = data['RandomSeed']
except KeyError:
self.seed = 0 # oh well
# TODO figure out where to handle regionlists
def get_regionsets(self):
return self.regionsets
def get_regionset(self, index):
if type(index) == int:
return self.regionsets[index]
else: # assume a get_type() value
candids = [x for x in self.regionsets if x.get_type() == index]
logging.debug("You asked for %r, and I found the following candids: %r", index, candids)
if len(candids) > 0:
return candids[0]
return None
def get_level_dat_data(self):
# Return a copy
return dict(self.data)
def find_true_spawn(self):
"""Returns the spawn point for this world. Since there is one spawn
point for a world across all dimensions (RegionSets), this method makes
sense as a member of the World class.
Returns (x, y, z)
# The spawn Y coordinate is almost always the default of 64. Find the
# first air block above the stored spawn location for the true spawn
# location
## read spawn info from level.dat
data = self.leveldat
disp_spawnX = spawnX = data['SpawnX']
spawnY = data['SpawnY']
disp_spawnZ = spawnZ = data['SpawnZ']
## clamp spawnY to a sane value, in-chunk value
if spawnY < 0:
spawnY = 0
if spawnY > 255:
spawnY = 255
## The chunk that holds the spawn location
chunkX = spawnX//16
chunkY = spawnY//16
chunkZ = spawnZ//16
## The block for spawn *within* the chunk
inChunkX = spawnX % 16
inChunkZ = spawnZ % 16
inChunkY = spawnY % 16
## Open up the chunk that the spawn is in
regionset = self.get_regionset(None)
if not regionset:
return None
chunk = regionset.get_chunk(chunkX, chunkZ)
except ChunkDoesntExist:
return (spawnX, spawnY, spawnZ)
## Check for first air block (0) above spawn
# Get only the spawn section and the ones above, ordered from low to high
spawnChunkSections = sorted(chunk['Sections'], key=lambda sec: sec['Y'])[chunkY:]
for section in spawnChunkSections:
# First section, start at registered local y
for y in range(inChunkY, 16):
# If air, return absolute coords
if section['Blocks'][inChunkX, inChunkZ, y] == 0:
return spawnX, spawnY, spawnZ
# Keep track of the absolute Y
spawnY += 1
# Next section, start at local 0
inChunkY = 0
return spawnX, 256, spawnZ
class RegionSet(object):
"""This object is the gateway to a particular Minecraft dimension within a
world. It corresponds to a set of region files containing the actual
world data. This object has methods for parsing and returning data from the
chunks from its regions.
See the docs for the World object for more information on the difference
between Worlds and RegionSets.
def __init__(self, regiondir, rel):
"""Initialize a new RegionSet to access the region files in the given
regiondir is a path to a directory containing region files.
rel is the relative path of this directory, with respect to the
world directory.
cachesize, if specified, is the number of chunks to keep parsed and
self.regiondir = os.path.normpath(regiondir)
self.rel = os.path.normpath(rel)
logging.debug("regiondir is %r" % self.regiondir)
logging.debug("rel is %r" % self.rel)
# we want to get rid of /regions, if it exists
if self.rel.endswith(os.path.normpath("/region")):
self.type = self.rel[0:-len(os.path.normpath("/region"))]
elif self.rel == "region":
# this is the main world
self.type = None
logging.warning("Unknown region type in %r", regiondir)
self.type = "__unknown"
logging.debug("Scanning regions. Type is %r" % self.type)
# This is populated below. It is a mapping from (x,y) region coords to filename
self.regionfiles = {}
# This holds a cache of open regionfile objects
self.regioncache = cache.LRUCache(size=16, destructor=lambda regionobj: regionobj.close())
for x, y, regionfile in self._iterate_regionfiles():
# regionfile is a pathname
self.regionfiles[(x,y)] = (regionfile, os.path.getmtime(regionfile))
self.empty_chunk = [None,None]
logging.debug("Done scanning regions")
self._blockmap = {
'minecraft:air': (0, 0),
'minecraft:cave_air': (0, 0),
'minecraft:void_air': (0, 0),
'minecraft:stone': (1, 0),
'minecraft:granite': (1, 1),
'minecraft:polished_granite': (1, 2),
'minecraft:diorite': (1, 3),
'minecraft:polished_diorite': (1, 4),
'minecraft:andesite': (1, 5),
'minecraft:polished_andesite': (1, 6),
'minecraft:grass_block': (2, 0),
'minecraft:dirt': (3, 0),
'minecraft:coarse_dirt': (3, 1),
'minecraft:podzol': (3, 2),
'minecraft:cobblestone': (4, 0),
'minecraft:infested_cobblestone': (4, 0),
'minecraft:oak_planks': (5, 0),
'minecraft:spruce_planks': (5, 1),
'minecraft:birch_planks': (5, 2),
'minecraft:jungle_planks': (5, 3),
'minecraft:acacia_planks': (5, 4),
'minecraft:dark_oak_planks': (5, 5),
'minecraft:oak_sapling': (6, 0),
'minecraft:spruce_sapling': (6, 1),
'minecraft:birch_sapling': (6, 2),
'minecraft:jungle_sapling': (6, 3),
'minecraft:acacia_sapling': (6, 4),
'minecraft:dark_oak_sapling': (6, 5),
'minecraft:bedrock': (7, 0),
'minecraft:water': (8, 0),
'minecraft:lava': (10, 0),
'minecraft:sand': (12, 0),
'minecraft:red_sand': (12, 1),
'minecraft:gravel': (13, 0),
'minecraft:gold_ore': (14, 0),
'minecraft:iron_ore': (15, 0),
'minecraft:coal_ore': (16, 0),
'minecraft:oak_log': (17, 0),
'minecraft:spruce_log': (17, 1),
'minecraft:birch_log': (17, 2),
'minecraft:jungle_log': (17, 3),
'minecraft:oak_leaves': (18, 0),
'minecraft:spruce_leaves': (18, 1),
'minecraft:birch_leaves': (18, 2),
'minecraft:jungle_leaves': (18, 3),
'minecraft:acacia_leaves': (18, 4),
'minecraft:dark_oak_leaves': (18, 5),
'minecraft:sponge': (19, 0),
'minecraft:wet_sponge': (19, 1),
'minecraft:glass': (20, 0),
'minecraft:lapis_ore': (21, 0),
'minecraft:lapis_block': (22, 0),
'minecraft:dispenser': (23, 0),
'minecraft:sandstone': (24, 0),
'minecraft:cut_sandstone': (24, 2),
'minecraft:chiseled_sandstone': (24, 3),
'minecraft:note_block': (25, 0),
'minecraft:white_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:orange_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:magenta_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:light_blue_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:yellow_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:lime_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:pink_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:gray_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:light_gray_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:cyan_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:purple_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:blue_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:brown_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:green_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:red_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:black_bed': (26, 0),
'minecraft:powered_rail': (27, 0),
'minecraft:detector_rail': (28, 0),
'minecraft:sticky_piston': (29, 0),
'minecraft:cobweb': (30, 0),
'minecraft:dead_bush': (31, 0),
'minecraft:grass': (31, 1),
'minecraft:fern': (31, 2),
'minecraft:piston': (33, 0),
'minecraft:piston_head': (34, 0),
'minecraft:white_wool': (35, 0),
'minecraft:orange_wool': (35, 1),
'minecraft:magenta_wool': (35, 2),
'minecraft:light_blue_wool': (35, 3),
'minecraft:yellow_wool': (35, 4),
'minecraft:lime_wool': (35, 5),
'minecraft:pink_wool': (35, 6),
'minecraft:gray_wool': (35, 7),
'minecraft:light_gray_wool': (35, 8),
'minecraft:cyan_wool': (35, 9),
'minecraft:purple_wool': (35, 10),
'minecraft:blue_wool': (35, 11),
'minecraft:brown_wool': (35, 12),
'minecraft:green_wool': (35, 13),
'minecraft:red_wool': (35, 14),
'minecraft:black_wool': (35, 15),
'minecraft:poppy': (38, 0),
'minecraft:blue_orchid': (38, 1),
'minecraft:allium': (38, 2),
'minecraft:azure_bluet': (38, 3),
'minecraft:red_tulip': (38, 4),
'minecraft:orange_tulip': (38, 5),
'minecraft:white_tulip': (38, 6),
'minecraft:pink_tulip': (38, 7),
'minecraft:oxeye_daisy': (38, 8),
'minecraft:dandelion': (38, 9),
'minecraft:brown_mushroom': (39, 0),
'minecraft:red_mushroom': (40, 0),
'minecraft:gold_block': (41, 0),
'minecraft:iron_block': (42, 0),
'minecraft:stone_slab': (44, 0),
'minecraft:sandstone_slab': (44, 1),
'minecraft:oak_slab': (44, 2),
'minecraft:cobblestone_slab': (44, 3),
'minecraft:brick_slab': (44, 4),
'minecraft:stone_brick_slab': (44, 5),
'minecraft:nether_brick_slab': (44, 6),
'minecraft:quartz_slab': (44, 7),
'minecraft:bricks': (45, 0),
'minecraft:tnt': (46, 0),
'minecraft:bookshelf': (47, 0),
'minecraft:mossy_cobblestone': (48, 0),
'minecraft:obsidian': (49, 0),
'minecraft:wall_torch': (50, 0),
'minecraft:torch': (50, 5),
'minecraft:fire': (51, 0),
'minecraft:spawner': (52, 0),
'minecraft:oak_stairs': (53, 0),
'minecraft:chest': (54, 0),
'minecraft:redstone_wire': (55, 0),
'minecraft:diamond_ore': (56, 0),
'minecraft:diamond_block': (57, 0),
'minecraft:crafting_table': (58, 0),
'minecraft:wheat': (59, 0),
'minecraft:farmland': (60, 0),
'minecraft:furnace': (61, 0),
'minecraft:sign': (63, 0),
'minecraft:oak_door': (64, 0),
'minecraft:ladder': (65, 0),
'minecraft:rail': (66, 0),
'minecraft:stone_stairs': (67, 0),
'minecraft:cobblestone_stairs': (67, 0),
'minecraft:wall_sign': (68, 0),
'minecraft:lever': (69, 0),
'minecraft:stone_pressure_plate': (70, 0),
'minecraft:iron_door': (71, 0),
'minecraft:oak_pressure_plate': (72, 0),
'minecraft:redstone_ore': (73, 0),
'minecraft:redstone_wall_torch': (75, 0),
'minecraft:redstone_torch': (75, 5),
'minecraft:stone_button': (77, 0),
'minecraft:snow': (78, 0),
'minecraft:ice': (79, 0),
'minecraft:snow_block': (80, 0),
'minecraft:cactus': (81, 0),
'minecraft:clay': (82, 0),
'minecraft:sugar_cane': (83, 0),
'minecraft:jukebox': (84, 0),
'minecraft:oak_fence': (85, 0),
'minecraft:pumpkin': (86, 0),
'minecraft:netherrack': (87, 0),
'minecraft:soul_sand': (88, 0),
'minecraft:glowstone': (89, 0),
'minecraft:nether_portal': (90, 0),
'minecraft:jack_o_lantern': (91, 0),
'minecraft:cake': (92, 0),
'minecraft:repeater': (93,0),
'minecraft:oak_trapdoor': (96, 0),
'minecraft:infested_stone': (97, 0),
'minecraft:stone_bricks': (98, 0),
'minecraft:infested_stone_bricks': (98, 0),
'minecraft:mossy_stone_bricks': (98, 1),
'minecraft:infested_mossy_stone_bricks': (98, 1),
'minecraft:cracked_stone_bricks': (98, 2),
'minecraft:infested_cracked_stone_bricks': (98, 2),
'minecraft:chiseled_stone_bricks': (98, 3),
'minecraft:infested_chiseled_stone_bricks': (98, 3),
'minecraft:brown_mushroom_block': (99, 0),
'minecraft:red_mushroom_block': (100, 0),
'minecraft:mushroom_stem': (100,10),
'minecraft:iron_bars': (101, 0),
'minecraft:glass_pane': (102, 0),
'minecraft:melon': (103,0),
'minecraft:attached_pumpkin_stem': (104, 0),
'minecraft:attached_melon_stem': (104, 0),
'minecraft:pumpkin_stem': (105, 0),
'minecraft:melon_stem': (105, 0),
'minecraft:vine': (106, 0),
'minecraft:oak_fence_gate': (107, 0),
'minecraft:brick_stairs': (108, 0),
'minecraft:stone_brick_stairs': (109, 0),
'minecraft:mycelium': (110, 0),
'minecraft:lily_pad': (111, 0),
'minecraft:nether_bricks': (112, 0),
'minecraft:nether_brick_fence': (113, 0),
'minecraft:nether_brick_stairs': (114, 0),
'minecraft:nether_wart': (115, 0),
'minecraft:enchanting_table': (116, 0),
'minecraft:brewing_stand': (117, 0),
'minecraft:cauldron': (118, 0),
'minecraft:end_portal': (119, 0),
'minecraft:end_portal_frame': (120, 0),
'minecraft:end_stone': (121, 0),
'minecraft:dragon_egg': (122, 0),
'minecraft:redstone_lamp': (123, 0),
'minecraft:oak_slab': (126, 0),
'minecraft:spruce_slab': (126, 1),
'minecraft:birch_slab': (126, 2),
'minecraft:jungle_slab': (126, 3),
'minecraft:acacia_slab': (126, 4),
'minecraft:dark_oak_slab': (126, 5),
'minecraft:cocoa': (127, 0),
'minecraft:sandstone_stairs': (128, 0),
'minecraft:emerald_ore': (129, 0),
'minecraft:ender_chest': (130, 0),
'minecraft:tripwire': (131, 0),
'minecraft:tripwire_hook': (132, 0),
'minecraft:emerald_block': (133, 0),
'minecraft:spruce_stairs': (134, 0),
'minecraft:birch_stairs': (135, 0),
'minecraft:jungle_stairs': (136, 0),
'minecraft:command_block': (137, 0),
'minecraft:beacon': (138, 0),
'minecraft:cobblestone_wall': (139, 0),
'minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall': (139, 1),
'minecraft:flower_pot': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_poppy': (140, 0), # Pots not rendering
'minecraft:potted_blue_orchid': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_allium': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_azure_bluet': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_red_tulip': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_orange_tulip': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_white_tulip': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_pink_tulip': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_oxeye_daisy': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_oak_sapling': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_spruce_sapling': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_birch_sapling': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_jungle_sapling': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_acacia_sapling': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_dark_oak_sapling': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_red_mushroom': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_brown_mushroom': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_fern': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_dead_bush': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_cactus': (140, 0),
'minecraft:potted_bamboo': (140, 0),
'minecraft:carrots': (141, 0),
'minecraft:potatoes': (142, 0),
'minecraft:oak_button': (143, 0),
'minecraft:skeleton_wall_skull': (144, 0), # not rendering
'minecraft:wither_skeleton_wall_skull': (144, 1), # not rendering
'minecraft:zombie_wall_head': (144, 2), # not rendering
'minecraft:player_wall_head': (144, 3), # not rendering
'minecraft:creeper_wall_head': (144, 4), # not rendering
'minecraft:dragon_wall_head': (144, 5), # not rendering
'minecraft:anvil': (145, 0),
'minecraft:chipped_anvil': (145, 4),
'minecraft:damaged_anvil': (145, 8),
'minecraft:trapped_chest': (146, 0),
'minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate': (147, 0),
'minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate': (148, 0),
'minecraft:comparator': (149, 0),
'minecraft:daylight_detector': (151, 0),
'minecraft:redstone_block': (152, 0),
'minecraft:nether_quartz_ore': (153, 0),
'minecraft:hopper': (154, 0),
'minecraft:quartz_block': (155, 0),
'minecraft:smooth_quartz': (155, 0), # Only bottom texture is different
'minecraft:quartz_pillar': (155, 2),
'minecraft:chiseled_quartz_block': (155, 1),
'minecraft:quartz_stairs': (156, 0),
'minecraft:activator_rail': (157, 0),
'minecraft:dropper': (158, 0),
'minecraft:white_terracotta': (159, 0),
'minecraft:orange_terracotta': (159, 1),
'minecraft:magenta_terracotta': (159, 2),
'minecraft:light_blue_terracotta': (159, 3),
'minecraft:yellow_terracotta': (159, 4),
'minecraft:lime_terracotta': (159, 5),
'minecraft:pink_terracotta': (159, 6),
'minecraft:gray_terracotta': (159, 7),
'minecraft:light_gray_terracotta': (159, 8),
'minecraft:cyan_terracotta': (159, 9),
'minecraft:purple_terracotta': (159, 10),
'minecraft:blue_terracotta': (159, 11),
'minecraft:brown_terracotta': (159, 12),
'minecraft:green_terracotta': (159, 13),
'minecraft:red_terracotta': (159, 14),
'minecraft:black_terracotta': (159, 15),
'minecraft:acacia_log': (162, 0),
'minecraft:dark_oak_log': (162, 1),
'minecraft:acacia_stairs': (163, 0),
'minecraft:dark_oak_stairs': (164, 0),
'minecraft:slime_block': (165,0),
'minecraft:iron_trapdoor': (167, 0),
'minecraft:prismarine': (168, 0),
'minecraft:dark_prismarine': (168, 2),
'minecraft:prismarine_bricks': (168, 1),
'minecraft:sea_lantern': (169, 0),
'minecraft:hay_block': (170, 0),
'minecraft:white_carpet': (171, 0),
'minecraft:orange_carpet': (171, 1),
'minecraft:magenta_carpet': (171, 2),
'minecraft:light_blue_carpet': (171, 3),
'minecraft:yellow_carpet': (171, 4),
'minecraft:lime_carpet': (171, 5),
'minecraft:pink_carpet': (171, 6),
'minecraft:gray_carpet': (171, 7),
'minecraft:light_gray_carpet': (171, 8),
'minecraft:cyan_carpet': (171, 9),
'minecraft:purple_carpet': (171, 10),
'minecraft:blue_carpet': (171, 11),
'minecraft:brown_carpet': (171, 12),
'minecraft:green_carpet': (171, 13),
'minecraft:red_carpet': (171, 14),
'minecraft:black_carpet': (171, 15),
'minecraft:terracotta': (172, 0),
'minecraft:coal_block': (173, 0),
'minecraft:packed_ice': (174, 0),
'minecraft:sunflower': (175, 0),
'minecraft:lilac': (175, 1),
'minecraft:tall_grass': (175, 2),
'minecraft:large_fern': (175, 3),
'minecraft:rose_bush': (175, 4),
'minecraft:peony': (175, 5),
'minecraft:standing_banner': (176, 0),
'minecraft:wall_banner': (177, 0),
'minecraft:red_sandstone': (179, 0),
'minecraft:cut_red_sandstone': (179, 2),
'minecraft:chiseled_red_sandstone': (179, 3),
'minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs': (180, 0),
'minecraft:red_sandstone_slab': (182,0),
'minecraft:spruce_fence_gate': (183, 0),
'minecraft:birch_fence_gate': (184, 0),
'minecraft:jungle_fence_gate': (185, 0),
'minecraft:dark_oak_fence_gate': (186, 0),
'minecraft:acacia_fence_gate': (187, 0),
'minecraft:spruce_fence': (188, 0),
'minecraft:birch_fence': (189, 0),
'minecraft:jungle_fence': (190, 0),
'minecraft:dark_oak_fence': (191, 0),
'minecraft:acacia_fence': (192, 0),
'minecraft:spruce_door': (193, 0),
'minecraft:birch_door': (194, 0),
'minecraft:jungle_door': (195, 0),
'minecraft:acacia_door': (196, 0),
'minecraft:dark_oak_door': (197, 0),
'minecraft:end_rod': (198, 0), # not rendering
'minecraft:chorus_plant': (199, 0),
'minecraft:chorus_flower': (200, 0),
'minecraft:purpur_block': (201, 0),
'minecraft:purpur_pillar': (202, 0),
'minecraft:purpur_stairs': (203, 0),
'minecraft:purpur_slab': (205, 0),
'minecraft:end_stone_bricks': (206, 0),
'minecraft:beetroots': (207, 0),
'minecraft:grass_path': (208, 0),
'minecraft:repeating_command_block': (210, 0),
'minecraft:chain_command_block': (211, 0),
'minecraft:frosted_ice': (212, 0),
'minecraft:magma_block': (213, 0),
'minecraft:nether_wart_block': (214, 0),
'minecraft:red_nether_bricks': (215, 0),
'minecraft:bone_block': (216, 0),
'minecraft:observer': (218, 0),
'minecraft:white_shulker_box': (219, 0),
'minecraft:orange_shulker_box': (220, 0),
'minecraft:magenta_shulker_box': (221, 0),
'minecraft:light_blue_shulker_box': (222, 0),
'minecraft:yellow_shulker_box': (223, 0),
'minecraft:lime_shulker_box': (224, 0),
'minecraft:pink_shulker_box': (225, 0),
'minecraft:gray_shulker_box': (226, 0),
'minecraft:light_gray_shulker_box': (227, 0),
'minecraft:cyan_shulker_box': (228, 0),
'minecraft:shulker_box': (229, 0), # wrong color
'minecraft:purple_shulker_box': (229, 0),
'minecraft:blue_shulker_box': (230, 0),
'minecraft:brown_shulker_box': (231, 0),
'minecraft:green_shulker_box': (232, 0),
'minecraft:red_shulker_box': (233, 0),
'minecraft:black_shulker_box': (234, 0),
'minecraft:white_glazed_terracotta': (235, 0),
'minecraft:orange_glazed_terracotta': (236, 0),
'minecraft:magenta_glazed_terracotta': (237, 0),
'minecraft:light_blue_glazed_terracotta': (238, 0),
'minecraft:yellow_glazed_terracotta': (239, 0),
'minecraft:lime_glazed_terracotta': (240, 0),
'minecraft:pink_glazed_terracotta': (241, 0),
'minecraft:gray_glazed_terracotta': (242, 0),
'minecraft:light_gray_glazed_terracotta': (243, 0),
'minecraft:cyan_glazed_terracotta': (244, 0),
'minecraft:purple_glazed_terracotta': (245, 0),
'minecraft:blue_glazed_terracotta': (246, 0),
'minecraft:brown_glazed_terracotta': (247, 0),
'minecraft:green_glazed_terracotta': (248, 0),
'minecraft:red_glazed_terracotta': (249, 0),
'minecraft:black_glazed_terracotta': (250, 0),
'minecraft:structure_block': (255, 0),
'minecraft:armor_stand': (416, 0), # not rendering
# The following blocks are underwater and are not yet rendered.
# To avoid spurious warnings, we'll treat them as water for now.
'minecraft:brain_coral': (8, 0),
'minecraft:brain_coral_fan': (8, 0),
'minecraft:brain_coral_wall_fan': (8, 0),
'minecraft:bubble_column': (8, 0),
'minecraft:bubble_coral': (8, 0),
'minecraft:bubble_coral_fan': (8, 0),
'minecraft:bubble_coral_wall_fan': (8, 0),
'minecraft:fire_coral': (8, 0),
'minecraft:fire_coral_fan': (8, 0),
'minecraft:fire_coral_wall_fan': (8, 0),
'minecraft:horn_coral': (8, 0),
'minecraft:horn_coral_fan': (8, 0),
'minecraft:horn_coral_wall_fan': (8, 0),
'minecraft:kelp': (8, 0),
'minecraft:kelp_plant': (8, 0),
'minecraft:sea_pickle': (8, 0),
'minecraft:seagrass': (8, 0),
'minecraft:tall_seagrass': (8, 0),
'minecraft:tube_coral': (8, 0),
'minecraft:tube_coral_fan': (8, 0),
'minecraft:tube_coral_wall_fan': (8, 0),
# New blocks
'minecraft:carved_pumpkin': (11300, 0),
'minecraft:spruce_pressure_plate': (11301, 0),
'minecraft:birch_pressure_plate': (11302, 0),
'minecraft:jungle_pressure_plate': (11303, 0),
'minecraft:acacia_pressure_plate': (11304, 0),
'minecraft:dark_oak_pressure_plate': (11305, 0),
'minecraft:stripped_oak_log': (11306, 0),
'minecraft:stripped_spruce_log': (11306, 1),
'minecraft:stripped_birch_log': (11306, 2),
'minecraft:stripped_jungle_log': (11306, 3),
'minecraft:stripped_acacia_log': (11307, 0),
'minecraft:stripped_dark_oak_log': (11307, 1),
'minecraft:oak_wood': (11308, 0),
'minecraft:spruce_wood': (11308, 1),
'minecraft:birch_wood': (11308, 2),
'minecraft:jungle_wood': (11308, 3),
'minecraft:acacia_wood': (11309, 0),
'minecraft:dark_oak_wood': (11309, 1),
'minecraft:stripped_oak_wood': (11310, 0),
'minecraft:stripped_spruce_wood': (11310, 1),
'minecraft:stripped_birch_wood': (11310, 2),
'minecraft:stripped_jungle_wood': (11310, 3),
'minecraft:stripped_acacia_wood': (11311, 0),
'minecraft:stripped_dark_oak_wood': (11311, 1),
'minecraft:blue_ice': (11312, 0),
'minecraft:smooth_stone': (11313, 0),
'minecraft:smooth_sandstone': (11314, 0),
'minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone': (11315, 0),
'minecraft:brain_coral_block': (11316, 0),
'minecraft:bubble_coral_block': (11317, 0),
'minecraft:fire_coral_block': (11318, 0),
'minecraft:horn_coral_block': (11319, 0),
'minecraft:tube_coral_block': (11320, 0),
'minecraft:dead_brain_coral_block': (11321, 0),
'minecraft:dead_bubble_coral_block': (11322, 0),
'minecraft:dead_fire_coral_block': (11323, 0),
'minecraft:dead_horn_coral_block': (11324, 0),
'minecraft:dead_tube_coral_block': (11325, 0),
'minecraft:spruce_button': (11326,0),
'minecraft:birch_button': (11327,0),
'minecraft:jungle_button': (11328,0),
'minecraft:acacia_button': (11329,0),
'minecraft:dark_oak_button': (11330,0),
'minecraft:dried_kelp_block': (11331,0),
'minecraft:spruce_trapdoor': (11332, 0),
'minecraft:birch_trapdoor': (11333, 0),
'minecraft:jungle_trapdoor': (11334, 0),
'minecraft:acacia_trapdoor': (11335, 0),
'minecraft:dark_oak_trapdoor': (11336, 0),
'minecraft:petrified_oak_slab': (126, 0),
'minecraft:prismarine_stairs': (11337, 0),
'minecraft:dark_prismarine_stairs': (11338, 0),
'minecraft:prismarine_brick_stairs': (11339,0),
'minecraft:prismarine_slab': (11340, 0),
'minecraft:dark_prismarine_slab': (11341, 0),
'minecraft:prismarine_brick_slab': (11342, 0),
"minecraft:andesite_slab": (11343, 0),
"minecraft:diorite_slab": (11344, 0),
"minecraft:granite_slab": (11345, 0),
"minecraft:polished_andesite_slab": (11346, 0),
"minecraft:polished_diorite_slab": (11347, 0),
"minecraft:polished_granite_slab": (11348, 0),
"minecraft:red_nether_brick_slab": (11349, 0),
"minecraft:smooth_sandstone_slab": (11350, 0),
"minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab": (11351, 0),
"minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_slab": (11352, 0),
"minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab": (11353, 0),
"minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab": (11354, 0),
"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_slab": (11355, 0),
"minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_slab": (11356, 0),
"minecraft:smooth_quartz_slab": (11357, 0),
"minecraft:smooth_stone_slab": (11358, 0),
"minecraft:fletching_table": (11359, 0),
"minecraft:cartography_table": (11360, 0),
"minecraft:smithing_table": (11361, 0),
"minecraft:blast_furnace": (11362, 0),
"minecraft:smoker": (11364, 0),
"minecraft:lectern": (11366, 0),
"minecraft:loom": (11367, 0),
"minecraft:stonecutter": (11368, 0),
"minecraft:grindstone": (11369, 0),
"minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_stairs": (11370, 0),
"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_stairs": (11371, 0),
"minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_wall": (11372, 0),
"minecraft:lantern": (11373, 0),
colors = [ 'white', 'orange', 'magenta', 'light_blue',
'yellow', 'lime', 'pink', 'gray',
'light_gray', 'cyan', 'purple', 'blue',
'brown', 'green', 'red', 'black']
for i in range(len(colors)):
self._blockmap['minecraft:%s_stained_glass' % colors[i]] = (95, i)
self._blockmap['minecraft:%s_stained_glass_pane' % colors[i]] = (160, i)
self._blockmap['minecraft:%s_banner' % colors[i]] = (176, i) #not rendering
self._blockmap['minecraft:%s_wall_banner' % colors[i]] = (177, i) #not rendering
self._blockmap['minecraft:%s_concrete' % colors[i]] = (251, i)
self._blockmap['minecraft:%s_concrete_powder' % colors[i]] = (252, i)
# Re-initialize upon unpickling
def __getstate__(self):
return (self.regiondir, self.rel)
def __setstate__(self, state):
return self.__init__(*state)
def __repr__(self):
return "<RegionSet regiondir=%r>" % self.regiondir
def __lt__(self, other):
"""This garbage is only needed because genPOI wants to use
itertools.groupby, which needs sorted keys, and Python 2 somehow
just sorted objects like ???????? how????? why?????
return self.regiondir < other.regiondir
def _get_block(self, palette_entry):
wood_slabs = ('minecraft:oak_slab','minecraft:spruce_slab','minecraft:birch_slab','minecraft:jungle_slab',
stone_slabs = ('minecraft:stone_slab', 'minecraft:sandstone_slab','minecraft:red_sandstone_slab',
'minecraft:cobblestone_slab', 'minecraft:brick_slab','minecraft:purpur_slab',
'minecraft:stone_brick_slab', 'minecraft:nether_brick_slab',
'minecraft:quartz_slab', "minecraft:andesite_slab", 'minecraft:diorite_slab',
'minecraft:granite_slab', 'minecraft:polished_andesite_slab',
prismarine_slabs = ('minecraft:prismarine_slab','minecraft:dark_prismarine_slab','minecraft:prismarine_brick_slab')
key = palette_entry['Name']
(block, data) = self._blockmap[key]
if key in ['minecraft:redstone_ore', 'minecraft:redstone_lamp']:
if palette_entry['Properties']['lit'] == 'true':
block += 1
elif key.endswith('gate'):
facing = palette_entry['Properties']['facing']
data = {'south': 0, 'west': 1, 'north': 2, 'east': 3}[facing]
if palette_entry['Properties']['open'] == 'true':
data += 4
elif key.endswith('rail'):
shape = palette_entry['Properties']['shape']
data = {'north_south':0, 'east_west': 1, 'ascending_east': 2, 'ascending_west': 3, 'ascending_north': 4, 'ascending_south': 5, 'south_west': 6, 'south_east': 7, 'north_east': 8, 'north_west': 9}[shape]
if key == 'minecraft:powered_rail' and palette_entry['Properties']['powered'] == 'true':
data |= 8
elif key in ['minecraft:comparator', 'minecraft:repeater']:
if palette_entry['Properties']['powered'] == 'true':
block += 1
facing = palette_entry['Properties']['facing']
data = {'south': 0, 'west': 1, 'north': 2, 'east': 3}[facing]
elif key == 'minecraft:daylight_detector':
if palette_entry['Properties']['inverted'] == 'true':
block = 178
elif key == 'minecraft:redstone_wire':
data = palette_entry['Properties']['power']
elif key == 'minecraft:grass_block':
if palette_entry['Properties']['snowy'] == 'true':
data |= 0x10
elif key in ('minecraft:sunflower', 'minecraft:lilac', 'minecraft:tall_grass', 'minecraft:large_fern', 'minecraft:rose_bush', 'minecraft:peony'):
if palette_entry['Properties']['half'] == 'upper':
data |= 0x08
elif key in wood_slabs + stone_slabs + prismarine_slabs:
# handle double slabs
if palette_entry['Properties']['type'] == 'top':
data |= 0x08
elif palette_entry['Properties']['type'] == 'double':
if key in wood_slabs:
block = 125 # block_double_wooden_slab
elif key in stone_slabs:
if key == 'minecraft:stone_brick_slab':
block = 98
elif key == 'minecraft:stone_slab':
block = 43 # block_double_stone_slab
elif key == 'minecraft:cobblestone_slab':
block = 4 # cobblestone
elif key == 'minecraft:sandstone_slab':
block = 24 # minecraft:sandstone
elif key == 'minecraft:red_sandstone_slab':
block = 179 # minecraft:red_sandstone
elif key == 'minecraft:nether_brick_slab':
block = 112 # minecraft:nether_bricks
elif key == 'minecraft:quartz_slab':
block = 155 # minecraft:quartz_block
elif key == 'minecraft:brick_slab':
block = 45 # minecraft:bricks
elif key == 'minecraft:purpur_slab':
block = 201 # minecraft:purpur_block
elif key == 'minecraft:andesite_slab':
block = 1 # minecraft:andesite
data = 5
elif key == 'minecraft:diorite_slab':
block = 1 # minecraft:diorite
data = 3
elif key == 'minecraft:granite_slab':
block = 1 # minecraft:granite
data = 1
elif key == 'minecraft:polished_andesite_slab':
block = 1 # minecraft: polished_andesite
data = 6
elif key == 'minecraft:polished_diorite_slab':
block = 1 # minecraft: polished_diorite
data = 4
elif key == 'minecraft:polished_granite_slab':
block = 1 # minecraft: polished_granite
data = 2
elif key == 'minecraft:red_nether_brick_slab':
block = 215 # minecraft: red_nether_brick
data = 0
elif key == 'minecraft:smooth_sandstone_slab':
block = 11314 # minecraft: smooth_sandstone
data = 0
elif key == 'minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab':
block = 24 # minecraft: cut_sandstone
data = 2
elif key == 'minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_slab':
block = 11315 # minecraft: smooth_red_sandstone
data = 0
elif key == 'minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab':
block = 179 # minecraft: cut_red_sandstone
data = 2
elif key == 'minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab':
block = 206 # minecraft:end_stone_bricks
data = 0
elif key == 'minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_slab':
block = 48 # minecraft:mossy_cobblestone
data = 0
elif key == 'minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_slab':
block = 98 # minecraft:mossy_stone_bricks
data = 1
elif key == 'minecraft:smooth_quartz_slab':
block = 155 # minecraft:smooth_quartz
data = 0
elif key == 'minecraft:smooth_stone_slab':
block = 11313 # minecraft:smooth_stone
data = 0
elif key in prismarine_slabs:
block = 168 # minecraft:prismarine variants
if key == 'minecraft:prismarine_slab':
data = 0
elif key == 'minecraft:prismarine_brick_slab':
data = 1
elif key == 'minecraft:dark_prismarine_slab':
data = 2
elif key in ['minecraft:ladder', 'minecraft:chest', 'minecraft:ender_chest', 'minecraft:trapped_chest', 'minecraft:furnace']:
facing = palette_entry['Properties']['facing']
data = {'north': 2, 'south': 3, 'west': 4, 'east': 5}[facing]
elif key.endswith('_button'):
facing = palette_entry['Properties']['facing']
face = palette_entry['Properties']['face']
if face == 'ceiling':
block = 0
data = 0
elif face == 'wall':
data = {'east': 1, 'west': 2, 'south': 3, 'north': 4}[facing]
elif face == 'floor':
data = {'east': 6, 'west': 6, 'south': 5, 'north': 5}[facing]
elif key == 'minecraft:nether_wart':
data = int(palette_entry['Properties']['age'])
elif key.endswith('shulker_box') or key.endswith('piston') or key in ['minecraft:observer', 'minecraft:dropper', 'minecraft:dispenser']:
facing = palette_entry['Properties']['facing']
data = {'down': 0, 'up': 1, 'north': 2, 'south': 3, 'west': 4, 'east': 5}[facing]
elif key.endswith('_log') or key.endswith('_wood') or key == 'minecraft:bone_block':
axis = palette_entry['Properties']['axis']
if axis == 'x':
data |= 4
elif axis == 'z':
data |= 8
elif key == 'minecraft:quartz_pillar':
axis = palette_entry['Properties']['axis']
if axis == 'x':
data = 3
if axis == 'z':
data = 4
elif key in ['minecraft:redstone_torch','minecraft:redstone_wall_torch','minecraft:wall_torch']:
if key.startswith('minecraft:redstone_') and palette_entry['Properties']['lit'] == 'true':
block += 1
if key.endswith('wall_torch'):
facing = palette_entry['Properties'].get('facing')
data = {'east': 1, 'west': 2, 'south': 3, 'north': 4}[facing]
data = 5
elif key in ['minecraft:brown_mushroom_block','minecraft:red_mushroom_block']:
p = palette_entry['Properties']
if p['up'] == 'true': data = 5
else: data = 0
if p['north'] == 'true':
if p['south'] == 'true': data = 14
elif p['east'] == 'true': data = 3
elif p['west'] == 'true': data = 1
else: data = 2
elif p['east'] == 'true':
if p['west'] == 'true': data = 14
elif p['south'] == 'true': data = 9
else: data = 6
elif p['south'] == 'true':
if p['west'] == 'true': data = 7
else: data = 8
elif p['west'] == 'true': data = 4
elif key in ['minecraft:carved_pumpkin', 'minecraft:jack_o_lantern'] or key.endswith('glazed_terracotta'):
facing = palette_entry['Properties']['facing']
data = {'south': 0, 'west': 1, 'north': 2, 'east': 3}[facing]
elif key == 'minecraft:vine':
p = palette_entry['Properties']
if p['south'] == 'true': data |= 1
if p['west'] == 'true': data |= 2
if p['north'] == 'true': data |= 4
if p['east'] == 'true': data |= 8
elif key.endswith('anvil'):
facing = palette_entry['Properties']['facing']
if facing == 'west': data += 1
if facing == 'north': data += 2
if facing == 'east': data += 3
elif key == 'minecraft:sign':
p = palette_entry['Properties']
data = p['rotation']
elif key == 'minecraft:wall_sign':
facing = palette_entry['Properties']['facing']
if facing == 'north': data = 2
elif facing == 'west': data = 4
elif facing == 'south': data = 3
elif facing == 'east': data = 5
elif key.endswith('_fence'):
p = palette_entry['Properties']
if p['north'] == 'true': data |= 1
if p['west'] == 'true': data |= 2
if p['south'] == 'true': data |= 4
if p['east'] == 'true': data |= 8
elif key.endswith('_stairs'):
facing = palette_entry['Properties']['facing']
if facing == 'south': data = 2
elif facing == 'east': data = 0
elif facing == 'north': data = 3
elif facing == 'west': data = 1
if palette_entry['Properties']['half'] == 'top':
data |= 0x4
elif key.endswith('_door'):
p = palette_entry['Properties']
if p['hinge'] == 'left': data |= 0x10
if p['half'] == 'upper': data |= 0x08
data |= {
'north': 0x01,
'west': 0x04,
'south': 0x03,
'east': 0x02,
elif key.endswith('_trapdoor'):
p = palette_entry['Properties']
data = {'south': 1, 'north': 0, 'east': 3, 'west': 2}[p['facing']]
if p['open'] == 'true': data |= 0x04
if p['half'] == 'top': data |= 0x08
elif key in ['minecraft:beetroots', 'minecraft:melon_stem', 'minecraft:wheat',
'minecraft:pumpkin_stem', 'minecraft:potatoes', 'minecraft:carrots']:
data = palette_entry['Properties']['age']
elif key == 'minecraft:lantern':
if palette_entry['Properties']['hanging'] == 'true':
data = 1
data = 0
return (block, data)
def get_type(self):
"""Attempts to return a string describing the dimension
represented by this regionset. Usually this is the relative
path of the regionset within the world, minus the suffix
/region, but for the main world it's None.
# path will be normalized in __init__
return self.type
def _get_regionobj(self, regionfilename):
# Check the cache first. If it's not there, create the
# nbt.MCRFileReader object, cache it, and return it
# May raise an nbt.CorruptRegionError
return self.regioncache[regionfilename]
except KeyError:
region = nbt.load_region(regionfilename)
self.regioncache[regionfilename] = region
return region
def _packed_longarray_to_shorts(self, long_array, n):
bits_per_value = (len(long_array) * 64) / n
if bits_per_value < 4 or 12 < bits_per_value:
raise nbt.CorruptChunkError()
b = numpy.frombuffer(numpy.asarray(long_array, dtype=numpy.uint64), dtype=numpy.uint8)
# give room for work, later
b = b.astype(numpy.uint16)
if bits_per_value == 8:
return b
result = numpy.zeros((n,), dtype=numpy.uint16)
if bits_per_value == 4:
result[0::2] = b & 0x0f
result[1::2] = (b & 0xf0) >> 4
elif bits_per_value == 5:
result[0::8] = b[0::5] & 0x1f
result[1::8] = ((b[1::5] & 0x03) << 3) | ((b[0::5] & 0xe0) >> 5)
result[2::8] = (b[1::5] & 0x7c) >> 2
result[3::8] = ((b[2::5] & 0x0f) << 1) | ((b[1::5] & 0x80) >> 7)
result[4::8] = ((b[3::5] & 0x01) << 4) | ((b[2::5] & 0xf0) >> 4)
result[5::8] = (b[3::5] & 0x3e) >> 1
result[6::8] = ((b[4::5] & 0x07) << 2) | ((b[3::5] & 0xc0) >> 6)
result[7::8] = (b[4::5] & 0xf8) >> 3
elif bits_per_value == 6:
result[0::4] = b[0::3] & 0x3f
result[1::4] = ((b[1::3] & 0x0f) << 2) | ((b[0::3] & 0xc0) >> 6)
result[2::4] = ((b[2::3] & 0x03) << 4) | ((b[1::3] & 0xf0) >> 4)
result[3::4] = (b[2::3] & 0xfc) >> 2
elif bits_per_value == 7:
result[0::8] = b[0::7] & 0x7f
result[1::8] = ((b[1::7] & 0x3f) << 1) | ((b[0::7] & 0x80) >> 7)
result[2::8] = ((b[2::7] & 0x1f) << 2) | ((b[1::7] & 0xc0) >> 6)
result[3::8] = ((b[3::7] & 0x0f) << 3) | ((b[2::7] & 0xe0) >> 5)
result[4::8] = ((b[4::7] & 0x07) << 4) | ((b[3::7] & 0xf0) >> 4)
result[5::8] = ((b[5::7] & 0x03) << 5) | ((b[4::7] & 0xf8) >> 3)
result[6::8] = ((b[6::7] & 0x01) << 6) | ((b[5::7] & 0xfc) >> 2)
result[7::8] = (b[6::7] & 0xfc) >> 1
# bits_per_value == 8 is handled above
elif bits_per_value == 9:
result[0::8] = ((b[1::9] & 0x01) << 8) | b[0::9]
result[1::8] = ((b[2::9] & 0x03) << 7) | ((b[1::9] & 0xfe) >> 1)
result[2::8] = ((b[3::9] & 0x07) << 6) | ((b[2::9] & 0xfc) >> 2)
result[3::8] = ((b[4::9] & 0x0f) << 5) | ((b[3::9] & 0xf8) >> 3)
result[4::8] = ((b[5::9] & 0x1f) << 4) | ((b[4::9] & 0xf0) >> 4)
result[5::8] = ((b[6::9] & 0x3f) << 3) | ((b[5::9] & 0xe0) >> 5)
result[6::8] = ((b[7::9] & 0x7f) << 2) | ((b[6::9] & 0xc0) >> 6)
result[7::8] = ( b[8::9] << 1) | ((b[7::9] & 0x80) >> 7)
elif bits_per_value == 10:
result[0::4] = ((b[1::5] & 0x03) << 8) | b[0::5]
result[1::4] = ((b[2::5] & 0x0f) << 6) | ((b[1::5] & 0xfc) >> 2)
result[2::4] = ((b[3::5] & 0x3f) << 4) | ((b[2::5] & 0xf0) >> 4)
result[3::4] = ( b[4::5] << 2) | ((b[3::5] & 0xc0) >> 6)
elif bits_per_value == 11:
result[0::8] = ((b[ 1::11] & 0x07) << 8 ) | b[ 0::11]
result[1::8] = ((b[ 2::11] & 0x3f) << 5 ) | ((b[ 1::11] & 0xf8) >> 3 )
result[2::8] = ((b[ 4::11] & 0x01) << 10) | ( b[ 3::11] << 2 ) | ((b[ 2::11] & 0xc0) >> 6 )
result[3::8] = ((b[ 5::11] & 0x0f) << 7 ) | ((b[ 4::11] & 0xfe) >> 1 )
result[4::8] = ((b[ 6::11] & 0x7f) << 4 ) | ((b[ 5::11] & 0xf0) >> 4 )
result[5::8] = ((b[ 8::11] & 0x03) << 9 ) | ( b[ 7::11] << 1 ) | ((b[ 6::11] & 0x80) >> 7 )
result[6::8] = ((b[ 9::11] & 0x1f) << 2 ) | ((b[ 8::11] & 0xfc) >> 2 )
result[7::8] = ( b[10::11] << 3 ) | ((b[ 9::11] & 0xe0) >> 5 )
elif bits_per_value == 12:
result[0::2] = ((b[1::3] & 0x0f) << 8) | b[0::3]
result[1::2] = ( b[2::3] << 4) | ((b[1::3] & 0xf0) >> 4)
return result
def _get_blockdata_v113(self, section, unrecognized_block_types):
# Translate each entry in the palette to a 1.2-era (block, data) int pair.
num_palette_entries = len(section['Palette'])
translated_blocks = numpy.zeros((num_palette_entries,), dtype=numpy.uint16) # block IDs
translated_data = numpy.zeros((num_palette_entries,), dtype=numpy.uint8) # block data
for i in range(num_palette_entries):
key = section['Palette'][i]
translated_blocks[i], translated_data[i] = self._get_block(key)
except KeyError:
pass # We already have initialised arrays with 0 (= air)
# Turn the BlockStates array into a 16x16x16 numpy matrix of shorts.
blocks = numpy.empty((4096,), dtype=numpy.uint16)
data = numpy.empty((4096,), dtype=numpy.uint8)
block_states = self._packed_longarray_to_shorts(section['BlockStates'], 4096)
blocks[:] = translated_blocks[block_states]
data[:] = translated_data[block_states]
# Turn the Data array into a 16x16x16 matrix, same as SkyLight
blocks = blocks.reshape((16, 16, 16))
data = data.reshape((16, 16, 16))
return (blocks, data)
def _get_blockdata_v112(self, section):
# Turn the Data array into a 16x16x16 matrix, same as SkyLight
data = numpy.frombuffer(section['Data'], dtype=numpy.uint8)
data = data.reshape((16,16,8))
data_expanded = numpy.empty((16,16,16), dtype=numpy.uint8)
data_expanded[:,:,::2] = data & 0x0F
data_expanded[:,:,1::2] = (data & 0xF0) >> 4
# Turn the Blocks array into a 16x16x16 numpy matrix of shorts,
# adding in the additional block array if included.
blocks = numpy.frombuffer(section['Blocks'], dtype=numpy.uint8)
# Cast up to uint16, blocks can have up to 12 bits of data
blocks = blocks.astype(numpy.uint16)
blocks = blocks.reshape((16,16,16))
if "Add" in section:
# This section has additional bits to tack on to the blocks
# array. Add is a packed array with 4 bits per slot, so
# it needs expanding
additional = numpy.frombuffer(section['Add'], dtype=numpy.uint8)
additional = additional.astype(numpy.uint16).reshape((16,16,8))
additional_expanded = numpy.empty((16,16,16), dtype=numpy.uint16)
additional_expanded[:,:,::2] = (additional & 0x0F) << 8
additional_expanded[:,:,1::2] = (additional & 0xF0) << 4
blocks += additional_expanded
del additional
del additional_expanded
del section['Add'] # Save some memory
return (blocks, data_expanded)
def get_chunk(self, x, z):
"""Returns a dictionary object representing the "Level" NBT Compound
structure for a chunk given its x, z coordinates. The coordinates given
are chunk coordinates. Raises ChunkDoesntExist exception if the given
chunk does not exist.
The returned dictionary corresponds to the "Level" structure in the
chunk file, with a few changes:
* The Biomes array is transformed into a 16x16 numpy array
* For each chunk section:
* The "Blocks" byte string is transformed into a 16x16x16 numpy array
* The Add array, if it exists, is bitshifted left 8 bits and
added into the Blocks array
* The "SkyLight" byte string is transformed into a 16x16x128 numpy
* The "BlockLight" byte string is transformed into a 16x16x128 numpy
* The "Data" byte string is transformed into a 16x16x128 numpy array
Warning: the returned data may be cached and thus should not be
modified, lest it affect the return values of future calls for the same
regionfile = self._get_region_path(x, z)
if regionfile is None:
raise ChunkDoesntExist("Chunk %s,%s doesn't exist (and neither does its region)" % (x,z))
# Try a few times to load and parse this chunk before giving up and
# raising an error
tries = 5
while True:
region = self._get_regionobj(regionfile)
data = region.load_chunk(x, z)
except nbt.CorruptionError as e:
tries -= 1
if tries > 0:
# Flush the region cache to possibly read a new region file
# header
logging.debug("Encountered a corrupt chunk at %s,%s. Flushing cache and retrying", x, z)
#logging.debug("Error was:", exc_info=1)
del self.regioncache[regionfile]
logging.warning("The following was encountered while reading from %s:", self.regiondir)
if isinstance(e, nbt.CorruptRegionError):
logging.warning("Tried several times to read chunk %d,%d. Its region (%d,%d) may be corrupt. Giving up.",
x, z,x//32,z//32)
elif isinstance(e, nbt.CorruptChunkError):
logging.warning("Tried several times to read chunk %d,%d. It may be corrupt. Giving up.",
x, z)
logging.warning("Tried several times to read chunk %d,%d. Unknown error. Giving up.",
x, z)
logging.debug("Full traceback:", exc_info=1)
# Let this exception propagate out through the C code into
# tileset.py, where it is caught and gracefully continues
# with the next chunk
# no exception raised: break out of the loop
if data is None:
raise ChunkDoesntExist("Chunk %s,%s doesn't exist" % (x,z))
level = data[1]['Level']
chunk_data = level
# From the interior of a map to the edge, a chunk's status may be one of:
# - postprocessed (interior, or next to fullchunk)
# - fullchunk (next to decorated)
# - decorated (next to liquid_carved)
# - liquid_carved (next to carved)
# - carved (edge of world)
# - empty
# Empty is self-explanatory, and liquid_carved and carved seem to correspond
# to SkyLight not being calculated, which results in mostly-black chunks,
# so we'll just pretend they aren't there.
if chunk_data.get("Status", "") not in ("full", "postprocessed", "fullchunk",
"mobs_spawned", ""):
raise ChunkDoesntExist("Chunk %s,%s doesn't exist" % (x,z))
# Turn the Biomes array into a 16x16 numpy array
if 'Biomes' in chunk_data and len(chunk_data['Biomes']) > 0:
biomes = chunk_data['Biomes']
if isinstance(biomes, bytes):
biomes = numpy.frombuffer(biomes, dtype=numpy.uint8)
biomes = numpy.asarray(biomes)
biomes = biomes.reshape((16,16))
# Worlds converted by Jeb's program may be missing the Biomes key.
# Additionally, 19w09a worlds have an empty array as biomes key
# in some cases.
biomes = numpy.zeros((16, 16), dtype=numpy.uint8)
chunk_data['Biomes'] = biomes
unrecognized_block_types = {}
for section in chunk_data['Sections']:
# Turn the skylight array into a 16x16x16 matrix. The array comes
# packed 2 elements per byte, so we need to expand it.
if 'SkyLight' in section:
skylight = numpy.frombuffer(section['SkyLight'], dtype=numpy.uint8)
skylight = skylight.reshape((16,16,8))
else: # Special case introduced with 1.14
skylight = numpy.zeros((16,16,8), dtype=numpy.uint8)
skylight_expanded = numpy.empty((16,16,16), dtype=numpy.uint8)
skylight_expanded[:,:,::2] = skylight & 0x0F
skylight_expanded[:,:,1::2] = (skylight & 0xF0) >> 4
del skylight
section['SkyLight'] = skylight_expanded
# Turn the BlockLight array into a 16x16x16 matrix, same as SkyLight
if 'BlockLight' in section:
blocklight = numpy.frombuffer(section['BlockLight'], dtype=numpy.uint8)
blocklight = blocklight.reshape((16,16,8))
else: # Special case introduced with 1.14
blocklight = numpy.zeros((16,16,8), dtype=numpy.uint8)
blocklight_expanded = numpy.empty((16,16,16), dtype=numpy.uint8)
blocklight_expanded[:,:,::2] = blocklight & 0x0F
blocklight_expanded[:,:,1::2] = (blocklight & 0xF0) >> 4
del blocklight
section['BlockLight'] = blocklight_expanded
if 'Palette' in section:
(blocks, data) = self._get_blockdata_v113(section, unrecognized_block_types)
elif 'Data' in section:
(blocks, data) = self._get_blockdata_v112(section)
else: # Special case introduced with 1.14
blocks = numpy.zeros((16,16,16), dtype=numpy.uint16)
data = numpy.zeros((16,16,16), dtype=numpy.uint8)
(section['Blocks'], section['Data']) = (blocks, data)
except ValueError:
# iv'e seen at least 1 case where numpy raises a value error during the reshapes. i'm not
# sure what's going on here, but let's treat this as a corrupt chunk error
logging.warning("There was a problem reading chunk %d,%d. It might be corrupt. I am giving up and will not render this particular chunk.", x, z)
logging.debug("Full traceback:", exc_info=1)
raise nbt.CorruptChunkError()
for k in unrecognized_block_types:
logging.debug("Found %d blocks of unknown type %s" % (unrecognized_block_types[k], k))
return chunk_data
def iterate_chunks(self):
"""Returns an iterator over all chunk metadata in this world. Iterates
over tuples of integers (x,z,mtime) for each chunk. Other chunk data
is not returned here.
for (regionx, regiony), (regionfile, filemtime) in self.regionfiles.items():
mcr = self._get_regionobj(regionfile)
except nbt.CorruptRegionError:
logging.warning("Found a corrupt region file at %s,%s in %s, Skipping it.", regionx, regiony, self.regiondir)
for chunkx, chunky in mcr.get_chunks():
yield chunkx+32*regionx, chunky+32*regiony, mcr.get_chunk_timestamp(chunkx, chunky)
def iterate_newer_chunks(self, mtime):
"""Returns an iterator over all chunk metadata in this world. Iterates
over tuples of integers (x,z,mtime) for each chunk. Other chunk data
is not returned here.
for (regionx, regiony), (regionfile, filemtime) in self.regionfiles.items():
if (filemtime < mtime):
mcr = self._get_regionobj(regionfile)
except nbt.CorruptRegionError:
logging.warning("Found a corrupt region file at %s,%s in %s, Skipping it.", regionx, regiony, self.regiondir)
for chunkx, chunky in mcr.get_chunks():
yield chunkx+32*regionx, chunky+32*regiony, mcr.get_chunk_timestamp(chunkx, chunky)
def get_chunk_mtime(self, x, z):
"""Returns a chunk's mtime, or False if the chunk does not exist. This
is therefore a dual purpose method. It corrects for the given north
direction as described in the docs for get_chunk()
regionfile = self._get_region_path(x,z)
if regionfile is None:
return None
data = self._get_regionobj(regionfile)
except nbt.CorruptRegionError:
logging.warning("Ignoring request for chunk %s,%s; region %s,%s seems to be corrupt",
x,z, x//32,z//32)
return None
if data.chunk_exists(x,z):
return data.get_chunk_timestamp(x,z)
return None
def _get_region_path(self, chunkX, chunkY):
"""Returns the path to the region that contains chunk (chunkX, chunkY)
Coords can be either be global chunk coords, or local to a region
(regionfile,filemtime) = self.regionfiles.get((chunkX//32, chunkY//32),(None, None))
return regionfile
def _iterate_regionfiles(self):
"""Returns an iterator of all of the region files, along with their
Returns (regionx, regiony, filename)"""
logging.debug("regiondir is %s, has type %r", self.regiondir, self.type)
for f in os.listdir(self.regiondir):
if re.match(r"^r\.-?\d+\.-?\d+\.mca$", f):
p = f.split(".")
x = int(p[1])
y = int(p[2])
if abs(x) > 500000 or abs(y) > 500000:
logging.warning("Holy shit what is up with region file %s !?" % f)
yield (x, y, os.path.join(self.regiondir, f))
class RegionSetWrapper(object):
"""This is the base class for all "wrappers" of RegionSet objects. A
wrapper is an object that acts similarly to a subclass: some methods are
overridden and functionality is changed, others may not be. The difference
here is that these wrappers may wrap each other, forming chains.
In fact, subclasses of this object may act exactly as if they've subclassed
the original RegionSet object, except the first parameter of the
constructor is a regionset object, not a regiondir.
This class must implement the full public interface of RegionSet objects
def __init__(self, rsetobj):
self._r = rsetobj
def __lt__(self, other):
"""This garbage is only needed because genPOI wants to use
itertools.groupby, which needs sorted keys, and Python 2 somehow
just sorted objects like ???????? how????? why?????
if isinstance(other, RegionSetWrapper):
other = other._r
return self._r.regiondir < other.regiondir
def get_type(self):
return self._r.get_type()
def get_biome_data(self, x, z):
return self._r.get_biome_data(x,z)
def get_chunk(self, x, z):
return self._r.get_chunk(x,z)
def iterate_chunks(self):
return self._r.iterate_chunks()
def iterate_newer_chunks(self,filemtime):
return self._r.iterate_newer_chunks(filemtime)
def get_chunk_mtime(self, x, z):
return self._r.get_chunk_mtime(x,z)
# see RegionSet.rotate. These values are chosen so that they can be
# passed directly to rot90; this means that they're the number of
# times to rotate by 90 degrees CCW
UPPER_LEFT = 0 ## - Return the world such that north is down the -Z axis (no rotation)
UPPER_RIGHT = 1 ## - Return the world such that north is down the +X axis (rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise)
LOWER_RIGHT = 2 ## - Return the world such that north is down the +Z axis (rotate 180 degrees)
LOWER_LEFT = 3 ## - Return the world such that north is down the -X axis (rotate 90 degrees clockwise)
class RotatedRegionSet(RegionSetWrapper):
"""A regionset, only rotated such that north points in the given direction
# some class-level rotation constants
_NO_ROTATION = lambda x,z: (x,z)
_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE = lambda x,z: (-z,x)
_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE = lambda x,z: (z,-x)
_ROTATE_180 = lambda x,z: (-x,-z)
# These take rotated coords and translate into un-rotated coords
_unrotation_funcs = [
# These translate un-rotated coordinates into rotated coordinates
_rotation_funcs = [
def __init__(self, rsetobj, north_dir):
self.north_dir = north_dir
self.unrotate = self._unrotation_funcs[north_dir]
self.rotate = self._rotation_funcs[north_dir]
super(RotatedRegionSet, self).__init__(rsetobj)
# Re-initialize upon unpickling. This is needed because we store a couple
# lambda functions as instance variables
def __getstate__(self):
return (self._r, self.north_dir)
def __setstate__(self, args):
self.__init__(args[0], args[1])
def get_chunk(self, x, z):
x,z = self.unrotate(x,z)
chunk_data = dict(super(RotatedRegionSet, self).get_chunk(x,z))
newsections = []
for section in chunk_data['Sections']:
section = dict(section)
for arrayname in ['Blocks', 'Data', 'SkyLight', 'BlockLight']:
array = section[arrayname]
# Since the anvil change, arrays are arranged with axes Y,Z,X
# numpy.rot90 always rotates the first two axes, so for it to
# work, we need to temporarily move the X axis to the 0th axis.
array = numpy.swapaxes(array, 0,2)
array = numpy.rot90(array, self.north_dir)
array = numpy.swapaxes(array, 0,2)
section[arrayname] = array
chunk_data['Sections'] = newsections
# same as above, for biomes (Z/X indexed)
biomes = numpy.swapaxes(chunk_data['Biomes'], 0, 1)
biomes = numpy.rot90(biomes, self.north_dir)
chunk_data['Biomes'] = numpy.swapaxes(biomes, 0, 1)
return chunk_data
def get_chunk_mtime(self, x, z):
x,z = self.unrotate(x,z)
return super(RotatedRegionSet, self).get_chunk_mtime(x, z)
def iterate_chunks(self):
for x,z,mtime in super(RotatedRegionSet, self).iterate_chunks():
x,z = self.rotate(x,z)
yield x,z,mtime
def iterate_newer_chunks(self, filemtime):
for x,z,mtime in super(RotatedRegionSet, self).iterate_newer_chunks(filemtime):
x,z = self.rotate(x,z)
yield x,z,mtime
class CroppedRegionSet(RegionSetWrapper):
def __init__(self, rsetobj, xmin, zmin, xmax, zmax):
super(CroppedRegionSet, self).__init__(rsetobj)
self.xmin = xmin//16
self.xmax = xmax//16
self.zmin = zmin//16
self.zmax = zmax//16
def get_chunk(self,x,z):
if (
self.xmin <= x <= self.xmax and
self.zmin <= z <= self.zmax
return super(CroppedRegionSet, self).get_chunk(x,z)
raise ChunkDoesntExist("This chunk is out of the requested bounds")
def iterate_chunks(self):
return ((x,z,mtime) for (x,z,mtime) in super(CroppedRegionSet,self).iterate_chunks()
self.xmin <= x <= self.xmax and
self.zmin <= z <= self.zmax
def iterate_newer_chunks(self, filemtime):
return ((x,z,mtime) for (x,z,mtime) in super(CroppedRegionSet,self).iterate_newer_chunks(filemtime)
self.xmin <= x <= self.xmax and
self.zmin <= z <= self.zmax
def get_chunk_mtime(self,x,z):
if (
self.xmin <= x <= self.xmax and
self.zmin <= z <= self.zmax
return super(CroppedRegionSet, self).get_chunk_mtime(x,z)
return None
class CachedRegionSet(RegionSetWrapper):
"""A regionset wrapper that implements caching of the results from
def __init__(self, rsetobj, cacheobjects):
"""Initialize this wrapper around the given regionset object and with
the given list of cache objects. The cache objects may be shared among
other CachedRegionSet objects.
super(CachedRegionSet, self).__init__(rsetobj)
self.caches = cacheobjects
# Construct a key from the sequence of transformations and the real
# RegionSet object, so that items we place in the cache don't conflict
# with other worlds/transformation combinations.
obj = self._r
s = ""
while isinstance(obj, RegionSetWrapper):
s += obj.__class__.__name__ + "."
obj = obj._r
# obj should now be the actual RegionSet object
s += obj.regiondir
except AttributeError:
s += repr(obj)
logging.debug("Initializing a cache with key '%s'", s)
self.key = s
def get_chunk(self, x, z):
key = (self.key, x, z)
for i, cache in enumerate(self.caches):
retval = cache[key]
# This did have it, no need to re-add it to this cache, just
# the ones before it
i -= 1
except KeyError:
retval = super(CachedRegionSet, self).get_chunk(x,z)
# Now add retval to all the caches that didn't have it, all the caches
# up to and including index i
for cache in self.caches[:i+1]:
cache[key] = retval
return retval
def get_save_dir():
"""Returns the path to the local saves directory
* On Windows, at %APPDATA%/.minecraft/saves/
* On Darwin, at $HOME/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/
* at $HOME/.minecraft/saves/
savepaths = []
if "APPDATA" in os.environ:
savepaths += [os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], ".minecraft", "saves")]
if "HOME" in os.environ:
savepaths += [os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], "Library",
"Application Support", "minecraft", "saves")]
savepaths += [os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".minecraft", "saves")]
for path in savepaths:
if os.path.exists(path):
return path
def get_worlds():
"Returns {world # or name : level.dat information}"
ret = {}
save_dir = get_save_dir()
# No dirs found - most likely not running from inside minecraft-dir
if not save_dir is None:
for dir in os.listdir(save_dir):
world_path = os.path.join(save_dir, dir)
world_dat = os.path.join(world_path, "level.dat")
if not os.path.exists(world_dat): continue
info = nbt.load(world_dat)[1]
info['Data']['path'] = os.path.join(save_dir, dir)
if 'LevelName' in info['Data'].keys():
ret[info['Data']['LevelName']] = info['Data']
except nbt.CorruptNBTError:
ret[os.path.basename(world_path) + " (corrupt)"] = {
'path': world_path,
'LastPlayed': 0,
'Time': 0,
'IsCorrupt': True}
for dir in os.listdir("."):
world_dat = os.path.join(dir, "level.dat")
if not os.path.exists(world_dat): continue
world_path = os.path.join(".", dir)
info = nbt.load(world_dat)[1]
info['Data']['path'] = world_path
if 'LevelName' in info['Data'].keys():
ret[info['Data']['LevelName']] = info['Data']
except nbt.CorruptNBTError:
ret[os.path.basename(world_path) + " (corrupt)"] = {'path': world_path,
'LastPlayed': 0,
'Time': 0,
'IsCorrupt': True}
return ret