Added permissions to badges #36

bruncbrunc wants to merge 3 commits from badge into master
bruncbrunc commented 2017-07-11 17:21:12 +00:00 (Migrated from
No description provided.
jomo (Migrated from reviewed 2017-08-06 03:52:46 +00:00
jomo (Migrated from commented 2017-08-06 03:41:00 +00:00

whar are these for?

whar are these for?
jomo (Migrated from commented 2017-08-06 03:48:57 +00:00

please don't shorten any text limits

please don't shorten any text limits
jomo (Migrated from requested changes 2017-08-06 17:02:16 +00:00
jomo (Migrated from left a comment

You can throw away half of your code and just use collection_check_boxes 😎

Other than that, if I'm not mistaken you should be able to use something like

@forum.badges.create!(badge: b, permission: p)


@forum.badges.find_by(id: b, permission: p)

Also, you can use

Badge.where.not(name: "none")
You can throw away half of your code and just use [`collection_check_boxes`]( :sunglasses: Other than that, if I'm not mistaken you should be able to use something like ```ruby @forum.badges.create!(badge: b, permission: p) ``` and ```ruby @forum.badges.find_by(id: b, permission: p) ``` Also, you can use ```ruby Badge.where.not(name: "none") ```
@ -88,3 +88,3 @@
threads = threads.where("forumthreads.user_author_id = ? OR (#{can_read}) OR (#{sticky_can_write})", user_id, role_value, role_value, role_value, role_value)
threads = threads.where("forumthreads.user_author_id = ? OR (#{can_read}) OR (#{sticky_can_write}) OR (?)", user_id, role_value, role_value, role_value, role_value, Forum.find(forum).can_read?(user))
if query
jomo (Migrated from commented 2017-08-06 16:23:15 +00:00

Couldn't you just use forum.can_read?

Couldn't you just use `forum.can_read`?
jomo (Migrated from commented 2017-08-06 16:23:23 +00:00

Since this results in:

  • OR (true) (which will always match) or
  • OR (false) (which will have no effect on the current query)

you could just wrap the query in a condition and not filter them any further.
Also, given that (#{can_read}) just mimics forum.can_read? in the SQL query, you don't need to include it anymore:

unless forum.can_read?(user)
  threads = threads.where("forumthreads.user_author_id = ? OR (#{sticky_can_write})", user_id, role_value, role_value)
Since this results in: - `OR (true)` (which will always match) or - `OR (false)` (which will have no effect on the current query) you could just wrap the query in a condition and not filter them any further. Also, given that `(#{can_read})` just mimics `forum.can_read?` in the SQL query, you don't need to include it anymore: ```ruby unless forum.can_read?(user) threads = threads.where("forumthreads.user_author_id = ? OR (#{sticky_can_write})", user_id, role_value, role_value) end ```
@ -29,12 +29,28 @@
<td><%= f.label :role_read_id, "Min. read role" %></td>
jomo (Migrated from commented 2017-08-06 15:29:11 +00:00

You could use f.check_box instead, this would also generate a proper label tag.

You could use [`f.check_box`]( instead, this would also generate a proper label tag.
bruncbrunc commented 2017-08-06 17:04:58 +00:00 (Migrated from

where.not, if I'm not mistaken, was added in rails 5. We are using rails 4.

where.not, if I'm not mistaken, was added in rails 5. We are using rails 4.
jomo commented 2017-08-06 17:11:15 +00:00 (Migrated from
Loading development environment (Rails
irb(main):001:0> Badge.where.not(name: :none)
  Badge Load (0.4ms)  SELECT `badges`.* FROM `badges` WHERE (`badges`.`name` != 'none')
│ id │ name      │ symbol │ color │ value │
│ 2  ╎ donor     ╎ $      ╎ #f60  ╎       │
│ 3  ╎ developer ╎ D      ╎ #a0a  ╎       │
│ 4  ╎ retired   ╎ R      ╎ #0aa  ╎       │
│ 5  ╎ lead      ╎ L      ╎ #a00  ╎       │
4 rows in set
```irb Loading development environment (Rails irb(main):001:0> Badge.where.not(name: :none) Badge Load (0.4ms) SELECT `badges`.* FROM `badges` WHERE (`badges`.`name` != 'none') ┌────┬───────────┬────────┬───────┬───────┐ │ id │ name │ symbol │ color │ value │ ├────┼───────────┼────────┼───────┼───────┤ │ 2 ╎ donor ╎ $ ╎ #f60 ╎ │ │ 3 ╎ developer ╎ D ╎ #a0a ╎ │ │ 4 ╎ retired ╎ R ╎ #0aa ╎ │ │ 5 ╎ lead ╎ L ╎ #a00 ╎ │ └────┴───────────┴────────┴───────┴───────┘ 4 rows in set ```
bruncbrunc commented 2017-08-06 17:12:37 +00:00 (Migrated from

In that case I have no clue, but I definitely wasn't able to do that when I was a developer.

In that case I have no clue, but I definitely wasn't able to do that when I was a developer.
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