# About the Config editing section An adventure with React, React Hooks and Ant Design forms. ## General data flow in this React app ### First things to note - When the Admin app loads, the `ServerStatusContext` (in addition to checking server `/status` on a timer) makes a call to the `/serverconfig` API to get your config details. This data will be stored as **`serverConfig`** in app state, and _provided_ to the app via `useContext` hook. - The `serverConfig` in state is be the central source of data that pre-populates the forms. - The `ServerStatusContext` also provides a method for components to update the serverConfig state, called `setFieldInConfigState()`. - After you have updated a config value in a form field, and successfully submitted it through its endpoint, you should call `setFieldInConfigState` to update the global state with the new value. - Each top field of the serverConfig has its own API update endpoint. ### Form Flow Each form input (or group of inputs) you make, you should 1. Get the field values that you want out of `serverConfig` from ServerStatusContext with `useContext`. 2. Next we'll have to put these field values of interest into a `useState` in each grouping. This will help you edit the form. 3. Because ths config data is populated asynchronously, Use a `useEffect` to check when that data has arrived before putting it into state. 4. You will be using the state's value to populate the `defaultValue` and the `value` props of each Ant input component (`Input`, `Toggle`, `Switch`, `Select`, `Slider` are currently used). 5. When an `onChange` event fires for each type of input component, you will update the local state of each page with the changed value. 6. Depending on the form, an `onChange` of the input component, or a subsequent `onClick` of a submit button will take the value from local state and POST the field's API. 7. `onSuccess` of the post, you should update the global app state with the new value. There are also a variety of other local states to manage the display of error/success messaging. ## Notes about `form-textfield` - The text field is intentionally designed to make it difficult for the user to submit bad data. - If you make a change on a field, a Submit buttton will show up that you have to click to update. That will be the only way you can update it. - If you clear out a field that is marked as Required, then exit/blur the field, it will repopulate with its original value. ## Using Ant's `
` with `form-textfield`. You may see that a couple of pages (currently **Public Details** and **Server Details** page), is mainly a grouping of similar Text fields. These are utilizing the `` component, and these calls: - `const [form] = Form.useForm();` - `form.setFieldsValue(initialValues);` It seems that a `` requires its child inputs to be in a ``, to help manage overall validation on the form before submission. The `form-textfield` component was created to be used with this Form. It wraps with a ``, which I believe handles the local state change updates of the value. ## Current Refactoring: While `Form` + `Form.Item` provides many useful UI features that I'd like to utilize, it's turning out to be too restricting for our uses cases. I am refactoring `form-textfield` so that it does not rely on ``. But it will require some extra handling and styling of things like error states and success messaging. ### UI things I'm in the middle of refactoring somes tyles and layout, and regorganizing some CSS. See TODO list below. --- ## Potential Optimizations - There might be some patterns that could be overly engineered! - There are also a few patterns across all the form groups that repeat quite a bit. Perhaps these patterns could be consolidated into a custom hook that could handle all the steps. ## Current `serverConfig` data structure (with default values) Each of these fields has its own end point for updating. ``` { streamKey: '', instanceDetails: { extraPageContent: '', logo: '', name: '', nsfw: false, socialHandles: [], streamTitle: '', summary: '', tags: [], title: '', }, ffmpegPath: '', rtmpServerPort: '', webServerPort: '', s3: {}, yp: { enabled: false, instanceUrl: '', }, videoSettings: { latencyLevel: 4, videoQualityVariants: [], } }; // `yp.instanceUrl` needs to be filled out before `yp.enabled` can be turned on. ``` ## Ginger's TODO list: - fill out readme for how to use form fields and about data flow w/ ant and react - cleanup - more consitent constants - cleanup types - cleanup style sheets..? make style module for each config page? (but what about ant deisgn overrides?) - redesign - label+form layout - put them into a table, table of rows - change Encpder preset into slider - page headers - diff color? - fix social handles icon in table - consolidate things into 1 page? - things could use smaller font? - maybe convert common form pattern to custom hook? Design, color ideas https://uxcandy.co/demo/label_pro/preview/demo_2/pages/forms/form-elements.html https://www.bootstrapdash.com/demo/corona/jquery/template/modern-vertical/pages/forms/basic_elements.html