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Dico200 1750c82208 Changed all CommandExecutor arguments
Added arguments command and label to all command executor functions,
hopefully for massive performance increase.

This is due to the following mess in PythonLoader:
``` Java
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String
label, String[] args) {
boolean result;
if (argcount == -1) {
try {
result = call(4, sender, command, label, args);
argcount = 4;
} catch (PyException e) {
//this could goof up someone ... they'll probably yell at us and
eventually read this code ... fuck them
if (e.type == Py.TypeError && (e.value.toString().endsWith("takes
exactly 3 arguments (4 given)") || e.value.toString().endsWith("takes
exactly 4 arguments (5 given)"))) {
result = call(3, sender, command, label, args);
argcount = 3;
} else if (e.type == Py.TypeError && (e.value.toString().endsWith("takes
exactly 2 arguments (4 given)") || e.value.toString().endsWith("takes
exactly 3 arguments (5 given)"))) {
result = call(2, sender, command, label, args);
argcount = 2;
} else {
throw e;
} else {
result = call(argcount, sender, command, label, args);
return result;

Note: Still WIP on reports - I'm working on making it keep solved
reports to fix issue 10
2015-03-19 23:51:33 +01:00

197 lines
7.7 KiB

#pylint: disable = F0401
import thread
from helpers import *
from org.bukkit.util import Vector
from math import sin
ff_perm = "utils.forcefield"
pass_perm = "utils.forcefield.ignore"
ff_prefix = "&8[&bFF&8] "
ff_users = []
fd = 6 # forcefield distance
Xv = 2.95 / fd # used in move_away(), this is more efficient.
whitelists = {} # {ff_owner_id: [white, listed, ids]} (Adding file usage later, should be simple but just not yet.)
# /ff admin is a future option I might implement
def on_forcefield_command(sender, command, label, args):
if not is_player(sender) or not sender.hasPermission(ff_perm):
return True
if not args or args[0].upper() in ["ON", "OFF"]: # Toggle
forcefield_toggle(sender, args[:1])
return True
args[0] = args[0].upper() # If it gets to this point, there are argument(s).
if args[0] in ["WHITELIST", "WL", "WLIST"]: # Whitelist commands
if not args[1:] or args[1].upper() == "LIST":
thread.start_new_thread(whitelist_list, (sender,))
return True
args[1] = args[1].upper() # If it gets too this point, there is a second argument.
if args[1] == "CLEAR":
elif args[1] in ["ADD", "+"]:
change_whitelist(sender, True, args[2:])
elif args[1] in ["REMOVE", "DELETE", "REM", "DEL", "-"]:
change_whitelist(sender, False, args[2:])
forcefield_header(sender, "&cInvalid syntax. Use &e/ff ? &cfor info.")
elif args[0] in ["HELP", "?"]: # /forcefield help
forcefield_header(sender, "&cInvalid syntax. Use &e/ff ? &cfor info.")
return True
def change_whitelist(sender, add, names): #Add names if add == True else Remove names.
if names:
sender_id = uid(sender)
if sender_id not in whitelists:
whitelists[sender_id] = []
for name in names:
player = server.getPlayer(name)
if player:
player_id = uid(player)
pname = player.getName()
sname = stripcolors(sender.getDisplayName())
# add player to whitelist if not already added
if add and player_id not in whitelists[sender_id]:
if sender != player:
forcefield_header(sender, "&bAdded &f%s &bto your forcefield whitelist." % pname)
forcefield_header(player, "&f%s &badded you to his forcefield whitelist." % sname)
forcefield_header(sender, "&cYou can't whitelist yourself.")
# remove player from whitelist if whitelisted
elif not add and player_id in whitelists[sender_id]:
forcefield_header(sender, "&cRemoved &f%s &cfrom your forcefield whitelist." % pname)
forcefield_header(player, "&f%s &cremoved you from his forcefield whitelist." % sname)
# player was already / not added to whitelist
var = "already" if add == True else "not"
forcefield_header(sender, "&f%s &cwas %s in your forcefield whitelist!" % (pname, var))
forcefield_header(sender, "&cplayer &f%s &cwas not found (must be online)." % name)
forcefield_header(sender, "&cGive space-separated playernames.")
def whitelist_list(player):
player_id = uid(player)
count = 0
forcefield_header(player, "&bForcefield whitelist:")
for user_id in whitelists.get(player_id, []):
count += 1
pname = retrieve_player(user_id).getName()
msg(player, "&b %s. &f%s" % (count, pname))
if count == 0:
msg(player, "&c Your whitelist has no entries.")
warn("Unable to finish whitelist_list process")
def whitelist_clear(player):
player_id = uid(player)
if whitelists.get(player_id):
forcefield_header(player, "&bForcefield whitelist cleared.")
forcefield_header(player, "&cYou had no players whitelisted.")
def forcefield_help(player):
msg(player, " ")
forcefield_header(player, "&b&l/Forcefield help: Your forcefield is %s" % ("&2&lON" if uid(player) in ff_users else "&c&lOFF"))
msg(player, "&b You can use the forcefield to keep players on distance.")
msg(player, "&b Commands:")
msg(player, "&b 1. &6/ff &ohelp &b aliases: &6?")
msg(player, "&b 2. &6/ff &o(on off)")
msg(player, "&b 3. &6/ff &owhitelist (list) &b aliases: &6wlist, wl")
msg(player, "&b 4. &6/ff wl &oclear")
msg(player, "&b 5. &6/ff wl &oadd <players> &b aliases: &6+")
msg(player, "&b 6. &6/ff wl &oremove <players> &b aliases: &6delete, rem, del, -")
msg(player, " ")
def forcefield_toggle(player, arg): # arg is a list with max 1 string
player_id = uid(player)
enabled = player_id in ff_users
argoff = arg[0].upper() == "OFF" if arg else False
if enabled and (not arg or argoff): # 3 possibilities for arg: [], ["OFF"], ["ON"]. This is the most efficient way. (Case insensitive)
forcefield_header(player, "&bForcefield toggle: &c&lOFF")
elif not enabled and not argoff:
forcefield_header(player, "&bForcefield toggle: &2&lON")
forcefield_header(player, "&cYour forcefield is already %s!" % arg[0].lower())
def forcefield_header(player, message):
msg(player, "%s %s" % (ff_prefix, message))
def on_move(event):
if ff_users:
player = event.getPlayer()
if is_creative(player):
player_id = uid(player)
# moving player has forcefield, nearby player should be moved away
if player_id in ff_users:
for entity in player.getNearbyEntities(fd, fd, fd):
whitelisted = (uid(entity) in whitelists.get(player_id, []))
if is_player(entity) and not entity.hasPermission(pass_perm) and not whitelisted:
move_away(player, entity)
# nearby player has forcefield, moving player should be moved away
if not player.hasPermission(pass_perm):
for entity in player.getNearbyEntities(fd, fd, fd):
entity_id = uid(entity)
ff_enabled = (entity_id in ff_users)
whitelisted = (player_id in whitelists.get(entity_id, []))
if is_player(entity) and is_creative(entity) and ff_enabled and not whitelisted:
move_away(entity, player)
def move_away(player, entity):
# Pushes entity away from player
player_loc = player.getLocation()
entity_loc = entity.getLocation()
dx = entity_loc.getX() - player_loc.getX()
vx = sin(Xv * dx)
dy = entity_loc.getY() - player_loc.getY()
vy = sin(Xv * dy)
dz = entity_loc.getZ() - player_loc.getZ()
vz = sin(Xv * dz)
entity.setVelocity(Vector(vx , vy, vz))
def on_quit(event):
player = event.getPlayer()
player_id = uid(player)
if player_id in ff_users: