Add basic player component
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import React from 'react';
// This imports the functional component from the previous sample.
import VideoJS from './player';
export default function OwncastPlayer(props) {
const playerRef = React.useRef(null);
const { source } = props;
const videoJsOptions = {
autoplay: false,
controls: true,
responsive: true,
fluid: true,
liveui: true,
preload: 'auto',
controlBar: {
progressControl: {
seekBar: false,
html5: {
vhs: {
// used to select the lowest bitrate playlist initially. This helps to decrease playback start time. This setting is false by default.
enableLowInitialPlaylist: true,
experimentalBufferBasedABR: true,
useNetworkInformationApi: true,
maxPlaylistRetries: 30,
liveTracker: {
trackingThreshold: 0,
liveTolerance: 15,
sources: [
src: `${source}/hls/stream.m3u8`,
type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
const handlePlayerReady = player => {
playerRef.current = player;
// You can handle player events here, for example:
player.on('waiting', () => {
player.log('player is waiting');
player.on('dispose', () => {
player.log('player will dispose');
return <VideoJS options={videoJsOptions} onReady={handlePlayerReady} />;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
import React from 'react';
import videojs from 'video.js';
// import { getLocalStorage, setLocalStorage } from '../../utils/helpers.js';
// import { PLAYER_VOLUME, URL_STREAM } from '../../utils/constants.js';
export function VideoJS(props) {
const videoRef = React.useRef(null);
const playerRef = React.useRef(null);
const { options, onReady } = props;
React.useEffect(() => {
// Make sure Video.js player is only initialized once
if (!playerRef.current) {
const videoElement = videoRef.current;
// if (!videoElement) return;
const player = (playerRef.current = videojs(videoElement, options, () => {
player.log('player is ready');
onReady && onReady(player);
// You can update player in the `else` block here, for example:
// } else {
}, [options, videoRef]);
// Dispose the Video.js player when the functional component unmounts
React.useEffect(() => {
const player = playerRef.current;
return () => {
if (player) {
playerRef.current = null;
}, [playerRef]);
return (
<div data-vjs-player>
<video ref={videoRef} className="video-js vjs-big-play-centered" />
export default VideoJS;
// import PlaybackMetrics from '../metrics/playback.js';
// import LatencyCompensator from './latencyCompensator.js';
// const VIDEO_ID = 'video';
// const LATENCY_COMPENSATION_ENABLED = 'latencyCompensatorEnabled';
// // Video setup
// const VIDEO_SRC = {
// src: URL_STREAM,
// type: 'application/x-mpegURL',
// };
// const VIDEO_OPTIONS = {
// autoplay: false,
// liveui: true,
// preload: 'auto',
// controlBar: {
// progressControl: {
// seekBar: false,
// },
// },
// html5: {
// vhs: {
// // used to select the lowest bitrate playlist initially. This helps to decrease playback start time. This setting is false by default.
// enableLowInitialPlaylist: true,
// experimentalBufferBasedABR: true,
// useNetworkInformationApi: true,
// maxPlaylistRetries: 30,
// },
// },
// liveTracker: {
// trackingThreshold: 0,
// liveTolerance: 15,
// },
// sources: [VIDEO_SRC],
// };
// export const POSTER_DEFAULT = `/img/logo.png`;
// export const POSTER_THUMB = `/thumbnail.jpg`;
// export default class MenuSeparator extends VjsMenuItem {
// constructor(player, options) {
// super(player, options);
// }
// createEl(tag = 'button', props = {}, attributes = {}) {
// const el = super.createEl(tag, props, attributes);
// el.innerHTML = '<hr style="opacity: 0.3; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;" />';
// return el;
// }
// }
// class OwncastPlayer {
// constructor() {
// window.VIDEOJS_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE = true; // style override
// this.vjsPlayer = null;
// this.latencyCompensator = null;
// this.playbackMetrics = null;
// this.appPlayerReadyCallback = null;
// this.appPlayerPlayingCallback = null;
// this.appPlayerEndedCallback = null;
// this.hasStartedPlayback = false;
// this.latencyCompensatorEnabled = false;
// // bind all the things because safari
// this.startPlayer = this.startPlayer.bind(this);
// this.handleReady = this.handleReady.bind(this);
// this.handlePlaying = this.handlePlaying.bind(this);
// this.handleVolume = this.handleVolume.bind(this);
// this.handleEnded = this.handleEnded.bind(this);
// this.handleError = this.handleError.bind(this);
// this.addQualitySelector = this.addVideoSettingsMenu.bind(this);
// this.addQualitySelector = this.addVideoSettingsMenu.bind(this);
// this.toggleLatencyCompensator = this.toggleLatencyCompensator.bind(this);
// this.startLatencyCompensator = this.startLatencyCompensator.bind(this);
// this.stopLatencyCompensator = this.stopLatencyCompensator.bind(this);
// this.qualitySelectionMenu = null;
// this.latencyCompensatorToggleButton = null;
// }
// init() {
// // this.addAirplay();
// // this.addVideoSettingsMenu();
// // Add a cachebuster param to playlist URLs.
// videojs.Vhs.xhr.beforeRequest = options => {
// if (options.uri.match('m3u8')) {
// const cachebuster = Math.random().toString(16).substr(2, 8);
// options.uri = `${options.uri}?cachebust=${cachebuster}`;
// }
// return options;
// };
// this.vjsPlayer = videojs(VIDEO_ID, VIDEO_OPTIONS);
// this.vjsPlayer.ready(this.handleReady);
// }
// setupPlayerCallbacks(callbacks) {
// const { onReady, onPlaying, onEnded, onError } = callbacks;
// this.appPlayerReadyCallback = onReady;
// this.appPlayerPlayingCallback = onPlaying;
// this.appPlayerEndedCallback = onEnded;
// this.appPlayerErrorCallback = onError;
// }
// // play
// startPlayer() {
// this.log('Start playing');
// const source = { ...VIDEO_SRC };
// try {
// this.vjsPlayer.volume(getLocalStorage(PLAYER_VOLUME) || 1);
// } catch (err) {
// console.warn(err);
// }
// this.vjsPlayer.src(source);
// }
// setupPlaybackMetrics() {
// // this.playbackMetrics = new PlaybackMetrics(this.vjsPlayer, videojs);
// }
// setupLatencyCompensator() {
// const tech ={ IWillNotUseThisInPlugins: true });
// // VHS is required.
// if (!tech || !tech.vhs) {
// }
// // const latencyCompensatorEnabledSaved = getLocalStorage(LATENCY_COMPENSATION_ENABLED);
// // if (latencyCompensatorEnabledSaved === 'true' && tech && tech.vhs) {
// // this.startLatencyCompensator();
// // } else {
// // this.stopLatencyCompensator();
// // }
// }
// startLatencyCompensator() {
// // this.latencyCompensator = new LatencyCompensator(this.vjsPlayer);
// // this.latencyCompensator.enable();
// // this.latencyCompensatorEnabled = true;
// // this.setLatencyCompensatorItemTitle('disable minimized latency');
// }
// stopLatencyCompensator() {
// // if (this.latencyCompensator) {
// // this.latencyCompensator.disable();
// // }
// // this.LatencyCompensator = null;
// // this.latencyCompensatorEnabled = false;
// // this.setLatencyCompensatorItemTitle(
// // '<span style="font-size: 0.8em">enable minimized latency (experimental)</span>',
// // );
// }
// handleReady() {
// console.log('handleReady');
// this.vjsPlayer.on('error', this.handleError);
// this.vjsPlayer.on('playing', this.handlePlaying);
// this.vjsPlayer.on('volumechange', this.handleVolume);
// this.vjsPlayer.on('ended', this.handleEnded);
// this.vjsPlayer.on('loadeddata', () => {
// this.setupPlaybackMetrics();
// this.setupLatencyCompensator();
// });
// if (this.appPlayerReadyCallback) {
// // start polling
// this.appPlayerReadyCallback();
// }
// this.vjsPlayer.log.level('debug');
// }
// handleVolume() {
// setLocalStorage(PLAYER_VOLUME, this.vjsPlayer.muted() ? 0 : this.vjsPlayer.volume());
// }
// handlePlaying() {
// if (this.appPlayerPlayingCallback) {
// // start polling
// this.appPlayerPlayingCallback();
// }
// if (this.latencyCompensator && !this.hasStartedPlayback) {
// this.latencyCompensator.enable();
// }
// this.hasStartedPlayback = true;
// }
// handleEnded() {
// if (this.appPlayerEndedCallback) {
// this.appPlayerEndedCallback();
// }
// this.stopLatencyCompensator();
// }
// handleError(e) {
// this.log(`on Error: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);
// if (this.appPlayerEndedCallback) {
// this.appPlayerEndedCallback();
// }
// }
// toggleLatencyCompensator() {
// if (this.latencyCompensatorEnabled) {
// this.stopLatencyCompensator();
// setLocalStorage(LATENCY_COMPENSATION_ENABLED, false);
// } else {
// this.startLatencyCompensator();
// }
// }
// setLatencyCompensatorItemTitle(title) {
// const item = document.querySelector('.latency-toggle-item > .vjs-menu-item-text');
// if (!item) {
// return;
// }
// item.innerHTML = title;
// }
// log(message) {
// // console.log(`>>> Player: ${message}`);
// }
// render(): JSX.Element {
// return (
// <div data-vjs-player>
// <video ref={videoRef} className='video-js vjs-big-play-centered' />
// </div>
// );
// }
// async addVideoSettingsMenu() {
// if (this.qualityMenuButton) {
// player.controlBar.removeChild(this.qualityMenuButton);
// }
// videojs.hookOnce('setup', async player => {
// let qualities = [];
// try {
// const response = await fetch('http://localhost:8080/api/video/variants');
// qualities = await response.json();
// } catch (e) {
// console.error(e);
// }
// const MenuItem = videojs.getComponent('MenuItem');
// const MenuButtonClass = videojs.getComponent('MenuButton');
// const lowLatencyItem = new MenuItem(player, {
// selectable: true,
// });
// lowLatencyItem.setAttribute('class', 'latency-toggle-item');
// lowLatencyItem.on('click', () => {
// this.toggleLatencyCompensator();
// });
// this.latencyCompensatorToggleButton = lowLatencyItem;
// const separator = new MenuSeparator(player, {
// selectable: false,
// });
// const MenuButton = videojs.extend(MenuButtonClass, {
// // The `init()` method will also work for constructor logic here, but it is
// // deprecated. If you provide an `init()` method, it will override the
// // `constructor()` method!
// constructor() {
//, player);
// },
// createItems() {
// const tech ={ IWillNotUseThisInPlugins: true });
// const defaultAutoItem = new MenuItem(player, {
// selectable: true,
// label: 'Auto',
// });
// const items = => {
// const newMenuItem = new MenuItem(player, {
// selectable: true,
// label:,
// });
// // Quality selected
// newMenuItem.on('click', () => {
// // If for some reason tech doesn't exist, then don't do anything
// if (!tech) {
// console.warn('Invalid attempt to access null player tech');
// return;
// }
// // Only enable this single, selected representation.
// tech.vhs.representations().forEach((rep, index) => {
// rep.enabled(index === item.index);
// });
// newMenuItem.selected(false);
// });
// return newMenuItem;
// });
// defaultAutoItem.on('click', () => {
// // Re-enable all representations.
// tech.vhs.representations().forEach((rep, index) => {
// rep.enabled(true);
// });
// defaultAutoItem.selected(false);
// });
// const supportsLatencyCompensator = !!tech && !!tech.vhs;
// // Only show the quality selector if there is more than one option.
// if (qualities.length < 2 && supportsLatencyCompensator) {
// return [lowLatencyItem];
// }
// if (qualities.length > 1 && supportsLatencyCompensator) {
// return [defaultAutoItem, ...items, separator, lowLatencyItem];
// }
// if (!supportsLatencyCompensator && qualities.length == 1) {
// return [];
// }
// return [defaultAutoItem, ...items];
// },
// });
// // If none of the settings in this menu are applicable then don't show it.
// const tech ={ IWillNotUseThisInPlugins: true });
// if (qualities.length < 2 && (!tech || !tech.vhs)) {
// return;
// }
// const menuButton = new MenuButton();
// menuButton.addClass('vjs-quality-selector');
// player.controlBar.addChild(menuButton, {}, player.controlBar.children_.length - 2);
// this.qualityMenuButton = menuButton;
// this.latencyCompensatorToggleButton = lowLatencyItem;
// });
// }
// addAirplay() {
// videojs.hookOnce('setup', player => {
// if (window.WebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEvent) {
// const videoJsButtonClass = videojs.getComponent('Button');
// const concreteButtonClass = videojs.extend(videoJsButtonClass, {
// // The `init()` method will also work for constructor logic here, but it is
// // deprecated. If you provide an `init()` method, it will override the
// // `constructor()` method!
// constructor() {
//, player);
// },
// handleClick() {
// const videoElement = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
// videoElement.webkitShowPlaybackTargetPicker();
// },
// });
// const concreteButtonInstance = player.controlBar.addChild(new concreteButtonClass());
// concreteButtonInstance.addClass('vjs-airplay');
// }
// });
// }
// }
// export { OwncastPlayer };
// const VjsMenuItem = videojs.getComponent('MenuItem');
// VjsMenuItem.registerComponent('MenuSeparator', MenuSeparator);
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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ const DropdownExample = () => (
export default {
title: 'owncast/Dropdown',
title: 'example/Dropdown',
component: Dropdown,
parameters: {},
} as ComponentMeta<typeof Dropdown>;
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Plugin from './assets/plugin.svg';
import Repo from './assets/repo.svg';
import StackAlt from './assets/stackalt.svg';
<Meta title="Example/Introduction" />
<Meta title="Owncast/Readme" />
.subheading {
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class TabsExample extends React.Component {
export default {
title: 'owncast/Tabs',
title: 'example/Tabs',
component: Tabs,
} as ComponentMeta<typeof Tabs>;
@ -1,16 +1,32 @@
import React from 'react';
import { ComponentStory, ComponentMeta } from '@storybook/react';
import VideoPoster from '../components/video/VideoPoster';
import OwncastPlayer from '../components/video/owncastplayer';
const streams = {
DemoServer: ``,
RetroStrangeTV: ``,
localhost: `http://localhost:8080`,
export default {
title: 'owncast/VideoPoster',
component: VideoPoster,
title: 'owncast/Player',
component: OwncastPlayer,
argTypes: {
source: {
options: Object.keys(streams),
mapping: streams,
control: {
type: 'select',
parameters: {},
} as ComponentMeta<typeof VideoPoster>;
} as ComponentMeta<typeof OwncastPlayer>;
const VideoPosterExample = () => <VideoPoster />;
const Template: ComponentStory<typeof OwncastPlayer> = args => <OwncastPlayer {...args} />;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const Template: ComponentStory<typeof VideoPoster> = args => <VideoPosterExample />;
export const Basic = Template.bind({});
export const LiveDemo = Template.bind({});
LiveDemo.args = {
online: true,
source: '',
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