# Video.js Icon Font This project contains all of the tooling necessary to generate a new icon font for Video.js. The icons themselves are from Google's [Material Design Icons](https://github.com/google/material-design-icons). You can see an overview of the icons used in the default Video.js font here: https://videojs.github.io/font/ ## Usage ```sh $ npm install grunt-cli # only if you don't already have grunt installed $ npm install $ grunt ``` ### Custom icons You can add custom icons by calling grunt with the `--custom-json` option. It takes a comma delimited list of paths to JSON files of the same format as below and merges it with the default icons file. Example: ```sh $ grunt --custom-json=./lib/custom.json,./lib/custom2.json ``` ## Making changes to the font To make changes to the default Video.js font, simply edit the `icons.json` file. You can add or remove icons, either by just selecting new SVGs from the [Material Design set](https://www.google.com/design/icons/), or pulling in new SVGs altogether. ```json { "font-name": "VideoJS", "root-dir": "./node_modules/material-design-icons/", "icons": [ { "name": "play", "svg": "av/svg/production/ic_play_arrow_48px.svg" }, { "name": "pause", "svg": "av/svg/production/ic_pause_48px.svg" }, { "name": "cool-custom-icon", "svg": "neato-icon.svg", "root-dir": "./custom-icons/neato-icon.svg" } ] } ``` Once you're done, simply run `grunt` again to regenerate the fonts and scss partial. To edit the `_icons.scss` partial, update `templates/scss.hbs`. ## Creating your own font If you are developing a Video.js plugin that uses custom icons, you can also create a new font instead of modifying the default font. Simply specify a new `font-name` and define the icons you want to include: ```json { "font-name": "MyPluginFont", "root-dir": "./node_modules/material-design-icons/", "icons": [ { "name": "av-perm", "svg": "action/svg/production/ic_perm_camera_mic_48px.svg" }, { "name": "video-perm", "svg": "av/svg/production/ic_videocam_48px.svg" }, { "name": "audio-perm", "svg": "av/svg/production/ic_mic_48px.svg" } ] } ``` Generate the `MyPluginFont` font files using the `--custom-json` option: ```sh $ grunt --custom-json=MyPluginFont.json ``` ### Exclude default icons By default, the regular Video.js icons are also included in the font. If you want to exclude these icons, when you're creating a Video.js plugin font for example, use the `--exclude-default` option. Example: ```sh $ grunt --custom-json=MyPluginFont.json --exclude-default ```