Added max page number #47

davidpanic merged 5 commits from patch-2 into dev 2016-06-25 06:23:34 +00:00
Showing only changes of commit a2daa5c0b6 - Show all commits

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@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def on_lol_command(sender, command, label, args):
if offset > len(lols):
msg(sender, "&cNot a valid page (too high).")
return True
msg(sender, " &9&nLol list page %s/%s" % (str(arg1 + 1), str(int(math.ceil(len(lols) / float(list_limit)))))) #"\t" symbol displays weirdly, hence the 4 spaces
msg(sender, " &9&nLol list page %s/%s" % (arg1 + 1, int(math.ceil(len(lols) / float(list_limit))))) #"\t" symbol displays weirdly, hence the 4 spaces
for i in range(offset, min(offset + list_limit, len(lols))):
msg(sender, "&a%s: &e%s" % (str(i).rjust(3), lols[i]))
msg(sender, "")