var request = require('supertest'); request = request(''); const getAdminResponse = require('./lib/admin').getAdminResponse; const sendAdminPayload = require('./lib/admin').sendAdminPayload; const registerChat = require('./lib/chat').registerChat; var accessToken = ''; var webhookID; const webhook = ''; const events = ['CHAT']; test('create webhook', async () => { const res = await sendAdminPayload('webhooks/create', { url: webhook, events: events, }); expect(res.body.url).toBe(webhook); expect(res.body.timestamp).toBeTruthy(); expect(; }); test('check webhooks', (done) => { getAdminResponse('webhooks').then((res) => { expect(res.body).toHaveLength(1); expect(res.body[0].url).toBe(webhook); expect(res.body[0].events).toStrictEqual(events); webhookID = res.body[0].id; done(); }); }); test('delete webhook', async () => { const res = await sendAdminPayload('webhooks/delete', { id: webhookID, }); expect(res.body.success).toBe(true); }); test('check that webhook was deleted', (done) => { getAdminResponse('webhooks').then((res) => { expect(res.body).toHaveLength(0); done(); }); }); test('create access token', async () => { const name = 'Automated integration test'; const scopes = [ 'CAN_SEND_SYSTEM_MESSAGES', 'CAN_SEND_MESSAGES', 'HAS_ADMIN_ACCESS', ]; const res = await sendAdminPayload('accesstokens/create', { name: name, scopes: scopes, }); expect(res.body.accessToken).toBeTruthy(); expect(res.body.createdAt).toBeTruthy(); expect(res.body.displayName).toBe(name); expect(res.body.scopes).toStrictEqual(scopes); accessToken = res.body.accessToken; }); test('check access tokens', async () => { const res = await getAdminResponse('accesstokens'); const tokenCheck = res.body.filter( (token) => token.accessToken === accessToken ); expect(tokenCheck).toHaveLength(1); }); test('send a system message using access token', async () => { const payload = { body: 'This is a test system message from the automated integration test', }; await request .post('/api/integrations/chat/system') .set('Authorization', 'bearer ' + accessToken) .send(payload) .expect(200); }); test('send an external integration message using access token', async () => { const payload = { body: 'This is a test external message from the automated integration test', }; await request .post('/api/integrations/chat/send') .set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken) .send(payload) .expect(200); }); test('send an external integration action using access token', async () => { const payload = { body: 'This is a test external action from the automated integration test', }; await request .post('/api/integrations/chat/action') .set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken) .send(payload) .expect(200); }); test('test fetch chat history using access token', async () => { await request .get('/api/integrations/chat') .set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken) .expect(200); }); test('test fetch chat history failure using invalid access token', async () => { await request .get('/api/integrations/chat') .set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + 'invalidToken') .expect(401); }); test('test fetch chat history OPTIONS request', async () => { const res = await request .options('/api/integrations/chat') .set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken) .expect(204); }); test('get user details', async () => { const registration = await registerChat(); const userId =; await request .get(`/api/integrations/moderation/chat/user/${userId}`) .set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken) .expect(200); }); test('delete access token', async () => { const res = await sendAdminPayload('accesstokens/delete', { token: accessToken, }); expect(res.body.success).toBe(true); }); test('check token delete was successful', async () => { const res = await getAdminResponse('accesstokens'); const tokenCheck = res.body.filter( (token) => token.accessToken === accessToken ); expect(tokenCheck).toHaveLength(0); }); test('send an external integration action using access token expecting failure', async () => { const payload = { body: 'This is a test external action from the automated integration test', }; await request .post('/api/integrations/chat/action') .set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + accessToken) .send(payload) .expect(401); });