import { h, Component, createRef } from ''; import htm from ''; const html = htm.bind(h); import { EmojiButton } from ''; import { URL_CUSTOM_EMOJIS, getLocalStorage, setLocalStorage } from '../utils.js'; import { KEY_CHAT_FIRST_MESSAGE_SENT, generatePlaceholderText, getCaretPosition, } from '../utils/chat.js'; import ContentEditable from './content-editable.js'; export default class ChatInput extends Component { constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this.formMessageInput = createRef(); this.messageCharCount = 0; this.maxMessageLength = 500; this.maxMessageBuffer = 20; this.emojiPicker = null; this.prepNewLine = false; this.state = { inputHTML: '', inputWarning: '', hasSentFirstChatMessage: getLocalStorage(KEY_CHAT_FIRST_MESSAGE_SENT), }; this.handleEmojiButtonClick = this.handleEmojiButtonClick.bind(this); this.handleEmojiSelected = this.handleEmojiSelected.bind(this); this.getCustomEmojis = this.getCustomEmojis.bind(this); this.handleMessageInputKeydown = this.handleMessageInputKeydown.bind(this); this.handleMessageInputKeyup = this.handleMessageInputKeyup.bind(this); this.handleMessageInputBlur = this.handleMessageInputBlur.bind(this); this.handleSubmitChatButton = this.handleSubmitChatButton.bind(this); this.handlePaste = this.handlePaste.bind(this); this.handleContentEditableChange = this.handleContentEditableChange.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { this.getCustomEmojis(); } getCustomEmojis() { fetch(URL_CUSTOM_EMOJIS) .then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Network response was not ok ${response.ok}`); } return response.json(); }) .then(json => { this.emojiPicker = new EmojiButton({ zIndex: 100, theme: 'dark', custom: json, initialCategory: 'custom', showPreview: false, position: { top: '50%', right: '100' }, }); this.emojiPicker.on('emoji', emoji => { this.handleEmojiSelected(emoji); }); }) .catch(error => { // this.handleNetworkingError(`Emoji Fetch: ${error}`); }); } handleEmojiButtonClick() { if (this.emojiPicker) { this.emojiPicker.togglePicker(this.emojiPicker); } } handleEmojiSelected(emoji) { const { inputHTML } = this.state; let content = ''; if (emoji.url) { const url = location.protocol + "//" + + "/" + emoji.url; const name = url.split('\\').pop().split('/').pop(); content = ""; } else { content = emoji.emoji; } this.setState({ inputHTML: inputHTML + content, }); } // autocomplete user names autoCompleteNames() { const { chatUserNames } = this.props; const { inputHTML } = this.state; const position = getCaretPosition(this.formMessageInput.current); const at = inputHTML.lastIndexOf('@', position - 1); if (at === -1) { return false; } const partial = inputHTML.substring(at + 1, position).trim(); if (partial === this.suggestion) { partial = this.partial; } else { this.partial = partial; } const possibilities = chatUserNames.filter(function (username) { return username.toLowerCase().startsWith(partial.toLowerCase()); }); if (this.completionIndex === undefined || ++this.completionIndex >= possibilities.length) { this.completionIndex = 0; } if (possibilities.length > 0) { this.suggestion = possibilities[this.completionIndex]; this.setState({ inputHTML: inputHTML.substring(0, at + 1) + this.suggestion + ' ' + inputHTML.substring(position), }) } return true; } handleMessageInputKeydown(event) { const okCodes = [37,38,39,40,16,91,18,46,8]; const formField = this.formMessageInput.current; let textValue = formField.innerText.trim(); // get this only to count chars let numCharsLeft = this.maxMessageLength - textValue.length; if (event.keyCode === 13) { // enter if (!this.prepNewLine) { this.sendMessage(); event.preventDefault(); this.prepNewLine = false; return; } } if (event.keyCode === 16 || event.keyCode === 17) { // ctrl, shift this.prepNewLine = true; } if (event.keyCode === 9) { // tab if (this.autoCompleteNames()) { event.preventDefault(); // value could have been changed, update char count textValue = formField.innerText.trim(); numCharsLeft = this.maxMessageLength - textValue.length; } } // text count if (numCharsLeft <= this.maxMessageBuffer) { this.setState({ inputWarning: `${numCharsLeft} chars left`, }); if (numCharsLeft <= 0 && !okCodes.includes(event.keyCode)) { event.preventDefault(); // prevent typing more return; } } else { this.setState({ inputWarning: '', }); } } handleMessageInputKeyup(event) { if (event.keyCode === 16 || event.keyCode === 17) { // ctrl, shift this.prepNewLine = false; } } handleMessageInputBlur(event) { this.prepNewLine = false; } handlePaste(event) { event.preventDefault(); document.execCommand('inserttext', false, event.clipboardData.getData('text/plain')); } handleSubmitChatButton(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.sendMessage(); } sendMessage() { const { handleSendMessage } = this.props; const { hasSentFirstChatMessage, inputHTML } = this.state; const message = inputHTML.trim(); const newStates = { inputWarning: '', inputHTML: '', }; handleSendMessage(message); if (!hasSentFirstChatMessage) { newStates.hasSentFirstChatMessage = true; setLocalStorage(KEY_CHAT_FIRST_MESSAGE_SENT, true); } // clear things out. this.setState(newStates); } handleContentEditableChange(event) { this.setState({ inputHTML: }); } render(props, state) { const { hasSentFirstChatMessage, inputWarning, inputHTML } = state; const { inputEnabled } = props; const emojiButtonStyle = { display: this.emojiPicker ? 'block' : 'none', }; const placeholderText = generatePlaceholderText(inputEnabled, hasSentFirstChatMessage); return ( html`