import { StoryFn, Meta } from '@storybook/react'; import { RecoilRoot } from 'recoil'; import { OfflineEmbed } from './OfflineEmbed'; import OfflineState from '../../../stories/assets/mocks/offline-state.png'; const meta = { title: 'owncast/Layout/Offline Embed', component: OfflineEmbed, parameters: { design: { type: 'image', url: OfflineState, scale: 0.5, }, docs: { description: { component: `When the stream is offline the player should be replaced by this banner that can support custom text and notify actions.`, }, }, }, } satisfies Meta; export default meta; const Template: StoryFn = args => ( ); export const ExampleDefaultWithNotifications = { render: Template, args: { streamName: 'Cool stream 42', subtitle: 'This stream rocks. You should watch it.', image: '', }, };