import SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES from './chat/socketMessageTypes.js'; const KEY_USERNAME = 'owncast_username'; const KEY_AVATAR = 'owncast_avatar'; const KEY_CHAT_DISPLAYED = 'owncast_chat'; const KEY_CHAT_FIRST_MESSAGE_SENT = 'owncast_first_message_sent'; const CHAT_INITIAL_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT = 'Type here to chat, no account necessary.'; const CHAT_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT = 'Message'; const CHAT_PLACEHOLDER_OFFLINE = 'Chat is offline.'; class Message { constructor(model) { =; this.body = model.body; this.image = model.image || generateAvatar(; =; this.type = model.type; } formatText() { showdown.setFlavor('github'); let formattedText = new showdown.Converter({ emoji: true, openLinksInNewWindow: true, tables: false, simplifiedAutoLink: false, literalMidWordUnderscores: true, strikethrough: true, ghMentions: false, }).makeHtml(this.body); formattedText = this.linkify(formattedText, this.body); formattedText = this.highlightUsername(formattedText); return addNewlines(formattedText); } // TODO: Move this into a util function once we can organize code // and split things up. linkify(text, rawText) { const urls = getURLs(stripTags(rawText)); if (urls) { urls.forEach(function (url) { let linkURL = url; // Add http prefix if none exist in the URL so it actually // will work in an anchor tag. if (linkURL.indexOf('http') === -1) { linkURL = 'http://' + linkURL; } // Remove the protocol prefix in the display URLs just to make // things look a little nicer. const displayURL = url.replace(/(^\w+:|^)\/\//, ''); const link = `${displayURL}`; text = text.replace(url, link); if (getYoutubeIdFromURL(url)) { if (this.isTextJustURLs(text, [url, displayURL])) { text = ''; } else { text += '
'; } const youtubeID = getYoutubeIdFromURL(url); text += getYoutubeEmbedFromID(youtubeID); } else if (url.indexOf('') > -1) { if (this.isTextJustURLs(text, [url, displayURL])) { text = ''; } else { text += `
`; } text += getInstagramEmbedFromURL(url); } else if (isImage(url)) { if (this.isTextJustURLs(text, [url, displayURL])) { text = ''; } else { text += `
`; } text += getImageForURL(url); } }.bind(this)); } return text; } isTextJustURLs(text, urls) { for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { const url = urls[i]; if (stripTags(text) === url) { return true; } } return false; } userColor() { return messageBubbleColorForString(; } highlightUsername(message) { const username = document.getElementById('self-message-author').value; const pattern = new RegExp('@?' + username.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'), 'gi'); return message.replace(pattern, '$&'); } } class MessagingInterface { constructor() { this.chatDisplayed = false; this.username = ''; this.messageCharCount = 0; this.maxMessageLength = 500; this.maxMessageBuffer = 20; this.chatUsernames = []; this.onReceivedMessages = this.onReceivedMessages.bind(this); this.disableChat = this.disableChat.bind(this); this.enableChat = this.enableChat.bind(this); } init() { this.tagAppContainer = document.getElementById('app-container'); this.tagChatToggle = document.getElementById('chat-toggle'); this.tagUserInfoChanger = document.getElementById('user-info-change'); this.tagUsernameDisplay = document.getElementById('username-display'); this.tagMessageFormWarning = document.getElementById('message-form-warning'); this.inputMessageAuthor = document.getElementById('self-message-author'); this.inputChangeUserName = document.getElementById('username-change-input'); this.btnUpdateUserName = document.getElementById('button-update-username'); this.btnCancelUpdateUsername = document.getElementById('button-cancel-change'); this.btnSubmitMessage = document.getElementById('button-submit-message'); this.formMessageInput = document.getElementById('message-body-form'); this.imgUsernameAvatar = document.getElementById('username-avatar'); this.textUserInfoDisplay = document.getElementById('user-info-display'); this.scrollableMessagesContainer = document.getElementById('messages-container'); // add events this.tagChatToggle.addEventListener('click', this.handleChatToggle.bind(this)); this.textUserInfoDisplay.addEventListener('click', this.handleShowChangeNameForm.bind(this)); this.btnUpdateUserName.addEventListener('click', this.handleUpdateUsername.bind(this)); this.btnCancelUpdateUsername.addEventListener('click', this.handleHideChangeNameForm.bind(this)); this.inputChangeUserName.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleUsernameKeydown.bind(this)); this.formMessageInput.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleMessageInputKeydown.bind(this)); this.formMessageInput.addEventListener('keyup', this.handleMessageInputKeyup.bind(this)); this.formMessageInput.addEventListener('blur', this.handleMessageInputBlur.bind(this)); this.btnSubmitMessage.addEventListener('click', this.handleSubmitChatButton.bind(this)); this.initLocalStates(); if (hasTouchScreen()) { setVHvar(); window.addEventListener("orientationchange", setVHvar); this.tagAppContainer.classList.add('touch-screen'); } } initLocalStates() { this.username = getLocalStorage(KEY_USERNAME) || generateUsername(); this.imgUsernameAvatar.src = getLocalStorage(KEY_AVATAR) || generateAvatar(`${this.username}${}`); this.updateUsernameFields(this.username); this.chatDisplayed = getLocalStorage(KEY_CHAT_DISPLAYED) || true; this.displayChat(); this.disableChat(); // Disabled by default. } updateUsernameFields(username) { this.tagUsernameDisplay.innerText = username; this.inputChangeUserName.value = username; this.inputMessageAuthor.value = username; } displayChat() { if (this.chatDisplayed) { this.tagAppContainer.classList.add('chat'); this.tagAppContainer.classList.remove('no-chat'); jumpToBottom(this.scrollableMessagesContainer); } else { this.tagAppContainer.classList.add('no-chat'); this.tagAppContainer.classList.remove('chat'); } this.setChatPlaceholderText(); } handleChatToggle() { this.chatDisplayed = !this.chatDisplayed; if (this.chatDisplayed) { setLocalStorage(KEY_CHAT_DISPLAYED, this.chatDisplayed); } else { clearLocalStorage(KEY_CHAT_DISPLAYED); } this.displayChat(); } handleShowChangeNameForm() { = 'none'; = 'flex'; if (document.body.clientWidth < 640) { = 'none'; } } handleHideChangeNameForm() { = 'flex'; = 'none'; if (document.body.clientWidth < 640) { = 'inline-block'; } } handleUpdateUsername() { const oldName = this.username; var newValue = this.inputChangeUserName.value; newValue = newValue.trim(); // do other string cleanup? if (newValue) { this.username = newValue; this.updateUsernameFields(newValue); this.imgUsernameAvatar.src = generateAvatar(`${newValue}${}`); setLocalStorage(KEY_USERNAME, newValue); setLocalStorage(KEY_AVATAR, this.imgUsernameAvatar.src); } this.handleHideChangeNameForm(); if (oldName !== newValue) { this.sendUsernameChange(oldName, newValue, this.imgUsernameAvatar.src); } } handleUsernameKeydown(event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { // enter this.handleUpdateUsername(); } else if (event.keyCode === 27) { // esc this.handleHideChangeNameForm(); } } sendUsernameChange(oldName, newName, image) { const nameChange = { type: SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.NAME_CHANGE, oldName: oldName, newName: newName, image: image, }; this.send(nameChange); } tryToComplete() { const rawValue = this.formMessageInput.innerHTML; const position = getCaretPosition(this.formMessageInput); const at = rawValue.lastIndexOf('@', position - 1); if (at === -1) { return false; } var partial = rawValue.substring(at + 1, position).trim(); if (partial === this.suggestion) { partial = this.partial; } else { this.partial = partial; } const possibilities = this.chatUsernames.filter(function (username) { return username.toLowerCase().startsWith(partial.toLowerCase()); }); if (this.completionIndex === undefined || ++this.completionIndex >= possibilities.length) { this.completionIndex = 0; } if (possibilities.length > 0) { this.suggestion = possibilities[this.completionIndex]; // TODO: Fix the space not working. I'm guessing because the DOM ignores spaces and it requires a nbsp or something? this.formMessageInput.innerHTML = rawValue.substring(0, at + 1) + this.suggestion + ' ' + rawValue.substring(position); setCaretPosition(this.formMessageInput, at + this.suggestion.length + 2); } return true; } handleMessageInputKeydown(event) { var okCodes = [37,38,39,40,16,91,18,46,8]; var value = this.formMessageInput.innerHTML.trim(); var numCharsLeft = this.maxMessageLength - value.length; if (event.keyCode === 13) { // enter if (!this.prepNewLine) { this.submitChat(value); event.preventDefault(); this.prepNewLine = false; return; } } if (event.keyCode === 16 || event.keyCode === 17) { // ctrl, shift this.prepNewLine = true; } if (event.keyCode === 9) { // tab if (this.tryToComplete()) { event.preventDefault(); // value could have been changed, update variables value = this.formMessageInput.innerHTML.trim(); numCharsLeft = this.maxMessageLength - value.length; } } if (numCharsLeft <= this.maxMessageBuffer) { this.tagMessageFormWarning.innerText = `${numCharsLeft} chars left`; if (numCharsLeft <= 0 && !okCodes.includes(event.keyCode)) { event.preventDefault(); return; } } else { this.tagMessageFormWarning.innerText = ''; } } handleMessageInputKeyup(event) { if (event.keyCode === 16 || event.keyCode === 17) { // ctrl, shift this.prepNewLine = false; } } handleMessageInputBlur(event) { this.prepNewLine = false; } handleSubmitChatButton(event) { var value = this.formMessageInput.innerHTML.trim(); if (value) { this.submitChat(value); event.preventDefault(); return false; } event.preventDefault(); return false; } submitChat(content) { if (!content) { return; } var message = new Message({ body: content, author: this.username, image: this.imgUsernameAvatar.src, type: SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CHAT, }); this.send(message); // clear out things. this.formMessageInput.innerHTML = ''; this.tagMessageFormWarning.innerText = ''; const hasSentFirstChatMessage = getLocalStorage(KEY_CHAT_FIRST_MESSAGE_SENT); if (!hasSentFirstChatMessage) { setLocalStorage(KEY_CHAT_FIRST_MESSAGE_SENT, true); this.setChatPlaceholderText(); } } disableChat() { if (this.formMessageInput) { this.formMessageInput.contentEditable = false; this.formMessageInput.innerHTML = ''; this.formMessageInput.setAttribute("placeholder", CHAT_PLACEHOLDER_OFFLINE); } } enableChat() { if (this.formMessageInput) { this.formMessageInput.contentEditable = true; this.setChatPlaceholderText(); } } setChatPlaceholderText() { // NOTE: This is a fake placeholder that is being styled via CSS. // You can't just set the .placeholder property because it's not a form element. const hasSentFirstChatMessage = getLocalStorage(KEY_CHAT_FIRST_MESSAGE_SENT); const placeholderText = hasSentFirstChatMessage ? CHAT_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT : CHAT_INITIAL_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT; this.formMessageInput.setAttribute("placeholder", placeholderText); } // handle Vue.js message display onReceivedMessages(newMessages, oldMessages) { // update the list of chat usernames newMessages.slice(oldMessages.length).forEach(function (message) { var username; switch (message.type) { case SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CHAT: username =; break; case SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.NAME_CHANGE: username = message.newName; break; default: return; } if (!this.chatUsernames.includes(username)) { this.chatUsernames.push(username); } }, this); if (newMessages.length !== oldMessages.length) { // jump to bottom jumpToBottom(this.scrollableMessagesContainer); } } send(messageJSON) { console.error('MessagingInterface send() is not linked to the websocket component.'); } } export { Message, MessagingInterface } function stripTags(str) { return str.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, ""); } function getURLs(str) { var exp = /((\w+:\/\/\S+)|(\w+[\.:]\w+\S+))[^\s,\.]/ig; return str.match(exp); } function getYoutubeIdFromURL(url) { try { var regExp = /^.*(\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/; var match = url.match(regExp); if (match && match[2].length == 11) { return match[2]; } else { return null; } } catch (e) { console.log(e); return null; } } function getYoutubeEmbedFromID(id) { return ``; } function getInstagramEmbedFromURL(url) { const urlObject = new URL(url.replace(/\/$/, "")); urlObject.pathname += "/embed"; return ``; } function isImage(url) { const re = /\.(jpe?g|png|gif)$/; const isImage = re.test(url); return isImage; } function getImageForURL(url) { return ``; } // Taken from function getCaretPosition(editableDiv) { var caretPos = 0, sel, range; if (window.getSelection) { sel = window.getSelection(); if (sel.rangeCount) { range = sel.getRangeAt(0); if (range.commonAncestorContainer.parentNode == editableDiv) { caretPos = range.endOffset; } } } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { range = document.selection.createRange(); if (range.parentElement() == editableDiv) { var tempEl = document.createElement("span"); editableDiv.insertBefore(tempEl, editableDiv.firstChild); var tempRange = range.duplicate(); tempRange.moveToElementText(tempEl); tempRange.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", range); caretPos = tempRange.text.length; } } return caretPos; } // Pieced together from parts of function setCaretPosition(editableDiv, position) { var range = document.createRange(); var sel = window.getSelection(); range.selectNode(editableDiv); range.setStart(editableDiv.childNodes[0], position); range.collapse(true); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); }