import { h, Component } from '/js/web_modules/preact.js'; import htm from '/js/web_modules/htm.js'; const html = htm.bind(h); import { OwncastPlayer } from './components/player.js'; import SocialIconsList from './components/social-icons-list.js'; import UsernameForm from './components/chat/username.js'; import VideoPoster from './components/video-poster.js'; import Chat from './components/chat/chat.js'; import Websocket from './utils/websocket.js'; import { secondsToHMMSS, hasTouchScreen, getOrientation } from './utils/helpers.js'; import { addNewlines, classNames, clearLocalStorage, debounce, generateUsername, getLocalStorage, pluralize, setLocalStorage, } from './utils/helpers.js'; import { HEIGHT_SHORT_WIDE, KEY_CHAT_DISPLAYED, KEY_USERNAME, MESSAGE_OFFLINE, MESSAGE_ONLINE, TEMP_IMAGE, TIMER_DISABLE_CHAT_AFTER_OFFLINE, TIMER_STATUS_UPDATE, TIMER_STREAM_DURATION_COUNTER, URL_CONFIG, URL_OWNCAST, URL_STATUS, WIDTH_SINGLE_COL, ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT, } from './utils/constants.js'; export default class App extends Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); const chatStorage = getLocalStorage(KEY_CHAT_DISPLAYED); this.hasTouchScreen = hasTouchScreen(); this.state = { websocket: new Websocket(), displayChat: chatStorage === null ? true : chatStorage, chatInputEnabled: false, // chat input box state username: getLocalStorage(KEY_USERNAME) || generateUsername(), configData: {}, extraPageContent: '', playerActive: false, // player object is active streamOnline: false, // stream is active/online isPlaying: false, // player is actively playing video // status streamStatusMessage: MESSAGE_OFFLINE, viewerCount: '', // dom windowWidth: window.innerWidth, windowHeight: window.innerHeight, orientation: getOrientation(this.hasTouchScreen), }; // timers this.playerRestartTimer = null; this.offlineTimer = null; this.statusTimer = null; this.disableChatTimer = null; this.streamDurationTimer = null; // misc dom events this.handleChatPanelToggle = this.handleChatPanelToggle.bind(this); this.handleUsernameChange = this.handleUsernameChange.bind(this); this.handleWindowResize = debounce(this.handleWindowResize.bind(this), 250); this.handleOfflineMode = this.handleOfflineMode.bind(this); this.handleOnlineMode = this.handleOnlineMode.bind(this); this.disableChatInput = this.disableChatInput.bind(this); this.setCurrentStreamDuration = this.setCurrentStreamDuration.bind(this); // player events this.handlePlayerReady = this.handlePlayerReady.bind(this); this.handlePlayerPlaying = this.handlePlayerPlaying.bind(this); this.handlePlayerEnded = this.handlePlayerEnded.bind(this); this.handlePlayerError = this.handlePlayerError.bind(this); // fetch events this.getConfig = this.getConfig.bind(this); this.getStreamStatus = this.getStreamStatus.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { this.getConfig(); window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleWindowResize); if (this.hasTouchScreen) { window.addEventListener('orientationchange', this.handleWindowResize); } this.player = new OwncastPlayer(); this.player.setupPlayerCallbacks({ onReady: this.handlePlayerReady, onPlaying: this.handlePlayerPlaying, onEnded: this.handlePlayerEnded, onError: this.handlePlayerError, }); this.player.init(); } componentWillUnmount() { // clear all the timers clearInterval(this.playerRestartTimer); clearInterval(this.offlineTimer); clearInterval(this.statusTimer); clearTimeout(this.disableChatTimer); clearInterval(this.streamDurationTimer); window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleWindowResize); if (this.hasTouchScreen) { window.removeEventListener('orientationchange', this.handleWindowResize); } } // fetch /config data getConfig() { fetch(URL_CONFIG) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Network response was not ok ${response.ok}`); } return response.json(); }) .then((json) => { this.setConfigData(json); }) .catch((error) => { this.handleNetworkingError(`Fetch config: ${error}`); }); } // fetch stream status getStreamStatus() { fetch(URL_STATUS) .then((response) => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Network response was not ok ${response.ok}`); } return response.json(); }) .then((json) => { this.updateStreamStatus(json); }) .catch((error) => { this.handleOfflineMode(); this.handleNetworkingError(`Stream status: ${error}`); }); } setConfigData(data = {}) { const { title, summary } = data; window.document.title = title; this.setState({ configData: {, summary: summary && addNewlines(summary), }, }); } // handle UI things from stream status result updateStreamStatus(status = {}) { const { streamOnline: curStreamOnline } = this.state; if (!status) { return; } const { viewerCount, online, lastConnectTime, } = status; this.lastDisconnectTime = status.lastDisconnectTime; if ( && !curStreamOnline) { // stream has just come online. this.handleOnlineMode(); } else if (! && curStreamOnline) { // stream has just flipped offline. this.handleOfflineMode(); } this.setState({ viewerCount, lastConnectTime, streamOnline: online, }); } // when videojs player is ready, start polling for stream handlePlayerReady() { this.getStreamStatus(); this.statusTimer = setInterval(this.getStreamStatus, TIMER_STATUS_UPDATE); } handlePlayerPlaying() { this.setState({ isPlaying: true, }); } // likely called some time after stream status has gone offline. // basically hide video and show underlying "poster" handlePlayerEnded() { this.setState({ playerActive: false, isPlaying: false, }); } handlePlayerError() { // do something? this.handleOfflineMode(); this.handlePlayerEnded(); } // stop status timer and disable chat after some time. handleOfflineMode() { clearInterval(this.streamDurationTimer); const remainingChatTime = TIMER_DISABLE_CHAT_AFTER_OFFLINE - ( - new Date(this.lastDisconnectTime)); const countdown = remainingChatTime < 0 ? 0 : remainingChatTime; this.disableChatTimer = setTimeout(this.disableChatInput, countdown); this.setState({ streamOnline: false, streamStatusMessage: MESSAGE_OFFLINE, }); if (this.player.vjsPlayer && this.player.vjsPlayer.paused()) { this.handlePlayerEnded(); } } // play video! handleOnlineMode() { this.player.startPlayer(); clearTimeout(this.disableChatTimer); this.disableChatTimer = null; this.streamDurationTimer = setInterval( this.setCurrentStreamDuration, TIMER_STREAM_DURATION_COUNTER ); this.setState({ playerActive: true, streamOnline: true, chatInputEnabled: true, streamStatusMessage: MESSAGE_ONLINE, }); } setCurrentStreamDuration() { let streamDurationString = ''; if (this.state.lastConnectTime) { const diff = ( - Date.parse(this.state.lastConnectTime)) / 1000; streamDurationString = secondsToHMMSS(diff); } this.setState({ streamStatusMessage: `${MESSAGE_ONLINE} ${streamDurationString}`, }); } handleUsernameChange(newName) { this.setState({ username: newName, }); } handleChatPanelToggle() { const { displayChat: curDisplayed } = this.state; const displayChat = !curDisplayed; if (displayChat) { setLocalStorage(KEY_CHAT_DISPLAYED, displayChat); } else { clearLocalStorage(KEY_CHAT_DISPLAYED); } this.setState({ displayChat, }); } disableChatInput() { this.setState({ chatInputEnabled: false, }); } handleNetworkingError(error) { console.log(`>>> App Error: ${error}`); } handleWindowResize() { this.setState({ windowWidth: window.innerWidth, windowHeight: window.innerHeight, orientation: getOrientation(this.hasTouchScreen), }); } render(props, state) { const { chatInputEnabled, configData, displayChat, isPlaying, orientation, playerActive, streamOnline, streamStatusMessage, username, viewerCount, websocket, windowHeight, windowWidth, } = state; const { version: appVersion, logo = {}, socialHandles = [], name: streamerName, summary, tags = [], title, extraPageContent, } = configData; const { small: smallLogo = TEMP_IMAGE, large: largeLogo = TEMP_IMAGE, } = logo; const bgLogo = { backgroundImage: `url(${smallLogo})` }; const bgLogoLarge = { backgroundImage: `url(${largeLogo})`, backgroundSize: 'contain', }; const tagList = (tags !== null && tags.length > 0) ? (tag, index) => html`
  • ${tag}
  • ` ) : null; const mainClass = playerActive ? 'online' : ''; const streamInfoClass = streamOnline ? 'online' : ''; // need? const isPortrait = this.hasTouchScreen && orientation === ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; const shortHeight = windowHeight <= HEIGHT_SHORT_WIDE && !isPortrait; const singleColMode = windowWidth <= WIDTH_SINGLE_COL && !shortHeight; const extraAppClasses = classNames({ chat: displayChat, 'no-chat': !displayChat, 'single-col': singleColMode, 'bg-gray-800': singleColMode && displayChat, 'short-wide': shortHeight && windowWidth > WIDTH_SINGLE_COL, 'touch-screen': this.hasTouchScreen, }); const poster = isPlaying ? null : html` <${VideoPoster} offlineImage=${largeLogo} active=${streamOnline} /> `; return html`


    <${UsernameForm} username=${username} handleUsernameChange=${this.handleUsernameChange} />
    ${streamStatusMessage} ${viewerCount} ${pluralize('viewer', viewerCount)}.


    <${SocialIconsList} handles=${socialHandles} />
    <${Chat} websocket=${websocket} username=${username} chatInputEnabled=${chatInputEnabled} />
    `; } }