weird 0 popping out when toggling chat. wasn't able to find which component is responsible. Used bare mininum scss. May refactor in the future.
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55 lines
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import { useRecoilValue } from 'recoil';
import { Layout, Tabs } from 'antd';
import { chatVisibilityAtom, clientConfigStateAtom } from '../../stores/ClientConfigStore';
import { ClientConfig } from '../../../interfaces/client-config.model';
import CustomPageContent from '../../CustomPageContent';
import OwncastPlayer from '../../video/OwncastPlayer';
import FollowerCollection from '../../FollowersCollection';
import s from './Content.module.scss';
import Sidebar from '../Sidebar';
import Footer from '../Footer';
import ChatContainer from '../../chat/ChatContainer';
import { ChatMessage } from '../../../interfaces/chat-message.model';
import { chatMessagesAtom, chatStateAtom } from '../../stores/ClientConfigStore';
import { ChatState, ChatVisibilityState } from '../../../interfaces/application-state';
import ChatTextField from '../../chat/ChatTextField/ChatTextField';
const { TabPane } = Tabs;
const { Content } = Layout;
export default function FooterComponent() {
const clientConfig = useRecoilValue<ClientConfig>(clientConfigStateAtom);
const chatOpen = useRecoilValue<ChatVisibilityState>(chatVisibilityAtom);
const messages = useRecoilValue<ChatMessage[]>(chatMessagesAtom);
const chatState = useRecoilValue<ChatState>(chatStateAtom);
const { extraPageContent } = clientConfig;
return (
<Content className={`${s.root}`} data-columns={chatOpen ? 2 : 1}>
<div className={`${s.leftCol}`}>
<OwncastPlayer source="https://watch.owncast.online" />
<div className={`${s.lowerRow}`}>
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" type="card">
<TabPane tab="About" key="1">
<CustomPageContent content={extraPageContent} />
<TabPane tab="Followers" key="2">
<FollowerCollection />
{chatOpen && (
<div className={`${s.mobileChat}`}>
<ChatContainer messages={messages} state={chatState} />
<ChatTextField />
<Footer />
{chatOpen && <Sidebar />}