James Young d1f3fffe2f
reafctor: normalize component formatting (#2082)
* refactor: move/rename BanUserButton file

* refactor: move/rename Chart file

* refactor: update generic component filenames to PascalCase

* refactor: update config component filenames to PascalCase

* refactor: update AdminLayout component filename to PascalCase

* refactor: update/move VideoJS component

* chore(eslint): disable bad react/require-default-props rule

* refactor: normalize ActionButton component

* refactor: normalize ActionButtonRow component

* refactor: normalize FollowButton component

* refactor: normalize NotifyButton component

* refactor: normalize ChatActionMessage component

* refactor: normalize ChatContainer component

* refactor: normalize ChatJoinMessage component

* refactor: normalize ChatModerationActionMenu component

* refactor: normalize ChatModerationDetailsModal component

* refactor: normalize ChatModeratorNotification component

* refactor: normalize ChatSocialMessage component

* refactor: normalize ChatSystemMessage component

* refactor: normalize ChatTextField component

* refactor: normalize ChatUserBadge component

* refactor: normalize ChatUserMessage component

* refactor: normalize ContentHeader component

* refactor: normalize OwncastLogo component

* refactor: normalize UserDropdown component

* chore(eslint): modify react/function-component-definition rule

* refactor: normalize CodecSelector component

* refactor: update a bunch of functional components using eslint

* refactor: update a bunch of functional components using eslint, pt2

* refactor: update a bunch of functional components using eslint, pt3

* refactor: replace all component->component default imports with named imports

* refactor: replace all component-stories->component default imports with named imports

* refactor: remove default exports from most components

* chore(eslint): add eslint config files for the components and pages dirs

* fix: use-before-define error in ChatContainer

* Fix ChatContainer import

* Only process .tsx files in Next builds

Co-authored-by: Gabe Kangas <gabek@real-ity.com>
2022-09-07 00:00:28 -07:00

50 lines
1.6 KiB

import React from 'react';
import { ComponentStory, ComponentMeta } from '@storybook/react';
import { ActionButtonRow } from './ActionButtonRow';
import { ActionButton } from '../ActionButton/ActionButton';
export default {
title: 'owncast/Components/Action Buttons/Buttons Row',
component: ActionButtonRow,
parameters: {
docs: {
description: {
component: `This is a horizontal row of buttons that could be statically created by the Owncast application (such as Notify, Follow) or are user-generated external actions (Donate, Learn more, etc).
There can be any number of buttons, including zero. They should wrap if needed and handle resizing.`,
} as ComponentMeta<typeof ActionButtonRow>;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const Template: ComponentStory<typeof ActionButtonRow> = args => {
const { buttons } = args as any;
return <ActionButtonRow>{buttons}</ActionButtonRow>;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const actions = [
url: 'https://owncast.online/docs',
title: 'Documentation',
description: 'Owncast Documentation',
icon: 'https://owncast.online/images/logo.svg',
color: '#5232c8',
openExternally: false,
url: 'https://opencollective.com/embed/owncast/donate',
title: 'Support Owncast',
description: 'Contribute to Owncast',
icon: 'https://opencollective.com/static/images/opencollective-icon.svg',
color: '#2b4863',
openExternally: false,
const buttons = actions.map(action => <ActionButton action={action} />);
export const Example1 = Template.bind({});
Example1.args = {