Jannik 3f9f4a151c
refactor: use io.Pipe and ffmpeg's stdin (#1148)
This removes the usage of `syscall.Mkfifo` which was previously used and
won't work on Windows systems and opens the door for other processes on
the computer to interfere in the rtmp stream (dumping bad content in the
fifo, removing the file, blocking the file in offline status).
Instead, this patch introduces an `io.Pipe` which pipes the RTMP stream
to the ffmpeg command while staying in Owncast.

Further links:
* ffmpeg on using `pipe:0` as an input: https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-protocols.html#pipe
2021-07-03 12:28:25 -07:00

426 lines
13 KiB

package transcoder
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
var _commandExec *exec.Cmd
// Transcoder is a single instance of a video transcoder.
type Transcoder struct {
input string
stdin *io.PipeReader
segmentOutputPath string
playlistOutputPath string
variants []HLSVariant
appendToStream bool
ffmpegPath string
segmentIdentifier string
internalListenerPort string
codec Codec
currentStreamOutputSettings []models.StreamOutputVariant
currentLatencyLevel models.LatencyLevel
TranscoderCompleted func(error)
// HLSVariant is a combination of settings that results in a single HLS stream.
type HLSVariant struct {
index int
videoSize VideoSize // Resizes the video via scaling
framerate int // The output framerate
videoBitrate int // The output bitrate
isVideoPassthrough bool // Override all settings and just copy the video stream
audioBitrate string // The audio bitrate
isAudioPassthrough bool // Override all settings and just copy the audio stream
cpuUsageLevel int // The amount of hardware to use for encoding a stream
// VideoSize is the scaled size of the video output.
type VideoSize struct {
Width int
Height int
// getString returns a WxH formatted getString for scaling video output.
func (v *VideoSize) getString() string {
widthString := strconv.Itoa(v.Width)
heightString := strconv.Itoa(v.Height)
if widthString != "0" && heightString != "0" {
return widthString + ":" + heightString
} else if widthString != "0" {
return widthString + ":-2"
} else if heightString != "0" {
return "-2:" + heightString
return ""
func (t *Transcoder) Stop() {
log.Traceln("Transcoder STOP requested.")
err := _commandExec.Process.Kill()
if err != nil {
// Start will execute the transcoding process with the settings previously set.
func (t *Transcoder) Start() {
_lastTranscoderLogMessage = ""
command := t.getString()
log.Infof("Video transcoder started using %s with %d stream variants.", t.codec.DisplayName(), len(t.variants))
if config.EnableDebugFeatures {
_commandExec = exec.Command("sh", "-c", command)
if t.stdin != nil {
_commandExec.Stdin = t.stdin
stdout, err := _commandExec.StderrPipe()
if err != nil {
err = _commandExec.Start()
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("Transcoder error. See ", logging.GetTranscoderLogFilePath(), " for full output to debug.")
log.Panicln(err, command)
go func() {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(stdout)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
err = _commandExec.Wait()
if t.TranscoderCompleted != nil {
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("transcoding error. look at ", logging.GetTranscoderLogFilePath(), " to help debug. your copy of ffmpeg may not support your selected codec of", t.codec.Name(), "https://owncast.online/docs/troubleshooting/#codecs")
func (t *Transcoder) getString() string {
var port = t.internalListenerPort
localListenerAddress := "" + port
hlsOptionFlags := []string{}
if t.appendToStream {
hlsOptionFlags = append(hlsOptionFlags, "append_list")
if t.segmentIdentifier == "" {
t.segmentIdentifier = shortid.MustGenerate()
hlsOptionsString := ""
if len(hlsOptionFlags) > 0 {
hlsOptionsString = "-hls_flags " + strings.Join(hlsOptionFlags, "+")
ffmpegFlags := []string{
fmt.Sprintf(`FFREPORT=file="%s":level=32`, logging.GetTranscoderLogFilePath()),
"-loglevel warning",
"-fflags +genpts", // Generate presentation time stamp if missing
"-i ", t.input,
// HLS Output
"-f", "hls",
"-hls_time", strconv.Itoa(t.currentLatencyLevel.SecondsPerSegment), // Length of each segment
"-hls_list_size", strconv.Itoa(t.currentLatencyLevel.SegmentCount), // Max # in variant playlist
"-segment_format_options", "mpegts_flags=+initial_discontinuity:mpegts_copyts=1",
// Video settings
"-pix_fmt", t.codec.PixelFormat(),
"-sc_threshold", "0", // Disable scene change detection for creating segments
// Filenames
"-master_pl_name", "stream.m3u8",
"-strftime 1", // Support the use of strftime in filenames
"-hls_segment_filename", localListenerAddress + "/%v/stream-" + t.segmentIdentifier + "%s.ts", // Send HLS segments back to us over HTTP
"-max_muxing_queue_size", "400", // Workaround for Too many packets error: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/6375?cversion=0
"-method PUT -http_persistent 0", // HLS results sent back to us will be over PUTs
localListenerAddress + "/%v/stream.m3u8", // Send HLS playlists back to us over HTTP
return strings.Join(ffmpegFlags, " ")
func getVariantFromConfigQuality(quality models.StreamOutputVariant, index int) HLSVariant {
variant := HLSVariant{}
variant.index = index
variant.isAudioPassthrough = quality.IsAudioPassthrough
variant.isVideoPassthrough = quality.IsVideoPassthrough
// If no audio bitrate is specified then we pass through original audio
if quality.AudioBitrate == 0 {
variant.isAudioPassthrough = true
if quality.VideoBitrate == 0 {
quality.VideoBitrate = 1200
// If the video is being passed through then
// don't continue to set options on the variant.
if variant.isVideoPassthrough {
return variant
// Set a default, reasonable preset if one is not provided.
// "superfast" and "ultrafast" are generally not recommended since they look bad.
// https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264
variant.cpuUsageLevel = quality.CPUUsageLevel
variant.SetAudioBitrate(strconv.Itoa(quality.AudioBitrate) + "k")
return variant
// NewTranscoder will return a new Transcoder, populated by the config.
func NewTranscoder() *Transcoder {
ffmpegPath := utils.ValidatedFfmpegPath(data.GetFfMpegPath())
transcoder := new(Transcoder)
transcoder.ffmpegPath = ffmpegPath
transcoder.internalListenerPort = config.InternalHLSListenerPort
transcoder.currentStreamOutputSettings = data.GetStreamOutputVariants()
transcoder.currentLatencyLevel = data.GetStreamLatencyLevel()
transcoder.codec = getCodec(data.GetVideoCodec())
var outputPath string
if data.GetS3Config().Enabled {
// Segments are not available via the local HTTP server
outputPath = config.PrivateHLSStoragePath
} else {
// Segments are available via the local HTTP server
outputPath = config.PublicHLSStoragePath
transcoder.segmentOutputPath = outputPath
// Playlists are available via the local HTTP server
transcoder.playlistOutputPath = config.PublicHLSStoragePath
transcoder.input = "pipe:0" // stdin
for index, quality := range transcoder.currentStreamOutputSettings {
variant := getVariantFromConfigQuality(quality, index)
return transcoder
// Uses `map` https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#Stream-specifiers-1 https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#Advanced-options
func (v *HLSVariant) getVariantString(t *Transcoder) string {
variantEncoderCommands := []string{
if (v.videoSize.Width != 0 || v.videoSize.Height != 0) && !v.isVideoPassthrough {
// Order here matters, you must scale before changing hardware formats
filters := []string{
if t.codec.ExtraFilters() != "" {
filters = append(filters, t.codec.ExtraFilters())
scalingAlgorithm := "bilinear"
filterString := fmt.Sprintf("-sws_flags %s -filter:v:%d \"%s\"", scalingAlgorithm, v.index, strings.Join(filters, ","))
variantEncoderCommands = append(variantEncoderCommands, filterString)
} else if t.codec.ExtraFilters() != "" && !v.isVideoPassthrough {
filterString := fmt.Sprintf("-filter:v:%d \"%s\"", v.index, t.codec.ExtraFilters())
variantEncoderCommands = append(variantEncoderCommands, filterString)
preset := t.codec.GetPresetForLevel(v.cpuUsageLevel)
if preset != "" {
variantEncoderCommands = append(variantEncoderCommands, fmt.Sprintf("-preset %s", preset))
return strings.Join(variantEncoderCommands, " ")
// Get the command flags for the variants.
func (t *Transcoder) getVariantsString() string {
var variantsCommandFlags = ""
var variantsStreamMaps = " -var_stream_map \""
for _, variant := range t.variants {
variantsCommandFlags = variantsCommandFlags + " " + variant.getVariantString(t)
singleVariantMap := ""
singleVariantMap = fmt.Sprintf("v:%d,a:%d ", variant.index, variant.index)
variantsStreamMaps = variantsStreamMaps + singleVariantMap
variantsCommandFlags = variantsCommandFlags + " " + variantsStreamMaps + "\""
return variantsCommandFlags
// Video Scaling
// https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Scaling
// If we'd like to keep the aspect ratio, we need to specify only one component, either width or height.
// Some codecs require the size of width and height to be a multiple of n. You can achieve this by setting the width or height to -n.
// SetVideoScalingWidth will set the scaled video width of this variant.
func (v *HLSVariant) SetVideoScalingWidth(width int) {
v.videoSize.Width = width
// SetVideoScalingHeight will set the scaled video height of this variant.
func (v *HLSVariant) SetVideoScalingHeight(height int) {
v.videoSize.Height = height
func (v *HLSVariant) getScalingString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("scale=%s", v.videoSize.getString())
// Video Quality
// SetVideoBitrate will set the output bitrate of this variant's video.
func (v *HLSVariant) SetVideoBitrate(bitrate int) {
v.videoBitrate = bitrate
func (v *HLSVariant) getVideoQualityString(t *Transcoder) string {
if v.isVideoPassthrough {
return fmt.Sprintf("-map v:0 -c:v:%d copy", v.index)
gop := v.framerate * t.currentLatencyLevel.SecondsPerSegment // force an i-frame every segment
// For limiting the output bitrate
// https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Limiting%20the%20output%20bitrate
// https://developer.apple.com/documentation/http_live_streaming/about_apple_s_http_live_streaming_tools
// Adjust the max & buffer size until the output bitrate doesn't exceed the ~+10% that Apple's media validator
// complains about.
maxBitrate := int(float64(v.videoBitrate) * 1.06) // Max is a ~+10% over specified bitrate.
cmd := []string{
"-map v:0",
fmt.Sprintf("-c:v:%d %s", v.index, t.codec.Name()), // Video codec used for this variant
fmt.Sprintf("-b:v:%d %dk", v.index, v.videoBitrate), // The average bitrate for this variant
fmt.Sprintf("-maxrate:v:%d %dk", v.index, maxBitrate), // The max bitrate allowed for this variant
fmt.Sprintf("-g:v:%d %d", v.index, gop), // Suggested interval where i-frames are encoded into the segments
fmt.Sprintf("-keyint_min:v:%d %d", v.index, gop), // minimum i-keyframe interval
fmt.Sprintf("-r:v:%d %d", v.index, v.framerate),
return strings.Join(cmd, " ")
// SetVideoFramerate will set the output framerate of this variant's video.
func (v *HLSVariant) SetVideoFramerate(framerate int) {
v.framerate = framerate
// SetCPUUsageLevel will set the hardware usage of this variant.
func (v *HLSVariant) SetCPUUsageLevel(level int) {
v.cpuUsageLevel = level
// Audio Quality
// SetAudioBitrate will set the output framerate of this variant's audio.
func (v *HLSVariant) SetAudioBitrate(bitrate string) {
v.audioBitrate = bitrate
func (v *HLSVariant) getAudioQualityString() string {
if v.isAudioPassthrough {
return fmt.Sprintf("-map a:0? -c:a:%d copy", v.index)
// libfdk_aac is not a part of every ffmpeg install, so use "aac" instead
encoderCodec := "aac"
return fmt.Sprintf("-map a:0? -c:a:%d %s -b:a:%d %s", v.index, encoderCodec, v.index, v.audioBitrate)
// AddVariant adds a new HLS variant to include in the output.
func (t *Transcoder) AddVariant(variant HLSVariant) {
variant.index = len(t.variants)
t.variants = append(t.variants, variant)
// SetInput sets the input stream on the filesystem.
func (t *Transcoder) SetInput(input string) {
t.input = input
// SetStdin sets the Stdin of the ffmpeg command.
func (t *Transcoder) SetStdin(rtmp *io.PipeReader) {
t.stdin = rtmp
// SetOutputPath sets the root directory that should include playlists and video segments.
func (t *Transcoder) SetOutputPath(output string) {
t.segmentOutputPath = output
// SetAppendToStream enables appending to the HLS stream instead of overwriting.
func (t *Transcoder) SetAppendToStream(append bool) {
t.appendToStream = append
// SetIdentifer enables appending a unique identifier to segment file name.
func (t *Transcoder) SetIdentifier(output string) {
t.segmentIdentifier = output
func (t *Transcoder) SetInternalHTTPPort(port string) {
t.internalListenerPort = port
func (t *Transcoder) SetCodec(codecName string) {
t.codec = getCodec(codecName)