import { Meta } from '@storybook/react'; import { ChatSocialMessage } from './ChatSocialMessage'; const meta = { title: 'owncast/Chat/Messages/Social-fediverse event', component: ChatSocialMessage, parameters: {}, } satisfies Meta; export default meta; export const Follow = { args: { message: { type: 'FEDIVERSE_ENGAGEMENT_FOLLOW', body: '

james followed this live stream.

', title: '', image: '', link: '', }, }, }; export const Like = { args: { message: { type: 'FEDIVERSE_ENGAGEMENT_LIKE', body: '

james liked that this stream went live.

', title: '', image: '', link: '', }, }, }; export const Repost = { args: { message: { type: 'FEDIVERSE_ENGAGEMENT_REPOST', body: '

james shared this stream with their followers.

', title: '', image: '', link: '', }, }, }; export const LongAccountName = { args: { message: { type: 'FEDIVERSE_ENGAGEMENT_REPOST', body: '

james shared this stream with their followers.

', title: '', image: '', link: '', }, }, }; export const InvalidAvatarImage = { args: { message: { type: 'FEDIVERSE_ENGAGEMENT_REPOST', body: '

james shared this stream with their followers.

', title: '', image: 'https://xx.xx/avatars/original/missing.png', link: '', }, }, };