2022-03-18 13:33:23 -07:00
import { h } from '/js/web_modules/preact.js' ;
import { useState , useEffect } from '/js/web_modules/preact/hooks.js' ;
import htm from '/js/web_modules/htm.js' ;
import { ExternalActionButton } from './external-action-modal.js' ;
import {
registerWebPushNotifications ,
isPushNotificationSupported ,
} from '../notification/registerWeb.js' ;
import {
} from '../utils/constants.js' ;
import { setLocalStorage , getLocalStorage } from '../utils/helpers.js' ;
const html = htm . bind ( h ) ;
export function NotifyModal ( { notifications , streamName , accessToken } ) {
const [ error , setError ] = useState ( null ) ;
const [ loaderStyle , setLoaderStyle ] = useState ( 'none' ) ;
const [ emailNotificationsButtonEnabled , setEmailNotificationsButtonEnabled ] =
useState ( false ) ;
const [ emailAddress , setEmailAddress ] = useState ( null ) ;
const emailNotificationButtonState = emailNotificationsButtonEnabled
? ''
: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-50' ;
const [ browserPushPermissionsPending , setBrowserPushPermissionsPending ] =
useState ( false ) ;
2022-03-21 13:42:59 -07:00
const { browser } = notifications ;
2022-03-18 13:33:23 -07:00
const { publicKey } = browser ;
const browserPushEnabled = browser . enabled && isPushNotificationSupported ( ) ;
2022-03-21 13:42:59 -07:00
let emailEnabled = false ;
2022-03-18 13:33:23 -07:00
// Store that the user has opened the notifications modal at least once
// so we don't ever need to remind them to do it again.
useEffect ( ( ) => {
setLocalStorage ( HAS _DISPLAYED _NOTIFICATION _MODAL _KEY , true ) ;
} , [ ] ) ;
async function saveNotificationRegistration ( channel , destination ) {
const options = {
method : 'POST' ,
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json' ,
} ,
body : JSON . stringify ( { channel : channel , destination : destination } ) ,
} ;
try {
await fetch (
URL _REGISTER _NOTIFICATION + ` ?accessToken= ${ accessToken } ` ,
) ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . error ( e ) ;
async function startBrowserPushRegistration ( ) {
// If it's already denied or granted, don't do anything.
if ( Notification . permission !== 'default' ) {
return ;
setBrowserPushPermissionsPending ( true ) ;
try {
const subscription = await registerWebPushNotifications ( publicKey ) ;
saveNotificationRegistration ( 'BROWSER_PUSH_NOTIFICATION' , subscription ) ;
setError ( null ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
setError (
` Error registering for live notifications: ${ e . message } . Make sure you're not inside a private browser environment or have previously disabled notifications for this stream. `
) ;
setBrowserPushPermissionsPending ( false ) ;
async function handlePushToggleChange ( ) {
// Nothing can be done if they already denied access.
if ( Notification . permission === 'denied' ) {
return ;
if ( ! pushEnabled ) {
startBrowserPushRegistration ( ) ;
async function registerForEmailButtonPressed ( ) {
try {
const options = {
method : 'POST' ,
headers : {
'Content-Type' : 'application/json' ,
} ,
body : JSON . stringify ( { emailAddress : emailAddress } ) ,
} ;
try {
await fetch (
URL _REGISTER _EMAIL _NOTIFICATION + ` ?accessToken= ${ accessToken } ` ,
) ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . error ( e ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
setError ( ` Error registering for email notifications: ${ e . message } . ` ) ;
function onEmailInput ( e ) {
const { value } = e . target ;
// TODO: Add validation for email
const valid = true ;
setEmailAddress ( value ) ;
setEmailNotificationsButtonEnabled ( valid ) ;
function getBrowserPushButtonText ( ) {
let pushNotificationButtonText = html ` <span id="push-notification-arrow"
> ← < / s p a n
if ( browserPushPermissionsPending ) {
pushNotificationButtonText = '↑ ACCEPT THE BROWSER PERMISSIONS' ;
} else if ( Notification . permission === 'granted' ) {
pushNotificationButtonText = 'ENABLED' ;
} else if ( Notification . permission === 'denied' ) {
pushNotificationButtonText = 'DENIED. PLEASE FIX BROWSER PERMISSIONS.' ;
return pushNotificationButtonText ;
const pushEnabled = Notification . permission === 'granted' ;
return html `
< div class = "bg-gray-100 bg-center bg-no-repeat p-6" >
< div
style = $ { { display : emailEnabled ? 'grid' : 'none' } }
class = "grid grid-cols-2 gap-10 px-5 py-8"
< div >
< h2 class = "text-slate-600 text-2xl mb-2 font-semibold" >
Email Notifications
< / h 2 >
< h2 >
Get notified directly to your email when this stream goes live .
< / h 2 >
< / d i v >
< div >
< div class = "font-semibold" > Enter your email address : < / d i v >
< input
class = "border bg-white rounded-l w-8/12 mt-2 mb-1 mr-1 py-2 px-3 text-indigo-700 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline"
value = $ { emailAddress }
onInput = $ { onEmailInput }
placeholder = "streamlover42@gmail.com"
/ >
< button
class = "rounded-sm inline px-3 py-2 text-base text-white bg-indigo-700 ${emailNotificationButtonState}"
onClick = $ { registerForEmailButtonPressed }
< / b u t t o n >
< div class = "text-sm mt-3 text-gray-700" >
Stop receiving emails any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in
the email . < a href = "" > Learn more . < / a >
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
< hr
style = $ { { display : pushEnabled && emailEnabled ? 'block' : 'none' } }
/ >
< div
class = "grid grid-cols-2 gap-10 px-5 py-8"
style = $ { { display : browserPushEnabled ? 'grid' : 'none' } }
< div >
< div >
< div
class = "text-sm border-2 p-4 border-red-300"
style = $ { {
display :
Notification . permission === 'denied' ? 'block' : 'none' ,
} }
Browser notification permissions were denied . Please visit your
browser settings to re - enable in order to get notifications .
< / d i v >
< div
class = "form-check form-switch"
style = $ { {
display :
Notification . permission === 'denied' ? 'none' : 'block' ,
} }
< div
class = "relative inline-block w-10 align-middle select-none transition duration-200 ease-in"
< input
checked = $ { pushEnabled || browserPushPermissionsPending }
disabled = $ { pushEnabled }
type = "checkbox"
name = "toggle"
id = "toggle"
onchange = $ { handlePushToggleChange }
class = "toggle-checkbox absolute block w-8 h-8 rounded-full bg-white border-4 appearance-none cursor-pointer"
/ >
< label
for = "toggle"
style = $ { { width : '50px' } }
class = "toggle-label block overflow-hidden h-8 rounded-full bg-gray-300 cursor-pointer"
> < / l a b e l >
< / d i v >
< div class = "ml-8 text-xs inline-block text-gray-700" >
$ { getBrowserPushButtonText ( ) }
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
< h2 class = "text-slate-600 text-2xl mt-4 mb-2 font-semibold" >
Browser Notifications
< / h 2 >
< h2 >
Get notified right in the browser each time this stream goes live .
< / h 2 >
< / d i v >
< div >
< div
class = "text-sm mt-3"
style = $ { { display : ! pushEnabled ? 'none' : 'block' } }
To disable push notifications from $ { window . location . hostname }
$ { ' ' } access your browser permissions for this site and turn off
notifications .
< div style = $ { { 'margin-top' : '5px' } } >
< a href = "" > Learn more . < / a >
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
< div
id = "browser-push-preview-box"
class = "w-full bg-white p-4 m-2 mt-4"
style = $ { { display : pushEnabled ? 'none' : 'block' } }
< div class = "text-lg text-gray-700 ml-2 my-2" >
$ { window . location . toString ( ) } wants to
< / d i v >
< div class = "text-sm text-gray-700 my-2" >
< svg
class = "mr-3"
style = $ { { display : 'inline-block' } }
width = "16"
height = "16"
viewBox = "0 0 16 16"
fill = "none"
xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
< path
d = "M14 12.3333V13H2V12.3333L3.33333 11V7C3.33333 4.93333 4.68667 3.11333 6.66667 2.52667C6.66667 2.46 6.66667 2.4 6.66667 2.33333C6.66667 1.97971 6.80714 1.64057 7.05719 1.39052C7.30724 1.14048 7.64638 1 8 1C8.35362 1 8.69276 1.14048 8.94281 1.39052C9.19286 1.64057 9.33333 1.97971 9.33333 2.33333C9.33333 2.4 9.33333 2.46 9.33333 2.52667C11.3133 3.11333 12.6667 4.93333 12.6667 7V11L14 12.3333ZM9.33333 13.6667C9.33333 14.0203 9.19286 14.3594 8.94281 14.6095C8.69276 14.8595 8.35362 15 8 15C7.64638 15 7.30724 14.8595 7.05719 14.6095C6.80714 14.3594 6.66667 14.0203 6.66667 13.6667"
fill = "#676670"
/ >
< / s v g >
Show notifications
< / d i v >
< div class = "flex flex-row justify-end" >
< button
class = "bg-blue-500 py-1 px-4 mr-4 rounded-sm text-white"
onClick = $ { startBrowserPushRegistration }
< / b u t t o n >
< button
class = "bg-slate-200 py-1 px-4 rounded-sm text-gray-500 cursor-not-allowed"
style = $ { {
'outline-width' : 1 ,
'outline-color' : '#e2e8f0' ,
'outline-style' : 'solid' ,
} }
< / b u t t o n >
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
< p
class = "text-gray-700 text-sm mt-6"
style = $ { { display : pushEnabled ? 'none' : 'block' } }
You ' ll need to allow your browser to receive notifications from
$ { ' ' } $ { streamName } , first .
< / p >
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
< div
id = "follow-loading-spinner-container"
style = "display: ${loaderStyle}"
< img id = "follow-loading-spinner" src = "/img/loading.gif" / >
< p class = "text-gray-700 text-lg" > Contacting your server . < / p >
< p class = "text-gray-600 text-lg" > Please wait ... < / p >
< / d i v >
< / d i v >
` ;
export function NotifyButton ( { serverName , onClick } ) {
const hasDisplayedNotificationModal = getLocalStorage (
) ;
const hasPreviouslyDismissedAnnoyingPopup = getLocalStorage (
) ;
let visits = parseInt ( getLocalStorage ( USER _VISIT _COUNT _KEY ) ) ;
if ( isNaN ( visits ) ) {
visits = 0 ;
// Only show the annoying popup if the user has never opened the notification
// modal previously _and_ they've visited more than 3 times.
const [ showPopup , setShowPopup ] = useState (
! hasPreviouslyDismissedAnnoyingPopup &&
! hasDisplayedNotificationModal &&
visits > 3
) ;
const notifyAction = {
color : 'rgba(219, 223, 231, 1)' ,
description : ` Never miss a stream! Get notified when ${ serverName } goes live. ` ,
icon : '/img/notification-bell.svg' ,
openExternally : false ,
} ;
const buttonClicked = ( e ) => {
onClick ( e ) ;
setShowPopup ( false ) ;
} ;
const notifyPopupDismissedClicked = ( ) => {
setShowPopup ( false ) ;
} ;
return html `
< span id = "notify-button-container" class = "relative" >
< div
id = "follow-button-popup"
style = $ { { display : showPopup ? 'block' : 'none' } }
< svg
width = "192"
height = "113"
viewBox = "0 0 192 113"
fill = "none"
xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
< path
fill - rule = "evenodd"
clip - rule = "evenodd"
d = "M8 0C3.58172 0 0 3.58172 0 8V91C0 95.4183 3.58173 99 8 99H172L188.775 112.001C190.089 113.019 192 112.082 192 110.42V99V8C192 3.58172 188.418 0 184 0H8Z"
fill = "#6965F0"
/ >
< text x = "20" y = "55" fill = "white" font - size = "13px" >
Click and never miss
< / t e x t >
< text x = "20" y = "75" fill = "white" font - size = "13px" >
future streams .
< / t e x t >
< / s v g >
< button
class = "absolute"
style = $ { { top : '6px' , right : '6px' } }
onClick = $ { notifyPopupDismissedClicked }
< svg
width = "24"
height = "24"
viewBox = "0 0 24 24"
fill = "none"
xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
< path
d = "M17.7071 7.70711C18.0976 7.31658 18.0976 6.68342 17.7071 6.29289C17.3166 5.90237 16.6834 5.90237 16.2929 6.29289L12 10.5858L7.70711 6.29289C7.31658 5.90237 6.68342 5.90237 6.29289 6.29289C5.90237 6.68342 5.90237 7.31658 6.29289 7.70711L10.5858 12L6.29289 16.2929C5.90237 16.6834 5.90237 17.3166 6.29289 17.7071C6.68342 18.0976 7.31658 18.0976 7.70711 17.7071L12 13.4142L16.2929 17.7071C16.6834 18.0976 17.3166 18.0976 17.7071 17.7071C18.0976 17.3166 18.0976 16.6834 17.7071 16.2929L13.4142 12L17.7071 7.70711Z"
fill = "#A5A3F6"
/ >
< / s v g >
< / b u t t o n >
< / d i v >
< $ { ExternalActionButton }
onClick = $ { buttonClicked }
action = $ { notifyAction }
/ >
< / s p a n >
` ;