1.1 KiB
1.1 KiB
TODO: explain how to use
and how the customform-xxxx
components work together.
Misc notes
needs to be filled out beforeyp.enabled
can be turned on.
Config data structure (with default values)
streamKey: '',
instanceDetails: {
tags: [],
nsfw: false,
yp: {
enabled: false,
instance: '',
videoSettings: {
videoQualityVariants: [
audioPassthrough: false,
videoPassthrough: false,
videoBitrate: 0,
audioBitrate: 0,
framerate: 0,
fill out readme for how to use form fields and about data flow w/ ant and react
- more consitent constants
- cleanup types
- cleanup style sheets..? make style module for each config page? (but what about ant deisgn overrides?)
- label+form layout - put them into a table, table of rows
- change Encpder preset into slider
- page headers - diff color?
- fix social handles icon in table
- consolidate things into 1 page?
- things could use smaller font?