class Owncast { constructor() { this.player; this.streamStatus = null; this.websocket = null; this.configData; this.vueApp; this.messagingInterface = null; // timers this.websocketReconnectTimer = null; this.playerRestartTimer = null; this.offlineTimer = null; this.statusTimer = null; this.disableChatTimer = null; // misc this.streamIsOnline = false; this.lastDisconnectTime = null; Vue.filter('plural', pluralize); // bindings this.vueAppMounted = this.vueAppMounted.bind(this); this.setConfigData = this.setConfigData.bind(this); this.setupWebsocket = this.setupWebsocket.bind(this); this.getStreamStatus = this.getStreamStatus.bind(this); this.getExtraUserContent = this.getExtraUserContent.bind(this); this.updateStreamStatus = this.updateStreamStatus.bind(this); this.handleNetworkingError = this.handleNetworkingError.bind(this); this.handleOfflineMode = this.handleOfflineMode.bind(this); this.handleOnlineMode = this.handleOnlineMode.bind(this); this.handleNetworkingError = this.handleNetworkingError.bind(this); this.handlePlayerReady = this.handlePlayerReady.bind(this); this.handlePlayerPlaying = this.handlePlayerPlaying.bind(this); this.handlePlayerEnded = this.handlePlayerEnded.bind(this); this.handlePlayerError = this.handlePlayerError.bind(this); } init() { this.messagingInterface = new MessagingInterface(); this.websocket = this.setupWebsocket(); this.vueApp = new Vue({ el: '#app-container', data: { isOnline: false, layout: hasTouchScreen() ? 'touch' : 'desktop', messages: [], overallMaxViewerCount: 0, sessionMaxViewerCount: 0, streamStatus: MESSAGE_OFFLINE, // Default state. viewerCount: 0, // from config appVersion: '', extraUserContent: '', logo: TEMP_IMAGE, logoLarge: TEMP_IMAGE, socialHandles: [], streamerName: '', summary: '', tags: [], title: '', }, watch: { messages: { deep: true, handler: this.messagingInterface.onReceivedMessages, }, }, mounted: this.vueAppMounted, }); } // do all these things after Vue.js has mounted, else we'll get weird DOM issues. vueAppMounted() { this.getConfig(); this.messagingInterface.init(); this.player = new OwncastPlayer(); this.player.setupPlayerCallbacks({ onReady: this.handlePlayerReady, onPlaying: this.handlePlayerPlaying, onEnded: this.handlePlayerEnded, onError: this.handlePlayerError, }); this.player.init(); }; setConfigData(data) { this.vueApp.appVersion = data.version; this.vueApp.logo = data.logo.small; this.vueApp.logoLarge = data.logo.large; this.vueApp.socialHandles = data.socialHandles; this.vueApp.streamerName =; this.vueApp.summary = data.summary && addNewlines(data.summary); this.vueApp.tags = data.tags; this.vueApp.title = data.title; window.document.title = data.title; this.getExtraUserContent(`${URL_PREFIX}${data.extraUserInfoFileName}`); this.configData = data; } // websocket for messaging setupWebsocket() { var ws = new WebSocket(URL_WEBSOCKET); ws.onopen = (e) => { if (this.websocketReconnectTimer) { clearTimeout(this.websocketReconnectTimer); } }; ws.onclose = (e) => { // connection closed, discard old websocket and create a new one in 5s this.websocket = null; this.messagingInterface.disableChat(); this.handleNetworkingError('Websocket closed.'); this.websocketReconnectTimer = setTimeout(this.setupWebsocket, TIMER_WEBSOCKET_RECONNECT); }; // On ws error just close the socket and let it re-connect again for now. ws.onerror = e => { this.handleNetworkingError(`Stream status: ${e}`); ws.close(); }; ws.onmessage = (e) => { const model = JSON.parse(; // Ignore non-chat messages (such as keepalive PINGs) if (model.type !== SOCKET_MESSAGE_TYPES.CHAT) { return; } const message = new Message(model); const existing = this.vueApp.messages.filter(function (item) { return ===; }) if (existing.length === 0 || !existing) { this.vueApp.messages = [...this.vueApp.messages, message]; } }; this.websocket = ws; this.messagingInterface.setWebsocket(this.websocket); }; // fetch /config data getConfig() { fetch(URL_CONFIG) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Network response was not ok ${response.ok}`); } return response.json(); }) .then(json => { this.setConfigData(json); }) .catch(error => { this.handleNetworkingError(`Fetch config: ${error}`); }); } // fetch stream status getStreamStatus() { fetch(URL_STATUS) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Network response was not ok ${response.ok}`); } return response.json(); }) .then(json => { this.updateStreamStatus(json); }) .catch(error => { this.handleOfflineMode(); this.handleNetworkingError(`Stream status: ${error}`); }); }; // fetch getExtraUserContent(path) { fetch(path) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Network response was not ok ${response.ok}`); } return response.text(); }) .then(text => { const descriptionHTML = new showdown.Converter().makeHtml(text); this.vueApp.extraUserContent = descriptionHTML; }) .catch(error => { this.handleNetworkingError(`Fetch extra content: ${error}`); }); }; // handle UI things from stream status result updateStreamStatus(status) { // update UI this.vueApp.streamStatus = ? MESSAGE_ONLINE : MESSAGE_OFFLINE; this.vueApp.viewerCount = status.viewerCount; this.vueApp.sessionMaxViewerCount = status.sessionMaxViewerCount; this.vueApp.overallMaxViewerCount = status.overallMaxViewerCount; this.lastDisconnectTime = status.lastDisconnectTime; if ( && !this.streamIsOnline) { // stream has just come online. this.handleOnlineMode(); } else if (! && !this.streamStatus) { // stream has just gone offline. // display offline mode the first time we get status, and it's offline. this.handleOfflineMode(); } if ( { // only do this if video is paused, so no unnecessary img fetches if (this.player.vjsPlayer && this.player.vjsPlayer.paused()) { this.player.setPoster(); } } this.streamStatus = status; }; handleNetworkingError(error) { console.log(`>>> App Error: ${error}`) }; // basically hide video and show underlying "poster" handleOfflineMode() { this.streamIsOnline = false; this.vueApp.isOnline = false; this.vueApp.streamStatus = MESSAGE_OFFLINE; if (this.lastDisconnectTime) { const remainingChatTime = TIMER_DISABLE_CHAT_AFTER_OFFLINE - ( - new Date(this.lastDisconnectTime)); const countdown = (remainingChatTime < 0) ? 0 : remainingChatTime; this.disableChatTimer = setTimeout(this.messagingInterface.disableChat, countdown); } }; // play video! handleOnlineMode() { this.streamIsOnline = true; this.vueApp.isOnline = true; this.vueApp.streamStatus = MESSAGE_ONLINE; this.player.startPlayer(); clearTimeout(this.disableChatTimer); this.disableChatTimer = null; this.messagingInterface.enableChat(); } // when videojs player is ready, start polling for stream handlePlayerReady() { this.getStreamStatus(); this.statusTimer = setInterval(this.getStreamStatus, TIMER_STATUS_UPDATE); }; handlePlayerPlaying() { // do something? }; handlePlayerEnded() { // do something? this.handleOfflineMode(); }; handlePlayerError() { // do something? this.handleOfflineMode(); // stop timers? }; };