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2015-11-23 22:17:40 +01:00

281 lines
7.8 KiB

#pylint: disable = F0401
import org.bukkit as bukkit
import org.bukkit.block as bblock
import org.bukkit.Location as Location
import org.bukkit.event.entity as entity
import org.bukkit.entity.Player as Player
import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent as BlockBreakEvent
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause as TeleportCause
from re import sub
from thread_utils import *
from player import py_players
from org.bukkit.entity import *
from player import get_py_player
from traceback import format_exc as trace
from java.util.UUID import fromString as juuid
from json import dumps as json_dumps, loads as json_loads
#Imports for async query
import threading
import mysqlhack
from secrets import *
from com.ziclix.python.sql import zxJDBC
shared = {} # this dict can be used to share stuff across modules
server = bukkit.Bukkit.getServer()
def info(text):
Log info to console
server.getLogger().info("[RedstonerUtils] %s" % text)
def warn(text):
Log warning to console
server.getLogger().warning("[RedstonerUtils] %s" % text)
def error(text):
Log error to console
server.getLogger().severe("[RedstonerUtils] %s" % text)
def fine(text):
Log anything to the logs alone, not the console
def msg(player, text, usecolor = True, basecolor = None):
send a message to player
the player may be None or offline, which this method just ignores
unless usecolor is False, &-codes are translated to real color codes
for that case, basecolor can be useful. basecolor accepts a single character as color code
if player and (player == server.getConsoleSender() or player.isOnline()): # getPlayer() returns None when offline
if basecolor:
if usecolor:
text = colorify(text)
player.sendMessage(colorify("&%s" % basecolor) + text)
player.sendMessage(colorify(text) if usecolor else text)
def broadcast(perm, text, usecolor = True):
better than bukkit's broadcast.
bukkit only works with permissibles that are subscribed to perm
if usecolor:
text = colorify(text)
for recipient in list(server.getOnlinePlayers()) + [server.getConsoleSender()]:
if not perm or recipient.hasPermission(perm):
msg(recipient, text, usecolor = False)
def colorify(text):
replace &-codes with real color codes
return sub("&" + u"\u00A7", "&", "%s" % sub("&(?=[?\\da-fk-or])", u"\u00A7", "%s" % text))
def stripcolors(text):
strips all (real) color codes from text
return sub(u"\u00A7[\\da-fk-or]", "", "%s" % text)
def safetp(player, world, x, y, z, yaw = 0, pitch = 0):
teleports the player to the given Location
if the player would spawn inside blocks, the location is escalated until the location is safe
tpblock = Location(world, x, y, z).getBlock()
if (tpblock.isEmpty() and tpblock.getRelative(bblock.BlockFace.UP).isEmpty()) or y > 255:
player.teleport(Location(world, x+0.5, y, z+0.5, yaw, pitch), TeleportCause.COMMAND)
safetp(player, world, x, y+1, z, yaw, pitch)
def plugin_header(recipient = None, name="Redstoner Utils"):
sends the recipient a "Plugin Header", in the format of: --=[ PluginName ]=--
head = "\n&2--=[ %s ]=--" % name
msg(recipient, head)
return head
def noperm(player):
Send the default permission failure message to the player
msg(player, "&cno permission")
def runas(player, cmd):
run a command as player
the cmd should NOT be prefixed with a /
if is_player(player):"/" + cmd)
server.dispatchCommand(player, cmd)
def is_player(obj):
return True when ob is a bukkit Player
return (isinstance(obj, Player))
def can_build(player, block):
return True if the player can change/build at the location of given block
event = BlockBreakEvent(block, player)
return not event.isCancelled()
def checkargs(sender, args, amin, amax):
check if a command has a valid amount of args, otherwise notify the sender
amin is the minimum amount of args
amax is the maximum amount of args
if amax is < 0, infinite args will be accepted
return True if args has a valid length, False otherwise
if not (len(args) >= amin and (amax < 0 or len(args) <= amax)):
if amin == amax:
msg(sender, "&cNeeds " + str(amin) + " arguments!")
return False
elif amax < 0:
msg(sender, "&cNeeds at least " + str(amin) + " arguments!")
return False
msg(sender, "&cNeeds " + str(amin) + " to " + str(amax) + " arguments!")
return False
return True
def is_creative(player):
returns True if the player is in Creative mode
return str(player.getGameMode()) == "CREATIVE"
def is_rank(player, rank):
rank: a string equal to the PEX group name found in /pex groups
returns True if one of the following conditions are met:
- the player is of the given rank,
- their rank inherits the given rank.
return player.hasPermission("groups." + rank)
def uid(player):
returns the player's UUID
return str(player.getUniqueId())
def retrieve_player(uuid_str):
gets an offline player by UUID string
the uuid MUST contain dashes
return server.getOfflinePlayer(juuid(uuid_str))
def known_player(player):
to be used on OfflinePlayer (which can be online!)
returns True if the player has been on the server
this is different to HasPlayedBefore(), which will return False on first join
return player.hasPlayedBefore()
def open_json_file(filename, default = None):
opens the given json file and returns an object or returns None on error
filename is only the name of the file without .json appended.
with open("plugins/" % filename) as obj:
default = json_loads(
except Exception, e:
error("Failed to read from %s: %s" % (filename, e))
return default
def save_json_file(filename, obj):
saves the given object as json into filename
filename is only the name of the file without .json appended.
with open("plugins/" % filename, "w") as f:
except Exception, e:
error("Failed to write to %s: %s" % (filename, e))
def toggle(player, ls, name = "Toggle", add = None):
Toggles presence of a player's UUID in a list
If add is given, True explicitely adds it whereas False removes it
pid = uid(player)
if pid in ls or add == False:
msg(player, "&a%s turned off!" % name)
elif add != False:
msg(player, "&a%s turned on!" % name)
def send_JSON_message(playername, message):
bukkit.Bukkit.getServer().dispatchCommand(bukkit.Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender(), "tellraw " + playername + " " + message)
def isIP(tocheck):
subsets = ["","","",""]
i = 0
for j in range(0,len(tocheck)):
if not (tocheck[j] in "0123456789."):
return False
elif tocheck[j] == ".":
i += 1
if (i >= 4):
return False
subsets[i] += tocheck[j]
if not (i == 3):
return False
for j in range(0,3):
if not ((int(subsets[j]) >= 0) & (int(subsets[j]) <= 255)):
return False
return True