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2016-06-25 11:47:31 +02:00

436 lines
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#pylint: disable = F0401
from helpers import *
from time import time as now
from time import sleep
from sys import exc_info
import thread
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack as ItemStack
import org.bukkit.Bukkit as Bukkit
from basecommands import simplecommand, Validate
import java.util.Arrays as Arrays
import org.bukkit.command.Command as Command
import java.util.HashMap as HashMap
This section is a little tool to intercept commands.
It can intercept any aliases of the command, which it does by default.
An intercepter is a function that is run before the command is executed,
which takes the parameters: sender, args
It should return a boolean value to specify whether it should be executed.
The optional tab completer is a function that takes the following parameters:
original_completions (List<String>), sender, alias, args
and it should return a List<String>. By default it returns the original completions.
class CommandInterceptions:
def __init__(self):
raise Exception("Instances of 'CommandInterceptions' are not meant to exist")
registrations = {} # cmd : (intercepter, tab_completer)
interceptions = {} # original_obj : replacement_obj
cmd_map = None # CustomHashMap
def register(plugin_name, command, intercepter, tab_completer = None):
key = (plugin_name + ":" + command if plugin_name else command).lower()
CommandInterceptions.registrations[key] = (intercepter, tab_completer)
if CommandInterceptions.cmd_map.containsKey(key):
CommandInterceptions.add_interception(key, CommandInterceptions.cmd_map.get(key))
class Intercepter(Command):
def __init__(self, wrapped, intercepter, tab_completer):
Command.__init__(self, wrapped.getName())
# I had to dig deep in spigot code to find out what's happening
# But without this snippet, the server shuts itself down because
# commands can't be aliases for themselves (shrug) :)
aliases = wrapped.getAliases()
self.wrapped = wrapped
self.intercepter = intercepter
self.tab_completer = tab_completer
def execute(self, sender, label, args):
if self.intercepter(sender, args):
return self.wrapped.execute(sender, label, args)
return True
def tabComplete(self, sender, alias, args):
return self.tab_completer(self.wrapped.tabComplete(sender, alias, args), sender, alias, args)
def add_interception(key, intercepted):
registration = CommandInterceptions.registrations[key]
tab_completer = registration[1]
if tab_completer is None:
tab_completer = lambda original_completions, sender, alias, args: original_completions
cmd_intercepter = CommandInterceptions.Intercepter(intercepted, registration[0], tab_completer)
CommandInterceptions.interceptions[intercepted] = cmd_intercepter
for entry in CommandInterceptions.cmd_map.entrySet():
if entry.getValue() is intercepted:
def init_interceptions():
# The map object in the command map used by spigot is previously already a hashmap, we replace its put() here
class CustomHashMap(HashMap):
def __init__(self, replaced):
for entry in replaced.entrySet():
self.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())
def java_put(self, key, value):
return HashMap.put(self, key, value)
def put(self, key, value):
for intercepted in CommandInterceptions.interceptions:
if value is intercepted:
return self.java_put(key, CommandInterceptions.interceptions[intercepted])
ret = self.java_put(key, value)
if key in CommandInterceptions.registrations:
CommandInterceptions.add_interception(key, value)
return ret
map_field = server.getPluginManager().getClass().getDeclaredField("commandMap")
command_map = map_field.get(server.getPluginManager())
commands_field = command_map.getClass().getDeclaredField("knownCommands")
CommandInterceptions.cmd_map = CustomHashMap(commands_field.get(command_map))
commands_field.set(command_map, CommandInterceptions.cmd_map)
error("[Interceptions] Failed to wrap the command map:")
def worldedit_calc_intercepter(sender, args):
if not sender.hasPermission("worldedit.calc"):
return False
return True
CommandInterceptions.register("worldedit", "/calc", worldedit_calc_intercepter)
@hook.event("player.PlayerJoinEvent", "monitor")
def on_join(event):
Welcome new players
player = event.getPlayer()
# send welcome broadcast
if not player.hasPlayedBefore():
broadcast("utils.greet_new", "\n&a&lPlease welcome &f" + player.getDisplayName() + " &a&lto Redstoner!\n")
# clear out some eventual crap before
msg(player, " \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n ")
msg(player, " &4Welcome to the Redstoner Server!")
msg(player, " &6Before you ask us things, take a quick")
msg(player, " &6look at &a&")
msg(player, " \n&6thank you and happy playing ;)")
msg(player, " \n \n")
# teleport to spawn when spawning inside portal
loginloc = player.getLocation().getBlock().getType()
headloc = player.getEyeLocation().getBlock().getType()
if "PORTAL" in [str(headloc), str(loginloc)]:
msg(player, "&4Looks like you spawned in a portal... Let me help you out")
msg(player, "&6You can use /back if you &nreally&6 want to go back")
This code fixes /up 0 destroying/replacing blocks in plots that are not yours.
If you use //up, this is caught by plotme and cancelled if you are not allowed to build.
However, if you use //up, WorldEdit does the following on "low" priority:
* Change the command to /up with the same arguments
* Run another event with /up but its cancelled (dunno why it does this)
Keep in mind that, on "lowest" priority, PlotMe might cancel events.
dup = 0 #Used to store when someone used //up
@hook.event("player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent", "lowest")
def cmd_event(event):
global dup
if event.getMessage().split(" ")[0] in ("//up", "/worldedit:/up"):
dup = True
@hook.event("player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent", "normal")
def cmd_event2(event):
global dup
args = event.getMessage().split(" ")
if args[0].lower() in ("/up", "/worldedit:up"):
if dup: #If plotme cancelled this, it will not matter. This lets it through but PlotMe doesn't.
dup = False
elif not event.isCancelled():
event.getPlayer().chat("//up " + " ".join(args[1:]))
""" Disabled while builder can't access Trusted
@hook.event("player.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent", "low")
def on_gamemode(event):
user = event.getPlayer()
if str(event.getNewGameMode()) != "SPECTATOR" and user.getWorld().getName() == "Trusted" and not user.hasPermission("mv.bypass.gamemode.Trusted"):
def on_bed_enter(event):
world = event.getPlayer().getWorld()
if world.getName() in ("Survival_1", "TrustedSurvival_1"):
for player in world.getPlayers():
def on_player_teleport(event):
Disable spectator teleportation
player = event.getPlayer()
if not event.isCancelled() and str(event.getCause()) == "SPECTATE" and not player.hasPermission(""):
msg(event.getPlayer(), "&cSpectator teleportation is disabled")
@hook.event("block.BlockFromToEvent", "highest")
def on_flow(event):
if event.isCancelled():
block = event.getToBlock()
if block.getWorld().getName() == "Creative" and rs_material_broken_by_flow(str(block.getType())):
def rs_material_broken_by_flow(material):
if material in ("REDSTONE", "LEVER", "TRIPWIRE"):
return True
parts = material.split("_")
length = len(parts)
return length > 1 and (parts[0] == "DIODE" or parts[1] in ("TORCH", "WIRE", "BUTTON", "HOOK") or (length == 3 and parts[1] == "COMPARATOR"))
def on_interact(event):
if (not event.isCancelled()
and str(event.getAction()) == "RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK"
and str(event.getMaterial()) in ("REDSTONE_COMPARATOR_OFF", "REDSTONE_COMPARATOR_ON")
and not can_build(player, event.getClickedBlock())
sudo_blacklist = ["pyeval", "script_backup_begin", "script_backup_end", "script_backup_error", "script_backup_database_begin", "script_backup_database_dumps", "script_backup_database_end",
"script_backup_database_error", "script_backup_database_abort", "script_trim", "script_trim_result", "script_spigot_update", "script_disk_filled", "script_restart", "script_restart_abort",
"script_stop", "script_stop_abort", "script_shutdown", "stop", "esudo", "essentials:sudo", "sudo", "essentials:esudo"]
usage = "<player> [cmd..]",
description = "Makes <player> write [cmd..] in chat",
amin = 2,
helpNoargs = True)
def on_sudo_command(sender, command, label, args):
target = args[0]
cmd = " ".join(args[1:])
msg(sender, "&2[SUDO] &rRunning '&e%s&r' as &3%s" % (cmd, target))
is_cmd = cmd[0] == "/"
is_console = target.lower() in ["server", "console"]
first_cmd = (args[1])[1:] if is_cmd else None
if first_cmd in sudo_blacklist and (is_player(sender) and uid(sender) not in pythoners):
return "&cYou can't sudo this command"
if is_console:
server.dispatchCommand(server.getConsoleSender(), cmd[1:] if is_cmd else cmd)
return None
target_player = server.getPlayer(target)
if target_player:
return None
return "&cPlayer %s not found!" % target
usage = "[message..]",
description = "Sends a message in third person",
helpNoargs = True)
def on_me_command(sender, command, label, args):
text = colorify("&7- %s &7%s " % (sender.getDisplayName() if isinstance(sender, Player) else "&9CONSOLE", u"\u21E6"))
broadcast("", text + " ".join(args), usecolor = sender.hasPermission(""))
return None
def on_pluginversions_command(sender, command, label, args):
print all plugins + versions; useful when updating plugins
plugin_header(sender, "Plugin versions")
raw_plugins = server.getPluginManager().getPlugins() # Plugin[]
plugins = [raw_plugins[i].getDescription() for i in range(len(raw_plugins))]
plugins.sort(key = lambda pl: pl.getDescription().getName())
msg(sender, "&3Listing all " + str(len(plugins)) + " plugins and their version:")
for plugin in plugins:
msg(sender, "&6" + pl.getDescription().getName() + "&r: &e" + pl.getDescription().getVersion())
return True
def on_echo_command(sender, command, label, args):
essentials echo sucks and prints mail alerts sometimes
msg(sender, " ".join(args).replace("\\n", "\n"))
def eval_thread(sender, code):
run python ingame
result = eval(code)
msg(sender, ">>> %s: %s" % (colorify("&3") + type(result).__name__, colorify("&a") + unicode(result) + "\n "), usecolor = False)
e = exc_info()[1]
eclass = e.__class__
except AttributeError:
eclass = type(e)
msg(sender, ">>> %s: %s" % (eclass.__name__, e) + "\n ", False, "c")
pythoners = (
"e452e012-2c82-456d-853b-3ac8e6b581f5", # Nemes
"ae795aa8-6327-408e-92ab-25c8a59f3ba1", # jomo
"d2693e91-93e1-4e3f-929f-f38e1ce8df03", # Pepich1851
"51f2ad3c-6cc8-40ea-aa2b-f25970316921" # Dico200
usage = "[code..]",
description = "Runs python [code..] and returns the result",
helpNoargs = True)
def on_pyeval_command(sender, command, label, args):
if is_player(sender) and uid(sender) not in pythoners:
return noperm(sender)
msg(sender, " ".join(args), False, "e")
thread.start_new_thread(eval_thread, (sender, " ".join(args)))
return None
usage = "<user> <group> [duration]",
description = "Temporarily adds <user> to <group> for \n[duration] minutes. Defaults to 1 week.",
helpNoargs = True,
helpSubcmd = True,
amin = 2,
amax = 3)
def tempadd_command(sender, command, label, args):
if not sender.hasPermission("permissions.manage.membership." + args[1]):
return "&cYou do not have permission to manage that group!"
if len(args) == 3:
if not args[2].isdigit():
return "&cThats not a number!"
duration = int(args[2]) * 60
duration = 604800
if duration <= 0:
return "&cThats too short!"
cmd = "pex user %s group add %s * %s" % (args[0], args[1], duration)
runas(sender, cmd)
m, s = divmod(duration, 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
d, h = divmod(h, 24)
return "&aAdded to group for %dd%dh%dm" % (d, h, m)
def on_modules_command(sender, command, label, args):
list all modules, unloaded modules in red
plugin_header(sender, "Modules")
msg(sender, ", ".join([(("&a" if mod in shared["modules"] else "&c") + mod) for mod in shared["load_modules"]]))
usage = "",
description = "Warns everybody on the server that you will cause lag shortly",
amax = 0,
helpSubcmd = True)
def warn_command(sender, command, label, args):
if sender.hasPermission("utils.warn"):
broadcast(None, " &b= &2&lLag incoming! &r-%s" % sender.getDisplayName())
usage = "",
description = "Warns everybody on the server that you might cause lag shortly",
amax = 0,
helpSubcmd = True)
def warnp_command(sender, command, label, args):
if sender.hasPermission("utils.warnp"):
broadcast(None, " &b= &2&lPossible lag incoming! &r-%s" % sender.getDisplayName())
""" Something I'm planning for schematics
@hook.event("player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent", "low")
def on_command(event):
msg = " ".split(event.getMessage())
if len(msg) < 3:
if msg[0].lower() not in ("/schematic", "/schem"):
if msg[1].lower() not in ("save", "load"):
msg[2] = event.getPlayer().getName() + "/" + msg[2]